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Everything posted by DarthDrachonus

  1. #1: Something similar to Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones #2: Being able to dye armor. I don't wanna look the same as the hundred trillion, billion, million, hundred thousand, thouand, hundreds of Sith out there. #3: More involved quests for armor, weapons, ect, not just drops from MoBs. I wanna be able to find the pieces of Darth Revan's, or Darth Malak's lightsaber, and piece them together (I know Malak's saber blew up with the Star Forge, it's just an example)
  2. The two parts of your post I've highlighted here are very contradictory. You say ToR has failed. It hasn't. Saying it's failed, goes against you being a pretty smart guy. How has ToR failed? Failed means it's shut down. Doors closed. No servers. Bye-bye. Like (sadly) SWG. The whole point of being set three thousand years before the rise of Darth Vader (A tag line they used if I'm not mistaken) was so we wouldn't have the whiny meatbags whining again about "all the Jedi running around", ontop of continuing the Knights of the Old Republic storylines. Yes, I said storylines. Revan was the focus on KotOR 1, and Meetra Surik was the focus of number two. We've got eight different sequels here. (and some will disagree with me on that, oh well, that's your problem, not mine) Eight different stories of the Old Republic that LucasArts felt needed telling. So no. Having it in the time of Anakin Skywalker would NOT have garnered any benefit to this game. Bioware DOES need to step it up though and get things rolling. It's been almost a year now, I'm nowhere near finished with all the stories, but some are, and they've hit that ever present wall that occurs when you rush through things: OMG I've rushed through all this, which isn't what you intended, but I did it anyway and now I'm BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED! Rush more stuff out! NOW! Conclusion: The game's setting is fine as is.
  3. Apparently you dunno anything you're talking about when it comes to this game. FTP was always in the plans. Just because this is a game you do not enjoy, doesn't mean others do, if the game were going under, there'd be more signs of it than just two people leaving. They sold Bioware to EA, they got their money, they're moving on, they're starting a new chapter in their lives, doesn't mean a dang thing for ToR, or Bioware. Another doomsday prophet. Go play whatever flavor of the month MMO you enjoy, leave the rest of us alone to enjoy ours, or, if you enjoy the game, make productive posts. Report those bugs, try to help us get those bugs fixed. Just whining about it never solves anything.
  4. All responses are in red of course. I felt it easier to do it that way as opposed to answering each "point" one at a time. I do get confused sometimes.
  5. Quite a few pages, so I'll just list mine here, if it's doubles? I'm sorry, Dye armor: Any color, not just hue to chest Less WoW inspired ideas, more old school MMO stuff like from SWG or Everquest. I want a quest to feel like I accomplished something when I finish it. More levels, which in turn means more quests, and more storyline. Don't just stick to theme park, go sandbox to, you CAN have both if you work at it. Alternate Advancement stuff: x amount of xp goes toward earning a single Alternate Advancement point you can spend on something USEFUL for your class/advanced class. Truly custom high end armors: If I wanna yank all my battlemaster items from the graphics your devs chose for them, and put them in graphics I enjoy, I should be able to do so, and retain the set bonuses as long as I have the requirements in the set. More end game stuff. Like questing for the pieces of Revan's saber, or Juhani's saber, or questing for Zalbaar's bowcaster..stuff like that.
  6. ^^This. Opening up a staff saber, it indeed shows two crystals, though you only need to put one in the saber. Bioware did that to keep costs low I'd imagine. Marauders have the option of using only one saber, so if they do incur costs of two sabers, that's entirely their choice to make. Sure, let it be a toggle function, I've no qualms with it. Lore is just a guide people, it's not something set in stone until George Lucas himself says no.
  7. That's kinda sad actually. The food and drink system was an awesome way to spend your silvers if you bought the iron rations 99 stacks at a time lol. I've not played Everquest in a few years, House of Thule I think was my last experience with that game. I just wish the devs had thought to go more toward it than anything else.
  8. Don't make them gods, even the Knights of the Old Republic games seem to make it a point that Jedi and Sith are actually really easy to kill if done correctly. Take HK-47's conversation with Revan into account, as well as Atton Rand's conversation with the Exile. Both had killed Jedi, and they said it was EXTREMELY easy. Which makes playing a Force User a challenge. As it should be. Instead of making it an easy to do thing.
  9. Make the game a bit more like SWG and Everquest. A lot of the features people are wanting are/were in those games. But yeah, I can back these up.
  10. Make friends. Or make acquaintances. Making things easier than they already are is the wrong direction to go. Harder is better.
