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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Looking at the general chat I would not say it is the dungeon finder that doesn't exist there yet, but the community in general that kills it. Sorry but reading all the chuck norris jokes over and over with all the "lols" of the bad jokes & people say how **** the game is, and still plays it. With the right guild I am sure it will be alot better for me, but for now it feels like I play with kids spamming the general chat with ****.


Community here seems just very different then what I am used too, but will continue to play it either way, I really enjoy the game.


But when ppl say dungeon finder destroys the community... hmm.... I take a quick look at the general chat & see much worse then what that tool does.

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The only thing I don't understand about people who argue AGAINST the dungeon finder, is that - okay, I get it. You want to talk to people and make your own group. Fine. Guild.






No other argument can even be brought up...

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I don't get the whole idea it will destroy the community


I've stopped looking for groups for all heroic 4's because of the hassle. Then when I finally find a group those areas don't increase my ability to gain xp and the loot is usually nothing worth my time.


If Bioware is avoiding implementing this because they want to preserve the community, they are wrong. In the end they will have a great deal of their content go untouched by many people not willing to look for a group manually.

Edited by bevman
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No. It ruins the community. Look at wow. Enough said.Your wrong on all points. It's for lazy, casuals who have no friends. Lazy,Lazy,Lazy. Instant gratification noobs.


Ahhh, the simple life how is it? Is it really the game that ruined it or the people in the game? Does the gun shoot people or does the pen write the story?

Back in the day we rode a horse and buggy now we fly accross continents, back in the day we had to spam chat (not global chat fyi) for a group now we have LFF. Don't let evolution pass you by.

Edited by Deepmemories
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The only thing I don't understand about people who argue AGAINST the dungeon finder, is that - okay, I get it. You want to talk to people and make your own group. Fine. Guild.






No other argument can even be brought up...


Actually, they can and will be brought up. For example, perhaps simply removing the regional default in the social window would help with this. I often want to go back and do heroics on a previous planet just to see the content even once I've moved on. But if I signal I'm LFG on Tatooine for Nar Shaddaa heroics, the folks on Nar Shaddaa won't necessarily see me.


Additionally, this may also have to do with server populations, which would make your experience, while frustrating, less easily resolved by simply adding a Dungeon Finder.


Now, I'm not against a more robust LFG tool. Heck, I'm not even against the "porting me directly to the Flashpoint" style system. But I'd really prefer that the tool wasn't cross-realm, and I think without cross-realm, you're going to find that people don't find the tool to be all that helpful because the wait-times to get a tank/healer are going to be pretty horrendous.

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And they all turned to garbage.


This. Because this.


Dont add HURR DURR dunfeon finder, im cool with LFG, you have to do something in order to find a group,


WoW community turned into crap introducing Dungeon Finder, i dont want to see this raging community turned into a more raging and more trolling community, Thanks !

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Cross server flash-points via dungeon finder are not an effective way to build community. You can argue against it, however it is true. Let's look at one example scenario:



  1. You find a player through LFG Tool or the General Chat. Or you use some out of the box thinking and actually invite someone you see to join the flashpoint. May or may not take a long time, but I imagine as time goes on Level 50 population will increase.
  2. You progress through the flashpoint with your team, successfully beating it, throughout the flashpoint your team is fair, friendly and fun, often taking opportunities to just have a laugh and have a great time. Not forgetting that this is a game and designed to have fun.
  3. You finish the flashpoint and then the next day you decide you would like to do a further one. You begin looking for players.
  4. Oh hey, check it out, the guy you played with yesterday is online! So you drop him a whisper and do the flashpoint.
  5. As an added bonus to that, the people you play with continue to be your friends, join your guild, come questing with you and become game/life long friends.



Let's look at the alternate scenario with dungeon finder:



  1. Click find group for dungeon.
  2. Do flashpoint.
  3. Yay loot.
  4. You come out no better off other than having some nice new shiny. (which, you're group of random players are far more likely to ninja from you)
  5. You go back to being lonely and sitting there in a city. Never seeing the people you just flashpointed with ever again.
  6. Forever alone.


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Cross server flash-points via dungeon finder are not an effective way to build community. You can argue against it, however it is true. Let's look at one example scenario:


  1. You find a player through LFG Tool or the General Chat. Or you use some out of the box thinking and actually invite someone you see to join the flashpoint. May or may not take a long time, but I imagine as time goes on Level 50 population will increase.
  2. You progress through the flashpoint with your team, successfully beating it, throughout the flashpoint your team is fair, friendly and fun, often taking opportunities to just have a laugh and have a great time. Not forgetting that this is a game and designed to have fun.
  3. You finish the flashpoint and then the next day you decide you would like to do a further one. You begin looking for players.
  4. Oh hey, check it out, the guy you played with yesterday is online! So you drop him a whisper and do the flashpoint.
  5. As an added bonus to that, the people you play with continue to be your friends, join your guild, come questing with you and become game/life long friends.


