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Everything posted by Naej

  1. LOL rgr that. That was the weirdest bug in any game... Almost brought my iMac to the Apple Store...
  2. See, this is where they messed up. Why would you ever want a Marauder without a hooded robe? And why would you every want a Guardian with a hood? They so got that backwards... And no, "there will be stuff in the Cartel Shop" isn't a good fix for this.
  3. Rgr that ^ Vigilance totally owns when in the right hands. It's so underrated it's not even funny... It does suck hard in the wrong hands. You can't spam 3 buttons and win, nor do you have a big attack that does most of your DPS like Focus. But survivability and DPS are excellent. I personnally won't be respecking Focus anytime soon. On top of this, the +3% accuracy and the +60% to crit mean you can trade some of your gear for more power and surge, meaning you'll have an edge gearwise too if you know *** you are doing with itemization.
  4. I don't know which game you played, but I disagree strongly on all points.
  5. I'm thinking the main rule in here, is whoever has the highest level character gets to keep the name ( read : not the first person who created a toon 5 min in the beta to reserve the name and still had that character at level 1 ) I had 2 chars of the same name, and the one that i was playing on PotF was level 35 and didn't keep his name. The level 50 stole it. If it's the way it works, it's fine by me, but they should really come out and say it.
  6. Even on Elite, I'd take Akaavi anytime, and she'd win hands down on any other companions you have. I seriously don't understand the complaining here, you get Corso first, which is easily the 2nd best besides Akaavi. And you get Akaavi as early as Balmorra. Anyone saying they "need" a healer pet are doing it wrong, and they are nerfing their ability to go through content at a decent speed too. Seriously, healer companion didn't help on my Guardian and didn't help on my Slinger. I'm assuming they are no use to a class that can already heal, so I say they are useless mostly. The only healer pet that I put to some use, was Mako, which is great really only because you get her first and you wear plate, so you can go through very hard content early on. I switched her for a DPS as soon as I had one though. In general, I'll use tank pets or healer pets for group quests, when we don't have someone that can fill that role. Otherwise, they are gathering dust on my starship. And I prefer the melee DPS companions over the ranged, but that's a question of taste. And I like the ranged tank over the melee... go figure...
  7. I kinda like the fact that not all classes don't have the same mechanic (stances for instance or cover). It produces a different playing experience with each class. Most stances IMO were introduced on classes that could tank (or that one of their 2 AC can tank). The whole point being, when you are in tank mode, you nerf your ability to do damage. Sinces none of the smugglers ACs can tank, there is no need to have it stance-oriented. One could argue that Cover acts a bit like a stance too.
  8. If you like the game keep playing. All that bs about layoffs and the game dying is just regular forum ****-talk. Seriously, these are the most brutal forums I've seen anywhere on any game. Make your own opinion in-game.
  9. I'm fairly happy with the Legacy perk to respec anywhere (for a cost). I could live with that and never ever talk again about double-spec, but would it be so hard to include something that would /save your specs so you don't have to re-do them and place your skills in your quickslots EVERYTIME? I think it's not asking too much. =P
  10. I always felt kinda let down to have Scourge geared as a Jedi and Akaavi Spar as a trooper. I mean what's with that, I want that BH gear on her...
  11. You missed the key-word. I said I'm beginning to see how this could be better for the game. Nice post anyways... a bit long, but still nice
  12. Just to say, I was one of the people that was dumbstruck (and very pissed) by the new f2p option. I had some time to cool down, and am starting to see how it could be better for this game. This game is great. It's just the best story, the voice-overs are amazing. PvP is the best, and with the new FP tool, it's so much easier to get groups going and enjoy the content. I just thought I'd post, since so many of us have been arses about the new f2p options. Alright cheers! /re-subbed
  13. Ok, I must admit that I'm very upset with the move to F2P model after such a short time. I'm trying to be constructive here with a constructive question. I think I like the idea of having more players playing (even for free, they do get limited content after all). I think I like the idea of the Cartel store selling what I call "quality-life" items such as cosmetics, mounts, unlocks as you would see in the legacy system and so on. I'm though uneasy with the store selling permanent bonus to stats, boosts, top tier items and so on. So the question : "Will the store stick to selling those quality-life items, or will it goes into selling boosts, permanent boosts to stats, or anything that would break the balance of the game in any way." Also, I would like to know what kind of publicity we should be expecting for both the paying players and the non-paying players. Will there be options to turn publicity off for subscribers for exemple? This was a real issue for me in other games.
