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Top 10 criticisms of SW:TOR with responses


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Thanks for the bump. He ignored the post and attempted to impugn the poster, the definition of an ad hominem attack. Though less obvious than most trolls, still a troll.


Your list is not even nearly the TOP10, and you even list maybe #1 flaw as #10....

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This is not a "top 10 bugs or issues with swtor" thread. Feel free to create your own :cool:


Your thread tittle is: "Top 10 criticisms of SW:TOR with responses".

You list only negative criticisms.


Yes your thread is exactly what you say it isn't.

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This is not a "top 10 bugs or issues with swtor" thread. Feel free to create your own :cool:


10. Tor is buggy -----the bugs are a feature so ...


Ability lag or unresponsive command are the bigger complain .... the tread its already at his 4 remake because too long ... like over 3k replies now....


Its easy to respond only to stupid complain ...

Edited by Isgarot
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3. No open world. I dont like exhaustion or boundaries.


> Its a big galaxy, did you expect to be able to ride a speeder from one planet to another? Exhaustion and boundaries are part of every MMORPG including WoW. No game world goes on forever.


In WoW it's only the oceans that do that. Here we have invisible walls EVERYWHERE. Don't try to justify this, because you can't and nobody else can.




Its easy you just stated your boundaries. Oceans and I am sorry I played the game for almost 6 years so here is your justifacation. In outland when flying there are only a few "holes" you can pass through in the air to get from Hellfire to the zone with all ghost ninja dudes and blood elves I havent played in a bit i forget the zones. But anyway the point is WoW had just as many way of blocking your forward progress and forcing you to go were it wanted you to as this game. Infact of the 7 or 8 MMOs I have played SWG was by far the biggest. I remeber at launch I walked from Theed to one of the other cities and it took two and half hours to do it. No mount no speeder. Even with one it still took way longer then any ride FP or flight I did in WoW. Remeber the walk run or speeder to The geo cave ****.

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These aren't the main complaints and I don't agree with your explanations.




while i love this game, it has some flaws.

Not gamebreaking and not fun-squashing.. but there are flaws.

i am not bothered or worried however... Bioware is awesome and i have all the faith in the world that they will add the necessary content, patches, updates and expanions over time.


The answers the OP gives on the "wishes" of the community are purely his personal opinion...

they are by no means "THE ANWERS" to those wishes.

Mostly i dont agree with his opinions ... but he's intitled to his opinion :)

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I like the responses, they mirror my feelings about the game quite well. Someone also mentioned the old "put up or shut up" which is quite apt. A lot of players are complaining for the sake of complaining and frankly, it's getting a bit old. If you really dislike this game enough to post non-constructive threads you shouldn't be here in the first place. You should be looking for some entertainment that actually works for you. It's equivalent to buying 3 rock climbing lessons and then deciding it's not for you after the first one. Then, you go to lesson 2 and 3 just to tell people how unfun rock climbing really is.


Except, no one does that because it's not the internet.


It's not a place where real people can reach out to you.


Until we come up with Real3D virtual experiences ...


Can't wait to punch trolls.

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Actually, his way works.


Because you see, when you set a "LFG" beside your name, you're actually opening yourself to whispers, which i believe is what he was trying to say.


So if you see some guy "LFG for xxxx flashpoint" you're going to whisper him obviously.


You guys really don't know how to use the built in LFG do you?


Actually his way doesn't work and can be considered as spam by other players.


In fact Cpt. Obvious, no where in his post does he mention that he does only whisper people that have "LFG" beside their name. He makes a general statement to whisper anyone of the class you need that hapens to be in Fleet.


Here let me re-quote for you:


"Originally Posted by Samaul

Start whispering ppl of the class you need. Works for me. "


You obviously are a fanboi of the OP and should really learn to read before making posts that only higlight your lack of understanding.


Oh and yes "we guys" really know how to use the built in, if there was one LOL Fool!!!!



Edited by Spareplug
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If we go by the WoW classic release standard, SWTOR was in excellent shape at release. Have you forgotten the bugs, queues and lack of content in wow classic?


Yeah after 7 Years you would have thought that any other company releasing an MMO would have learned form Blizzard's mistakes. DOH!!!!


They would have seen what worked with WoW and what didn't and they would have applied it to their game......obviously this didn't happen based on how dismal some of the features are....the Auction House / Crafting is a good example of a very bad implemented features that are a nightmare/time consuming tool to use.


Another example is the issue with the banning over the chests scandal in the PVP planet. This could have been avoided if Bioware would have taken notice how Blizzard removed all instances and world chests to prevent this kind of issue.


And as for the "it will get fixed" comment I keep seeing forced feed in this thread..it should've have never come out of the box like that in the first place.


But thank God we have self-rightgeous poeple like you...ready to go on a crusade, flying the flag high, ready to burn and impale the non-believers.


You Sir are deluded....basically.





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some spoiled players here that obviously haven't been playing MMO's very long.


You guys woulda really cried and moaned had you played EQ at launch. There was no auction house then, people just stood in the tunnel and shouted what they were selling and then you'd have the fun of sending them a tell with an offer and then trying to even find them in all the people. "i'm by the third torch". That's how we did it then.


