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I hope they never release a DPS meter


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Those are the single most useless things ever implemented in an MMO. When DPS meters are put in, people forget their class, forget their intended roles, and sometimes wipe entire groups just so they can say 'my numbers were higher than yours'.


Please BW, and modding community (if there is one for this game), I beg you not to create any form of damage meter so that the classes focus on getting the job done, and not getting the insignificant numbers higher than other people's insignificants numbers.


People who post things like "knowing your DPS means you'll stand in fire and never CC things!" are basically admitting they don't know what they're talking about.


Developers want a combat log and the ability to parse it. Have fun.

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You were laughed out of WoW for not playing correctly, and now you're afraid you'll get laughed out of here too?


Damage meters are a great tool. They let you gauge your performance, as well as those you're grouped with. If the group is taking long because things are not getting killed fast enough, we'll know who to boot thanks to the meter.


Does this sound familiar OP?

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ummmmm yeah might want to go read Stephen Reids Rediit chat....the breaks were basically put on all that after the found out about 60% of the population hates Damage meters gear score and all that other crap.




As much I use recount in WoW, and pull good dps numbers, I understand what the tool is for. I can self heal and I carry and use bandages in fights as well. I know how to play.


People have to actually think about what they're asking for before demanding it.


Combat log and a recount system will COMPLETELY change the way this game is now, and people have to understand that.


Having dps meters and parsing means a return to set rotations, blinder dpsing, standing in fire, cookie cutter talent builds, rigid rotations, and zero creativity in playstyle.


People came over from WoW because of stuff like this.


Do people really want this game to become that?

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DPS Meters are not required to play. If your in a group or raid, and the bosses die at the end, then everyone did his or her job. I'm an old school gamer. I played EQ for years and raided my way through countless expansions not ONCE having a dps meter. Dps meters today are all about pointing fingers and flexing epeens. Very rarely do they get used for the original purpose.



MMO's that have focused on heavy raiding such as EQ never had or required a player to use one. Guess what? The bosses still died, loot dropped and everyone had a great time. Gone are the days of having a close knit community feel. Raiding with your guild because it was fun and not worrying about how much DPS or HPS you did. Back in the day if you kept people alive, you did your job. If the boss died, well you did your job too.


It really sickens me how MMO's have evolved over the years. Again im an old school gamer so this pertains to people much older than your average MMO player these days.

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As much I use recount in WoW, and pull good dps numbers, I understand what the tool is for. I can self heal and I carry and use bandages in fights as well. I know how to play.


People have to actually think about what they're asking for before demanding it.


Combat log and a recount system will COMPLETELY change the way this game is now, and people have to understand that.


Having dps meters and parsing means a return to set rotations, blinder dpsing, standing in fire, cookie cutter talent builds, rigid rotations, and zero creativity in playstyle.


People came over from WoW because of stuff like this.


Do people really want this game to become that?


It's all a damn red herring used by people who are bad.


The reason people left WoW is because it's 7 years old, the playerbase is jaded and the world isn't new. It has nothing to do with the ability to parse data or addons. If that was the case, that game would have failed a LONG time ago.


DPS Meters are not required to play. If your in a group or raid, and the bosses die at the end, then everyone did his or her job. I'm an old school gamer. I played EQ for years and raided my way through countless expansions not ONCE having a dps meter. Dps meters today are all about pointing fingers and flexing epeens. Very rarely do they get used for the original purpose.



MMO's that have focused on heavy raiding such as EQ never had or required a player to use one. Guess what? The bosses still died, loot dropped and everyone had a great time. Gone are the days of having a close knit community feel. Raiding with your guild because it was fun and not worrying about how much DPS or HPS you did. Back in the day if you kept people alive, you did your job. If the boss died, well you did your job too.


It really sickens me how MMO's have evolved over the years. Again im an old school gamer so this pertains to people much older than your average MMO player these days.


What really sickens me is that everyone makes these anecdotal arguments and then totally mischaracterize the other group as people who want to lord it over others. In actuality, I want to tell people like YOU to back off when you claim a wipe is my fault and it clearly wasn't.


Bad players like no data because it means they can pin faults on their more capable comrades. I am now completely convinced of this. It's the same people who got carried through Molten Core by better players and who want the game to be just like that.

Edited by Excedrin
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People came over from WoW because of stuff like this.


Where do you guys come up with stuff like this?


People left WoW because its old, because their friends had kids and quit playing, because they had kids and quit playing, because they wanted to play a game set in the Star Wars universe, etc.


People left WoW for a huge variety of reasons. Addons had nothing to do with it.

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What really sickens me is that everyone makes these anecdotal arguments and then totally mischaracterize the other group


There's a whole lot of that from both sides. For example when people claim that anyone who opposes meters are bad.

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Oh another weak player. In WoW I would use my DPS Meter for practicing my dps on dummies to see how good/bad I am doing. For me it helped me improve. Though no one should be using DPS Meter while downing a boss because it's a huge distraction. I used to do that but no more.
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The elitism in this thread is strong.


I personally love threads like this it is like having a Nuclear arsenal for the Anti-meter group; the developers see this and ask...do we really want to provide the tools for that kind of behavior? And they drag their feet even harder.



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I don't mind DPS meters. Where there's damage-meter the healing-meters are usually not far away.


I do mind healing-meters but more in a sense of putting DPS and HPS as equal values. And there is truly nothing more annoying than people not understanding the characteristics of a fight and the meaning of a breakdown. You need to be an elitist of understanding the latter and the majority of players are not elitists. So I hope that they will restrict meters to DPS only.

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