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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. isnt there an appearanc tab if ya ctrl+right click? i know it lets ya see what ya look like in armor befor you equip it


    confusion in terms Loop. When they say "appearance Tab" they mean a tab with custom appearance gear sets. you would set up a gear set in the tab, and when enabled, you would have the look of that gear set, but you would keep the stats of your real gear.


    Lord of the Rings Online has this feature...And it is probably one of the best customization designs in the industry ATM. Bio could learn a few things from Turbine.


    Bio...I don't know how you could let this go without more description. Why didn't you think people would assume that they could RE any Moddable in the game? I have loved this game up to this point....this was a real disappointment.


    You did not give enough description of how the RE mechanic was going to work. You essentially unlocked the ability to RE normal drops, and new moddable gear only. the GM's post in this thread is helpful, but doesn't solve the main issue. you missed the mark on this BIO! All moddables that currently do not have a schematic should be reverse eingineer-able...period. People have posted questions about this and discussions about this multiple times in the PTR forums. I cannot believe you missed all those posts and failed to correct people ahead of time! man Bio....


    And on top of that...empty moddables still cannot be RE'd. the idea that i have to put a mod into an orange item to RE it is plain silly. Especially when I can't even MAKE the mods myself. an Orange item with mods should AT LEAST give me a chance to get back materials based on both the Orange, AND the MODs in it. an empty Orange, even if it has no learnable schematic, should be Re'able.



    When an Item can be reverse Eingineered, the RE chance will appear right below the crafting level requirements of the item in small bright lettering. If the item does not have a chance to RE then it will display this instead. standard loot items do not have either lettering available, and so far null chance of RE based on my experience. So random rolled items will not RE to a schematic.


    the chances I've seen so far are 10% for blue items, and 20% for greens. Dont know if this is standard, but for green and blue items in the high 30's that's what Im getting.

  2. Fastest and easiest way to level is to simply do your class quests and any others you happen to pick up along the way. Do your space and pvp dailies as often as you can. If you do the dailies they will level you fast enough you will always be higher then the content you are doing in pve. Just simply use gear you get from quests or pvp or crafting. Don't need a super suit of armor to level with.


    This is by far and away the fastest way to level.




    But have you compared it with straight leveling? it may feel faster...sometimes a flashpoint can feel faster then simply leveling a quest or grinding. But is it truly faster? Often involved events can feel faster then grinding quests because your involved. but without a timed test I think were running on perception.


    I like to mix them up personally, but i have yet to see my leveling curve go "faster" when I run a daily vs. jsut grabbing a group of 3-4 quests and killing mobs until I'm done.

  3. Solution for gear is do daily PvP and at 20 and 40 you will get decent armor. Fill in gaps with stuff you loot or improve with quest rewards since they are orange or even replace if you get a good enough award. If you overlevel anyway with PvP and space dailies, you won't need the top of the line armor at all.


    This may not be too effective come 1.2 and the price hikes on pre-50 PvP gear. the amount of time you would need to PvP to obtain the gear seems to be falling more in line with the time needed to craft similar gear on the PvE front.


    either way, I think the key with fast leveling is reducing gear acquisition to a point where the time invested in gear acquisition (outside normal questing) is proportional to the advantage you gain from said gear in leveling speed.


    In other words...how much time are you taking out of the "pure" leveling process, and can you show that you've reduced the leveling time by the same amount (or greater, to prove that the gearing time was worth it).


    I haven't compared the two myself, but I don't distinctly see time spent out of the process to get better gear as beneficial enough to warrant the investment. you can average 2-3 blue pieces per planet easily simply from quest rewards. throw in at least 2 orange (or 1 orange/1 blue) from commendations (buying the mods to upgrade an orange count in this category as well), and you are already at an advantage over simple greens.