  14. It's sad to see such a great game go free-to-play after like 10 months. LOTRO went F2P after 3 years, which was something they had planned in from the start. Now, I feel that EA's standards (as far as money) isn't met, hence the move to F2P model. By the way, nothing is ever "free-to-play". It's more like "pay-to-play". If I remember correctly, LOTRO quadrupled (4x) their profits going "free". The LOTRO Store though... advertising EVERYWHERE was a real pain. There was NO WAY to turn it off too, even to subscribers. And selling boosts is just plain stupid. I hated the fact that it was now only one big "upgrades" shop. I hate the fact that micro-transactions are now the way to go. I hate that this game, that I think is the best MMO out there since a long time is being made F2P after a half a year only. They built up they hype for this game for 2-3 years, and after only 6 months, they give up. They gave up on this game and us the fan boys, only because of a slow start and a mess up with servers they haven't recovered from yet. I still had high fate in this game. Unfortunately, what counts is money, money, money... More money. It's too bad EA got involved in this game. I was gonna try out Secret World, another EA game, but I won't now. I know what's waiting, F2P in 6 months. I really feel the pain for the guys down at Bioware. You guys really love your game, and cared about us. But I think someone else is pulling the strings now... Just my thoughts before I cancel my sub for good.
  15. Why would anyone in their right mind would delete 2 lvl 50 to unlock a race when you can just pay 1.5M to unlock it. It just makes no sense to me. That's like 5 days of farming the dailies compared to like 4-5 days of playtime to get back to that point. I don't want to be rude or anything, but you kinda lost the right to complain...
  16. Having played both FFXI and Lotro (unfortunatly, NOT a hunter... nor a WM), I must say this game is quite easy already on the transport side of things. I think tho that the OP was referring to the pain of going back to the fleet to get your WZ and FP quests, then go back to the fleet again once you cleared them. It's breaking the questing when leveling a character, especially if you play for a short time everyday and want to do your dailies. For exemple, here I am on Tattoine with my JK at the beginning of my play session. TP to fleet to get both quests, get in queue, start going back to Tattoine if nothing pops immediately (why would I wait hopelessly on the Fleet...), stuff pops, I complete both things. Then I need to go BACK, turn stuff in, and return again to Tattoine. I'd be so easy to have the quest givers inside the warzone and flashpoints, and have it complete automatically after you complete the quest. It would break the questing less. Every other bit of travelling is fine by me. But those 2 things could get the fix. ***You guys can start /bashing me now =)
  17. I just read "flame retard suit" and almost laughed myself stupid... fun times! I would pay real money to see a flame retard in a suit
  18. It doesn't take out a variable, it ADDS one. And it adds one that gives you a false sense of wether you should group with someone or not. It gives a wrong standard stat that all will base their judgement on, while you'll be passing on better players that know how to optimise their gear more, have more skill and a deeper understanding of the game. GS is the wrong way to go about things, I'm sure of that.
  19. gs doesn't take skill into account. It's the worst addon they ever came up with. I will personnaly leave any game that implement that. Anyone that relies on that to choose a party member doesn't have a clue what they are doing.
  20. Even if there was only 5k people playing at the same time, but over 1 server, we'd be having a blast. The problem we have is that there are too many servers. If you go by what WoW has said, around 7-10% of your player base is playing at any given time. Meaning that having 1M subs would translate to 70-100k people playing at all times. Split that over 35-40 servers and we have no problems at all.
  21. You're being sarcastic right?
  22. ^ this. Althought I fins thé whole thing to be poorly explained and really, they need an option to change legacy names.
  23. TL;DR anything but the first 2-3 posts. You guys can't be serious when you say that "more grind" will get more people to subscribe. And you can't be serious when you say people are dropping the game because of that. The only problem they have, is that they have too many servers. 125 US servers 6 months into the game, really? WoW had like 25 servers 6 months into the game. And the most common reason people are leaving now, is because servers are dead. We're stuck in a negative spin, where you got people who changed their playing habits (i.e. played 10 hours a day at release and are now playing only 1-2 hours a day) and where the usual people that get a game, try it and don't stick around are gone. That left the servers semi-empty, encouraging people to move to more populated servers, making their old server even more empty, pushing players to play less or leave the game, resulting in dead servers. It just had nothing to do with the total number of subscriptions they have. If you had only 100,000 people playing the game, but over 1 server, it would be very full right? But if you had 1,300,000 playing over 250 servers, that would feel empty (like now) right? It's simple maths and it has nothing to do with the game being a grind or not. It's subscriptions AGAINST number of servers. In my experience, you wanna have a part of the game that is really hard, most of it that is somewhat hard, and a part that is easier. I think they are trying right now to find that balance (although it might not be perfect atm). And WoW was never a grinding game. True, once you got level 60, it was a grind getting your gear to get you into raiding (did Scholomance a good 50 times), but the leveling part was very smooth. I just can't believe that stuff... people asking for more leveling grind... come on.
  24. I think their main problem is that transfers have to be done manually (i.e. you send a request and some guy does the transfer) and that they are looking into a way to do it automatically (i.e. you send a request and the system transfers you without having anybody doing anything). With the number of people they have to transfer (virtually, everyone on the US servers), can you imagine the man-power requested to do such a thing manually? Really, I can understand why they want to implement their auto-transfer tool first. I think we should all take a chill-pill and wait for them to be ready. It's coming, we all know it is.
  25. I was à bit fan of dual-spec in WoW. In this game though, the more I play, the more I feel it is not needed. I would probably use it if we had it though.
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