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Everything posted by DarthDrachonus

  1. "Be geared and know the fights" That's entirely a bunch of CRAP. Elitest Nazis use that sentence and all of it's variations. HOW can someone "be geared and know the fights" if they've NEVER been on the Op? Or Flashpoint? If you're looking for players that know what they're doing, odds are REALLY good you elitest meatheaded nazis are skipping by some fantastic players, simply because they've not been fortunate enough to have run the Op,/Flashpoint you're wanting to run. Give them a chance. Talking about DPS not being a difficult class to play..well, you're right. It isn't...provided the TANK knows how to do his or her job..yanno...TANK. In theory, DPS shouldn't take a single scratch unless it's from an AoE attack..if the TANK is as competent as people seem to think they are simply because they were fortunate enough to be taken through the Op enough times to get a full set of the gear. I'm not the best player out there, but I'm competent enough to know what my job is, and how to perform it in a group. I'm a Juggernaut DPS. Just the other night I got into a group gearing up for HM Karraggaa's Palace, the Op lead asked "Where's your offhand saber?" when I replied "what offhand?" he felt it was prudent to remove me from the group. Newsflash: Juggernauts do NOT get an offhand saber. And just because a character is a Juggernaut, doesn't automatically place them in a TANK role. Yes, I got angry. I had every right to be angry, I have full Battle Master gear (slightly modified), and it's served me well in a lot of situations including against Elite and Champion MoBs. We were standing at the entrance to the instance, and because some meat head didn't know anything about my class, *I* got punished for it. So for all you Elitest Nazis out there, keep turning down the players that're probably the best ones out there. Next time you need another one to fill a group, you might just get told to get bent because of "Be geared and know the fights!"
  2. I've not yet to see an answer one way or the other on this, most likely I won't, but to say the answer came, and not provide any proof of said answer? Not gonna accept that. Thanks though
  3. Since the Q&A is now gone, and they never picked my question due possibly to the length of it, and the fact I have a few ideas I wanted them to see..I'm putting it here. What are your plans for adding more customization to the game? The Hue to Chest is alright, but being able to dye my armor so I don't look like fifty other Sith/Jedi would be even better. Also abilities..you should look into Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones, while still allowing you to gain primary levels I.E 1-50 or however high your raise the level cap. One last question, when will you be allowing the benefits of having x amount of armor sets to be transferred over to custom armor sets for the PvP armors? I apologize for bringing in another company's game, but they did some things with it, that I feel would work wonders here. I look forward to your answers, thank you for your time.
  4. ^^^^ THIS! Exactly, I don't mind all the buttons. Give me more hotbars!
  5. Edited for what I actually saw while reading. I don't normally post on the forums, and really the only reasons I even come here is for the Q&A, and to get a good laugh at the doomsayers. Then I come to this post. If I were a betting man, I'd almost wager this person is a World of Warcraft player. And I say that, due to the want/need of instant gratification in the area where I changed his 'reasons' to the word whine. I came from Everquest. Where it took weeks to get quests finished, and months to hit level cap if you did all your quests and didn't spend your time getting power leveled. Take the OP for example. He's bored because....why? He rushed through the game, possibly on all eight stories, has a bunch of level 50s, and now blames it on Bioware. It's not Bioware's fault you ran through everything, got your stories finished, and now have nothing to do. That's your fault for rushing through everything. Do you have all the Black Hole gear? Do you have the War Hero gear? On ALL your characters? If so, bravo, if not..there's something for you to do. "But it's repetitive Most Interesting Sith in the Galaxy!!!!!" I know it is. And I realize that World of Warcraft has spoiled you by giving you everything you've told Blizzard you want, and now that THAT game has been ruined...(and you can't say it hasn't, I was never a fan of it to begin with, but c'mon..PANDAS?! Seriously?! PANDAS?!) you're wanting to ruin this one. How about you step back, play your game, and stop whining. Bioware is doing their best, and when it's done, it'll be released (content and such) If you wanna go to GuildWars 2, by all means, I played the original GuildWars, there's a reason I didn't buy the expansions, and a lot of people think GW2 isn't going to do much either. If it does, great, if not..meh. Anyway, if you don't wanna renew, good, great, bye, we don't need to know why. If you wanna improve the game, then for the love of the Force, tell the devs, despite general consensus, they DO still read these forums. Tell them what you wanna see improved. (Disclaimer: I'm not singling out any one person, except where I quoted the OP, this is in no shape or form meant to be trolling, bashing, or flaming. Also, I do not own Star Wars, I simply play in Lucas' sandbox)
  6. What are your plans for adding more customization to the game? The Hue to Chest is alright, but being able to dye my armor so I don't look like fifty other Sith/Jedi would be even better. Also abilities..you should look into Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones. One last question, when will you be allowing the benefits of having x amount of armor sets to be transferred over to custom armor sets for the PvP armors?
