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Please allow gathering in combat!!!


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I cannot tell you how many Flashpoints I have been in where the tank rushes. I ask politely to please allow me a few seconds to gather but it doesn't always work out. Since you nerfed slicing to the point where it is BARELY profitable, I had to drop that and rely on selling materials in the GTN, which combat cuts into. Please change this. It wouldn't hurt anything.
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I agree...I would really like to be able to gather while in combat. Atleast...if I haven't actively engaged in attacking or healing my group during an encounter, I shouldn't be toggled as in combat. Many times I'd be half way through the gathering process (not in combat), just to have other members of my group engage in combat...result, I can't gather. Very stupid. If I'm not actively in combat...then I shouldn't be toggled in combat just because someone in my party wants to rush ahead. Not fair for the gatherer, and not fair for the people that want to move along. As it stands, it's a lose lose.
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You shouldn't be wasting other people's time by gathering in a flashpoint unless it is okay with the other members of the flashpoint.


Gathering takes 2 seconds, the only delay is when the tank starts the next pull while you're gathering (interrupting the process). Then you either have to join the fight to contribute and then come back to harvest the node, stand there like an idiot till the combat ends, or decide not to harvest the node at all.


Another solution would be simply to not put a player into combat until they contribute damage or healing.

Edited by kuzoh
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I too noticed this when in a flashpoint, the tank would quickly engage the second second mob with no time to recuperate.


Hopefully people will learn healers need to restore their resource bar and will leave a window of opportunity between fights.

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You shouldn't be wasting other people's time by gathering in a flashpoint unless it is okay with the other members of the flashpoint.


Yeah, but a little courtesy would be nice. Not every player wants to blast through flashpoints as quick as possible.

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This is not only an issue in flashpoints. It's incredibly annoying when I see a node I want to harvest, so I engage the mobs nearby (can't harvest out of combat hur hur), then by the time the fight is done, some funny guy has come in and ninja'd the node. Please change this, Bioware.
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Yeah, but a little courtesy would be nice. Not every player wants to blast through flashpoints as quick as possible.


then just wait till the flashpoint is cleared, then stay inside when everyone leaves and you can go gathering till your heart is content or the nodes are gone


Did people forget how to think?

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then just wait till the flashpoint is cleared, then stay inside when everyone leaves and you can go gathering till your heart is content or the nodes are gone


Did people forget how to think?


No did you? Robots (salvage) and bio-based mobs despawn after a period of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree that gathering should be allowed during combat. In just the past two days I've had tons of people get the quest items and lock boxes that I was trying to get to because I had to clear the mods away first. Now I'm a stealth class so I understand that some people can still stealth while you're killing stuff and take it right out from under you, but I think the pros out way the cons and not every class can stealth. If it was allowed, I would have gotten the item or lock box while my companion took the heat for a few seconds. No big deal. Instead I had to take mins to fight off mobs allowing more players to come and take it. In MMOs it's a free for all, no one cares if you were there first. People see the item and are like "oh great, I don't have to kill these guys because Joe Schmoe here is fighting them, I'll just run right by and take it."
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You can gather in combat. Get all the aggro, set companion to passive then send him to gather while youre getting beat up


Edit :


Gatherable enemies dont despawn in phases. At least thats how it was when I did trouble in deed. They just sat there and when everyone else left, i gathered all the droids. none despawned

Edited by Leilei
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You can gather in combat. Get all the aggro, set companion to passive then send him to gather while youre getting beat up


Edit :


Gatherable enemies dont despawn in phases. At least thats how it was when I did trouble in deed. They just sat there and when everyone else left, i gathered all the droids. none despawned


Gatherable enemies despawn in instances within about 15-30 seconds of dying due to a bug. Half the time you can't even gather them as they despawn before the fighting even ends.

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I agree. To avoid people in stealth to take them just make it that if you arent attacking or healing in a fp you are not in combat. That way the tank cant rush it and you can have your 2-5 seconds of gathering time. Because right now the group looses more time going back to the node after a pull than doing it right away.
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Gatherable enemies despawn in instances within about 15-30 seconds of dying due to a bug. Half the time you can't even gather them as they despawn before the fighting even ends.


Well that sucks..For open world though just set your companion to passive and tell them to gether while you tank enemies. Thats how I gather on my scoundrel

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Honestly, it's very annoying how quickly mobs disappear after you kill them, but haven't yet harvested. This, for me, happens in two situations:




1) If I just killed, say, two Strong droids, and I'm telling my companion to harvest one, if I try to harvest the second one at the same time, he'll stop harvesting the first and try the one I just right-clicked on, and then I'll lose the first one.




2) If no loot came off the mob, but I'm still in combat (usually with an Elite, and the dead mobs were Strong), it'll disappear before I'm done killing the last mob.



Although BioWare has many more important things to worry about, this would be a worthy one to pursue as well.

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Gathering takes 2 seconds, the only delay is when the tank starts the next pull while you're gathering (interrupting the process). Then you either have to join the fight to contribute and then come back to harvest the node, stand there like an idiot till the combat ends, or decide not to harvest the node at all.


Another solution would be simply to not put a player into combat until they contribute damage or healing.


Then come back and get it. You have companions that can gather for you, you have time outside a FP/OP to gather. The nodes in the FP do not give you anything op/epic then the ones outside it.


People are doing a run to do the run, I haven't come across 3 other people and me all starting a run just to gather we are there to do the run.

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This is not only an issue in flashpoints. It's incredibly annoying when I see a node I want to harvest, so I engage the mobs nearby (can't harvest out of combat hur hur), then by the time the fight is done, some funny guy has come in and ninja'd the node. Please change this, Bioware.


If the node is close but not in middle of the mobs send your companions, I have learned that they have a smaller agro radius to mobs then I do or you can fight on top of the nods making it near impossible for the other person to click on it.

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Why are so many people upset that we want to gather while someone else in the group is in combat? Is the extra 1 second it takes for me to finish gathering while the rest of the group starts the next fight really that big of a deal? Does my missing 1 second of DPS or heals really hurt you that much? Please explain to me why this is a bad idea? Convince me, I want to understand you!


And regenerating does the same thing. People are in such a hurry that they start a fight before I am done and it interrupts me. If I am a healer and haven't started in the fight, wouldn't the FP go faster if i was able to hang back and finish my regen, while everyone else starts the next fight, then when I am done I can speedwalk over and start healing? What usually happens is I get flak for letting someone die because I have no force power left, when really if i could have finished the remaining few seconds of my regen while they started the next fight without me things would have been fine.

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