    FYI...this is coming from a person who prefers to take his time leveling :) not that I want to push myself (too much to enjoy in the game), but if I were to DO it, I would simply quest, do available FP's as they are advertised, and drop anything I had on that planet when i was high enough for the next planet to be green. comms go towards clear improvements in gear, pick any blues from quests you can get, and move on.


    other then that, someone would probably need to do some timed tests to determine waht is the best curve. PvP would have to be tested in a like manner, with the new PvP gear costs taken into account.

  4. You should move the 'deafening defense' into 'unstoppable' in the vengeance line. Force leap is our bread and butter skill to move around quickly in fights like Soa during hard and nightmare modes. Number crunchers will always try to tout a permanent lower mitigation 'over time' versus a higher situational mitigation. For DPS the damage we take tends to be highly situational though. A boss turning on us for his aoe swipe or jumping into the air to smash us. A situational 40% is always better than a permanent 4% in heavy damage phases that affect dps.


    So this is what I do, I will intercede to my healer for the 20% and then force leap back to the boss for another 20%. I do this when the boss is about to do something that may actually hit me as a dps player. A stacked 40% mitigation when I need mitigation rather than a 4% when I probably won't get hit much. There are several fights I could use as examples to support this in both operations so the point is mute.


    You should also move the 'quake' points into 'battle cry' in the immortal tree. That free force scream means you'll get another shatter or impale off before having to build rage again. An extra 3k to 5k damage per rotation. Besides the tank doesn't need your 5% acc debuff and if he does something is wrong with your tank or your healers.


    And stop dropping ravage off after 2 tics. The largest hit and crit typically comes on the last tic of damage. Its also timed as a non rage skill to help you maintain and build rage organically while other rage using skills are on CD. Not to mention, there is a reason impale and shatter have a chance to auto end its cooldown (which means ravage should be ahead of both attacks in priority to take advantage of having mutliple ravage attacks). It does a lot of damage. Its our highest dps skill if used fully and each tic has a chance to crit.


    I agree with this. Melee damage (given your not the tank) is usually spike in nature and often timed (with ivusal indicators). The typical "here comes the red stuff...move!" ideology. timing intercede with your leap is much more effective then a regular 4%. I find that the regular 4% is more beneficial when your doing stuff like dailies, where you get regular pounding. Raid....I'd go with the Huddle

  5. OMG...


    First of all, its not a simple matter of one stat being better than the other.


    You need a certain balance between all 3 tank stats (defense, shield and absorb) and while there may be priority order, each of the 3 is only worth increasing up to a certain point after which diminishing returns kicks in and it would better to go for the other.



    And critical rating is a dps stat, not a tank stat.

    You may find it in some random world drop green shields that have totally random stats, but those are mostly crap anyway.


    You bring up a good point. the order of therons priorities is correct...but there is always a balance. possibly better to have a lvl 50 tank with a solid gearset (doesn't need to be top, but where you'd expect someone to be raiding with ) to post their percentages, and the OP can go with that.


    OP - the key with that prio list is that ultimately you want a balance of the stats. here's what they do (and plz correct me if im wrong guys):


    1 - defense. base stat, increases your normal mitigations (dodge, parry, etc)


    2 - shield chance - directly increases your chance to shield an attack. this is also impacted by talents in the immortal tree


    3 - Absorbtion - once you successfully shield, this stat is how much damage is reduced BY : example = your absorb is 30%, a 100 damage attack is reduced to 70


    4 - Accuracy - your ability to hit (dur). not "necessarily" a tank stat, but missing with your high threat attack can be fatal. so it needs to be on the list


    5 - Crit rating - reflectively impacts your threat/damage output, etc. this is the only one id question. Not because I am teh expert, but because crit is nominally low on tanking gear to begin with. It really is a choice between crit or power. crit is self explanatory, power is a static increase in damage. so it's really a choice of higher chance to crit, or higher overall damage every time you hit. I'd pick power, but it may be personal pref (or there may be some theorycrafting im missing)


    So, as you can see OP, they are all interrelated. I think the key is to keep an eye on your results, and adjust accordingly. As you level, its really about getting as many tank stats as possible. i guess If i had to choose...id get shield over absorb until i was at least 30% shield. but often its not one or the other, its shield or crit. or absorb or surge. shield and absorb always take precedence over the other stats.

