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Everything posted by DarthWalt

  1. this is the best posting I have seen on how all crafting systems work and how they will RE or should RE anyway. http://www.torhead.com/forum/Crew+Skills+and+Missions/topic/901#t6853
  2. Its a bug. the Devs have already posted about it. Once you learn a schem you should NOT be able to trigger re learning it. THis is a bug and should not happen.
  3. Saw a pair of orange SW bracers drop theother day. Only issue was the game seemed to treat it as a white item. So when it dropped in my group of 4 it was looted as if it was a white item no rolls nothing it just went tot he person that clicked the body also no color coded light beam. Looked like a normal grer trash drop light beam.
  4. No they have not fixed and yes they keep teaseing us about it. This is a major issue and needs to fixed. All they are saying is it will be fixed in an upcoming patch well BFD. Xmas is comming too. Stop wasting time on fix stuff that is not broke and pointless UI tweeks. Crafting is Broke. PvP is Broke. Endgame solo content is broke. Endgame group content is broke. Well atleast I can lvl a class oh wait class quest are broke too. But let make that UI pretty.
  5. I am rly getting to the point were I have to look at how my money is being spent by BW. I currenlty have 2 lvl 50 toons. and a hand full of others at different lvls. My issue is that this game seems to want to focus on fixing stuff that is not broke. Is the UI clunky yes but did need that focus it got when we have major game breaking bugs no it didnt. End game is broke here. Crafting, PvP, Raids, FPs, Even class quest are broke. Yet your focusing on stuff thats isnt. IF all I have to look forwad too is lvling a toon that I may or may not be able to even finish the class story line with isnt fun. I would like to play 16 man groups but you know what I wont bring the raid down cause of your BS FPS bug issues. I know I shouldnt have issues but I will. Exploited PvP. Broke crafting fantastic. You BW rly need to start focusing on real issues and set aside the BS that doesnt rly effect game play. I want to Craft. I want to PvP without being rolled by expoiters and cheaters. I want to play on med grafix setting with a desent FPS. These are issues that were beta fix it.
  6. If I had to guess I would say you have never done this quest and dont know what your talking about. Yes the Champ at the end of the area is a lvl 44 mob However I doulb your going to be soloing the groups of elite and strong mobs up to that boss. And even at lvl 44 he has some pretty nasty attacks. While we are on Belisalvis you can solo Lihts out with 2 deaths or less. It makes me wonder why they are focusing on pointless tweeks and letting game breaking bugs keep getting pushed aside. I am sorry but being able to solo a 4 man heroic to get 14k credits 3 dailies comms and your choice of orange lvl 50 with full lvl 50 enhancements for your pets or a blue lock box is huge reward for little or no work.
  7. I think there are 3 reasons. 1. Player lvling. If you play this game you already know you can sometimes get on a roll and before you know your +10 lvls. So a purple 10 lvls below you will get passed by a green and wont work long term. 2. Crafting lvling. In alot of cases there are many different combos that you can RE into. And crafting the items and REing to get those combos that you or others want can sometime take far more items crafted then is worth doing because by the time you get what your looking for you have already lvled the crafting beyond its use. 3. There are no twinks. WoW term for PvP players they stoped all XP gains at different lvls of 9 starting at lvl 19. Exp. 19,29,39,49. They would stop there because at the next lvl they would be pushed to the next tier of PvP not the case here and they would then camp that lvl and seek the best gear and enhancements for that gear so they would simply own those tiers of PvP. Because we dont have that here there is no need for these players to try and max out gear for the lvl and no huge market for these low lvl epics.
  8. I have 2 lvls 50s I arty/TH/Archo Bio/Bio/Diplo. I can say without a doubt TH gems and Diplo med supplies make a killing. So so arch and Bio gathering. Bio can gather from Bio nodes and any non human style Stronger or better Mobs in otherword there are a ton of stuffs to farm. Also scavaning works the same as Bio with droids again a huge amount of farmable Mats. Just for an example TH at lvl 400 I make 11-15k per unit on the Epic gems. I get 1-3 ever 3 missions I send my comp on as well as 3-6 blues I can sell for 3-5k per unit for one 2k investment to run the missions. So that 2k to get 20k-75k in return.
  9. I have issue with this as well. Arty needs these items to craft our end game items. However our LS are lvl 48. 2 lvls below what you need to do HM FP. So you want people to be geared enough to go get these items needed to craft items that are now below our useable range. You then expect us to do so and sell the unuasble items to lower lvl players. Why not just make the Items BoE or Bind on Use so they can be sold to lower lvl players so they can craft the item themselves. I just dont see the logic in BoP items being used to make lower lvl gear then whats needed to achive winning the FP. For you WoWheads it would be like needing a gear score of 5000k to do a run for an item what if you equip will ower your Gear score. Thats just dumb.
  10. The only way to achive the gemstone IE protype and epic items needed for arty crafting is to buy them at a very high cost on the GTN or TH quests. Also Arty doesnt get to craft LS untill the end game crafting lvl 400 I think. But the LS you craft are lvl 48 and you need items from HM FP. Soooo you need to be lvl 50 to do the FP to get a chance to get an item needed to make a LS 2 lvls below you. On top of that the LS you get from PvP lvl 50 are better the enhancments you get from dailies can make any LS you already have better then the crafted ones and the raid ones are better as well. So to sum up taking Arty to craft LS is missing the point of arty. You want this skill for color crystals and offhand Shield,gens,focus items. its also a great support crafting for enhancements/relics/hilts.
  11. It would also seem they have put in deminishing returns on CCs. And stuff like Force push or pull and graple seem to fall into these groups as well. So it could be your just the unlucky one that using graple at a point were it wont effect the person your tageting. I have seen happen and its frustating you work to move someone into the right spot click force push and nothing. and the only thing I can relate it too is that I stunned and force chaoked them b4 tring to push them into fire or acid.
