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Everything posted by oursacrifice

  1. If you got a 7 free day trial (or an active subscription) then I highly recommend it. It's disgusting how user friendly it is once you've been away from it for a while trying other things.
  2. I logged on, spammed fleet for about 1.5 hours looking for a flashpoint HM group. I logged off after no takers. I sent Blizzard a ticket asking them to undelete my level 85 warrior. I couldn't remember his name but I explained the situation to them. They sent me an email with 7 free days of game time. I logged back on to SWTOR and spammed fleet some more, looking for a group for HM flashpoints. Got a tank/DPS but no healer would bite. Jumped around for a bit spamming. Spent about 2 hours doing that. The group split. I logged off for a bit ate some lunch ran a few errands. Came home, logged back on, spammed fleet some more, got invited to a group and all we needed was a tank. Hung around while the group leader spammed for a while. Around 8 hours after sending my ticket to Blizzard, my phone buzzed and they sent a response. Got the toon back. I logged off SWTOR, logged into WoW, downloaded the latest patch update. While that was happening I vacuumed my living room. After I was completed, I jumped into the game, went to the LFD group and ran some of the new heroic 5 man dungeons introduced in the latest patch within about 7 minutes of queuing. I hung my head in shame that I was able to experience all of the new dungeons in less time than I had spent in SWTOR today LOOKING for a group. I'm going to try the new raid tonight with the raid finder.
  3. Because you think they are makes it so? The commonly accepted "end game" lable pertains to dungeons/raids and organized pvp. If you want to claim dailies and story-lines of companions as "end game" go right ahead, but you're in a huge minority.
  4. The level of fun in SWTOR's broken operations pales in comparison to the variety and enjoyment in a WoW raid. There's far more activity at level 85 in WoW then at 50 in SWTOR. People running raids for reputation and BoE epics, people running the dungeon finder for badges, people doing arena, rated battlegrounds, or normal battlegrounds, people working on professions and making profit off of any of them at all levels, etc... That's the problem. People are simply used to having multiple things to do on a consistent basis and suddenly they're tossed into a situation of stale progression, horribly balanced pvp (mirror classes aren't mirrors, warzones like civil war aren't balanced properly, etc...).
  5. Daily quests are not end game. Two bugged ones, but yes this is end game. Limited exposure due to server population issues - but yes, this is end game content if you're running hardmodes. None of that is end game either.
  6. Not only does it stop quickly - it has no variety so alts are even more boring. Linear planet progression during the leveling process was a TERRIBLE idea.
  7. This is a result of the EA acquisition. EA does not care about product quality, only product profits. Again, it's EA for the most part. Yes, they have a team of unexperienced MMO developers working on the project, and they hired failed MMO designers from previous games that didn't do well, but EA pushed this out the door in time for the holidays. Oddly enough, the beta builds of SWTOR were better. They had a few features that were seemingly cut from the final build, and all of the same bugs we have now. WoW has had bugs - but the size of the game helps to mask them a little easier. When you have an exceptionally linear leveling experience like you have in SWTOR - bugs and glitches are far more apparent because EVERYONE in your faction is doing the exact same quests. This is a major thing. There is a huge disconnect between Bioware and the fanbase in terms of what each one believes would be a successful formula. Only, the fanbase is right because they're the ones paying to play. Bioware has already gotten caught up in knee-jerk reaction nerfs in less than two months.
  8. Sadly, no I will not be continuing my sub after my current one ends in March. I no longer have faith that Bioware can maintain a stable and progressive online experience. Bugs still in the game from the BETA, issues claiming to be fixed in patch notes only to either be broken even more, or not addressed properly. Ilum is not an enjoyable experience, operations are still flawed and lack challenges and creativity. The community is not "online focused" for the most part, unlike many other MMOs. This game attracted far too many "single player people", the ones that turn off chat, never group up and just play the story over and over again. That's great for them, but it doesn't foster in a MMO environment. Add those complaints to the lack of support for macros, addons, combat logs, cross server warzones/flashpoints, and near useless crew skills just makes the entire MMO experience lackluster.
  9. You fail at reading comprehension. "Many others" does not exclusively mean people on his server. Please try to troll harder next time.
  10. Even the scroll wheel? When I bind abilities to mouse wheel up/down sometimes they don't fire off. They'll do a fraction of the animation like they're trying to execute then just stop. I've gotten to where I have to scroll the wheel 3-4 times in rapid succession to make sure the skill executes.
  11. I'm on my way out. I've deleted my level 50 toons already, I rarely play anymore, and when I do it's even greater boredom than what it was at 50. The game isn't challenging, there's no competitive drive like in other MMOs, it's too focused on story and not on MMO-style content and there's simply no variety in anything. I'm hoping Diablo 3 hits soon but that's unlikely. So I'll probably just not game for the next few months while I wait for its release, while watching these forums until my actual sub runs out in March.
  12. That WoW has all of the features a modern MMO should have? Aside from LOLPANADAS, WoW has a lot more going for it than any MMO on the market.
  13. There are a lot of bugs that were supposedly fixed in patches that seemingly never happened. I'm sure the response you'll get around here is the following: "You leveled too fast, operations aren't ready yet." "Roll an alt and experience more story instead of worrying about raid progression." "It's your PC."
  14. a 64bit client would be nice
  15. In all honesty, why would a Blizzard employee want to leave to go work for a company controlled by EA? Blizzard has total freedom over their intellectual property, and they also control their own release schedules. Why on Earth would someone want to leave that type of environment and go somewhere that is 100% controlled by a publisher that cares way more about bottom dollar than the quality of the product?
  16. In the United States when we push "~", the key next to 1, above TAB and below ESC we get whatever we've bound it to.
  17. The weekend give-a-way betas were for that. The real beta was for the game itself, and they ignored pretty much all of our feedback.
  18. Don't be a drone. His complaints are 100% valid.
  19. Whatever goober decided to not allow us to click on nameplates to pick targets needs a new job away from game design.
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