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Everything posted by Naej

  1. Naej

    Sorc Gear Stack

    The one sorc I saw hitting like 530K in huttball was a Madness Spec full WH (with probly some EWH pieces) preying on the recruit geared people (in our zone, on the overpass or under the little ramp going up). He was mostly DoTing then LoS. He was a total ***** to kill. I wouldn't call it skill, mostly abuse of LoS. It wasn't like he had found this leet rotation or sweet timing to kill you, or had a knack to get the right angle to get you at an advantage. Just DoT and abuse the LoS under the ramps. BTW, BioWare should check those out, it's almost impossible to get LoS with someone under the ramp. With my GS, I was trying hard as **** to get LoS, but he'd go under, then right against it (like 1/2 your char is showing above the ramp) and you can't see him from any side. He'd poke out, DoT, then back under when you can't reach. We had 3 people at one time to finally get him with the odd shot. As for stat choice, I doubt he chose which stat he was slotting in his mods or enhancements. Probably took whatever came in EWH gear and augmented it with Main stat or Power. I'd take so much resources to lets say buy extra pieces of EWH to switch a +Crit mod for a +Pow mod from another piece. You'd have to buy triples and quadruples of pieces. Makes no sense. TLDR; (ow! my eyes!) They are playing Madness spec.
  2. I think the OP is suggesting Scoundrels/Operatives don't have enough stuns. Any class with stealth and that many stuns automatically looses the right to complain that they die in 1v1 at all. Unless one plays like a target-dummy.
  3. I play both Guardian and Gunslinger. I must say the Gunslinger (sniper) is probably the strongest class in the hands of an elite player. On my guardian, I've played a few times against seriously good Snipers. The bad/medium ones I own. The elite ones gives me a lot of trouble. They've got so many tools to control you, it's not even funny. Even when you do close in, you're lets say half health, and they're bunkered (impossible to CC) and can cast freely all their **** on you. On my (half geared) gunslinger, I have no trouble soloing full WH people when I get the first shot. Have to agree, the only true counter, is LoS, or allies hanging next to you (the guardians LOVE closing in on you using a noob ally). It's a hard match-up for guardians/sentinels, but I have to say they have it easy on so many other classes, it's only fair someone gets to have an edge against them.
  4. Naej

    ATTN: Bastion Twinks.

    Sticky plz. A crusade against Twinks ought to be VERY interesting... Post videos ASAP.
  5. Naej

    Buying WH before 50 ?

