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Future for mods/macros


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Said it before ill say it again. Macro's ruin games. They take all skill and decision making out of the equation. I LOVE the fact that I actually have to use my entire hotbar.


Take Rift for example...For about 3 months the TOP ROGUE DPS SPEC required you to use 3 buttons total. I had...get this...11 SKILLS macro onto 1 button. You would just spam the one button, then use your finisher, spam the one button, then finisher. Rinse repeat for the top DPS on the charts.


If you think that's what this game needs then you really need to go back to World of Warcraft. I enjoy having control over my entire hotbar. The way it is now will just separate the truelly elite from the god awful wow kiddies.



Rift was an example of ability bloat. That's why the macros were needed. TOR is close in that regard.

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That sounds like an example of a bug. If the GCD is intended to break up abilities, then anything that removes that hindrance would be a bug, or design flaw.


I think most opponents of Rift's macro system would describe it as a design flaw. Their macro system design was certainly intentional and most definitely flawed.

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everyone is at the same level without macros...


You do understand that even with macros, everyone would still but at the same level because everyone could use them. So that statement is completely pointless...


Macros are not a bad thing, it becomes a probably when developers allow macros to get out of control and become mini one click AI's to determine what ability to use. Just because WoW allowed mods to grow out of control and Rift's macro system was crazy doesn't mean the idea was wrong. They were just implemented incorrectly is all.


There is a middle ground between going to far and just having any support at all.

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They have said that UI customization is a high priority for them. It will come.


UI customization will come

Macros and a scripting language may well NOT.


I don't much care either way about the latter - but I waqit keenly for UI customization. Every element is just WAAAAAAYYY to big for my liking, the text is like "junior angler for the short sighted" Just shrinking the cumbersome text would help - but UI customization is on their "Urgent"list - expect it in or before March this year.




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Rift was an example of ability bloat. That's why the macros were needed. TOR is close in that regard.


I hit one button and could use all of my dps abilities, my reactive abilities, and self heals.


OK, 2 buttons. One for single target and one for aoe.

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Ruins immersion


promotes elitism

bioware thinks wow got it wrong



take your pick of options.


so chaining a killing blow in a MACRO with /emote flex is bad?


Bioware thinks WOW got a lot of things right, get your facts straight boy

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I dislike the current default UI of SWTOR. I dislike that I can't use macros to better chain my abilities. I dislike not being able to see what is a better dps rotation for my characters.


I heard that Bioware has no plans to allow addons/modding at this time. Has there been any news about when they will allow addons?


And more importantly why can't we make macros?


A good portion of the mod community pulled out due to Biowares lack of commitment to their players. If a company is not only willing to ignore requests by the mod community to come up with an *easy* way to allow us to keep our mods updated and working, let alone not even willing to communicate to players directly about reported bugs and issues they are having and just leaving them in the dark. It showed us that they really dont care how many players up and quit.


Many mods have already been made, they were mostly done at the end of beta testing and just needed updating to work with the final release...but good luck finding one released to the public with the way Bioware is acting towards its players.


Bioware just plain bit off more than they can chew and came in mostly clueless what it means to release an MMO...maybe they were hoping most of their players would be new to the MMO genre, those that only played their single player games...hoping there would be low expectations.

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I dislike the current default UI of SWTOR. I dislike that I can't use macros to better chain my abilities. I dislike not being able to see what is a better dps rotation for my characters.


I heard that Bioware has no plans to allow addons/modding at this time. Has there been any news about when they will allow addons?


And more importantly why can't we make macros?


Learn to play with your FINGERS not a click.........WoW is that way =====>

Had enough of ability/assist/grindmacros to last me a lifetime, can you imagine the farming that will go on? NO EASY MODE PLEASE!!!

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Rift was an example of ability bloat. That's why the macros were needed. TOR is close in that regard.


Macro's were not needed. There is no such thing as "ability bloat". Only bad players cannot cope with a large amount of skills. Bad players get flustered when they have to use more than 5 keys and just end up mashing buttons.


