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Biochem is NOT overpowered...


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I keep seeing all of these "Biochem is OP" threads and they all seem to be from people who don't know what recipies are available, or understand what the end game recipes are going to look like.


I'm going to list the high end recipes for Biochem, put the reusable next to the non reusable recipies that we have access to.


One thing to keep in mind that no one seems to realize is that the reusable stims/Medpacks including are not more powerful then what Biochem can make and sell. In fact the Blue medpacks are more powerful then the reusable non Rataka medpacks.




Rataka Medpack (BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/fPfMQdp


Restores 5050 to 6175 health and an additional 2245 health over 15 seconds. (Cooldown: 90s)



Tionese (Non BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/e4DgcTu


Use: Restores 4875 to 5950 health and an additional 2165 health over 15 seconds. (Cooldown: 90s)




Rataka Endurance Stim (BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/9VQXpQM


Use: Increases Endurance by 136 and Defense by 56 for 120 minutes. Only one stimpack can be active at a time. This effect persists through defeat.



Exotech Endurance Stim (Non BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/bGtu3Xh


Use: Increases Endurance by 128 and Defense by 52 for 120 minutes. Only one stimpack can be active at a time. This effect persists through defeat.




The Rataka Stims and Medpacks have a slight advantage in power. They also require materials that require people to raid and are BOP.


Exotech requires no materials from raids (Outside of the schematics)




Here are the non Rataka/Exotech stims


Reusable Ultimate Medpac (BOP)- http://www.torhead.com/schematic/d68nT6A


Use: Restores 3750 to 4575 health. (Cooldown: 90s)



Prototype Ultimate Medpac (Non BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/9Zadcx7


Use: Restores 3750 to 4575 health and an additional 1665 health over 15 seconds. (Cooldown: 90s)



Reusable Hyper-Battle Fortitude Stim (BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/4BV32ul


Use: Increases Endurance by 104 and Defense by 43 for 60 minutes. Only one stimpack can be active at a time.



Prototype Hyper-Battle Fortitude Stim (Non BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/3Wo7ocn


Use: Increases Endurance by 104 and Defense by 43 for 120 minutes. Only one stimpack can be active at a time. This effect persists through defeat.




Reusable medpacks have less power then the blue recipies.

Reusable stims have the same power, but must be reused after every death. The blue recipe does not need to be removed after every death.


Having access to our own reusable medpacks/stims just saves the Biochem some money in the long run. They will not need to buy two stims everytime they raid or for every hour or two of PVP. All the reusable ones end up doing is saving them aprox 10,000-20,000 in credits total per raid. Not much considering that's two daily quest rewards that take 15 minutes to complete on Ilum or Belsalvis.


Medpacks and Stims do not and will not cost a lot of money come end game, it's more of a convenience factor for myself so I don't have to sit there and take hours per day to crat stims/medpacks for myself every day when I use them. It does not make the Biochem user overpowered. Nothing is stopping another crew skill profession from buying the blue recipes or purple Tionese recipes and doing the same exact thing we are able to do right now.

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I agree ,


Reusable is the reward for all the money spent on leveling Biochem , if you remove reusable there is NO POINT in taking biochem cause you can just buy the stuff off the GTN and level another crewskill

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I agree ,


Reusable is the reward for all the money spent on leveling Biochem , if you remove reusable there is NO POINT in taking biochem cause you can just buy the stuff off the GTN and level another crewskill


It would be cheaper to make it yourself even if not reusable. It is not like it is difficult to level. Compared to other skills it has been rather quick and easy.


As for reusable being the reward for leveling? That is likely why people who have other crafting professions at 400 are complaining. From what I have seen on these forums, this is one of the only skills that gives you something you can't just buy from a vendor.


I agree, people shouldn't be asking for it to be nerfed - they should be asking for all other professions to give the same benefits. Nerfing everything just means everything is crap!

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I agree ,


Reusable is the reward for all the money spent on leveling Biochem , if you remove reusable there is NO POINT in taking biochem cause you can just buy the stuff off the GTN and level another crewskill


Level another crew skill and what? Realize you wasted your time and credits?

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this is one of the only skills that gives you something you can't just buy from a vendor.


If it wasn't for the reusable stims/medpacks the Vendor Stims and Medpacks would make us just as obsolete as every other crafting profession out there. You can easily get by on the vendor purchased Stims and Medpacks from 1-50 and most 50+ situations.


