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Jedi romance options - do you need to be dark side?


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What I mean is, from what I read/seen there is a Sith one where your char has to be on the dark side to romance. Now I fear that your char has to be dark side as well to romance anyone with Jedi's. Is it just that you have to make dark side choices or does your 'karma' have to be on the dark side?


Thank you so much in advanced!

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You don't have to be dark side, but for some reason, when you do flirt with people, it can lead to dark side points. However, you should have plenty of light side points to make up for that if you're playing a regular Jedi type.


Personally, I prefer Luke's view on attachments more than the old school style. Cutting off your emotions is like asking someone to rip out their heart and survive. It can't be done. All that's going to happen is you're going to bury everything down deep and something's going to happen that makes you snap-- like it did with Anakin.


My belief is that having emotions and attachments is fine. It's ok to love, hate, fear, get angry, etc. as long as you have control of them. There's many people in the world that make me angry, but it doesn't mean I'd go out and start slaughtering them. Jolee Bindo had it right. Let yourself feel emotions and then overcome them. I've seen love save more people in the SW universe than turn them dark.


Yes, some will fall. It's bound to happen no matter what path you follow. But obviously, stunting their emotional growth hasn't stopped anything either as the Jedi Council fell into an endless cycle of making the same mistakes over and over again, until Luke finally corrected it.

Edited by KLGChaos
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My belief is that having emotions and attachments is fine. It's ok to love, hate, fear, get angry, etc. as long as you have control of them. There's many people in the world that make me angry, but it doesn't mean I'd go out and start slaughtering them. Jolee Bindo had it right. Let yourself feel emotions and then overcome them. I've seen love save more people in the SW universe than turn them dark.


I am pretty sure that in one of the replies of my consular, I have heard "Emotions leads to the dark side", so I Am guessing, they are not allowed at all, especially with the many small examples of the starting quests of a Jedi.

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I am pretty sure that in one of the replies of my consular, I have heard "Emotions leads to the dark side", so I Am guessing, they are not allowed at all, especially with the many small examples of the starting quests of a Jedi.


In this current era, romance is forbidden for Jedi. If they wish to do it, they won't kill you or anything.


But they will eject you from the Order though. And in the game's way of managing things, pursuing romance is a "dark side" thing.

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You don't have to be dark side, but for some reason, when you do flirt with people, it can lead to dark side points. However, you should have plenty of light side points to make up for that if you're playing a regular Jedi type.


Personally, I prefer Luke's view on attachments more than the old school style. Cutting off your emotions is like asking someone to rip out their heart and survive. It can't be done. All that's going to happen is you're going to bury everything down deep and something's going to happen that makes you snap-- like it did with Anakin.


My belief is that having emotions and attachments is fine. It's ok to love, hate, fear, get angry, etc. as long as you have control of them. There's many people in the world that make me angry, but it doesn't mean I'd go out and start slaughtering them. Jolee Bindo had it right. Let yourself feel emotions and then overcome them. I've seen love save more people in the SW universe than turn them dark.


Yes, some will fall. It's bound to happen no matter what path you follow. But obviously, stunting their emotional growth hasn't stopped anything either as the Jedi Council fell into an endless cycle of making the same mistakes over and over again, until Luke finally corrected it.

it was Revan's idea first

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it was Revan's idea first


Jolee is a good deal older than Revan. And other Jedi that came before Jolee certainly said the same thing. The main problem is inertia. The Jedi are an Orthodox order now, so trying to change it from within is almost impossible.


Personally, "fallen" jedi are just fine. When leaving the Order, all that happens is that the one leaving must turn over his or her lightsaber(s), be stripped of their rank and standing as a jedi, and no longer have the resources and authority one has as a member of the order.


Nothing says a "fallen" Jedi cannot reconstruct a new lightsaber and forge a new life. Hell, the Republic Army is so huge that a non-order Jedi could disappear into their ranks and end up in a special forces squad later on. Force Commandos are freaking scary, as anyone thats played the Star Wars tabletop RPG can tell you.


I've always found the Jedi Council to be supremely arrogant though. Really, an Orthodox Jedi is no better than a Sith when one starts getting down to details. Both sides sacrifice their humanity for greater power, one side just has better PR.

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The Jedi Order does indeed restrict emotions too greatly, but I think the reason for it is because both sides (Jedi/Sith) are very black and white, and there's no gray area.


It's as Revan once said, trying to completely cut off or let loose your emotions is a bad idea. If you let yourself use your emotions in a positive way, and learn to control the bad part, you're living in the best point.


However, since both sides are dead set in their ways, it'd be hard to set such a large change into fruition.