  6. Can't say I agree with any of this. I leveled a Guardian to 50 doing a pure tank build with tank gear and it was a little bit of a nightmare looking back on it. I thought MMO's were just supposed to be that hard. I was hitting enemies like I was swinging a wet noodle and not a light saber. I'm now leveling a Juggernaut in Vengeance on a friends server and I'm using all DPS gear and I have noticed no difference in survivability. I take slightly more damage but I deal out so much more damage that I kill mobs incredibly quickly compared to when I was in my defensive spec. I've actually found myself wishing that when I was leveling I had done DPS instead of tank spec. I find it makes leveling a million times easier.


    Jugg/guard can be tough, especially for your first toon. Don't forget that on this jugg (your second of the class type), you now have close familiarity with your skills, how they work, and the mobs and how battle mechanics function. Your first toon is usually like your first date...fumbling around in the car with the lights out, and you grab the stick shift by accident ^.^


    2nd toons are always easier. But I agree with you, Vengeance puts out allot more dps. My second jugg is leveling immortal with DPS companions only. My first was solely Vengeance all the way. I found that with my vengeance jugg, my gear was top priority, and my companions (mostly quinn), was secondary. with my Immortal jugg/DPS companion, its almost the opposite. My Companion is my DPS, I just keep the mobs attention. so maxing their gear makes a TON of difference. both Vette and Jaesa are killing machines when geared out the teeth. but their gear needs to be first priority on an immortal.

  7. I would say yes, simply because Rage doesn't really start to shine until you have both abilities that build your Smash bombs. Prior to level 40, you are relying solely on Choke, which has a long CD.


    Both work just fine, I just think Vengeance (or Immortal) are the better choice prior to 40.


    Edit: Just to add, the changes coming in 1.2 (in 2 days) should make levelling as Rage a better prospect than it currently is. Perhaps slightly better than Vengeance, though I think it will just come down to playstyle, and opinion.




    Agree. post 40 I believe it's personal choice. both playstyles differ enough at that point that you may simply enjoy one over the other

  8. However the JK (and SW) classes, all their focus/rage building and otherwise 0 cost attacks, should have been replaced by some sort of simple autoattack functionality. Or removed entirely and they should simply slowly build up resource while in combat or something.


    One could argue that the existance of abilities that I'd pretty much want to always fire whenever they come up is bad design. Either should be removed or replaced with an automated version.


    I'd be on the opposite field. One of the things that I enjoy about my jugg/guards is that they actually have that mechanic. if the gave us an "auto-rage" development I would feel like my shadow consular. automatic rage gain is simply the mirror of force regeration. it takes an element of decision making out of the class that I like.


    all class mechanics reduce down to decision making at their core. I feel that the extra choice you have with a warrior class in SW makes it a more interesting class to play. but you bring up some good points and I can understand your point of view. I just disagree is all.


    On the OP:


    I think that auto attack is old technology. as MMO's have advanced, the need for an auto-attack is simply fading out of the picture. Games like Wow Still have one simply because of mechanics they use that still depend on them, and game balance.


    when a game is balanced around an auto-attack, mob health, weapon damage...it all has to be calculated based on the fact that extra damage is occurring at all times you are in combat. A game like SWtOR that starts without, doesn't need to take those things into consideration. Mobs are balance around the damage potential of triggered attacks only, weapon damage doesn't need to take into effect that you will be swinging like a zombie.


    not a fan of autoattack. no reason for it to be in a game really. back in evercrack, or vanilla wow, when you were lucky to have 2-3 skills by the time you hit lvl 10, you needed something to fill in the gap. Bio has done a great job of making classes so that you don't even miss it.

  9. fantastic Post OP. sorry that you have to deal with some ignorant rants through the thread. You bring up some very solid and relevant points.


