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Everything posted by oursacrifice

  1. They're trying to save their game. It's not like they're doing this just for ***** and giggles. It's brutally clear that the message they're getting both on the forums, from in-game chatter and from cancellation messages is that they need these features to keep their game going. If they piss off 1% of the people in game that don't have the backbone to deal with criticism for being a bad player but please the masses, then they're willing to send people like you packing.
  2. The framerates are great because nobody goes there anymore. Ilum has been rendered moot in 1.1.5 since you can just do warzones for Ilum daily/weekly credit.
  3. Flight point speeders move faster and everything is fine.
  4. That's. A lot. Of periods. I. Don't think I. Have ever. Seen something. Like that. Before.
  5. Yeah but whatever goober first started this rumor over a decade ago was proven wrong QUICKLY by a flood of website rebuttals. There was even a programmer that made a simple program that showed two rotating cubes on your screen. You could set the framerate of their rotation individually and see that you could notice the different even after 100 fps.
  6. I cannot believe this incorrect information is still around.
  7. It's normal if you still care about the outcome of the game. These forums are super overly negative because there's a lot of passionate players that are extremely disappointed with how this game turned out. They're complaining because they're hoping stuff simply gets fixed. A lot of us have canceled our subscriptions but still play occasionally and still look over the forums everyday in the hopes that there's news that something might change.
  8. Unless they plan on merging servers - cross-server tools are the only way to keep this game even remotely popular.
  9. A percentage of players always leave WoW towards the end of every expansion. Nobody is leaving "on mass" from the game. Look at the trends at the end of TBC, WotLK and now Cata - it's the same each time. The expansion is basically over. Blizzard will likely do a minor raid similar to what they did at the end of Wrath to hold people over until the Panda expansion "event" starts. So yeah, stop reading information about the game from people that hate it and taking it as gospel truth. Given EA/Bioware's extreme silence over how their subscriptions have been after the end of the "free month" it's hard to say how many people are actually enjoying SWTOR. Looking over the forums and it doesn't look overly positive. Wrong.
  10. Nobody asked for it in WoW because it wasn't crossing people's minds. Blizzard implemented it because they were noticing how difficult it was for people to find groups. Newsflash #2: Not everyone plays during peak hours. Not everyone has access to the same pool of players on their server. Dungeon tools are amazing, they work, and they're coming to SWTOR. DEAL WITH IT. Actually don't deal with it. It's far more amusing watching how butthurt you are over this situation. Please keep crying. Yeah 11 million players vs 12 million players is killing that game. It's BRUTAL. Community is something that involves real life. Community in a MMO is non-existent and completely unimportant. You have friends and guild members and then random strangers. That's it. You had friends before LFD (maybe) and you had a guild before LFD (maybe) - nothing changed. Some people think "server community" equals "TANK LF HM GROUP" or "DPS LF HM GROUP". Yeah, that's not community, but the rose tinted glasses crowd thinks it is - and they're a very loud vocal minority. Bioware was foolilsh enough to listen to them during development, but it only took them 2 months to realize it was the wrong move.
  11. Good for you? It’s great that you’re a special snowflake, everyone is jealous. When you have no point, yeah, people tend to not get it. AKA, class balance. When classes have .5 animation time and others have 1.5 animation time that’s unbalanced gameplay. When the trooper volley is still applying its damage AFTER the channel is up because of the delay, that’s also a problem. Orange gear is limited in appearance. Transmorphed gear isn’t. Transmorphing gear uses almost every single piece of gear from the game (minus legendary pieces). I don’t recall asking for the same volume of content. But given your last sentence there, I can understand your frustration with reading comprehension. “WAHHH, MOMMY, THE DEVELOPERS OF SWTOR ARE CHANGING THEIR GAME BECAUSE THE COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE WANTS FEATURES THAT I DON’T!” Newsflash – in its current state this game has no potential to go anywhere – that’s why Bioware is changing it for the better. Trust me, your loss of a subscription will not be missed when people start utilizing the tools that should have launched with the game. We all know you’re under some delusion that “server community” actually exists and matters – but it doesn’t.
  12. It’s still a bonus. Seeing people out and about, even after 7 years is still more common than in SWTOR. Nothing isolating at all about forming a group in trade or queuing solo and getting matched up with 4 other people. In the hours it takes your average person in SWTOR to form a 4 man group to run a flashpoint, I’ve been able to run several 5 man groups and have run across SEVERAL different people. I didn’t mention Wintergrasp, I specifically mentioned Tol Barad. So yeah, thanks for the effort. Aside from frost mages the rest of the classes are very closely balanced for pvp purposes. In pve, almost all of the classes are balanced. Some specs don’t perform as well as other specs, but the classes themselves are all within 5% or so. Obviously, some fights favor melee or ranged DPS depending on fight mechanics, and this will never change. SWTOR isn’t balanced, especially when you consider how broken the “mirrors” are from each other. Transmorphed gear = more customization now then any MMO. You literally look HOWEVER you want no matter what gear you’re wearing. Yep, so I’m skipping your tutoring statement. Don’t care. WoW is now, SWTOR is now. There’s zero variety in SWTOR mounts and many of them are absolutely hideous. My favorite are how they all have caps clipping through the bottom of them. WoW vanilla had more leveling zones. Please try again, and next time wait till you’re off the rag before responding.