Each crafting profession gets their own perk at max level, some of them need to be buffed there's no doubt about that.


Why not discuss how to buff your profession or class instead of calling for things to get nerfed? That's something that's been going on in MMO's for as long as I can remember.


Come on people, don't hate on other crew skills or classes, help make your class or crew skill as good as the one you think is over powered.

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Each crafting profession gets their own perk at max level, some of them need to be buffed there's no doubt about that.


Why not discuss how to buff your profession or class instead of calling for things to get nerfed? That's something that's been going on in MMO's for as long as I can remember.



If each prof gets a perk at max level then maybe I will stick with the one I have.


And yes, I understand this has been going on in MMO's for some time, but it just doesn't seem very smart. If you think another crew skill or profession or craft is too good, then don't ask for it to be dragged down! Make cases for why yours should be boosted! I guess it is just easier to complain than to stop and think.

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Biochem isn't OP the other crafting skills just don't have a unique benefit that makes them worthwhile. I believe Slicing also wasn't OP before nerf, just the only gathering skill you could surely benefit from.


Don't nerf biochem, buff the other crafts to have unique benefits that make them wanted.

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Sorry but i thought this was crafting, to make profit, and to sell goods area. Not what can benifit ourselves the most. Reusable items = no resale, no repeat customers, and no business. It only helps those that take biochem keeping the items for only biochem drasticaly reduces sales. Its not overpowering, but it hurts the economy. More i sell, more resources i need, more i buy off of others. If i just use a resuable one there is no need for me to buy more resources. Its stagnates the economy.


For those that said all the time and money spent to level to 400 should ahve special perks, well obviously you didnt feel that way when you were crying about slicing. Its just because it benifits you, not the entire server.

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doesn't need a nerf, just have the other crew skills have some additional benefits.


cybertech's is good, but maybe at max level, one can reduce their modification removal fee as well.

i'm not really sure what the other skills could have added onto them, as i haven't used them, but i am sure there are plenty of options.

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Sorry but i thought this was crafting, to make profit, and to sell goods area. Not what can benifit ourselves the most. Reusable items = no resale, no repeat customers, and no business. It only helps those that take biochem keeping the items for only biochem drasticaly reduces sales. Its not overpowering, but it hurts the economy. More i sell, more resources i need, more i buy off of others. If i just use a resuable one there is no need for me to buy more resources. Its stagnates the economy.


For those that said all the time and money spent to level to 400 should ahve special perks, well obviously you didnt feel that way when you were crying about slicing. Its just because it benifits you, not the entire server.


you clearly didn't even read the op. he stated that quite simply, prototype med packs are more powerful, and that blue stims are competitive in value.


furthermore, not everyone is endgame, with the majority of players resting in their 30's. if the game is actually successful, there will be an influx of accounts, further increasing the demand for blue products.


the economy just needs time to mature, and other classes need additional benefits that are similar to biochem.

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Honestly if i wasnt a biochem already id sacrifice a few health points for a reusable one. ANd if every crafting skill has their own perks..........weres the trading come into play? Its about the economy, which you say is new. I understand this, and normaly takes months to settle down.


But we arent doing anything to kick start it either. Slicing was a huge help starting it off, that got nerfed. Now every skill will have their own perks and benifits that they cant sell to make profit due to skill lock and being reusable.


Most the complaints are from those that have biochem and want the stuff for themselves. It doesnt help the economy by making items limited, locked, or bought from a commedation vendor.

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if every crafting skill has their own perks..........weres the trading come into play? Its about the economy, which you say is new.



So you think a reusable med or stim pack negates the need for mods, armoring, non-reusable stim packs, implants, weapons, schematics, special missions etc? Unless the perk is an "uber" button that will negate the need for anything else, then there will always be trading.

Edited by Msbungle
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So you think a reusable med or stim pack negates the need for mods, armoring, non-reusable stim packs, implants, weapons, schematics, special missions etc? Unless the perk is an "uber" button that will negate the need for anything else, then there will always be trading.


well since i got my orange armor, i havent bought anything from a crafter

I get tons of commedations so i buy my mods from a vendor

ship upgrades... as much as i do space missions i dont need a cybertech to make them

i make my own crystals for my sith

i make my own med packs for my squishy alts


But i would probably just buy medpacks from the market since its quicker, than doing it myself. But why? When i can make reusable ones and never spend another credit on anything.


so yeah there is no need for anything you crafters make i cant get in game or make myself.


