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1,001 ways in which this game can be improved.


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1) Implement a LFG system into the game.


2) Add more PvP zones into the game.


3) Add Warzone filters. This means that you chose maps in which you prefer rarther then the game deciding the map for you.


4) Add a chat bubble ino the game. You don't know how frustrating it is when you speak to someone in-game and they don't see what you said because no one will pay attention to the the chat box on the left hand side.


5) Add a more responsive Customer Support. I've tried to contact them on whether in-game or via the phone to have no response.


6) For the ability to use macros in the game for my abilities.


7) Light/Dark points should contribute more to the game than it does.


8) A dual spec system should be added into the game...


Carry on at your own will.



Edited by The_Old_Empire
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15. Listen to the people on the forums and treasure the feedback your getting because you want to know the only thing worse than a bunch of people who were let down, complain, and quit... are people who were let down and quit.


Treasure the feedback and fix the game, or die


I already listed the problems with the game and why I wont be subbing in my cancel subscription form, i encourage anyone who is displeased to do the same, its the only real way for them to GET IT

Edited by Nfinite
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13. Ban the people who think they know how to improve the game when they are not devs.


That is pretty dumb, if you want people to enjoy your product en keep buying them you should listen to them, not do what you THINK what's best.

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Really? Do you know that the players are almost completely wrong?


apparently this is preschool and we need to spell everything out, what he means by listen to them is listen to them as the majority, if the majority of people commenting are saying this game should have addon support, then you should add it to please your community. Thats what WoW does, thats why wow is #1 and thats why SWTOR is looking like being just another MMO that didnt cut it.


But its fine, if the devs want to be pigheaded and ignore MMO advancements to be "differnt" let them, instead of us telling them to fix it, in a few months they'll have the EA execs breathing down their neck to fix it, and thats when thier true colors will show... hopefully it wont be too late at that point.

Edited by Nfinite
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That is pretty dumb, if you want people to enjoy your product en keep buying them you should listen to them, not do what you THINK what's best.


That's a perfect example of gamers thinking that they know it all because they play video games. An MMO isn't launched because 10 people got together and said "Let's make a game that only we think is fun." Before a game even gets green lit, lots of market research, segmentation, and full out design documents are pitched. Look at a game design document. For DOOM it was 50 pages long. You don't create a game blindly, you have to cover almost ALL of the mechanics on paper before even starting.


That being said, this is an MMO and if you've ever worked in the industry you know that with MMOs it is impossible to make everyone happy and that it is impossible to take into consideration all the suggestions thrown on the forums. Furthermore, if you've worked in the industry you know that the forums are actually a small percentage of your playing population. The vast majority is busy playing the game instead of going to the forums.


That doesn't mean that the forum community is to be ignored, but one of the jobs of a community manager is to take in all the information, suggestions, complaints, etc and pick out the important things and present those to the dev team. That's what they are paid to do, and they do it very well considering how much this game has changed since early beta.


These threads of "change this or this game will die" or "all these things are ways this game can improve" might get looked at, but most suggestions fall on deaf ears for the entire reason that everyone has an opinion on how to make a game that THEY find enjoyable. The reality is that your suggestion does not take into consideration all the in-game and out of game effects it will have, such as how this change affects every class and every player, what resources are needed to make it happen, will it make the game enjoyable for everyone or just for a small group of people, and more.


tl;dr every MMO has people that are paid to process and dissect information from all channels, not just the forums. The intricacies of developing, let alone maintaining a healthy MMO, are unknown to most gamers because they base their expertise on games based on how many games they've played and how many hours they've put in.

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16. Make choices mean something by having the ability to kill/lose a companion.


Basically if I kill gault for my bh mission, I'll lose him as a companion, however I'll obtain a generic droid (with gaults moves) like the one I have on my ship. So it adds to my story but I won't lose any utility. It's a move that will add to story and a cosmetic layer of choice depth but not really lose anything in terms of gameplay.


Also add more companions and make them choices, like two rivals and you choose one from the other.


You know what...just do what you did in Mass effect..you did well there.