    Don't retrade your RWZ comms if you do that... They are a ***** to gather after... Get your Weapon and off-hand ASAP, then start getting the 5 pieces of body armor (I start from cheapest). Use your RWZ comms to get the EWH Ear/Implants. That's the fastest way to gear yourself imo, if you can't trade pieces...
  6. Are you angry man? The stun-bubbler completely locked down our team. 1 wp bubbler, and some coordination on releasing manually the bubbles combined with basic focus fire = auto-win. Tell me it ain't broken when 1 guy can cripple a whole team for the rest of his team to burn in AoE or focus-fire 1 by 1.
  7. I play a Guardian, and I have to admit the slow not having any CD is overpowered. I'd rather it didn't count towards GCD (like the interrupt or something) and that it had a CD of like 9 seconds (same as the duration of the ability). That way, you miss, you're being kited for 9 seconds. My problem with Resolve as it is, is that when it finally pops, you most likely have been chain stunned, meaning your being focused on, meaning you will most likely be dead or close to when it finally fills up.
  8. Oh and about those saying bubble doesn't count towards healing. Wow... Even if it didn't, I couldn't care less about the amount of healing some dude is doing or not doing. The only thing that counts is winning games. The rest is BS.
  9. Ha ha ha... nice attempt at trolling mister OP. Just yesterday, we were completely shut out 2 games in a row against a team in RWZ. Shut out by what? Smashers leap in, do their ****, AoE slow, right-click their bubble and choose the time when they want to stun us. They basically shut us out completely. The amount of DMG the 2 smashers where doing, combined with the slow, repetitive stuns, mass AoE from Sniper and Sorc, I think we got 3 kills, and we couldn't even get their EWH Merc healer down to less than 50%. And, if we ever got in range, he'd pop this stupid bubble and get away, to get a new one a few seconds later. This bubble sorc completely shut out a team of 8, by itself. And of course, your resolve simply doesn't go up as your only slowed and blinded while being torn up by AoE from all side. I think their main healer at the end of the match had like 150k healing and the sorc 120k. Our damage averaged 50k each, some even lower. No one could do a thing. Take out smash and bubble-stun, we'd have had a chance to win that. And who cares about the top tier healing talent, when you just don't need to heal anymore, since the other team can't even move...
  10. Of course no one will be able to prove that, as the second most played are Bubble-stun sorcs. I've seen a group (that owned us) with 4 juggs/mara and 3 bubble-stun and an odd PT. Really, it's beyond me that they would say they won't balance anything until Makeb. To leave the game broken to that point... Really, I understand they won't deploy major resources over balancing ALL the classes, but nerfing Smash and just fine tuning Bubble-stun (i.e.: make it stun only if it's on the caster) would make everyone's life so much more fun. Personally, I refuse to play Focus. I switched to Vigilance way back (from tank) and I'm sticking with it. It's such a fun spec to play, with lots of utility and good DPS on a single target. It's sad that Focus/Rage has made every Tanks/Vig leave the spec. Really, BioWare should address this before it's too late. They did the same with server merges. They waited forever, and the community was broken. Now I feel the PvP community is about to break again...
  11. About Orbital Strike, you'd be lucky to hit 5 people with it with the overlong warning/laser animation. I use it more as a pressure AoE : get out or die kinda thing. Smash on the other hand can hit 3-4 easy AND is auto-crit with no delay.
  12. Wow, did I unleashed the hate or something... Actually, I own 90% of mercs in 1v1. I was saying they are fine, cause one of my friends plays one (commando), and totally own with it, both in healer and DPS spec. In healer, he simply never dies. In DPS, you're basically dead so fast... It's about knowing what to do, gear properly and have the right spec. I'm sure if they buff them we'd regret it the same we now regret what they did with LOLSmash.
  13. Here are my 2 cents on balance in the current patch. Before I start, I played mostly a Gunslinger (I'm actually very decent at it) and a Vigilance Guardian, which is now my main. JEDI KNIGHT / SITH WARRIOR The Focus spec needs to be looked at. I believe it's ok in 1v1, but when you start to put in 2-3 Rage Juggs and Sents together, they can kill multiple people in 1-2 GCD. This needs fixing. Badly. Also, they need to put Unremitting way up the Vigilance tree, so that it'd need a big sacrifice in the Focus tree to get it. Right now, it's possible to make a build that gets it while getting everything you need in Focus to tear down through multiple foes. GUNSLINGER / SNIPER Having played one extensively (and against with my Guardian), I must say I don't understand why all the QQ. They are exactly where they should be. They can be deadly in the hands of a skilled player (I've played against some that totally owned me in 1v1) and they suck when exposed. It's a positional class. I