    I have raided in my 10 yrs or so in the MMO field, and done many other things as well. I sort of fall into a niche category myself atm (hardcore crafter and GMT...possibly even smaller then the raiding community). But I've done it all, and enjoyed it at various times in my MMO experience.


    I think the quote has a great deal of insight. in a competitive MMO field, it's probably not worth a company taking the risk with the degree of budget you need nowadays on a niche group. it's most likely why MMO's still follow traditional mechanics, and only "extend" themselves out a little bit. they build a solid foundation...then once they have that foundation built, and a prove-able customer base (data that's more then a few months worth), they start to add those elemtents that may cater to those niche groups.


    Games also IMO have to make a choice at some point. certain game elements simply do not fit with others. As an example, a robust crafting environment doesn't really fit well in a mold with a progressive raiding environment. to cater to one fully enough that the niche group is satisfied will often alienate the other group. PvP vs. PvE is another perfect example.


    Games Like WoW try to balance out for all, but end up never completely satisfying any. it's being vanilla (scuze the pun) for the sake of giving a flavor to everyone. those that simply want chocolate are stuck...sure vanilla is OK...but where's the chocolate?


    And companies that attempt to hit a sweet spot with a niche group often fail...sometimes miserably...Conan anyone? I have yet to see any game get so close to complete extinction just out of the door. Not dissing the game...it had many innovations i thought were fascinating. but it still almost died. I actually quit playing because they were doing patches so much, so rapidly, that I would spend half of my game time every night waiting for the patching to finish.


    TL - DR = good job...feel for ya, being in a niche is an unrewarding place.

  10. Wow, these forums are moving fast today, hehe, so i'm bumping this post to see if anyone can answer my question above.


    yes. that choice is one of the either or. you can level the race to 50, which unlocks it for other classes, or you can pay 1.5m creds to unlock a race of your choice. either or. does not require both.


    This is patently false. Everything really "worth" getting cost credits.


    Mailbox on ship 500k

    GTN on ship 5 million

    Ship Droid 1 million (PS the droid upgrade parts are crappy that you buy from it for 100k)

    millions of credit for rocket booster


    I guess the buffs for having max faction with companions is good.


    Quite honestly I don't care if my Inquisitor can cast orbital strike (or my sniper lightning storm) in open world pve, I think that pretty much kills my immersion and I won't do it either way.


    May be false as an ultimatum, but your comment is misleading at best. Everything YOU want costs credits, not everything WORTH getting. one of the biggest thigs for me in the legendary is unlocking races, which is an EITHER OR.


    nice little ego you got there...thinking that you dictate what other people like. or perhaps your simply an extreme narcissist. combo of both?

  11. How is unlocking a true blood, after getting level 50 with one - a credit sink?


    Now if you're lazy, and don't want to unlock them - THEN it's a credit sink.


    I don't think you understand what's going on.


    Bingo. My main was human (yay for presence bonus) I'm leveling a miraluka to unlock it, and I plan on buying the Chiss. and then rerolling one of each for my new sith.

  12. My biggest issue with the LS/DS thing is the development of it through the quest choices. Quests are 95% of your LS/DS development...and many of the choices leave me scratching my head.


    Like the quest on Coruscant where your jedi is helping the rebel get information on a "corrupt"senator.


    A: light side = allow the seantor to continue his deceiptive mission...becuase diplomacy is the most important thing in the galaxy. BTW, you end up LYING to the rebel during this. Or....

    B: ignoring the whiny senate page (who caught you getting the information on the corrupt senator), and give the info to the rebel to help the cause. nets you dark point.