LFG tool? it was called /shout or /ooc etc.


EQ had nothing of modern MMO tools, didn't even have mounts and the funny part is, i had more fun in EQ than i have had in any MMO since no matter all the extra crap they put in. I played EQ for 2 years solid, modern mmo's i last maybe 2-3 months tops.


The tools and bells and whistles don't make a game, it just shows who the lazy players are.


Its called Evolution. If a game where to be released today as EQ was released in the day it wouldn't make it past the first month.

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I enjoy the fact that 95% of the negative threads are made by "players" who dont even take the time to set up a picture on their forum account. Makes me wonder if they even play the game.


Great Post- We need more people standing up for this great game.


*LFG whiners- Its an MMO, try talking to people to find groups. Put forth a little effort. Sheesh.


If you stop to read, something you are obviously doing not doing, you will notice that most comments, in those "negative threads" (I call them constructive threads) only seek to improve the game by making it better.


You on the other hand are happy with the mediocre product you have in your hands and are not interested at all in seeing it evolve and became a better product and you do this by supporting a thread written by someone deluded and in love with himself/herself.


The number one reason companies fail is because they ignore their customers.


We are taking part in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing progress. You Sir, together with the OP belong to the later.



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1. Bad or cartoon-y looking graphics.


> Its called stylized graphics. SW:TOR's graphics are not designed to be photo-realistic so that they will not look dated in a year or two. If you want photo-realism, play BF3 (great game EA).



2. Linear storyline.


> SW:TOR is a story-line driven game. All MMORPGs with experienced-based character leveling are by nature linear to some extent. SW:TOR is unique in that at each step in the storyline, you can make decisions from multiple paths that will affect the destiny of your character.

Disagree : pretty much the only thing it will affect is light/dark side meter that you can turn upside down later anyway.


3. No open world. I dont like exhaustion or boundaries.


> Its a big galaxy, did you expect to be able to ride a speeder from one planet to another? Exhaustion and boundaries are part of every MMORPG including WoW. No game world goes on forever.

I think the original complaint lies more in "instancing" of world zone whereby you can be in the same zone as somebody else and still not see him.


4. No dungeon finder.


> Type /who and hit enter. You can find people who are LFG and in the zone where you are questing or doing heroics. Dungeon finders, especially x-server destroy MMO communities and distort character progression by removing players from the flow of the game and rewarding bad behavior. Server communities are self policing, if you behave badly, you will be removed from your flashpoint or heroic group and likely remembered so be a team player and help your group.

Disagree. You present opinions as facts. And if you BELIEVE (yes it's not a fact) that CROSS-SERVER LFG destroys community than why dismiss SINGLE-SERVER LFG?


5. No x-server warzone finder.


> Just click the Republic or Empire button and wait, you can queue with a group from your guild or server. See #4 for x-server issues and their effect on server communities. If you want a mindless, anonymous pvp grind, SW:TOR is not the game for you.

Won't comment as I don't PVP at all.


6. No flying mounts.


> You have your own space ship, you can go anywhere in the galaxy in an instant. What more do you want?

Kinda agree. Just wished it was easier to get to the ship. Too much walk.


7. Companion crafting and gathering.


> You have more than one of your own personal valet, bodygaurd, cyber-@#$ toy, servant or slave. Yes, you have to equip it and give it gifts. What more do you want?

Mostly agree. Though I'm still not sure if there will be a real and interesting economy (will have to see when the current UI limitations are solved).


8. SW:TOR is boring, cut scenes and voice acting are time consuming and a waste of time.


> Voice acting and cut scenes are a key part of the game. If you have MMORPG ADHD, try ritalin. If that doesnt work, SW:TOR is not the game for you. Group or social gameplay is strongly encouraged. If you dont play well with others, there are some parts of the game that you will not experience.

Mixed bag. It's great for class quest. Not so great for other quests. I especially hate generics sentences that my character keep saying in most quests.


9. SW:TOR is not a true MMORPG.


> By whose standard? It may not be the MMORPG you are used to but SW:TOR is definitely an MMO-ROLE-PG. Take it from a role-player, SW:TOR is a role-players wet dream.

Disagree. It lacks too many MMO features. Take it from a MMO player, SW:ToR is Mass effect with SW IP and some pieces of wow (and lacking the best ones).


10. SW:TOR is buggy.


> More than 3 years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development. Take it from a software developer, software development is an imperfect process. BioWare does it better than most. Given the size and scope of SW:TOR, the game is remarkably stable and bug free. If you find a bug, report it. Remember that THE LACK OF A FEATURE THAT YOU WANT IS NOT A BUG. BioWare's programmers are bug-stomping as you read this.

Disagree. It's full of bugs and has "rushed" written all over the place.

Worst thing is BW doesn't begin to acknowledge half of the problems.

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Disagree. It's full of bugs and has "rushed" written all over the place.

Worst thing is BW doesn't begin to acknowledge half of the problems.


The game has a built-in bug reporting features. Not only do they acknowlege bugs and issues in SWTOR, the desire feedback from the player base on them.

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