think it may be the class where the player's skill matter the most. COMMANDO / MERCENARY ...are fine. Anyone saying the contrary needs to L2P or re-roll. JEDI SHADOW / SITH ASSASSIN Any player who doesn't know how to abuse the stealth mechanic will cry that the class sucks. Anyone that plays against one that does will cry for nerf. IMO they are fine right now. Winning a 1v1 against one depends a lot on how many cooldowns I have available at the start of the fight and how I use them. JEDI SAGE / SITH INQUISITOR Ok, here I think there needs to be some balancing. Bubble stun has to be nerfed. Someone suggested it only affected the caster, I think it is a good idea. In my experience playing against sorcs, I must say they are the squishiest healers and easiest to lock-down with interrupts and stuns. They just can't hold their ground (against me in any case). As DPS, true they have some problems kitting and they can do close to no good damage on the run (read : with a melee up their arse). Again, this is only based from my experience playing against them. One thing they are master of though, is putting AoE pressure to win objectives. It must not be overseen that while they can have some problems in some areas, they can basically tear through people trying to cap a node and deny them completely from even approching it, let alone capping it. So overall, in need of some tweaking. I would say buff them a bit in some areas, while nerfing the bubble stun. Alright cheers!
  14. I really like the way respecs are now free to subscribers! That combined with the "Field Respecialization Legacy", it's definitely this close [insert image of a thumb and a finger 1 mm away from each other] to being SO much better than the dual-spec every one is asking for. What you need to add to make it better, is to allow us to save our specs - or allow us to have a number of saved specs - so that we don't have to reassign all our points and redo our Quickbars everytime. I wouldn't mind if the option was disabled during WZ, but it'd be great everywhere else, as long as we're out of combat. I know they have a similar system in TSW, but to me, it's the natural evolution of the dual-spec (into multi-specs). Please we need some love here, and this would be easily implemented. Show some love devs!
  15. Please do the same with Unremitting... Nothing annoys me more than an unstoppable LoL-Smasher with 4 full seconds of immunity to any stuns while I'm rooted for 3 seconds from his jump. Maybe with a Stun-bubble on, it would annoy me more then. Unremitting should be in the last freaking row, WAAAAYYYY up there in the Vigilance tree, so that only us Vigilance Guardian would get to use it. Wanna play Rage? No love for you! And they need to rework the 100% crit chance after the jump. It's simply plain dumb. Make it 50% at max. Then them guys would need to respec some crit rating in their gear, nerfing some of that surge/power. AND it would miss sometimes. As Vigilance, I have 1 very strong attack you wanna avoid at all cost : Master Strike. It hits 1 target though, channels for 3 sec, and is easily countered with moving out, or stunning. You basically will miss most of the time if the player doesn't suck. Only way to get it to land, is to jump the guy, which gives you the stun immune AND the 3 sec root. Still, doesn't hit AoE, and damage is applied over 3 seconds (you have plenty of time to pop a defensive CD or be healed, or pop your CC breaker and flee). If it was me, I'd nerf the auto-crit on smash, and give them a DPS boost on other skills. Maybe make it based more around Slash, like giving it a certain debuff or like a buff that makes the next one have a shorter GCD. Or like make Smash lose it's AoE when you have stacks of singularity, and make it hit the player you are targeting. Plenty of stuff comes to mind, they just gotta do something about it now.
  16. Sorcs aren't OP right know. Their bubble is annoying, but I don't think I've lost against one in a long time. Sorcs healers are the easiest to chain interrupt, and easiest to burn down. Mercs are though as ****, and Ops have so many tools to stun and vanish it's insane. Sorcs DPS do good DPS, but once you jump them, they just go down in 2 seconds. On a side note, I'm still waiting on BW to realize what they've done to the LOLsmash spec. It needs to be nerfed down badly, not Sorcs. Before the buff, you could play a Rage spec decently with skill. Now, it's just a no-brain 2 skill spec, and all you do is stall time until your next LOLsmash. BTW so that LOLsmashers don't Troll me, I play a Guardian.
  17. RGR that. Smartest thing I heard here. PvP is depressing right now. You walk in, face a full WH team against Recruit/BM and you get pounced. Gear should give an edge, not a win. And they should release maps and do events more frequently to keep people playing. And have a ladder for ranked PvP (or just any PvP). Gear gap is what is killing PvP imo right now.
  18. It's actually kinda funny how everyone is SO pissed about the Cartel Packs, but yet, items that drop ONLY from them are flooding the AH right now. Really, prices are fine like that. Time will prove that all of us bought stuff even though we all complained about prices and Cartel Packs randomness and robes looking ugly and stuff...