    I actually ended up taking dark points because I could see lying like that on my jedi as a decent thing. now, I don't think that my appraoch to it as a solution was completely good, but it was a good thing (most likely chaotic good in reference). but lying to the rebel to further democracy really smacks of being manipulative and "corrupt"...just what I'd expect from a dark side sith.


    now, on the flip side (ill use low level examples as to not ruin any storyline stuff). On dromund Kaas you have a sith who is asking you to poision the water of a bunch of rebel slaves so they will spend a great deal of time in intense pain but not die (a.k.a torture). His leiutenant gives you the option of just upping the dosage to kill them outright. and the killing option is the GOOD choice.


    what? really? My choices are torture or killing them outright? how about staging a convincing explosion, and getting them out on a rebel ship bound for a neutral planet? how about convincing the sith to allow the slaves to have their own village (given they submit to empire rule).


    so we have choices like this to make. The fact that alignment means nil in the game is the only reason these bad plot structures can exist. imagine if getting a ton of nifty game elements depended on alignment! I could easily be stuck with a quest choice that could take away my favorite animation. Oh sorry villager...i was going to help you out, but ill lose my cool lightning shock! so your going to die instead... force lighting is far cooler then saving a village after all....


    I like allot of the ideas in this thread. But until they flesh out the quest choices to give us more stable (and normal) options, I don't see these ideas as being viable. people already just ignore most quest choices and pick whichever one gets them further along the chain. the more "benefits" we add to the alignement scheme, the more people are going to completelyl ignore their quest choices...which is going in the opposite direction of what the alignment is there for in the first place.


    so, for now, I say no to additions. but only because they're quest choices...well frankly they are poor at best. Some are good. but many are like "eh? wut? are you serious? that's a light choice..."

  13. It really is just a traditional model for progression in MMO's. Unlike non progressive games, mos MMO's are created with the concept of continual progression, or development. When a game utilizes the Class Level mechanic, the only real way to provide progression (outside of gear lvel progression...a relatively newer concept), is to raise the cap. As stated before, it's usually done with content release, as a simply level cap increase does no good.


    SWtOR is so young ATM, i too am surprised at people discussing level cap increases. Just goes to show you how much the "speed to cap because lower levels don't matter" idealism has ruined MMO's. SW has enough storyline, content, and interesting class variations that I still haven't dug too deeply into end game yet.


    level cap wont hit until next year...or at the earliest, holidays this year. one expansion per year is pretty competitive (think wow still adheres to that model), so unless they want more time, were looking at 8 months min before an expansion of that caliber

  14. Deal with it, roll with the changes, and keep playing like any other good player would.


    You can QQ all you want, or you can realize that nerfs and buffs are part of playing an MMO.


    I even played a Ret Paladin in Vanilla wow. We went from being the worst abomination the game had to offer, to being pretty inconsistent DPS, to being decent dps, to being completely broken in PvP and PvE and then right back to being terrible.


    I haven't played WoW in about a year now, but I've heard they are back on the table as being "ok" dps.


    hehe...I remember vanilla ret pally..


    Auto attack...Auto attack....Auto attack...."oooh ooh ooh! my judgement is coming up in a few seconds!"....JUDGE....Auto attack...


    I picked up eingineering on my vanilla ret pally just so I could have something else to throw at the mobs inbetween judgements.


    If you ever played on a PvP server you'll know what a "naked bubble run" was too :D

  15. Like Sorcs/Sages really needed another thread to whine in. You could always just peg this onto the dozens permeating the forums atm.


    personally? I just started one. I'm looking forward to the reduced population now...and I wont feel like a FOTM just by playing one. although i may hold off on that maurader for now


    You know what was interesting? I was on my new server last week...and in spite of the looming patch, guess what was the most common class in Dromund Kaas during prime time (about 35% of the actual population)?


    Sorcs. Not assassins (they were about 10%), specifically sorcs. So either the general populace is unaware of all the doom and gloom, or they simply don't care, and the bulk of those worried are a smaller minority? no clue. interesting factoid tho.


    I'll ive you guys 3 guesses as to what the second most popular was. wont be too hard to figure out. total low level players at that time were about 36 btw, with 3 high levels running class quests (or just hanging out)

  16. The problem with Reverse Engineering is that until 1.2 goes live, it just takes too many RE'ing to get from green to blue, i dread to think what it would take to go from blue to purple....on a single mod or piece of armor.