  7. What are your plans for adding more customization to the game? The Hue to Chest is alright, but being able to dye my armor so I don't look like fifty other Sith/Jedi would be even better. Also abilities..you should look into Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones. One last question, when will you be allowing the benefits of having x amount of armor sets to be transferred over to custom armor sets for the PvP armors?
  8. What are your plans for improving the game? Are you going to be offering Alternate Advancement Points, and the ability to custom color ALL your armor, and not just hue to chest? I saw you're going to be adding more planets and are asking the community for which ones they want, so I'm onboard for that. But However...do you have any plans to implement something like Everquest's Alternate Advancement points? Sony did something awesome with those, for example: The Knights in that game, could increase their swordplay, gain other abilities, things like that. You could integrate something like that into the Legacy system you already have running, just add a new tree or two, and fix the experience point system so players could after a certain level (Like say 65...after more levels are introduced) decide how much exp they wanna put into leveling, and how much they wanna put into getting that extra 'saber damage, or the ability to throw an opponent they have in Force Choke, as well as well as fully customizing the color of our armor and such? by the way, huge fan of the game, Not so much of your copying a lot of key elements from WoW, but meh...been waiting for this game since I finished The Sith Lords. It's been well worth the wait.
  9. What are your plans for improving the game? Are you going to be offering more levels, Alternate Advancement Points, and the ability to custom color ALL your armor, and not just hue to chest?
  10. What are your plans for improving the game? Are you going to be offering more levels, Alternate Advancement Points, and the ability to custom color ALL your armor, and not just hue to chest?
  11. What are your plans for expanding the game? Are you going to be offering more levels? I saw you're going to be adding more planets and are asking the community for which ones they want, so I'm onboard for that. But However...do you have any plans to implement something like Everquest's Alternate Advancement points? Sony did something awesome with those, for example: The Knights in that game, could increase their swordplay, gain other abilities, things like that. You could integrate something like that into the Legacy system you already have running, just add a new tree or two, and fix the experience point system so players could after a certain level (Like say 65...after more levels are introduced) decide how much exp they wanna put into leveling, and how much they wanna put into getting that extra 'saber damage, or the ability to throw an opponent they have in Force Choke, as well as well as fully customizing the color of our armor and such? by the way, huge fan of the game, Not so much of your copying a lot of key elements from WoW, but meh...been waiting for this game since I finished The Sith Lords. It's been well worth the wait.
  12. What are your plans to introduce new planets? And will you continue to make the current planets remain viable as time goes on? I.E: Will Corouscant still remain a proving ground for it's levels, or will you go the route of Everquest (Something I would have loved to have seen you do with many aspects of the game, I'd love to discuss those with you if possible) and eventually allow these worlds to become irrelevant as the level cap increases (which by the way you ARE going to increase the level cap right?)
  13. What are your plans for adding more planets and content once people reach level 50? I know eventually you'll be adding more levels, but with those levels, will we see new worlds? Or larger areas on existing worlds with higher level content?
  14. Are there any plans to add free roam sand box type space missions, as well as more planets in the future? Both additions would be very welcome to the community, as more planets would open up more opportunities.
  15. I've NEVER played World of Warcraft. Never will. I originally began playing the original Everquest back in 99. Not at all interested in the cartoonish garbage that Blizzard put out. This isn't World of Warcraft, and it never will be. Flashpoints and Operations are inherent to Star Wars: The Old Republic. That's their name, that's what they should be called. Comparing this game to a piece of trash like WoW, is simply asinine. I'll be playing post 1.2. I'm excited for the changes coming. I'd love to see some of Everquest's features implemented into ToR. Alternate Advancement points, the one guild all factions option. Faction players being able to help one another in quests (At a reasonable amount of risk of course). Good stuff right there.
  16. A lot of people are complaining about lack of end game content. I myself haven't reached anywhere near end game yet, and anticipate, not doing so for awhile, I simply do not fancy myself a hard core MMO gamer (Keep in mind I played Everquest for a very long time, and played Galaxies in the last year of it's run.) I don't do a lot of raiding, and frankly don't plan too. However, ALL MMOs...ALL of them...do require more content in terms of quests, and storylines to remain relevant and active. That being said..I ask: What are your plans for adding more content and possibly turning the game sandbox? I.E: More quests, more worlds...there's Byss, there's Vjun..Murkhana, Dantooine, Dathomir, a TON of worlds you could add, and eventually turn it into a story driven sandbox (which I DO realize would be a monumental task considering you'd need to render more of the worlds, add the art, and make the communities come alive, which by the way is awe inspiring. Sometimes I love to just walk by and listen to the chatter from random people, it makes the world seem alive in more ways than just one), I'm excited for the game and the possibility of the future.
  17. This has probably been asked before, or maybe not, but: What do you plan to do for the expansion of the game? I.E: More planets, possibly sandbox feature, and improvements to the space flight scenarios?
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