Let's look at the alternate scenario with dungeon finder:


  1. Click find group for dungeon.
  2. Do flashpoint.
  3. Yay loot.
  4. You come out no better off other than having some nice new shiny. (which, you're group of random players are far more likely to ninja from you)
  5. You go back to being lonely and sitting there in a city. Never seeing the people you just flashpointed with ever again.
  6. Forever alone.


Me Pete, me use pen!!!


Really now and people joining guilds does'nt build community for them?

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And they all turned to garbage.


What about Bioware has you convinced that they are the new, shining beacon of awesomeness that will return MMOs to the old ways?


Everything about this game looks like they're going for the casual player, not the old MMORPG fogeys that want to go back to the days of working in their video games instead of playing them for fun.


They're in it for the money - this game cost a ton to make and they're not going to get it back by flipping off casuals and pandering to a sub-type of the hardcore that wants things to be old-school.


Once the numbers come in and Bioware sees that few people are running the group content they painstakingly produced, they will improve on the garbage LFG 'system' they have right now. Then you'll have to decide whether to evolve as a person or go back to Everquest.

Edited by carnac_fett
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Im sorry but i completely disagree with a dungeon finder. i am sure it is because you have become a custom to the convenience of dropping in and out just to get your loot, what you fail to realise is the dungeon finder in wow made the community some what scattered and selfish. you never had to commit to anything with the dungeon finder as you would never see those players again, and so people would come in, ***** moan and complain, expect everyone else to pull there weight just so they can get there loot, and leave with nothing but rude comments in there wake. also, part of the effort of doing a dungeon and getting your reward was in finding some good people , rallying your friends, getting your community involved on your server to achieve a goal together. dungeon finder actually alienates people in a way for the sake of ''i just want my loot then log off''. you have a community on your server and that should be enough, and all a dungeon finder does is make people selfish to the point they dont work together, and the community on a server breaks down into a bunch of selfish individuals.
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NO, i hope they dont give easy mode LFG ONE BUTTON SYSTEM, they just need a dam channel that links to every world, that would fix the issue, they should make a chat link like Aion, post link in chat and people can apply to the group and ytou can decline them or accept, no need for LFG system
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it's really funny that people think SWTOR is so much different than wow.

It's the same game in space with voice acting and less features.

The leveling expierence might be 10 times better, but it's just foolish to say that everything else is better than wow, when in truth there's lot wrong with it.


And I don't get the hate against LFG tools, you can still spam in general chat like an idiot for hours trying to find a group while wasting your time, you're probably without work so you can spare the time.


For othere who Study, or have a job a Dungeon finder is really nice to have.

I don't need to socialize with everyone on my server, I have Family and Friends in real life to do that.


There's no reason not to include it.

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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


This is something I, and many others, NEVER want to see. I am SO GLAD they haven't implemented some kind of dungeon finder system into this game, it is one of the biggest community destroyers. I've seen it happen in other MMOs and I never want to see it here.


If we take WoW, for example, the LFG system there just trows you in with a bunch of random people from other servers and then, the results of that is, that no one in the group ever talks to one another unless a mistake happens, and when it does, insults and blame starts flying around like angry birds and everyone in the group just disbands and re-queues. Why? Because finding a group is so easy that it requires little to no work aside from pushing a button. So there's no incentive for players to actually make an effort to "work" together to complete the instance after something goes wrong.


A system like this is also a major Heaven for Trolls and Joe-cools. Meaning, they can do and say anything within the group without any fear of repercussions. Here, If someone is an *** in the group and then tries to find another group afterwards in /general, I can almost guarantee you they won't. IE: Server reputation matters. Something that has been missing in the MMO world for a long time, long time.


Allowing people to work together and communicate to form their own groups in order to run flashpoints is a great thing. Something I myself enjoy very much doing. Not only does it allow people to get to know each other better, but it also allows the community to become tighter with one another.

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Ok, for the comparison you draw, you could say that walking there with your buddy gives you time to talk/socialize before you jump into the gaming.


In your experience i give you mine. First, you were doing it wrong. You should look for groups in the fleet, thats the main hub and where people who want to get groups are, while beeing able to work on their crew skills etc.

In my experience i go to the fleet, i see the guy spamming for an instance im interested in, i join, there one more spot left... 2 minutes later we get the final member and move to the entrance. My experiences all took less than 15m. So, try the fleet and try at decent times.


and yes a flashpoint should be an event of proper significance and not something you spam 10 times a day.


Read it again, I did go to the fleet. Assuming you drive a car then your argument fails. There's a reason why we update our technology and use better ideas and solutions for problems. You're holding onto a broken system that has a solution that you don't want to face. Granted, it might not be perfect (cars do polute) but its much better than walking everywhere.

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You can also try every modern MMO made since 2004. They all have dungeon finders.


not true, FFXI didn't, an that is FAR tougher than any MMO made today. What they really want is simplicity, thye want to instantly warp to their instance, no time spent no risk no thought. LFG an comments is as has been said the perfect way to do it. People looking for members will see it.

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