  13. Please link your wowarmory profile so we can see how much hardmode content you’ve cleared. If it’s so easy you should have all content on farm status. Oh and you’ll need to be able to prove it’s you by logging in and changing gear and stuff so that you simply just don’t go pick someone you know about and link theirs. Thanks!
  14. Blizzard understands that end-game is the focus of a MMO. They understand that the vast majority of the MMO community does not want to spend most of their time leveling. People want to get through the level grind and get to raiding/heroic dungeons/end game pvp. That's why their formula is one of success. The challenge of WoW is the end game environment. Hardmode raiding, getting to gladiator status for arena, etc... The challenge is not supposed to be in leveling - leveling is simply there to teach you how to play your class.
  15. That's because nobody cares. Most of the servers are losing players, most of the population can see this. The super popular servers will remain that way because even when those people quit, the people leaving other servers will roll there. By the end of the year this game will pretty much only have around 10 servers in the US, they don't need to keep all these other servers up and running. Just merge and be done with the whole mess.
  16. That's where you're wrong. You don't have to be on the bleeding edge of progression to down heroic bosses in raids. I did it, and I wasn't even in a server first guild. Again, you're wrong. You clearly never raided hardmode content, otherwise you'd realize that it's far more than just a time sink. It is a measure of class knowledge, skill at the game, situational awareness and the ability to adapt to the changes in fight mechanics from previous difficulty levels. If by very little you mean: Bigger community, better MMO features (LFD, LFR, cross server tools, rated pvp, functional world pvp battles (Tol Barad is a million times better than Ilum ever will be), etc... then yeah, it has very little. If you mean better class balance (Bioware can't even balance the mirror classes), more responsive combat, user mods, higher customization of your character, more leveling zones, less tedious running from A to B, better mounts, more interesting races that are actually DIFFERENT and a more interactive world, then yeah it has very little. Raiding is a huge selling point for WoW now, especially after the raid finder was introduced in the Dragon Soul patch. Blizzard posted an impressive chart a few months back showing the HUGE volume of the playerbase that was able to raid Dragon Soul thanks to the raid finder (and actually clear it). So yeah, WoW has pretty much everything on SWTOR except for voice acting (whoopity doo).
  17. Except the LFD system in WoW was a booming success and has become a near requirement for the bulk of MMO communities. "Server community" is not real outside of the minds of a small handful of people that think people give a crap about you or what you do when you're online. "LF 'x' (x being whatever missing role you need) for HM 'y' (y being whatever flashpoint you're wanting to run)" for 2 hours straight is not "server community". It's called a joke, and it's a colossal waste of player time.
  18. No, but the fact that they actually design difficult encounters shows that they are clearly in touch with pretty much their entire playerbase. They have easy content for casuals, normal content for your average raider, and heroic content for your hardcore group. This game simply has nothing but easy. That response was also specifically disputing the claim that WoW raiding was "easy" and getting the best gear was "easy". It's not. That's undeniable. I don't have a selfish elitest attitude. I'm simply asking for some amount of difficulty for content that's is, by the name, supposed to be hard instead of it simply being a DPS race - that's NOT hard. They haven't appealed to "leet geeks" (whatever retarded label you're using) since TBC. I don't care how old it is. Subscriptions are dropping, "dedicated MMO players" are leaving. Soon, the bulk of the community will be the keyboard turning mouse clicking type players that have a hard time moving out of those "bad red circles". These types of casual gamers can't keep a MMO community thriving and moving forward. The moment the game becomes overrun by that type of player, progression content is over.
  19. The fact that you think the LFD tool in WoW is a "Blizzard failure" pretty much omits your view on how developers judge community reaction/needs to design choices and ideas.
  20. Two raids with 10 total bosses, a muddy difficulty overlap that doesn't totally reward the player and does not add a significant change to the fight mechanics. Some hardmode flashpoints, don't recall the number that don't offer the correct type of gear progression since entry level operation groups have access to better gear and don't require heroic flashpoint geared players to complete. These also have a lockout of 1 per day while WoW allows you to keep running them if you're gearing up. Nothing else.
  21. Getting top level gear in WoW was not a matter of invested time. You clearly haven't read the fact that less than 2% of the population of the game has cleared Dragon Soul on hardmode. That means, less than 2% of the population has gotten the best gear available. WoW raiding is far more than just an investment of time. It's a serious measure of not only personal skill, but situation awareness and the ability to multitask.
  22. Battlemaster gear = RNG. Getting to 60 Valor is easy. The raids are easy, getting full Rakata is a time investment, not a skill investment. So yes, it's easy. I'm not a virgin, I'm not a basement dweller, I also have a full time job. So yeah, your cliches of people that accomplish more than you can stop now. Perhaps you can accept the game that some people are better at games/activities than you might be.
  23. I classify "end game" as things you cannot do while leveling and that's also classified as "current" content - so normal battlegrounds, prior level 85 raids and daily quests don't count IMO So you have: rated battlegrounds arena 1 raid with 8 bosses and 3 distinct difficulty levels (less than 2% of the WoW population has fully cleared on hardmode) 3 or so new heroic 5 man dungeons So you still have a huge portion of the population not "finished" with WoW end game for this expansion - that's a great thing for a raid that's a few months old.
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