I have zero issues with the amount of skills we have in game. I actually enjoy the fact that every pull is not exactly the same. Games with deep macro systems generally get extremely boring extremely fast due to absolutely no thought going into combat. I hope they never allow more than 1 skill to be assigned to a single button because the day they do that is the day SWTOR combat becomes boring and monotonous. I love being able to take on every pull with different combos on my 50 Bounty Hunter.


Good players adjust and learn to play using their entire hotbar. Bad players cry for a macro system where they dont need to think about what they are doing.




The only game that had a macro system I approved of was Final Fantasy 11.

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Learn to play with your FINGERS not a click.........WoW is that way =====>

Had enough of ability/assist/grindmacros to last me a lifetime, can you imagine the farming that will go on? NO EASY MODE PLEASE!!!


Ahh. Another Mods=Hacks post. How original.

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so chaining a killing blow in a MACRO with /emote flex is bad?


Bioware thinks WOW got a lot of things right, get your facts straight boy



ok boy. how about this boy


chaining any emote after a PvP kill not only shows your immaturity but also your need to showboat, the NFL thinks its cool to act like you havent been there before.



get your facts straight boy

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Macro's were not needed. There is no such thing as "ability bloat". Only bad players cannot cope with a large amount of skills. Bad players get flustered when they have to use more than 5 keys and just end up mashing buttons.


I have zero issues with the amount of skills we have in game. I actually enjoy the fact that every pull is not exactly the same. Games with deep macro systems generally get extremely boring extremely fast due to absolutely no thought going into combat. I hope they never allow more than 1 skill to be assigned to a single button because the day they do that is the day SWTOR combat becomes boring and monotonous. I love being able to take on every pull with different combos on my 50 Bounty Hunter.


Good players adjust and learn to play using their entire hotbar. Bad players cry for a macro system where they dont need to think about what they are doing.




The only game that had a macro system I approved of was Final Fantasy 11.



Thank god a real pro is telling us how to play folks. :rolleyes:


Macros free up Hot bar space. I know it may be tough for you to grasp but Macros aren't all about "chaining" abilities together.


For example I'd like to make a macro that used Backstab if the keybind is hit or combines Acid Blade and Backstab if I use a Modifier before the key like ALT. It makes for a cleaner UI and I'm still making a conscious decision about what abilities to use.

Edited by zootzoot
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Just a question :


How having a mouseover function in macro, for healing spell, ruin the game ?

I only need macro for this function, allowing me not to click on group members, to keep my target :-/


Macro can be used for way more others things, than just chaining actions...

Take a random "mount", for example, or get a modifier key for a spell (ex: if I press the Hotkey, do 1, if I press the Hotkey with Alt, do 2, etc..., or If my target is friendly, do 1, if not, do 2). It helps having all my spells under few hotkeys (like no more than 10).


How would this ruin the game ? Seriously, I don't get it :/

Edited by Saintkarl
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Macros are for untalented lazy players who can't actually be bothered to learn how to play or even learn a proper rotation of skills.


Other types of games don't support macros


Call of Duty - hmm, i want a macro that if the crosshair goes across an enemy it shoots for me. but if there is more than 1 then throw a flash grenade.

All I'm doing is making it easier to play, then i can press less buttons.


Macros give an unfair advantage to those that use them. Some people don't know how to write macros and they should not have to to compete with the lazy untalented players. Why should someone have to learn a pseudocode language to play a game??


If you don't want to play the game properly, door is that way <---

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when mods and addons are allowed it can get out of control, if i remember correctly there is an addon that tells u with a voice every cooldown that has been used by your enemy in WoW. In arena if u are doing 5v5 or whatever and a guy pops a cooldown u will hear "insert name". I think things like this are retarded and this mighty be why a lot of ppl are against addons and mods. Edited by Minifarfar
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Macros are for untalented lazy players who can't actually be bothered to learn how to play or even learn a proper rotation of skills.


