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Everything posted by Syrocc

  1. Learn to make titles that don't contain spoilers, or don't post at all. Jeez!
  2. Ranked warzones are coming in a near-future update, be patient people. As for DPS meters in PvE, program an add-on for SWTOR to do just that if you're so bored and think it's easy. Many people have made parsers for that reason for many MMO's (Anarchy Online for instance).
  3. First of all, this isn't a QQ thread, but it's a constructive suggestion to how the problem of end-game armor design could be fixed (a kind of skinning many people want to see implemented). Coming from someone with some programing knowledge and who's worked in the industry before, The easiest way to implement a feature for a custom look for your character is to clone the equipment page of your character, making this new tab work as a social tab. Funcom did this with Anarchy Online back in the day and the community received it REALLY well. Basically, you'd have an extra page on your character screen, similar to char, companion and spaceship pages that are currently in. All it takes is to clone the char screen, renaming it to something like social, and removing relic/implant slots. Players could then equip any armors there, and THOSE would show on your char, instead of the actual item you are using. From a programming point of view, it seems to be the easiest fix to implement, the only hard part is to make sure the social armors don't give players any stats. Now, why do I consider this to be a necessary change to the game? Simply, because myself and 80%+ of the people I've talked to are generally unhappy with how the level 50 armors look like, especially the pvp sets. I would never roll a smuggler, just because I couldn't stand my character looking like Captain Retard with a breathing problem. The level 30-49 armor designs (sometimes even the green grades) look so much better for many classes. Classes like smuggler, sentinel, imperial agent, etc. receive insanely ugly PvP armors at 50, and we're forced to use them because they are the only items that allow for competitiveness in PvP. I'm sure all the players have different opinions on what armors they like, but the general attitude of the playerbase is one of dislike to the end-game looks. From my personal point of view, it's the most annoying feature of the game. PvP will be balanced out eventually, bugs will get fixed, content will be added, but as long as I hate the way my character looks, I'll never be able to play a certain class. If you have any other suggestions, or if you simply agree to this idea, please share. The only way to make change is to speak our minds as a community.
  4. Agreed, it's horrible. But hey, so is the: - Smuggler/Gunslinger PvP set (that superman cape looks horrible and out of context, and the mask is just ewww, a simple hat would have been great - I imagined the endgame armor to look somewhere along the lines of the Gunslinger in the Return trailer) - Juggernaut PvE set (I'm playing a force user, not Robocop, nuff said) - Imperial Agent PvP set (it's decent-ish, but that helm....makes my eyes bleed; same applies to the BH PvP helms) - Sith Inq PvP set (has so many feathers it makes a chicken seem naked in comparison, but I guess it's not THAT horrible) The only PvP armor sets which seem to look ok to me are the Consular sets, the Trooper sets and the Marauder set); Overall, the lvl 30-45 armors look a LOT better for most classes. You know Bioware, the concept of less is more exists for a reason. I feel the end-game armors, in general, with a few exceptions, are overdone, and take out any feeling of a Star Wars experience from the game. In which SW movie have you seen armors like that? Were your designers on crack when designing the final armors? I actually roled my latest char only, and I repeat, ONLY because of how the 50 pvp armor set looks like. When that becomes the main reason for picking a class, you have a serious design problem. Please, either: Allow skinning (so I can buy a lvl 13 green-grade simple robe for my jedi and not look like a samurai slash boyscout wannabe) or Redo the end-game armor designs; Here's an idea: There's that nice artwork loading screen that keeps popping up. You see Satele's armor? THAT's what my sentinel should look like. You see the armor of the guy (don't know the name) who gets killed by Malgus? THAT's what a guardian armor should look like. You designed that, why the hell don't you implement that into the game? Oh, got carried away, sorry for the tl;dr. Consider me /signed for this petition.
  5. You obviously don't either, a nerf is meant to balance out classes, not to make classes entirely and utterly useless. The only modification I'd still do to scoundrels/op's, is to reduce the duration of that opening knockdown. This coming from someone who's played every other class BUT these. at launch, these classes were on the strong side, now they are almost where they should be, in the middle range. Only changes I'd do is a slight nerf to Vanguards/PT's maybe (I main a PT) to bring them in line with melee tanks (pvp wise) and a bigger boost to snipers to make them well, useful. To answer the OP, I took the time to read the tl;dr, well written post actually, and I agree with most aspects of what you've said!
