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  1. I'm still fairly new to the game so perhaps this will become more clear as I level (highest lvl character currently 21), but currently crew skills appear to be more of a credit sink than source of income. I'd heard slicing was a goldmine, and I know it was nerfed since then, but I'm actually losing credits with it. The augments it provides are worth squat all, and when I select missions that find lockboxes with credits inside, I usually end up with fewer credits than the cost of the mission. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, or inefficiently. I've taken treasure hunting and sythweaving for my other skills on my main (they don't dovetail well together I now realise, but what the hey), and I'm finding the same results with the former. Synthweaving seems to make a small amount of credits in that I can sell crafted items for slightly more than their mats cost, but it's no great shakes. On my alt (currently lvl 16), I've taken slicing, scavenging and cybertech, because I've heard they go well together and I fancy getting myself some nice ship mods and other funky gizmos. No idea if this will make credits though. TLDR: Is Slicing now a credit sink, and what crew skills are actually profitable?
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