Other types of games don't support macros


Call of Duty - hmm, i want a macro that if the crosshair goes across an enemy it shoots for me. but if there is more than 1 then throw a flash grenade.

All I'm doing is making it easier to play, then i can press less buttons.


Macros give an unfair advantage to those that use them. Some people don't know how to write macros and they should not have to to compete with the lazy untalented players. Why should someone have to learn a pseudocode language to play a game??


If you don't want to play the game properly, door is that way <---


Did you read my post ?


Macro can be used for way more things than juste automating some actions :/

Mods are excatly the same, dev only have ton not add API functions that can be used this way.

How graphical UI customization would ruin the game ?

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I dislike the current default UI of SWTOR. I dislike that I can't use macros to better chain my abilities. I dislike not being able to see what is a better dps rotation for my characters.


I heard that Bioware has no plans to allow addons/modding at this time. Has there been any news about when they will allow addons?


And more importantly why can't we make macros?



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I fully support the calls for more customizability of the default UI, more buttons and more control over placement would be great. As would the ability to move UI components to where I want them. I don't support 3rd party addons and I definetly do not support macros where people just have 3 or 4 rotation buttons, and just spam the rotation buttons. No skill involved at all. Similarly I dont support threat meters makes it too easy I would prefer a system of visual and audio kues when someone is gaining too much aggro and about to take aggro off the tank, that requires people to use some skill and be aware of what they are doing.
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I disagree.


I have a programmable keyboard and a razer naga and I am fairly decent at PVP my wife uses neither one and consistently owns me as does my good friend. in the end it really is how good you are personally not what tools you use.


Lol, stop using things to cheat like a naga and l2p. You don't NEED a naga. If you were any good at this game you wouldn't HAVE to use a naga. Oh well, maybe you should just go back to WoW if you want to use such ELITIST TOOLS. We don't need people using mice that play the game for them!


^This is how you sound in every thread about addons. It's amusing as hell.

Edited by Excedrin
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Unless they fix ability delay I would think macros (combat) would be useless. They wouldn't fire right anyway.


There is no ability delay. The conditions/damage are linked to the animation, not the button press. Because it works differently does not mean it is not working properly.

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Macros are for untalented lazy players who can't actually be bothered to learn how to play or even learn a proper rotation of skills.


Other types of games don't support macros


Call of Duty - hmm, i want a macro that if the crosshair goes across an enemy it shoots for me. but if there is more than 1 then throw a flash grenade.

All I'm doing is making it easier to play, then i can press less buttons.


Macros give an unfair advantage to those that use them. Some people don't know how to write macros and they should not have to to compete with the lazy untalented players. Why should someone have to learn a pseudocode language to play a game??


If you don't want to play the game properly, door is that way <---



your examples are flawed as you dont know what macros are.


macros dont automate anything, they just allow you to execute skills depending on certain conditions.. you still have to press the damn buttons.


e.g. if friendly player targeted - heal that player on button click. hostile player targeted - attack that player on same button click.


as you touched on but again incorrectly represented, macros do allow you to press less buttons as you can have 1 button to more than one task. its still your job to press that button and when, it cant choose to execute the skill for you.



i am a very keen macroer, in wow i like a clean ui and i like my buttons to do my skills rather than clicking. this comes from when i used to do a lot of arena pvp. i.e. V would cast fear on my target, shift+V would cast my aoe fear, ctrl+V would cast fear on my focused target. doesnt do it automatically, i still have to make the decision as to what i want to do but i now have one button that allows me to cast one of 2 spells and 1 of them on 2 different targets without manually retargetting.. thats the power of a macro.


even in macroless tor i do similar things. well, as much as i can do with the ui.


for example: my 4 button casts affliction. if i press shift+4 it casts a heal. my Q casts my shield, shift+Q casts consumption instead


this is the same functionality that a macro would give me but the drawback with the default ui is i have to have these skills on my bar and manually keybound. this takes up space id rather not use. with a macro id have a single button on my bar not 2 or 3 dotted around taking up space.