  6. Oh wow, I love the EULA references. "You agreed to that so zip it". Has it occurred to you that you NEED to accept it to play the game? Has it occurred to you that other companies use the same or a similar EULA, yet don't abuse it's legal boundaries and treat their customers well? I've seen a 10 times better service in League of Legends, which is FREE, and which has more active accounts than WoW for instance. It CAN be done. They compensated with various means for downtimes, and at least apologized when facing issues that could not be solved instantly. Again, I come back to my original point. I like BW, I like SWTOR, I'm not going away, nor am I canceling my sub, but that does not mean that I agree with the current customer service, the way EU players are treated, and until I see a change in this, I will continue to speak my mind, just like others do, because it's my right as a paying customer!
  7. Yea, it COULD go down, doesn't mean it SHOULD go down. Don't take phrases of what I said out of context. The idea is that they lack the means to make me accept downtimes. What you are saying is that I could very well end up paying for 30 days, and the servers are down for 30 days too? It's like paying and ISP or cable provider and not receiving internet/cable tv. If that's the case, I at least expect a: "Sorry" or A discount or 1 extra play day That my friend, is called customer service, and BW, as much as I love their work and respect them, terribly fail to deliver. You'd imagine that the game with the highest budget in history could afford to hire 10 people to answer the community on the forums.
  8. I love how all the American isolationists keep trash talking EU players that we need to get over it, we need to appreciate fixes, we need to bla bla bla. First of all, you guys are getting the same patches, at hours that are a lot more suitable. Downtime periods are peak EU play periods. Second of all, we do appreciate patches and work invested in the game. We only wish we had separate implementation times, since we are the exact opposite of US time-zones, OR that we at least, once in awhile, get a patch time that suits us and not Americans. The game has been launched for almost 2 months now, and since then, ALL patch times were favorable to Americans and not so much Europeans. Once in a blue moon, it would be nice to have it the other way. And lastly, we pay for a 30 day period. Not 25 days, not 27 days and 4 hours, 30 days. I don't have access to the game on a Tuesday that I'm off work? Fine, but don't bill me for it. It's not that 14.99$ is a lot, but I really REALLY hate paying for something I don't receive. All I (and other EU players ask for) is an apology, a sign of good gesture, anything basically that would make me feel that BW cares about me, as a customer. Give me 1 extra day on my subscription. That would make me nod and smile instead of posting long rants on forums. And before the arguments even pop up, yes, I work from Monday to Friday (usually I am at work when downtimes happen), I also have collage to attend to, I play chess with friends near a cup of coffee, so yes, I have a life outside SWTOR. That does not mean I am not entitled to being able to log in whenever I so choose.
  9. Coming from someone that has played (too a higher level) most classes ingame, I can sum it up like this: Top tier: Vanguard/Powertech (yes, I play a powertech, and once I've got the hang of it, it became insanely strong) Guardian/Juggernaut Scoundrel/Operative (not OP, but definitely a pain in the arse) Middle range Sorc/Sage Sin/Shadow Commando/Merc Sentinel/Marauder Weakest Gunslinger/Sniper (as things are now, with brackets for 50, it became obvious that this class is on the weak side; you can't really beat any class on a 1vs1 fight, and the dmg output is weak, without bringing any sort of utility like heals, stealth or protection to your team; unless you're fighting people who never heard of line of sight, you won't be doing much damage, you have little to no sustain, and the list could go on) And my main used to be a sniper, was among the first snipers to hit 50 on my server, tried both engineering and marksmanship specs, it was faceroll during the first week after launch, it was mediocre shortly after when people started to learn the game mechanics, and it's horrible now that you are facing competent players who are smart enough to hide behind a wall just when your ambush was about to fill up)
  10. Expecting an AOE specced Commando or Merc not to use AOE simply because you've randomly CC'ed a mob proves you to be the weak player, not the one breaking the CC
  11. Erm, so smugglers > agents then? You have issues with reasoning man. And the importance of this thread is equal to 0.
