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Everything posted by WookieePower

  1. When I can go outside, pick up a rock and read on it "This is a rock, you can use it to throw, hold down items against the force of the wind, etc..." I will support this thread. Up until then, written descriptions on junk items are pointless to me, but to each their own as it wouldn't bother me either way.
  2. I only get annoyed if the spammer doesn't include the 1 credit also with the mail.
  3. No. I have tried/played many MMO's over the years and only 2 have kept my interest 3 months or longer, SWTOR and SWG. Too much of a single player feel to the game, the initial cost of the game was fine, but $15 a month can buy a lot of bargain bin console and computer single player games. Storylines, while they were really fun to play, the chapter 3 endings of many were very anti-climatic to me. The hype from Bioware over what this game was going to be and what it is are entirely different in my opinion. Had it not been Star Wars, these three reasons would have seen me stopping before 3 months, if I would have even started the game as something not Star Wars.
  4. Bring up the mini-map screen and there is a place on it that shows what instance you are in and all the instances currently in that same area/planet.
  5. Bioware is owned by EA, trying to say one or the other is at fault is pointless.
  6. While I see your point, think real life and all the "exclusive" items that have been advertised as being available only at "store x", yet down the road you can find those item at a close out store or online to the masses "while supply lasts" for a lot less in price too.
  7. You're right, we as a community need to get into general chat while in game and entice players from the other faction to our faction... Oh, wait a minute...
  8. Unless they fixed the issue where the 9th slot covers your create and delete buttons I doubt it, someone posted screenies of their 9 character bug or whatever it was. I guess we'll know when we know, though.
  9. I can only say how I have mutliple 50's, but I played in BETA and played a SI to almost 50, took my time, reported bugs, etc... Launch I played the same to start, a SI, so I was able to skip all the cut scenes except the ones I wanted to see again. Second 50 was watching class quest cut scenes, skipping all the other planet cut scenes. The same with my other characters who range from just level 10 to 45. It was kind of comical in a way to be in vent when my entire guild was playing and someone new wanted to run a Heroic or needed help. The first thing said by many was, "Are you going to watch all the cut scenes or skip them? If you skip them, I'll go." It was the same with people not new, come to think of it. Now for new players this sucked, but it was fact. I went with a few to help on things but then kind of said, someone else go, I'm tired of seeing "waiting on party members" all the time. The first time through the class quests and the planets I watch/watched everything. Now I can't hit the spacebar fast enough.
  10. Current, no. However, up until my entire guild unsubbed/stopped playing and the server started to drop in population it was fun. I had worries in BETA that most of people that I played with in other MMO's ( but not THAT other one, I never liked it personally ) would only last 3 months, I was wrong, it was less than 3 months. I feel I have gotten my money's worth, but don't feel another 15 is in the cards currently. To OP: I don't remember if I actually posted my vote before this or not. I apologize if I have already.
  11. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349 There is a suggestion box at the top of this forum and a mod will more than likely move it there. Good suggestions btw.
  12. I agree with this except for the server imbalance, Bioware had the guild program before the game launched and most of those people were probably going to be the majority of their playerbase. The people at Bioware dropped the ball on this in many ways, it was mainly again just hype, in my opinion. Hype sold 2 million copies, which EA and their investors (myself included) love. However, hype will not keep subs if that is their intention. Most of the hype came from EA and LA, not third parties. I have enjoyed the game and have gotten my money's worth, but at three months I shouldn't be thinking if I should resub or not, if it actually lived up to what they said.
  13. Maybe someone could complain about sneezing and getting a boogie on a key that is permabound and can't rebind it and they don't want to touch the boogie covered key? Would that be more minor or not?
  14. Maybe I'll beat the mods to the punch before this thread is closed like all the other have been... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=34745 Edit: I did beat them, they will more than likely close this and tell you to post here ^^^^
  15. The big issue I personally have with server mergers/transfers will be the possiblility of losing my names, both main and legacy. I didn't pre-order this game, start characters to get the names I wanted, and then power level one of those characters through Act I to get my legacy name to be told less than 3 months later, "Sorry, that name has already been taken, please choose another." because I am forced to change servers to continue to enjoy this game. While others may or may not agree with me, that was my entire purpose of pre-ordering the game. I would also be willing to bet it was the reason of others too. If Bioware would somehow allow the players a server check option for name availability for both first and legacy and at least my main character name along with my legacy name are open on a server, I would consider a transfer to that server. If that is not an option, forget it, I'll just unsub. Plus, since I was in the guild pre-launch program I/we didn't pick our server, it was picked for us by Bioware. So for all of us that were in the guild program and are now on servers that have population issues, it is 100% on Bioware, not the players.
  16. Reads like one of those powerleveling emails in game, minus the website and cost info.
  17. Ford has the same disease that Mel Gibson has, he just tries to hide it still like Mel did before 2006.
  18. I do not think you can post any more without a valid sub, I might be wrong, but in my downtime between subs over the holiday I was unable to post.
  19. This made me lol, best post of the day so far.
  20. No major changes other than the Asia/Pac release this week. I've always said I will play this game until I no longer find it fun, I guess other people just lost the fun factor before I did judging by the pop decline. My sub is up in another month and I doubt if I will resub at this point.
  21. I hate when I get to page 17 of the GTN to find the items I want to look at and then get kicked out because a damn companion just returned from their mission and I have to start all over.
  22. I had to chuckle a little when I noticed that SE pre-orders can upgrade to DD for $19.99. Correct me if I am wrong, but is this not a microtransaction? Not only that, but let's just say 500000 to 1 million people bought the DD pre-order. That's $5000 -$10000 extra in Bioware/EA's pocket just for that 1 cent difference in price. Kudos, very slick business. I see what you did there.
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