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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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1. EA decided to have a single maintenance time for all servers. I'm sure this decision was considered carefully; there are pros and cons to having maintenance at the same time compared to splitting it up. Regardless, this is the decision they made.


2. Once we're past that first decision, things are pretty much locked down. The times EA/BW has chosen are the lowest population times for the game. Does this mean that Europeans are inconvenienced? Some will be, yes. But then I'm in California, which is the most populous state in America for those who don't know, and maintenance starts at midnight here. That's actually still within the playing hours of rather a lot of us.


So you're be just as accurate saying "EA hates Californians" as you would be saying that they hate Europeans. Which is to say, not accurate at all.


And, before you feel too badly for yourself, take a moment to think about those poor folks in Alaska and Hawai'i, for whom the maintenance literally happens in their prime time.


3. There is no perfect solution here, folks. People will be inconvenienced. That's kinda how maintenance works. I'm being inconvenienced, some Europeans are being inconvenienced, and the poor Alaskans and Hawai'ians are REALLY being inconvenienced. Try to keep everything in perspective. The reality is that YOU are just one person. You don't speak for anyone but yourself. And you, personally, might prefer the maintenance times to change, but then many other people might be happy with them.


Personally, it's not very convenient for me, but I understand the reasons and I can get past it. Your mileage may vary.


1. It's a bollocks decision which only benefits US customers.


2. They should consider their EU player base and change their decision because what they are doing is wrong. They are treating the EU differently to the US which is not fair.


3. The perfect solution is to have two separate maintenance schedules like the majority of other MMOs out there. I may be one person and I may not speak for others, but I can say that if they had a separate maintenance time for EU customers and that maintenance started at 2am GMT, they would inconvenience LESS customers than their current times.

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3. The perfect solution is to have two separate maintenance schedules like the majority of other MMOs out there. I may be one person and I may not speak for others, but I can say that if they had a separate maintenance time for EU customers and that maintenance started at 2am GMT, they would inconvenience LESS customers than their current times.


It is just logical. Even the bean counters at EA should be able to figure out that antagonising a large chunk of your player base is not going to drive sales.


You don't make nearly half your customers feel like second class citizens - that is as the Americans might say "Business 101"


You want more customers? Make them feel special. Even if they are just another $16.49 a month then don't treat them like that or they turn into a great big ZERO

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If they still want to treat the NA customers as first class why not let NA region have the patch first at 2am their time then then roll it out on EU servers at 2am GMT or CET afterwards.


At least it would stop disrupting play at EU times and would mean they could still have their first class and second class customers with minimal disruption.


It's pathetic they are treating us so badly and wont acknowledge the large customer base thay have in the EU region. That is not to say it is bigger or smaller than the NA region market but we are significant enough to matter.

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its not rocket science, seperate maintenance times for EU and US,


the longer you treat us like mushrooms (fed sh*t and kept in the dark), the more anrgy we become.


i mean,the least you could do is acknowledge that this is a real annoyance for us.


sort it out bioware, we are your pfft 'valued' customers.

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As an EU gamer this is an irritant only, I'd much rather they fixed some bugs before catering to convenience.


I blame Bioware : Ireland, everyone else has been giving Austin and Actual a hard time so we need to sock it to the lads in Galway too.

Edited by Romster
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its not rocket science, seperate maintenance times for EU and US.

Seriously, this. It's not like the servers are even on the same continent, right?

Wasn't that the whole point of having local servers? It's not like you're going to have swarms of US players suddenly storming onto the EU servers when theirs go down.

Even Blizzard managed to have separate shutdown windows for US and EU servers (back when they bothered with weekly maintenance).


Down here in Aus the weekly shutdown is right in our prime time. 7pm - 1am every Tuesday (or, you know, Wednesday if they feel like it. Or maybe Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday). Thanks.

When we come out of DST in March it'll be 6pm - midnight, and when the US goes into DST I guess it'll be 5pm - 11pm.


Sure, we understand that EA doesn't give a rat's arse about Australian customers, especially when we're only playing on the US servers as a "courtesy", and we have to put up with maintenance during their off-peak time. We were hoping to put up with that for a couple of months until we got our own servers, which They™'ve said should be around March or April.

But if the EU servers are still arbitrarily sharing a maintenance window with the US, what hope have we got?


Split out the maintenance windows already.

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Seriously, this. It's not like the servers are even on the same continent, right?

Wasn't that the whole point of having local servers? It's not like you're going to have swarms of US players suddenly storming onto the EU servers when theirs go down.

Even Blizzard managed to have separate shutdown windows for US and EU servers (back when they bothered with weekly maintenance).


Down here in Aus the weekly shutdown is right in our prime time. 7pm - 1am every Tuesday (or, you know, Wednesday if they feel like it. Or maybe Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday). Thanks.

When we come out of DST in March it'll be 6pm - midnight, and when the US goes into DST I guess it'll be 5pm - 11pm.


Sure, we understand that EA doesn't give a rat's arse about Australian customers, especially when we're only playing on the US servers as a "courtesy", and we have to put up with maintenance during their off-peak time. We were hoping to put up with that for a couple of months until we got our own servers, which They™'ve said should be around March or April.

But if the EU servers are still arbitrarily sharing a maintenance window with the US, what hope have we got?


Split out the maintenance windows already.


Yes, imagine you get Astralian/New Zeeland/Oceanic servers and get the maintenance time in your prime time.


And you know, they could even back this up with the claim that it's not such a big market (compared to NA/EU) which in itself would be true, thus overall it would still be in the "non-peak" timeframe; but nevertheless this would be shamelessly disrespectful towards you guys. I really hope that when (if) you will get your localized servers you won't have to put up with this kind of crap they're throwing at us.

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Does anyone know how many characters you can enter in the 'reasons your cancelling' section, I've got it down to around 219 words but its looking less and less intelligible the more I have to cut. Edited by TheBMC
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Maybe every EU resident who is unhappy with the Maintenance times should ticket/email BW/SWTOR.


Granted we'd overload the support system but it might actually force them to acknowledge there is a problem for EU customers who are sick of playing second fiddle to their preferred customers in the NA region.

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Maybe every EU resident who is unhappy with the Maintenance times should ticket/email BW/SWTOR.


Granted we'd overload the support system but it might actually force them to acknowledge there is a problem for EU customers who are sick of playing second fiddle to their preferred customers in the NA region.


The servers are online now, so people won't be inclined to actually take action. You could ask again during maintenance, but then, BioWare usually takes the forums offline then to prevent this sort of thing... xD

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Edited by Zoggel
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Dear Mr Collins thank you for delaying the patch, however a days notice would be nice in future, even gamers like to plan there lives a little. An hour and a half after the appointed time is a little tardy to say the least. Still, hopefully you will be scheduling a night time slot for the EU? Edited by GumBoil
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The servers are online now, so people won't be inclined to actually take action. You could ask again during maintenance, but then, BioWare usually takes the forums offline then to prevent this sort of thing... xD


Yeah it's pretty lame that we aren't allowed to use the forums when the game is down.


But then it's lame having no search facility, or polls, or ability to see your post history or the post history of someone else.

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