    Also, when you have full on orange quality gear, no amount of questing will get you enough commendations to get mods for everything, at level 50, sure, since you never level up and have to replace them once you get them, but as you are leveling up, orange gear is just too expensive to keep updated unless you have a friend that loves to craft and you just ask them to make you stuff.


    So far, the only crafters i have seen just want to make items that net them the highest profit gain, everything else is trash and is not crafted once they have maxed out their skill.


    Once crafters get off their butts and do something, this is how it will always be.


    I think it depends. personally, i have tons of alts. my synthweave has been used alot. leveling a new sage, and her synthweave has netted her 4 purples to wear so far, just hit lvl 21. my chestpiece I got the purple pattern for after 3 RE's of the blue version.


    Of course, trying to get a different secondary stat has not yielded a purple yet after 10 tries. I agree...the percentage needs to go up. good news is 1.2 is very close...either this week or next. problem solved.

  17. I come back in after an alt-tab to check build for Mercs at level 10, I come back in and pow, I'm a powertech. Lovely. And the advice of the sage devs at SWTOR.... just replay 1-10 and don't screw up. Theres 13 people in the Imperial Fleet right now, might as well make it 12. Great game screwed by stupid devs. Have placed no points, trained no abilities, and this is somehow etched in stone. GG.


    that is probably one of the only reasons i would find an excuse to have a redo. really. I've done the oddball key-press-thing on alt tab before. Feel your payne.


    However...that point still stands that it is really quick to level another toon to 10. I'm not saying that you dont have a right to be frustrated...but is it really their fault that a random keypress that may or may not have happened got recognized by your system?


    since early release in December I have put a total of over 20 different toons through the various starting areas. They can literally be done in an hour and 20 minutes. some a tad bit longer.


    an hour and 20 minutes is a cakewalk in an MMO. most raids will last longer then that (if its a progression run). takes the same amount of time to run belsavis dailies. really. If you can't take the loss of an hour and 20 minutes...


    You probably deserve it more then anyone else in this thread...but really. gonna quit a game because of that? Sounds to me like your just venting, and some yokel who started a thread with this inane idea gave you the excuse you needed.


    take a break, come back, and space bar through the cut scenes. you know the quests, you know the location of the mobs...it will be a cakewalk.

  18. During leveling, purple crafted gear is about as good as anything you can get, and it's easier to acquire than looking for mods for an orange item.

    Also, only weapons can currently result in augmented orange schematics, and they all require raid mats.


    this. its far easier to craft a single purple that will outpace any mod you can get from comms for at least 4-5 levels. add an augment and that could be 10 levels. as an example, for a purple cloth chest for my sage, I would have to level 3 crafts to get the same results from an orange:


    primary craft that creates the armor/weapon orange schematic

    cybertech to get the purple mods (specifically armor and mod)

    Artifice for hilt and enhancement.


    And if it's a non force weapon im leveling, I'd need armstech to make the barrels.


    and you'd have to have the materials for 3-4 mods per item, whereas with my basic purple I need the mats for one. and again, comms can only give you blue mods (and they're itemization is usually horrible unless your a tank).


    so RE is really the optimal way to gear your toon as you level. even if your going mods, RE to purple mods is the way to go. even if you only stick with blue mods, your still going to do better then comm rewards, as you can actually pick the stat bonuses on the mods you make. Comm mods usually have tons of wasted endurance, and your primary stat is low.

  19. class balance, and the buffs/nerfs introduced to adjust that balance, are really only a pvp concern.


    for pve it doesnt matter too much if your tank is OP or UP compared to other classes, as long as it can tank what it is required to tank.

    likewise dps and healers. as long as they fullfill their role, they are fine. a healer in heavy armor with 100% resistances and the ability to hit like a truck is fine in pve where its role is healing, as long as its healing does the job.


    even so, the changes made to jugs will be a nerf for rage spec not just in pvp but in pve aswell. or did you not read the bit about 10% LESS smash buff and longer cooldowns on force abilities.

    alterations to a class that reduce that classes effectiveness are generaly classified as a NERF by most folks familiar with MMOs.