  19. I always thought it looked stupid to have Troopers walking around in Guardian robes, and smugglers in Sentinel stuff. How about all Jedi robes (both for consular and knights) gave a small amount of Force Power, and all Smuggler and Trooper stuff gave a small amount of Tech Power (that could scale or not with armoring level). I think it'd give an incentive to have Jedis in Jedi stuff and Smugglers in Smugglers stuff. I like the way it's going with adaptive gear and whatnot, but at the same time, i'd like it if there was an incentive (even a small one) to have people in the gear they are supposed to wear. And at the same time, it'd be nice if companions had classes... Like Lord Scourge is definetly a Sith Warrior, and should be allowed Sith Robes (when Jedis are not). And Akaavi Spar should get to wear BH gear. She looks dumb in a Republic trooper's outfit. /whine Oh and while we are discussing gear, having a few sets or gear on the Cartel Shop with hoods down doesn't mean we no longer need a hood toggle. I thought it was a nasty way of getting cash of all the people who want a hood up or down robe. I will NOT buy any Jedi gear of the Cartel Shop until the hood toggle is addressed and so should everyone that wants a hood toggle. /whineoff
  20. This has got to be some joke. We did both with 2 sent, 1 guard, and doc. No one was tank spec nor had any tank gear. We owned the stuff. This has got to be some trolling attempt...
  21. IMO, most people complaining about the F2P restrictions are just frustrated cause they have to keep paying the sub to enjoy the game. Most of them probably thought : "Yeah! We'll play for free, YEAH!!!!" Them whining proves that the incentives to pay do work. If no one whined, it would mean you could play for free and enjoy the game enough so that you never spend. Now with all the whining, it only means there is enough reason to spend bucks on the game. Cause people feel they can't really enjoy the game enough without paying. And all the QQers, I call the BS on you guys. You are the one posting, whining and hanging on the forum, when you know full well they won't listen or change a thing. You guys could just leave in silence, it's the only thing you can do. But no, you guys are so gonna be playing AND paying. Well hf =)
  22. Me it's not so much the cooldown, but the requirement to have a debuff first that annoys me. Most of the time, with Master Strike coming in the rotation, and Dispatch once the target is below 30%, I find that the DoT has enough time to tick off. It's not SUCH a big issue for me that you loose 3 ticks on the times where you chain it. I wouldn't mind if they brought it down to 9sec or allow it to overlap. I know it's a great skill, that the DoT is nice DPS on the longer fights, plus the fact that it pops the +60% crit and has a chance to reset MS... but the prereq for Sunder Strike debuff is just retarded and has to go. I'd be very surprised if they kept that when they give some love to the Vig spec in a future patch. It's just an annoyance for when you switch mobs in the middle of a rotation.
  23. I hear you man... Just a short story about when I got the datacrons on tatooine (the balloon ones). I was logged out with my JKG nearby, was playing other alts and checking every now and then if someone was coming on the balloon so I'd duel them and jump up. Here I see this lvl 50 sniper jumping on top off the thing, move close to the ledge to snipe me... BOOM jump, BOOM push. The poor guy. A fine day for the republic it was.
  24. Personally, I've been waiting for a hood toggle since they announced it back in 1.2. Here is what I think happened. 1) Ghost servers issue created a massive movement to quit the game. Subs went from 1,7M to under 1M. 2) They fired half the staff and put all their energy on solving the server thing. Didn't work. Didn't bring back people. 3) They fired more people, and steered towards F2P. They've been working on that ever since and it'll happen next week. It's no wonder, although being high-priority for them (I do believe that) that it was put aside since they are trying to save this freaking game. The F2P probably took a large chunk of ressources, and wasn't planned for the first year too. It was a move they had to do, to keep the game on track. Never forget that without money, this game can't evolve, and the F2P will bring them the money move forward with this game. Once they implement it next week, I'm sure HT will come back pretty high on their priority list. /optimism off
  25. I think that their whole point is that they will get more people playing the game, hoping they will sub sometimes on the way to lvl 50. I doubt they want to have lvl 50 players hanging around that never spent on anything. You wanna enjoy endgame, you sub or spend on unlocks. I'm happy with where all this is going. My play will be untouched, more players will be around, and hopefully the store will have more cool stuff like appearance changes and transfers on the long term. The thing I don't wanna see (EVER) on subbed accounts is avertising for Cartel stuff.That killed LOTRO for me with that.
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