Edited by Arkanicus
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That's a perfect example of gamers thinking that they know it all because they play video games. An MMO isn't launched because 10 people got together and said "Let's make a game that only we think is fun." Before a game even gets green lit, lots of market research, segmentation, and full out design documents are pitched. Look at a game design document. For DOOM it was 50 pages long. You don't create a game blindly, you have to cover almost ALL of the mechanics on paper before even starting.


That being said, this is an MMO and if you've ever worked in the industry you know that with MMOs it is impossible to make everyone happy and that it is impossible to take into consideration all the suggestions thrown on the forums. Furthermore, if you've worked in the industry you know that the forums are actually a small percentage of your playing population. The vast majority is busy playing the game instead of going to the forums.


That doesn't mean that the forum community is to be ignored, but one of the jobs of a community manager is to take in all the information, suggestions, complaints, etc and pick out the important things and present those to the dev team. That's what they are paid to do, and they do it very well considering how much this game has changed since early beta.


These threads of "change this or this game will die" or "all these things are ways this game can improve" might get looked at, but most suggestions fall on deaf ears for the entire reason that everyone has an opinion on how to make a game that THEY find enjoyable. The reality is that your suggestion does not take into consideration all the in-game and out of game effects it will have, such as how this change affects every class and every player, what resources are needed to make it happen, will it make the game enjoyable for everyone or just for a small group of people, and more.


tl;dr every MMO has people that are paid to process and dissect information from all channels, not just the forums. The intricacies of developing, let alone maintaining a healthy MMO, are unknown to most gamers because they base their expertise on games based on how many games they've played and how many hours they've put in.





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No game is perfect and there are always room for improvements. Players often have excellent ideas that the devs either overlooked during their interminable hours of making a working game, or that they just had to leave out to meet deadlines. The devs aren't idiots and the players aren't morons. Far too many strawmen arguments going on here.


Some things I'd love to see in this game are working gambling terminals in the cantinas, and a Sabacc game people could play with one another. Personal decorations for starship interiors (if this isn't already implemented; I haven't seen any yet, but it is early for me). I would like to see cantinas being the kind of place where people go to just hang out and chat or to just kill time while waiting for those two more players they need to do a flashpoint or heroic 4 mission.

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Really? Do you know that the players are almost completely wrong?


Wrong, people that don't understand the game (or product) are wrong. A developer has "vision" of how a thing should be. He works on it and the expert (which is the player) gives his input.

Based on that input, the developer gets all the info it needs toimprove or perfect the product.


On a side note, this is YOU who is not seeing the point. It's because you think like that. Generally selfish people who on purpose refuse to admit error simply because of their own opinion.

Remember my friend, if everything it would have been how we'd wanted to be, we'll all be millionaire's and kings, fortunately it is not like that:)

You're not showing signs of improvement either with that statement. Instead of giving an argument like that, dare to ask that the problem is, instead blocking and keeping the problem from being fixed.

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1) Implement a LFG system into the game. Already one there. It just needs to be used.


2) Add more PvP zones into the game. More content will come in time. This is not a priority.


3) Add Warzone filters. This means that you chose maps in which you prefer rarther then the game deciding the map for you. This could be helpful.


4) Add a chat bubble ino the game. You don't know how frustrating it is when you speak to someone in-game and they don't see what you said because no one will pay attention to the the chat box on the left hand side. These would be nice.


5) Add a more responsive Customer Support. I've tried to contact them on whether in-game or via the phone to have no response. Customer support can always be improved.


6) For the ability to use macros in the game for my abilities. No. These are not needed. The game is playable as is.


7) Light/Dark points should contribute more to the game than it does. Seems a shame it doesn't in a world where Light/Dark is supposed to have such an affect.


8) A dual spec system should be added into the game... Not needed. In a game where choices were supposed to matter I see nothing wrong with expecting us to live with a choice made. Besides Its not like it takes months and months to level another character up in the alternate spec. You can even choose a different class and get to experience the storyline for it as you spec it out.


Carry on at your own will.


In my opinion of course.

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