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Everything posted by oursacrifice

  1. Nobody is getting a migrane from the flashing ability bars that already weren't getting migranes from the countless flashing spell effects and visual effects throughout this entire game.
  2. But not better than the 3 mitigation bonuses you get by going 31/10 But yeah, I'm stuck on "what I know" from other games that don't apply here. YOU NAILED IT BRO Like I said, it's moot because fails builds like your hybrid one are fine in a game without parses to prove the ignorance and without appropriate challenges to push player survivability.
  3. Doesn't matter. SWTOR needs mergers and needs them badly.
  4. You have no point - because you're using terms such as: "most of the problems being mentioned are LIKELY" The game has a bunch of problems, there's a thread around here that has a huge list of documented issues with this game. For you to run around like an ankle biting cheerleader and claim the game is fine with only "occasional bugs" is simply moronic.
  5. More hit points simply makes you more of a healing sponge. Increased shield chance and blade barrier reduce damage spikes and also help create an environment of healer predictability regarding damage mitigation. No matter how you spin it, hybrid specs are never a better option due to top tier talent omissions. The main part of this and the leading fault that drives this community to recommending bad build ideas is the lack of a damage parser. But it's moot- because this game is faceroll simple and 100% casual directed anyway, so bad ideas are still successful.
  6. Spoken like a true fanboy. Tell someone to quit the game instead of agreeing that servers should be merged.
  7. If you don't leap frog around, mitigation benefits of the hybrid build disappear. At that point, you're foolish to not want increased steady survivability of the 31/10 build. Championing a hybrid build that revolves around its mobility is fine - but the moment you claim that you don't have to leap around with that same build, you lose your credibility. It's all about maximum upkeep on your defensive mitigation, if you start slacking then you aren't playing optimally.
  8. If it's a mob I want to kill and they're not going to die - I help kill it so it respawns quicker. If it's a mob I want to kill and they're about to die - I stand there and wait and then kill the mob afterwards.
  9. Dear guy that scowers the AH for my "lazy lister" items. Thank you for buying them at the default list price. The millions and millions of credits I've already amassed through quests/dailies is more than enough to sustain me in this game. The best part about that is I don't have to sit in fleet and look at the terrible AH interface and deal with buying, relisting, checking mail, etc... Thank you for buying my items, I'm sure several of the mail sales have actually timed out in my mailbox because I don't check it, since I don't really care.
  10. It's a byproduct of the following: Terrible PTR setup. A history of Bioware ignoring testers. Honestly - what even drives a gamer to test something when pretty much all of our testing feedback is ignored? The only time Bioware takes action is after it goes live and people FREAK OUT.
  11. If companies stop releasing garbage then gamers wouldn't be so hostile towards the developers. It's publishers like EA that are to blame - pushing companies to release something before it's done. Gamers are being used more and more as testers after release and honestly it starts to bother most of us. Sure, there are fans out there that are perfectly fine with paying $60 to test a game out and wait months and months for things to be fixed - but the majority of us simply don't want to bother. MMO's are a little different because they're always evolving but there was NO EXCUSE for SWTOR to be released in the condition it was. All of the graphical issues/glitches, sound problems, operation boss problems, quest bugs, ability lag, etc... Almost everything was yelled at to Bioware during the beta, and nothing was addressed prior to release. It has nothing to do with people acting a certain way because they can "get away with it". It's simply a byproduct of how passionate gamers are and how little tolerance they collectively have for being suckered into buying a completely unfinished product. Look at the WOW's forums. The game itself is in a good position right now. It still has some problems but overall, it's very solid. The forums reflect the current state of the game for the most part. You're always going to have angry customers but the majority of the threads are not inflamatory towards Blizzard. Look at the Starcraft 2 forums. The game is very well polished (and pretty much was on release). There's elitism for rankings but all competitive online games have this. The forums themselves are positive though and there are few hate threads. Remember back to how Bioware forums were prior to the EA acqusition. Their games were wonderful. Dragon Age Origins was incredible - it had angry threads over the difficulty but for the most part people were very happy. Look at the Dragon Age 2 forums around launch. The game was a mess. The forums reflected the state of the game and were full of angry threads from long time fans about how Bioware has "sold out". Now look at these forums. The game is NOT as polished as it should be, there are a lot of bugs and glitches that have been around since launch (and since the start of the beta). They patch the game, and then have to re-patch to fix problems. They don't have correct patch release notes, they claim problems are fixed but they aren't. Server populations are wonky, it's missing a lot of key features that the majority of your MMO market prefers to have. The forums themselves are faily negative. Simply put - it's not the fault of the forums - it's the fault of developers/publishers not caring enough for the fanbase to release games that are worthy of the label a "quality game".
  12. Blizzard Valve Bioware (prior to the EA acquisition) Black Isle Studios Obsidian Entertainment All companies that have had current (or previous in Bioware's case) success with their online community.
  13. This is the first MMO to require a patch to fix the patch two days after release every time the game has been patched. So yeah, it's a new experience.
  14. If true - it wouldn't be the first time Bioware has done something with a patch to remove user control over game performance. One of the earlier patches supposedly removed a .ini configuration that a lot of people were using that improved their performance as well.
  15. That game must have been horrible for you to only play it 7 years.
  16. Hell, make it 100,000,000,000
  17. Wow, and I actually like the end-game pve gear for a marauder.
  18. Those are kneejerk reactions to community backlash. They aren't listening to testers. Seriously - had the issues in beta been fixed at launch there would have been far less complaining and hate on this game in Dec/Jan before the free month ended.
  19. It's moot. No character copies, regular character wipes and they still continue to ignore PTR feedback just like they did during the beta.
  20. In all honesty - they barely listened to any of our feedback during BETA. I doubt, even with a functional PTR that they would take tester feedback with any further thought then they did previously.
  21. Actually they did. Blood Elves turned faction imbalance quickly and space goats were more of a joke. Worgens helped even stuff out even further but goblins were very desirable. But their main attempt to solve faction imbalance was cross server queues since in that game, it wasn't a global imbalance - it was server to server with side flipflopping.
  22. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=265005 It was reported as an issue in at least that thread. I'm not going to crawl through the rest of the forum to find additional complaints. Bioware doesn't listen though - like I said in my previous post. They wait for community backlash before addressing things that testers are actually complaining about.
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