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We have a right to be upset...


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Actually the early access was included in the purchase price. The only way it could not count as part of the purchase is if it was not related to said purchase date and the amount of time allowed was the same for everyone.


There's a problem with your logic! It is too logical and does not portray Bioware in a perfect way therefore by fanboy logic you are wrong lol.

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I kinda have to agree with the OP.


People do have a right to be upset....at themselves.


Whether it be because you for some reason didn't believe Bioware back in July when they said this would happen...or that you didn't pay attention when Bioware was speaking...or that you didn't pre-order early enough...I agree, you have a right to be upset. Just stop taking it out on everyone else.

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The basketball analogy is actually pretty good except that they didn't pick anyone randomly and are instead going straight down the line.


They have 500 basketballs and only gave out 10 or so the first day instead of handing out all 500 and letting everyone struggle over the two hoops on the court.


lol, I made this long, drawn out improvement on the OP analogy and you did it better in a sentence (the number of hoops I didn't think of). Bravo.

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Stop whining. those 500 "basketballs" were never meant for anybody to touch until 12/20. Bioware decided to reward people , while making a smooth release at the same time. What on earth happened to make people so self entitled and selfish.


The official launch is on 12/20. People get the game on 12/13, and people are complaining that they didnt get it on 12/13 and will instead get it on 12/14 or 12/15. Which by the way is earlier than the original early access date.OMG you only get the game 5 days early instead of 7?



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Stop whining. those 500 "basketballs" were never meant for anybody to touch until 12/20. Bioware decided to reward people , while making a smooth release at the same time. What on earth happened to make people so self entitled and selfish.


The official launch is on 12/20. People get the game on 12/13, and people are complaining that they didnt get it on 12/13 and will instead get it on 12/14 or 12/15. Which by the way is earlier than the original early access date.OMG you only get the game 5 days early instead of 7?




Sounds like you whine about whiners--- just sayin

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Were not upset because we feel entitled to play. its because they CAN let us in they're just not choosing to.


That's like that store that has 500 basketballs and 400 people are lined up to get them. They give 5 basketballs to the first few people, and randomly pick out 2 people in the line to give 2 more basketballs to. Then they tell everyone to go back home, they're all out of basketballs and will have more in tomorrow, when we can clearly see the stack of 493 basketballs.


Its just an illogical inconvenience. Carrot on a stick if you will.


I posted this in another forum but I feel it's more relevant here:


Hey man,


I've been really stoked to play this game too, but whining to the devs or cancelling your pre order only hurts you. You're not entitled to anything in this life, just be grateful a talented bunch of folks from around the world spent 5+ years crafting this work of art so that all of us can dive into and submerse an amazing world we all know and love. Early access or not, I'm extremely excited to play this game, and I will for a very, very long time and I sure can wait a few extra days to do so. It just makes it that much more satisfying when I do get to start!


So just be cool man, we'll all get a chance to play, and if you're really that upset read the not so fine print that says UP TO five days early access and consider what that means.



MiistaD :cool:

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the only thing that isn't right is that some people will play more than up to 5 days and some people will not be playing even 5 days...


They are right if they let you play 1 days they've achieved what their publicity said ... but by allowing people to play 7 days they are lying to the rest of their customer base by giving more to a certain type of customer.

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If a video game has people this upset all i can do is hope something horrific happens in your life to put things in perspective for you. I bet if acting like an idiot on the internet caused cancer the world would eventually be a better place.
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Or we could all get in on the same day, so what if we can't play because of the massive lag and crashed servers, we all got in. (sarcasm)


This is the logic that is ruining these forums.


What lag would there be if there were queues that prevented too many people to be on the server thus causing lag?

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Stop whining. those 500 "basketballs" were never meant for anybody to touch until 12/20. Bioware decided to reward people , while making a smooth release at the same time. What on earth happened to make people so self entitled and selfish.


The official launch is on 12/20. People get the game on 12/13, and people are complaining that they didnt get it on 12/13 and will instead get it on 12/14 or 12/15. Which by the way is earlier than the original early access date.OMG you only get the game 5 days early instead of 7?




there is no way to get through to these guys, My faith in humanity is a bit diminished after today. Made me realize how stupid some people can be.

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I honestly can't understand why people are getting upset.


Here's the cold, hard bottom line:


Is the rollout taking longer than I anticipated? Yes, it is. So I was lazy about preordering. Did I know spots were going to be given out on a first come first serve basis? Sure did. And so did all of you. So who's fault is it that I'm not playing right now? Mine. I ASSUMED the rollout would be quicker. I was wrong.


I'm not the team staring at the metrics coming from the servers. I don't have all the facts. Is it my call how they go about the rollout? Nope. They have their reasons, I'm sure. I'm adult enough to realize that this is THEIR project and there's really nothing I can do about it. It's their call.


If playing on the first day was SO important to you then you should have ordered on the first day. You knew the deal. It was an incentive for people to put their money on the table. They did. They're playing. I didn't. I'm not playing. But none of us can kid ourselves and say we didn't know the deal from the start.


Just take it like an adult and stop trying to shift the blame for your bad assumptions to bioware.

Edited by choxor
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Heck I worked for Cryptic Studios and it was a number of players you entered then pressed a button, would take an hour and voila 10k more beta testers.


So why didn't I get into the STO beta (whoops, I mean head-start) until 3 days prior to release? Please don't ever compare STO release to any MMO unless said MMO is falling on its face horribly (hint: this one is NOT doing that at the moment).


Actually the early access was included in the purchase price. The only way it could not count as part of the purchase is if it was not related to said purchase date and the amount of time allowed was the same for everyone.


UP TO 5 DAYS EARLY (release date: December 20). Math a little. We're on the 13th - that's a bit more than 5 days early and they've let a BUNCH of people in already.


agreed, they are trying something different and I think more folks then not would agree that it was the wrong choice.


I don't. They started letting people in 2 days earlier than they promised - extended the early start an additional 40%. I'd say that's pretty smart planning: extend the period to account for the number of pre-orders (not to mention pretty gracious of them)


i am upset i was promised free chicken and now i find out i get no chicken


no, no: you're upset you don't get your free chicken 2-6 days earlier than the chicken was promised


If a video game has people this upset all i can do is hope something horrific happens in your life to put things in perspective for you. I bet if acting like an idiot on the internet caused cancer the world would eventually be a better place.


Love you. Nohomo.


Early start is nothing more than a strategic launch method marketed as a bonus for pre-orders. I, for one, am happy they aren't waiting until the 20th to dump Nearly 1 million users onto the servers.

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I'd happily trade early access for a Grace period. I think demanding early access is entitlement rage, the message all along has been "*UP TO* 5 days" there was no guarantees, if on December 19th at 11:30 PM you don't have early access... ok be upset. On the never even mentioned until last week 7th day before launch... huh?


Grace period on the other hand was promised, stated as a fact and people like my self ordered CE's online secure in the knowledge we would have time to receive our package and enter our retail code. We made purchases based on information we had been given. They lied to us.


Not having early access today is not a lie or a betrayal of trust.

Edited by Derat
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Would you be upset if there was no early access and no one could log in until the 20th? Admit it, you're just jealous. Also, I didn't get in today and I really don't expect to get more than a few days of early access due to the fact that I pre-ordered yesterday.



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This is the logic that is ruining these forums.


What lag would there be if there were queues that prevented too many people to be on the server thus causing lag?


You mean like the queue of EA invites?


Oh, right! You were complaining because Bioware is queueing people up for early access...

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