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I want to feel both the vastness and emptiness of the dune sea on tatooine, I want the long distances to be boring so much I need transport to traverse the planet. I want sandstorms, wildlife and krayt dragons.


I want little points of interest in the middle of nowhere waiting to be discovered, I want to explore!


I want to join a guild and go to war with another guild, I want to be able to arrange to meet the other guild any time and place and not play a multiplayer side game.


I want a real world economy that isnt perfectly balanced, I want space for players to create their own stories and content.


...I want Star Wars The Old Republic and Star Wars Galaxies...


...yes I'm that greedy, I want both awesome story telling and sky-high production values, but I also want to feel immersed into a living breathing world of player economies, vast spaces and yes sandbox elements.


Don't shoot me for saying what I want :p

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Honestly, I could care less about the vast majority of "sandbox" features


SWTOR would really have benefited from having a World, instead of such a boxed in, pre-determined path for everything, though


yeah, cause the story in this story driven game isnt important, i should be able to start in the middle and finish at the begining.

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I miss my cantina and my BM/Smuggler. The ability to watch player cities rise and fall.


I don't know if we'll ever get another decent sandbox MMO ever again... but in SWG's... defense? They didn't fix things until much much much too late... and even then they left a player base scorned.


I've noticed that too many MMOs are trying to attact the WOW crowd instead of trying to create a new market... and the first MMO to make that mistake was SWG with NGE.



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Honestly, I could care less about the vast majority of "sandbox" features


SWTOR would really have benefited from having a World, instead of such a boxed in, pre-determined path for everything, though


Ha, you're always the first comment...


OP: I do too. Maybe in the future you'll have some of what you want.

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How about a book and a trip to your local park. Story and sandbox right there, bam bam.


KOTOR has never been about sandboxing.


This isn't KOTOR


Anyway, SWTOR doesn't need to be an all-out sandbox, but it could at least have an Open World, like World of Warcraft

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This isn't KOTOR


Anyway, SWTOR doesn't need to be an all-out sandbox, but it could at least have an Open World, like World of Warcraft


I don't understand, how is it not like World of Warcraft? I have been in areas that are bigger than any zone in WoW and just as wide open. What exactly are you looking for?

Edited by Claymaniac
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i want the same thing as well :(


though to quote the stones "you cant always get what you want"




i miss being able to run around for hours just checking crap out tho...really really do. and cantina's where ppl actually need to go and hang out and CHAT BUBBLES *** why no chat bubbles. .....and lastly player houses. :(

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I want to feel both the vastness and emptiness of the dune sea on tatooine, I want the long distances to be boring so much I need transport to traverse the planet. I want sandstorms, wildlife and krayt dragons.


I want little points of interest in the middle of nowhere waiting to be discovered, I want to explore!


I want to join a guild and go to war with another guild, I want to be able to arrange to meet the other guild any time and place and not play a multiplayer side game.


I want a real world economy that isnt perfectly balanced, I want space for players to create their own stories and content.


...I want Star Wars The Old Republic and Star Wars Galaxies...


...yes I'm that greedy, I want both awesome story telling and sky-high production values, but I also want to feel immersed into a living breathing world of player economies, vast spaces and yes sandbox elements.


Don't shoot me for saying what I want :p


1000% agree

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This isn't KOTOR


Anyway, SWTOR doesn't need to be an all-out sandbox, but it could at least have an Open World, like World of Warcraft


Where I can take 5 steps and go from desert to a rainforest, or 10 steps to lush plains to snow capped mountains.


Shady, you really must have no life whatsoever. You have been on these forums since 12/21 posting every negative comment you can come across. That is 11 days. If you don't like the game, go back to wow or wherever you want. I have a good feeling you wont, however, because you seem to be a person who enjoys and thrives on negativity.

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This isn't KOTOR


Anyway, SWTOR doesn't need to be an all-out sandbox, but it could at least have an Open World, like World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft fails with the "open world" concept - loads of empty pointless terrain with no other players seen in chat the second you step out of cities.


Sorry, running around all alone by myself on an endless XP hamster-wheel isn't my thing.


I've ran into more player-characters in a week of SWTOR than I'd seen in an ENTIRE YEAR of playing WoW in it's "open world."


Let me point out this is yet another in a long line Blizzard fails-fixed-fails: The Lonely World syndrome was so bad that they had to implement the Dungeon Finder tool and make it work across servers at that - leading some shills to believe that it was a great idea when it's just a kludge to cover up an underlying issue that never got fixed: Open-worlds work in proper sandbox games like Elder Scrolls or Fallout, not quest/XP-driven MMOs.



That said, there's nothing stopping BioWare from introducing new planets later on that have a sandbox environment, while leaving the current worlds intact as-is, and I hope they do :)


On the other hand, it's too late to fix for WoW - just expect more one-button solutions to instaport you to all party-based content... *lol*Raid Finder*lol* ..then throw you back out all alone where you were.

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Not going to shoot you but you are living in a dream world and you won't get what you want. I want to win the lottery on the same day that I become the president of America.


Acually there are quite a few games that have taken great strides in making the game world feel alive. Environmental effects are not something alien to the MMO genre, they're just alien to the current generation of WoW inspired instancing MMOs where the point is to get social interaction in chat rather than immerse yourself in a game.

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That would essentially require two games to be made. Stories must have a start, middle and end. If they didn't then they wouldn't make sense. Open world would require something like what Eldar Scrolls have done over the years where the storyline itself is very simple but the world is made elaborate.


TOR is released now and will continue to develop for the next 10 years. No doubt they will make the world more open now since we have already established a start, middle and end to the core storylines. The length is finished, so now the devs can focus on the breadth.

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Yeah, I'd like to go back 10 years or so too but that portal is closed to me. Perhaps as SWTOR grows, it will add some of the features that were most popular in other Star Wars games. However, seems they've got a bit of fixing to do first.
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Sorry, I just don't get what is fun about the whole "sandbox" thing. Everyone has different preferences and I don't want just a literal single path I have to walk down (as many J-RPG's used to be and maybe still are haven't played one in years). I don't feel confined in this game even though its not sandbox. They also put enough chests and datacrons around that it does encourage a bit of exploration off the "beaten path".


To me this game is a perfect in the way the worlds are set up...except quick travel to my ship would be nice.

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