i hope you understand a little better now. (though you'll probably just flame my reply as i expect you to)

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your examples are flawed as you dont know what macros are.


macros dont automate anything, they just allow you to execute skills depending on certain conditions.. you still have to press the damn buttons.


e.g. if friendly player targeted - heal that player on button click. hostile player targeted - attack that player on same button click.


as you touched on but again incorrectly represented, macros do allow you to press less buttons as you can have 1 button to more than one task. its still your job to press that button and when, it cant choose to execute the skill for you.



i am a very keen macroer, in wow i like a clean ui and i like my buttons to do my skills rather than clicking. this comes from when i used to do a lot of arena pvp. i.e. V would cast fear on my target, shift+V would cast my aoe fear, ctrl+V would cast fear on my focused target. doesnt do it automatically, i still have to make the decision as to what i want to do but i now have one button that allows me to cast one of 2 spells and 1 of them on 2 different targets without manually retargetting.. thats the power of a macro.


even in macroless tor i do similar things. well, as much as i can do with the ui.


for example: my 4 button casts affliction. if i press shift+4 it casts a heal. my Q casts my shield, shift+Q casts consumption instead


this is the same functionality that a macro would give me but the drawback with the default ui is i have to have these skills on my bar and manually keybound. this takes up space id rather not use. with a macro id have a single button on my bar not 2 or 3 dotted around taking up space.


i hope you understand a little better now. (though you'll probably just flame my reply as i expect you to)


He won't read it :)


I'm saying the same thing on 3 posts :/


You also forget the mouse over function, which is just awesome for a healer (spamming click is just so bad for the mice...)

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ok boy. how about this boy


chaining any emote after a PvP kill not only shows your immaturity but also your need to showboat, the NFL thinks its cool to act like you havent been there before.



get your facts straight boy

Lol your still trolling in these mods threads, act like you've been here before.

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your examples are flawed as you dont know what macros are.


macros dont automate anything, they just allow you to execute skills depending on certain conditions.. you still have to press the damn buttons.


e.g. if friendly player targeted - heal that player on button click. hostile player targeted - attack that player on same button click.


as you touched on but again incorrectly represented, macros do allow you to press less buttons as you can have 1 button to more than one task. its still your job to press that button and when, it cant choose to execute the skill for you.



i am a very keen macroer, in wow i like a clean ui and i like my buttons to do my skills rather than clicking. this comes from when i used to do a lot of arena pvp. i.e. V would cast fear on my target, shift+V would cast my aoe fear, ctrl+V would cast fear on my focused target. doesnt do it automatically, i still have to make the decision as to what i want to do but i now have one button that allows me to cast one of 2 spells and 1 of them on 2 different targets without manually retargetting.. thats the power of a macro.


even in macroless tor i do similar things. well, as much as i can do with the ui.


for example: my 4 button casts affliction. if i press shift+4 it casts a heal. my Q casts my shield, shift+Q casts consumption instead


this is the same functionality that a macro would give me but the drawback with the default ui is i have to have these skills on my bar and manually keybound. this takes up space id rather not use. with a macro id have a single button on my bar not 2 or 3 dotted around taking up space.


i hope you understand a little better now. (though you'll probably just flame my reply as i expect you to)




My post actually represents what you are saying perfectly. You press one button and then the logic in the Macro decides what to do in that circumstance.


My COD logic is therefore correct.


It also adds weight to my arguement that Macros are for lazy, untalented players.


You are a healer your job is to monitor what is going on in the field and react accordingly, which includes selecting who needs healing and which heal to cast.

By building that logic into a macro, you do not need to make that decision.


1 button and 1/2 the skill needed to play your class is gone.


It's Lazy and gives you an advantage, especially in PvP over players that don't use macros or even how to use them.

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