  12. Completely agree. Especially the helms on the BH pvp gear are uuuugh. Unfortunately, this applies for most empire classes at lvl 50. Personally, for me, the only armor set I actually like is the PvE armor set of the IA, and some armor parts for the sith assasin. Imo, from the pvp gear, the IA one looks okish, but once you put the helmet on, you MUST choose to hide headslot, the marauder/jugg armor sets look exagerated, the helms are uggly, and it looses all sense of a lightsaber wielding class to me (hell, the PvE armor set for the Jugg looks like freaking Robocop), BH PvP armor is terrible, and SI is also a bit overdone. Have to say it, armor design wise, I'd rather play Republic, or stay a lvl 20-30 character on empire side, that's where the armors seem to look the best. PS: And the designer who made that SI helm that looks like a giant orange carrot should REALLY consider changing careers!
  13. I most likely know you then, played as Xtralmofo/Syrock there. Glad to see oldschool MMO'ers in SWTOR
  14. Same here, played since 02 or 09 or so. And I still miss the twinking there. Did you play on RK1 or RK2?
  15. Peace is a lie! Just kidding, agreed with what you've said. And I took your 05 twinking experience as a hint to Anarchy Online. Might be wrong tho!
  16. You are completely wrong. I've been lvling my powertech from lvl 14 (after sprint) to currently 28 almost only by pvping. Without bragging, I can say that I've been in the top 3 players of my team almost constantly, once I got the hang of the class. Last night, after the patch, I've been top 1 in all my games, reaching even 11 medals (without Biochem). And yea, I did get pounded by 40+ players, and then, I pounded some myself. Sure, a lvl 47 will always be harder to beat than a lvl 11, however, now, given you know how, you have the POSSIBILITY! Something we never had before when fighting lvl 50's. So, if you learn to play your character, you will find that the new pvp brackets are a lot better (not perfectly) balanced, giving anyone a fighting chance.
  17. Level locking at 49 would create "twinks", as in well-geared characters that would mirror what we've seen with well-geared 50's, making pvp, over time, less enjoyable again for lower lvls.
  18. An idea came to me while playing huttball today... I'm pretty frustrated when people reach 12+ medals by farming up crits, healing and so on on classes that shouldn't be doing that by using biochem. I know it's getting nerfed next patch, we'll just see to what extend. My suggestion is this: self-heals should be ignored when awarding medals/healing done scores. It should be fairly easy to implement, and would solve some abuses from my perspective. Thoughts?
  19. Stop promoting GW2, nobody gives a rat's furry arse! If I want to know aboug GW2, I'll google it or visit their homepage, and frankly, I don't want to know. Bye now!
  20. Or, it's players racing like mad to 50, ignoring all the good sides of it, such as the story, and then whining the game lacks content and has issues.
  21. Unfortunately, FC spent too much time developing AoC and Secret World, instead of revitalizing AO, which, in my humble but experienced MMOer opinion, is the best MMO to date. Back on topic, SWTOR is good, not great, but I have faith it will be fixed and turned into the right direction.
  22. Even so, it's 2 medals missing just from heals. And I highly doubt he made a 5k crit as a Juggernaut. Also, considering the opposing team had horrible performance, I doubt they were close to scoring, and in Huttball, you can only get defender points if you kill players near your own scoring line, so the 3k defender point medal is doubtful too.
  23. Well, most classes except pure DPS classes can farm medals, but not like that. For those that don't know: 2 medals from defender points 4 medals from protection (2k, 5k, 10k, and 50k) 4 for healing (2.5 and 5k single heals, 75k and 300k healing) 2 medals for single dmg (2.5k and 5k - should be only doable by DPS specs) 4 medals for combat (10 and 25 kills, 75k and 300k dmg) 2 medals for killing blow and 1vs1 combat Afaik, these are the only medals available. That's a total of 18 medals. Even with biochem, the 5k single heal and 300k total healing couldn't be made by any tank spec, and the total healing done was 40k, so under the 75k mark . So that's 3 down. Also, no tank can crit for 5k, not even on lowbies, so that's another down. That means, that IF you got every other medal listed which could be doable (and I underline IF), it would still be a maximum of 14. Hence, unless proven otherwise, OP was clearly using an exploit.
  24. Sorcs crying for commando/merc nerfs. Mercs/commandos crying for scoundrel/sin burst nerf. Scoundrels/sins crying for sorc nerfs. It never ends. Stop QQing, learn to play. Game is more or less well balanced, at most, some classes need some minor (and I repeat, MINOR tweaks). Nuff said!
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