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There is a bit of a chat thing with Jedi Counselor in which it is stated that while the Jedi Order generally doesn't approve of romances and relationships. If the Jedi in question is capable of themselves to maintain their emotions when needed the Jedi order will approve of said relationship. (Said perhaps in fewer words though)


Of course this may of just been a flirt to get some nookie.


I've noticed the relationship npc conversations tend to force the romance... I tried being just friends and I pretty much had a choice of utterly rude. Then even when I did choose an non-flirt reaction it still ended up in a flirt and first kiss.

Edited by hattertea
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I find it appallingly ironic that we male inquisitors only get one romance option and it requires us to go lightside to make her happy :rolleyes:


I find it appalling that all female characters, afaik, only get one romance option (per class). I don't know about Baldur's Gate or NWN but ever since KOTOR, males and females have gotten the same amount.

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I find it appalling that all female characters, afaik, only get one romance option (per class). I don't know about Baldur's Gate or NWN but ever since KOTOR, males and females have gotten the same amount.


I don't even know if the female Jedi even has a romance option? Call me dumb, but I wanted to romance Kira (since I know she is an option, but didn't realize she was only for male Jedi).

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In this current era, romance is forbidden for Jedi. If they wish to do it, they won't kill you or anything.


But they will eject you from the Order though. And in the game's way of managing things, pursuing romance is a "dark side" thing.


The Jedi Master from Nar Shaddaa had a daughter so he had a relationship of some kind. He was still a important member of the order.

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I think the KOTOR/SWTOR era is a transitional period for the Jedi Order. They were a fairly unrestrictive, decentralised Order. Single Masters taught small classes on isolated planets. Pupils were inducted at late teenage.


Then came Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma, two Jedi Knights that fell to the Dark Side and terrorised the galaxy as Sith. Then came Revan and Malak barely fifty years later. So the Jedi Order's starting to worry that they need to fix their curriculum because the Sith keep arising from amongst the Jedi.


That's when they started getting really strict about this sort of thing.

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This is a great conversation. I think it shines a lot of light on our definitions of love in our own lives. It seems like our entire existence is this progression. For example, I've noticed that there are too many people that confuse extensionality with love which is exactly what I think the Jedi Order was trying to protect people from. To further illustrate, look at how Anankin distorted his feelings of love. He used them as the means to an end. Where if he truly understood his feelings, I think he clearly would not have made the same mistakes. The Jedi Code backfired on them completely which is true for most laws and precedence set in motion with a linear way of thinking. It's just a band-aid on a broken bone.


That said, I just got Nadia and I'm really tempted to "get things poppin" so to speak. I'm really attracted to her personality and demeanor too(as much as you should be with a story character, don't get it twisted *_*) which puts me at even greater conflict. This is why I'm pleased with my romance choices tho. I can't speak for the other story lines, but I can say that in my case, it's very immersive.


There were a couple cases where I thought the writers were rather biased with their writing style and it seemed to even itself out with a better explanation later. I'm hoping for this in the romance section of the game as well. With the story line, I was disturbed about the "anarchists" in the game as this "group", if you can call it that(*_*), is so commonly misunderstand as is evident by the dictionary definition of anarchy. Later on, they explain the story more and it's obvious that it's not that far from real life. There is always certain people that give "groupings" of people a bad name and the inherent problem is the grouping or labeling of people which my consular clearly explores.


To sum this up, I hope everyone can find ways to expand their ideas about their own story and genuinely make it their own.

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  • 3 months later...
Unless something has changed since closed beta, you can't have any dark points if you want to get to light 5.


You can get Light 5 with dark side points. Flashpoints give you light/dark side points each time you do them. If you get 100 dark from romance solo Esseles and get 200 light lol.

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...My belief is that having emotions and attachments is fine. It's ok to love, hate, fear, get angry, etc. as long as you have control of them. ....


BINGO !! It's control, not subjugation or denial, that leads to strength and success, always. If the Jedi insist on total subjugation of emotion, they're as stupid as the Sith are, and for exactly the same reasons.

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Jedi Order during the period where the game is taking place right now is actually more lenient with romance than later era. Marriage between Jedi were actually allowed but those marriages were ended up as quite unhappy as they were subjected to heavy Council oversight to make sure the couple remains "detached".


Heck, there are even rumors going around that the current Grand Master Satele Shan even had a son herself and the said child is actually being kept by SIS.


I kind of understand what Jedi's code on emotion is trying to do. They are trying to keep Jedi from having attachments because by having attachments, one is more susceptible to lose the "big picture". Are you really confident that you can kill your love one even if means to say millions upon millions of innocents? Are you confident that when the time calls, you have to convict your love one for wrong-doing, you will make the correct decision and still be sane afterwards? There are millions of situations such as those that will arise in someone's life. But being a Fore-user and defender of galaxies, the responsibility and impacts of those choices are far greater than, say, a mother lying in order to cover-up her son's crime.

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