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Future for mods/macros


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My post actually represents what you are saying perfectly. You press one button and then the logic in the Macro decides what to do in that circumstance.


My COD logic is therefore correct.


It also adds weight to my arguement that Macros are for lazy, untalented players.


You are a healer your job is to monitor what is going on in the field and react accordingly, which includes selecting who needs healing and which heal to cast.

By building that logic into a macro, you do not need to make that decision.


1 button and 1/2 the skill needed to play your class is gone.


It's Lazy and gives you an advantage, especially in PvP over players that don't use macros or even how to use them.


You're out of subject :/


I'm selecting people (mouseover doesn't skip this part), and the heal I cast. But, I can add a modifier in the macro (Alt / Shift / Ctrl, which is allowed in Swtor !) to selected what I want to do without using a slot on a bar (actually, you need to "place" on a slot the spell you wanna use with a modifier).

As you can see, I'm also selecting the spell I wanna cast.


The macro logic is only "cast a spell on the target under the pointer" (LOL, epic advantage...), and saving space on my bars, and time for my Hotkey settings (epic advantage too).


Btw, there's plenty topic explaining how to build a macro, on every game. Not knowing it is a fault, especialy if you're playing on top level...

It's like class optimization :/

Edited by Saintkarl
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My post actually represents what you are saying perfectly. You press one button and then the logic in the Macro decides what to do in that circumstance.


My COD logic is therefore correct.


It also adds weight to my arguement that Macros are for lazy, untalented players.


You are a healer your job is to monitor what is going on in the field and react accordingly, which includes selecting who needs healing and which heal to cast.

By building that logic into a macro, you do not need to make that decision.


1 button and 1/2 the skill needed to play your class is gone.


It's Lazy and gives you an advantage, especially in PvP over players that don't use macros or even how to use them.

You have no idea what a Macro is.

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And macros just make it so I have to press fewer buttons for similar results and cleans up the UI.



that means you don't want to learn to play, you want to mash one button and have all your attacks an abilities go off for you, L2P..........

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Pretty much every WoW class has had or has a "One-Button Macro." One way to have done this was the command line:


/run local _,a,_ = GetSpellCooldown("SkillName") if (a == 0) then CastSpellByName("SameSkillName") end


Running those lines together with every skill in your rotation makes (or made, it's been a while) the next skill in the list that wasn't on CD or GCD cast. There: Your one example has been given.


On that note, as long as there isn't a recount-style addon added into this game (which basically means no combat log), I could care less.


This guy is lying to you. That's a Rift macro, not a WoW macro.

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actually addons do much more that that. In wow for example they can auto cast spells, tell you what spell to cast when so that you do not even have to think. Let alone the fact that it opens up the game to botting and hacking easier.


This is so not true that it caused me physical pain to read.

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People such as yourself who don't play at an even remotely high level don't need macros, we already know. The little example you gave is your support that we don't need macros? That is some terrible support if I ever saw it.


The people who actually care about doing well will use macros. Those who live in ignorance and are fine with being sub-par, won't.


Ohhhhhh right so your calling everyone who aint got any interest in macros ignorant now?

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DPS rotation onto 1 macro almost always results in a DPS loss, on WoW atleast, 1 miss messes it up. Only mediocre players resort to such things. I really dont understand any arguments against macros, if you dont want to use them, dont use them.


I dont want to roleplay, but I never called for it to be ommited from the game.

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If you can't learn to "Chain to get better DPS", then you're.. well... you need to learn to play. Cast the long cast-time moves first, unless there's another reason not to. Really, that's all I know off the top of my head (Playing a Sniper, and loving it!), but really, Macros make it easier for those who don't want to try.


I fully support no macros.


If you want 7 billion bars on your screen so be it but just because I want to send my companion in to start attacking to let him have first agro and start one of my casts what's the problem? I haven't read one good arguement on why macros should not be allowed. I assume that the people who say macros should not be allowed are the ones who don't know how to use them anyway and they feel left out.

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I PRAY TO GOD that there is NO furture for macros in this game.




We are taking part in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing progress.


Having macros and add-ons enrich the game and make it progress by showing developers what needs to be improved in the eyes of the community.


You praying to God that macros & addons don't get implemented is a little bit extreme to say the least.


Also please be aware that you are infringing several rules of conducts from this forums that you may not be aware of:


1) Do not post in all capital letters, use excessive punctuation, etc to draw attention to your posts.


2) Discussion of political, sexual, or religious topics is prohibited on the forums.


And as a finishing touch, you telling those that have a different opinion to L2P is “Trolling,” which we is defined by the Rules of Conduct as a posts that knowingly lead to overly strong, negative, and emotional responses for mere shock value.


This is not allowed on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums



Edited by Spareplug
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This game will never last as long as WoW has if there are no addnons / macro support in the first year.


The thing is macros can already be accomplished using third party programs (aka bots and script programs) so for legit players to not have it in game would be crappy of Bioware IMO.



There are already not enough action bars and too many abilities.


Eve Online

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Mouseover macros are a must. So are use item macros.


As for chaining abilities, I think they should allow it, but up to a maximum of two abilities per macro. For example, it would be nice as a Jedi Guardian if I did not have to use two separate attack point building abilities. The cooldown on sunder armor is annoying. I'd rather roll that into a single button. For Sith Assassin I would like a basic "attack" button that uses either the Maul ability or the backstab depending on facing.


Beyond that, however, I think there should be limits, because Rift took it too far.

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You could actually program a script via task manager and window based tcl to run the game and interact without human intervention. You could also vpn to a smartphone that supports this to obtain the authentication key without human intervention. Therefore, it is very possible to play a game without human intervention, however many will not have the skills to do this or the desire to program all the steps to do this. I myself have written many applications that will react to situations based upon a number of criteria and react without a human pushing keys. A good software engineer would develop this in no time and perhaps have code already they can reuse. Just a thought to consider.

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