  11. EQ STILL does that. Yes your character has to eat, and drink, and you hafta carry food on you in your bags, otherwise you lose stamina, eventually don't regenerate health, lose strength, endurance, I've never actually let my character go long enough to see if he'd die, but he sure as hell wasn't good in battle if he didn't eat or drink
  12. I quoted this player instead of the quote they quoted simply because: Yes, the day long raids were a bit much in Everquest. But..and most of the old timers will agree with me on most points, and will find a few places to nitpick, but that's fine. D&D started it. in all it's forms Then Ultima Online stole stuff from it/came up with new stuff Everquest stole from Ultima Online/came up with new stuff WoW stole from Everquest/came up with new stuff. Kiddies..the WoW generation..you dunno what a MMO is until you've played the original MMOs, WoW..SUCKS compared to D&D, Ultima Online, and Everquest. Sure, there's aspects of each of those games that even I don't like (day long raids, corpse runs that took an hour or two, trains..ect) PvP though, is the one thing each of these titles have in common. It's always going to be there. It's just not the main staple of any of these games. You want a game with PvP as a main staple, go to a FPS game. Battlefield for example. MMORPGs focus mainly on player versus environment. That's the facts. There's an exception to every rule, but that doesn't make the exception the rule. WoW is an MMO dumbed down. Plain and simple. As another player said, if you were to play Everquest, you'd not last but a scant few minutes before you got angry and just flat out quit. It took a different breed to play those games. There was none of the instant gratification found in WoW, or even in ToR. I wish ToR had went more the way of Everquest. It'd be a lot more gratifying to earn a 'saber or a gun, or a piece of armor, or sword.
  13. ^^^ This guy deserves a fricken medal for this kinda attitude. He knows the game isn't perfect, that it needs polish, but he has a great attitude toward it. No I doubt he's a Bioware employee, he just enjoys his game.
  14. Read through four or five pages, not doing 107 LMAO, so I'll put this one out there: Rakata Prime. I'd like to revisit that world and see how the Infinite Empire's remnants are doing
  15. What are your plans for adding more customization to the game? The Hue to Chest is alright, but being able to dye my armor so I don't look like fifty other Sith/Jedi would be even better. Also abilities..you should look into Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones, heck you should just check Everquest out period for a lot of things. One last question, when will you be allowing the benefits of having x amount of armor sets to be transferred over to custom armor sets for the PvP armors?
  16. Do you even know *** you're talking about? I've had a Razr Naga since February, I am hard core rough on these things, this mouse has stood up awesomely against me. I don't just use it for MMOs, it's taken a beating from L4D2, Battlefield 2 & 3, Battlefield 2142, ect, ect, ect...I have a rather large hand as well. I'm 6'4, a lil over 300lbs (not something I easily or readily admit to, doc says I need to be at 287, so meh..) and this mouse fits my hand nicely. My girlfriend has tiny hands, and she can't use this mouse. So again, I ask: do you even know what you're talking about?
  17. He puts it on the PTS it'll get deleted, trust me, I know, happened to multiple posts of mine.
  18. I cannot for some reason access the notes, says I do not have permission. I'd like that explained please.
  19. So if you ask a question you want an answer to, you mean you don't look for your own thread to see if the devs have an answer for you? BS. Move along.
  20. First off. I have no contempt for tanks. I merely capped the word to put some emphasis on the role. Secondly, I'm well aware of environmental damage, as well as AoE damage, infact..I think I mentioned AoE damage in my original post..huh, how 'bout that? Thirdly, The battlemaster gear is on par to the Rakata gear in terms of specs. I've checked them both out, minor differences at best. Sure, it's not..oh..say Blackhole gear, but then I've a sneaking suspicion War Hero gear is on par with it. Check the stats out. And I do enough DPS that I'm usually the one offing the elites and champions in a group. No, I don't particularly care for a parser program if it's used to make people even more elitest. Which all parser programs are. And again. I say: It's sad you people want someone geared for the Op that drops the gear you're wanting someone to have. Some people aren't lucky enough to have a guild run them through an Op, or a Flashpoint. You very well could be passing up some of the best players in the game, just because you want someone to be well geared and to know the fights.
  21. Pushed off ten pages. I checked. I'm far from a noob and I know how forums work thanks, go troll elsewhere.
  22. What are your plans for adding more customization to the game? The Hue to Chest is alright, but being able to dye my armor so I don't look like fifty other Sith/Jedi would be even better. Also abilities..you should look into Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones. One last question, when will you be allowing the benefits of having x amount of armor sets to be transferred over to custom armor sets for the PvP armors? P.S: I know I posted this once already, seems to have vanished, I'll keep bringing it up if I have to on new threads should this one seem to vanish without a trace.
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