  12. Yes cause I we all know from WoW the arean is were the real pvP is. BWAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WoW excusse me for a sec. BWBWBWBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAHHAA. Ok so anyway now that I have peed myself. Arean unless its a balanced system will just be yet another cake walk for no life PvPers on PvE servers and the rest of us get to be fodder for them yea super fun. I love being a starting team trying to understand the system and being repeated queued against Pro teams with high rating. Yea its so much fun losing to pros making their score better and ours worse even though we had 0 chance of winning. Great Idea.
  13. I only have issues with pre mades in Hutt ball. The problem is Hutt ball being the only random queue meaning both Rep and Imp can be on the same team I get queued to 1 void start or Alldy for every 10 hutt balls. So win the others lose hutt ball thats 30 games to win 3. And thats how my past weekend was spent. 60 games over 2 days for 6 wins. Uber fun. Nothing I enjoy more then being rolled by the same pre mades 54 times over 2 days. So leason leanred I dont queue for WZ on the weekend. Nothing better then 2 PvP guilds on a PvE server so they can brag about their E peens.
  14. ITs also broke. RE is broke the return rates are messed. On top of that there is an error that will make so you can relearn schem you have already discoved wasting time mats and credits for nothing. The system as a whole is more valuable then people are letting on. But clearly some crew skills are way more usefull IE Bio end game then others.
  15. These are all Mine on Sith Med. ObgynKanobie Cant make Kenobie cause of naming blocks. SW Agent StanSmith IA Landfill Trooper Buzzkillington SI KiethStone Smuggler
  16. I have no issue at all with RE being hard. I dont expect nor do I want to RE 5 blues and get 5different schem. Infact I dont even have an issue with the current return rates. What I do have issue with is never being able to learn more then 1 version of a schematic. I RE a green and I get a blue. I will never be able to RE those blues beyond 1 epic. Why cause all i get when i should be learning something new is you have already learned this. Thats B.S. I make 100 blues and get 20 of the same schem and nothing else. Thats broke.
  17. Nobody cares if you stay or go. That being said. Did you actualy play SWG at its prime? Sorry this game is just not big enough to support that type of crafting system. Mines shops harvesters factories vendors. On top of that I am not one of them but many people hated SWG crafting cause it as so involved I personaly loved it. Crafting in this game is fine. Does it need some fixes to bugs yes. Does it need some tweeks to some that make them more viable end game sure. But the system over all is fun and enjoyable. I a not tring to bust your stones but rule #2 of all MMOs is nobody not the CSR not the Devs not mods not even the owner cares that you make a forum post and say your going to leave. The majority of people playing the game dont use the forums. And people that come to the forums and demand change or they will quit are even a smaller #. So they just look at it like good see ya one less whinny baby making pointless threats cause they have butt hurt.
  18. Heres the deal. Crew skills are ment to be 2 things Money sink or Money maker. The money sink is when you are lvling mission and gathering skills to support a crafting prof. In otherwords everything you spend to goes back into crafting yourself and thus lvling not selling. The money maker comes in when you take these gather and mission skill and sell the items on the AH. Or lvl a crafting skill into the 45-50 item lvl and selling epics. Slicing was insane cause it was not working as inteneded. If you goal is purely to make money. suggest not taking a crafting skill and going with gather and missions and just sell off all your crewreturns. Look on your server AH and see what is selling good. THen pick the skills that gather the money makers.
  19. You guys do understand just how much of a joke you all are right? You roll a guild with the only point is to roll PvP yet for some reason you do it on a server ment for PvE. I wonder why in the world would you every do that? Oh wait I know. You want easy face rolling PvP were you can go around waving your E peen and thinking you have done something. WHats best is the fact is you suck at PvP were scared to roll out this PvP guild on a PvP server were you might run against teams that have skill. But because you suc your getting facerolled on a PvE server your butt hurts you cry and quit games. Sad truely sad. You look for an unfair advantage and when you dont get it you rage quit. LOL. Grow a pair and roll on a PvP server lames.
  20. I hear WoW is free and needs subs.
  21. I would assume your speaking of low lvl. At lvl 50 with lvl 50+ epic armor and mods the stats are way better then what was around.
  22. Fun has nothing to do with it. PvP on my servr a PvE server is pretty much run by 1 guild Rep side during the same times everyday. They are always grouped and aways roll the other teams and end up setting up farming Kills for themselves so its basicly pointless. On top of that you are not punished for leaving WZ so why would want to just sit there and repeatedly owned by PvP teams that is all they do in full top line PvP gear. If there was achance you might win you would stay but lets be honest here with no chance why bother.
  23. I never bothered to make orange or yellow so i dont know were to get the mats however. I do know that TH Gemstone missions yeild a bunch of different gems per lvl. SO what I suggests is looking at the schem and seeing the mats then match up the mats to the crew still lvl and keep sending them till you get the mats. Sometime it may take a bunch of trips till you get the item you need. I know I get 1 epic gemstone at lvl 400 for every 10-15 Blue ones. Give or take a lucky hit.
  24. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Issue is this problem has been going on for a long time now already. And its frustraiting that they put a patch almost every week and nothing to address a % issue. And with every patch it seems to get worse. I would think but I am not going to claim I know that this would pretty easy to address and patch. Opps the % of REing is too low change that # opps they are still getting the wrong message change this line of code.
  25. You can crit craft them but once you hit the purple lvl thats it. Hiting a crit on a purple or any for that matter just makes the stat better. My understanding is that only wearable gear like armor and weapons can be crafted and REed to learn an orange lvl schem all the rest stop at purple. Like no orange ears implants
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