    Well, the adjustements do impact PvE...most people just tend to shrug it off in PvE. Doesn't mean it wont impact them.


    and I think that My points still stand. the OP didn't specify what he was discussing, but people started talking about PvP.


    I'll give you that force alacrity loss is a net DPS loss. honestly, hadn't paid a huge amount of attention to the rage specifics...don't play it. but at the same time, your getting decimate in your tree...which means 3 less points you have to spend other places to get it...and you get it sooner...obviously not a replacement, but it cuts the loss down a teeny bit. But I still think that overall, the Juggernaut got a mild buff. at the very least, we broke even. and compared to the changes in most the other classes, thats a plus.


    Perhaps if you focus solely on PvP then your preferred spec may have been reduced a bit. But...goes back to my point, the CLASS didn't get nerfed. certain specs got nerfed in certain situations. I'm sure most folks familiar with MMO's can understand THAT.


    So, now all we need to do is change the title for all these threads that are screaming "Juggs got nerfed!" My PvE vengance jugg and tanking Jugg is fine. i respect my PvP brethren in their concerns...but we get threads like the OP's because of how information is misrepresented. I have no clue why people can't just simply admit 'How I play the class got nerfed'. perhaps they don't think it will get as much attention as saying the entire class got nerfed? still misrepresentation.

  20. I've leveled my jugg to 41 as vengeance but started seeing a significant slowdown on Hoth in leveling speed due to survivability. If I ran with any companion other than Quinn I felt like I was made of tissue paper.


    I rerolled as Immortal (31/2 atm) and WTH!!! Suddenly I'm chain pulling mobs and destroying everything in dps gear (because that's all I had). With Jaesa it doesn't feel like I've even had a noticeable reduction in killing speed.


    I've got so many tools as Immortal to control mobs and reduce damage, it's amazing. As I said, with my vengeance gear still on I haven't had a very noticeable drop in dps.


    My question is this....why is Vengeance so lackluster in the 40's? Almost everyone that says Juggs are easy to level is specced Immortal and I now see why.


    I hope 1.2 brings Vengeance back on par with Immortal, although with as much fun as I'm having, I may not go back.


    My first Jugg rolled solely as vengance. My second one is solely immortal. A vengeance build with quinn in tow is faster then Immortal, and past the mid 30's is amazing.


    The price you pay is being locked into Quinn the D*rk. I don't like it either actually...but well see how 1.2 goes with that amazingly costly damage reduction skill (we get a nice talent in the vengeance tree to boost our DR while it's up).


    But as it stands right now...Quinn is the easier option. I know peeps that ran vengeance with Vette and jaessa (and a few ran with pierce and liked it), but I didn't like the slowdown. that's my only major gripe atm with vengance. But with quinn it's pretty amazing. i have 3 champions under my belt that were killed at level with quin in tow. the one on Quesh i ended up with 80% health left. My immortal can't do champs without quinn either, so im not missing out on much.


    But yeah....having to run with quinn is irritating at times. but on her I learned to just tune it out. he's my pocket healer (healing whore...whatever). his job is to keep me alive, not look pretty. the other advantage with quinn is he shares gear with Vette, so if you want to switch the 2 up, its just a few minutes to pass over gear. don't forget to laugh at quinn's undies before you dismiss him!


    Edit: reading lolpal's advice above, thats good stuff as well. the veng hybrid is a very popular tanking option, and with quinn makes for some amazing solo-ability. the jury's out on which is better (full immortal vs. hybrid), but there are good points on both sides of the argument. What you'll get fro solo work is a tankable spec that does decent damage as well. With a spec like that I'd have no issues running with a dps companion.

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