My items never go poof, even at 0/100 condition, so no need for a 2nd suit of armor.


And that is the problem.

Edited by Onomas
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Biochem is currently the only worth while crew skill. It doesn't make it OP, it makes the other crewskills underpowered. All crewskills need a unique benefit that only people with that crewskill get. Biochem gets awesome reusable stims and medkits. The other crewskills need something similar. I hate to use WoW as an example, but they had it right with the tradeskill perks in that game. Edited by Raltar
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well since i got my orange armor, i havent bought anything from a crafter

I get tons of commedations so i buy my mods from a vendor

ship upgrades... as much as i do space missions i dont need a cybertech to make them

i make my own crystals for my sith

i make my own med packs for my squishy alts


But i would probably just buy medpacks from the market since its quicker, than doing it myself. But why? When i can make reusable ones and never spend another credit on anything.


so yeah there is no need for anything you crafters make i cant get in game or make myself.


My items never go poof, even at 0/100 condition, so no need for a 2nd suit of armor.


And that is the problem.


I think YOU want crafting to make money for you in-game. Not everyone does.


As for your previous comment about only caring about ourselves and not the community?

You want these items to be profitable so that YOU can make money. You are just as selfish! Don't try to come off as mother theresa trying to help the masses! You want to run a successful business and can't in the real world, so you want to do it in a video game! You want to be rich in a video game.


When the server community pays for my subscription, then I will care if you and the rest of the community aren't making as much money by crafting in a video game.

Edited by Msbungle
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look, people complaining about biochem being "over powered" are the same people who complained they didn't get to fight in space in MW2, ok, these things are obvious, biochem and cybertech are the only skills that logically have any longevity to them. you should have known this when you choose your skill, and if you didn't its your fault for not reading the codex.
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Of course i want ot make profits idiot. Thats what crafting is for. Economy is ran by profits, the market is ran by profits. Any time you buy something someone is getting profits.


Its a business, we invest our time, money, and resources into something.........of course we want profits. If we didnt why else pick up crafting and play the market? We could just constantly grind and sell to npc vendors if we didnt.


Oh you are the ones that just make items for themselves, im happy for you. I do also. But there is nothing wrong with wanting or making profits from your goods. Otherwise whats the point?


You people need to decide if you want crafting as an economic booster or crafting as a self helping. Because one will kick start the economy, the other does nothing fo benifit the game, just the player.

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each time the BOP mats drop in raids, everyone rolls need on them.


i was the only one in FOUR separate groups at four separate times that knew *** it was and the only one that could use it.


I even said, "it's a bop mat that i need desperately".


one guy said he loves rolling need on it and getting it because he can vendor it for 900cr.


I can never get those mats.

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I would say anyone who levels Biochem to max DESERVES an OP reward. This has to be the single most annoying crafting skill I have ever had on ANY game in the HISTORY of video games.


From 110 to 140 the only pattens the trainer gives me involve Luminescent Cell Cultures and Bacterial Strains which I hardly EVER find in the world. The only way I have to get them is to send my minion on missions at 537credits PER MISSION to have a CHANCE to get one of the two items I need. On the republic side people trip over these mats but on the Empire side they are more rare than gold from what I've seen.


I think I'll just drop the skill at this point. It's not worth the investment.


Oh, and you need 4 of each of those items per point.


So to level from 110 to 140 it's 530cr a mission, getting the mat once every 3 missions on average, multiplied by 30 points, multiplied by 4 mats each point. So to level the skill it would cost me: 190,800 credits to level the skill to 140 empire side...

Edited by Coyotecalls
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each time the BOP mats drop in raids, everyone rolls need on them.


i was the only one in FOUR separate groups at four separate times that knew *** it was and the only one that could use it.


I even said, "it's a bop mat that i need desperately".


one guy said he loves rolling need on it and getting it because he can vendor it for 900cr.


I can never get those mats.


Simply put, you are raiding with the wrong kind of people.


Now I havn't really looked at the crafting skills in this game yet, but from the OP, I get the impression that biochem offers a slight (keyword SLIGHT) advantage to your stims and medpacks? If this is true, do the other skills offer anything that equals that in a raid buff type of way? If they don't, and biochem also gets the advantage and convenience of re-usable medpacks and stims, imo that puts biochem way out in front and would be pretty much a required skill for any serious pvper or raider.

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