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I'm sorry if you were offended, but if someone is going to make a bold claim such as "all the best beta PvPers are on this server", no matter who they are; someone is likely going to chime in. As a PvPer from beta, it is relevant to me and I'm not just randomly going after anyone. My intentions were already explained in this thread. I simply do not understand how someone could have such high opinions of themselves yet seemingly purposely avoid competition, it boggles my mind.


Regardless, for the sake of your integrity, you should let him be him, and not drag both your and SOA's names through the mud in some vain attempt to refute his intentionally ironic and provocative claim. Hopefully for both your sakes all the off topic posturing posts in this thread(and by extension this one) get removed.

Edited by Lina_Inverse
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Matchless has rolled republic here. Looking forward to pursuing fights against the competitive teams as well as setting up organized engagements in open world.


Awesome!! Look forward to seeing you guys on the battlefield!


Added you, btw, in case you guys want to coordinate.

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Regardless, for the sake of your integrity, you should let him be him, and not drag both your and SOA's names through the mud in some vain attempt to refute his intentionally ironic and provocative claim. Hopefully for both your sakes all the off topic posturing posts in this thread(and by extension this one) get removed.


to that admirable end, people should flag the OP and request a mod come in here and do some housekeeping.

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I'm sorry if you were offended, but if someone is going to make a bold claim such as "all the best beta PvPers are on this server", no matter who they are; someone is likely going to chime in. As a PvPer from beta, it is relevant to me and I'm not just randomly going after anyone. My intentions were already explained in this thread. I simply do not understand how someone could have such high opinions of themselves yet seemingly purposely avoid competition, it boggles my mind.


Umm, b/c we (meaning the folks who planned and decided to join AH, not just Brutality) were the highest concentration of good pvpers on DM, and you are not competition to us.


I know you and your alliance wish we landed on HoG so you have competition, but you simply don't make the cut. Have fun with Ebonlore and Lotd. They will keep you busy.


Did I speak plainly enough for you to understand?


I've said my piece and I'm done on the matter. Back to the topic.

Edited by Nyghoma
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Regardless, for the sake of your integrity, you should let him be him, and not drag both your and SOA's names through the mud in some vain attempt to refute his intentionally ironic and provocative claim. Hopefully for both your sakes all the off topic posturing posts in this thread(and by extension this one) get removed.


Like any of this matters in the big picture. These guys are blowing their wads early. In 1 month no one is going to care.



This does illustrate a supreme reason to have boards dedicated to each individual server. Why do I care what Fatman, or Garush, or any of the umpteen other pvp servers are doing? I am not there. I am not fighting any of them. Who are they to me?


You two need to hug it out and let it sweep under the carpet. It is small potatoes.

-Do not waste your effort fighting dragonflies. Save it for the dragons. :rolleyes:

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Like any of this matters in the big picture. These guys are blowing their wads early. In 1 month no one is going to care.



This does illustrate a supreme reason to have boards dedicated to each individual server. Why do I care what Fatman, or Garush, or any of the umpteen other pvp servers are doing? I am not there. I am not fighting any of them. Who are they to me?


You two need to hug it out and let it sweep under the carpet. It is small potatoes.

-Do not waste your effort fighting dragonflies. Save it for the dragons. :rolleyes:


Are you the Uben from my guild in Rift?

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When the thread itself is one of your typical; "our server is better than everyone else's, so come play here!" threads, I do not see the issue. It's not an important thread that needs to be kept clean in the first place.


I'm not worried about having a squeaky clean image, if someone deserves it, they're going to hear my thoughts. By defending my guild and myself, I am not dragging it into the mud. My initial post was merely that of an inquiry.


There have been far worse situations than this, such as the DH forums. Trolling in a troll thread is not a problem I'm worried about.


Best of luck to you on AH, and I hope you guys do find that competition your looking for.


Give me a break. You and your guild trolled and started drama in every forum possible. Here, the beta forums, DH forum, and even your own public forums. Each and every time you pick a fight, make back-handed comments, then try to con ppl with your sanctimonius dribble about taking the high road after the community jumps on you.


It kills you guys when any other guild or party gets the slightest attention. Remember Brutality's recruitment thread on the beta forums? Airial needed to try to hijack that thread. Remember the healer killer thread? There's Airial again trying to steal the spotlight.....


Stop riding other ppl's coat-tails. Nobody talked about you b/c nobody really cared. Go back to making vids on entry lvl raiding, and pvpless HB matches against low lvl pugs. Just stay out of our threads, and leave our name out of yours.

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It kills you guys when any other guild or party gets the slightest attention. Remember Brutality's recruitment thread on the beta forums? Airial needed to try to hijack that thread. Remember the healer killer thread? There's Airial again trying to steal the spotlight.....



So anytime I post in a thread I'm trying to hijack it or steal the "spotlight". You're great. You have some sort of sick obsession with me if you believe any of what you just typed to be true. :eek:


"Spotlight"... lol.

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I'm not going to not defend myself if your own guild leader can't control himself.


Don't even play that card. Having an absentee GM like Chajomi, who doesn't reign in on trolls in his guild is just as bad, if not worse. I like Cha, but ppl like you are going to destroy his guild. Although at this point, I could care less.

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The same could be said about you, honestly. You act like we just go after people unprovoked, that is simply not the case. You were incredibly upset with us after that whole ordeal during beta where we tried to get you to pay attention, communicate & be a better player back in our old testing guild before you started your own guild. Honestly, we thought we were just trying to help out a new player who didn't really understand the Warzones or team-play mechanics. After you ragequit the guild and spammed duels requests as well as profanity, you came at us every chance you got on the forums. Do not fault us for sticking up for ourselves.


Regardless, I understand you are upset about getting negative publicity, but understand that any publicity is good publicity. I would enjoy it!


And what does this in-game hyperbole and spin-doctoring have to do with anything? Your guildies made it a point to post this stuff on the beta forums initially and continue to bring it up even today, reinforcing my point. None of this stuff is even remotely on topic, but you decide again to derail it to try to make me look bad. I never started a thread of post here or in beta calling RJ or your group out. Its always been me defending myself from trolling.


But please continue. Your making my case for me.

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I'm taking my guild to one of the new servers tomorrow, Republic Side.


Gotta be server first 50 ya know.


I was Gripzirra(50 Merc) Osium (47 Assassin) Osziana (50 Operative) during the October push on Revan. Had EA not be staggered we might have come here.


Whats up Smooches.



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Do you even have a case, do you even know what it is?


You can act like we're violent and mean hooligans who attack people unprovoked all you want; the fact is you won't see us doing such to anyone else. I brought up what I brought up to make a point; you attacked us just as much. It's a nice little amusing circle of drama.


And to clarify, our public forums only has members discussing snide comments your own members made in public on youtube about us. Not really sure where this clean, holier than thou thing is coming from us. Neither of us are in the right here.


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I'm taking my guild to one of the new servers tomorrow, Republic Side.


Gotta be server first 50 ya know.


I was Gripzirra(50 Merc) Osium (47 Assassin) Osziana (50 Operative) during the October push on Revan. Had EA not be staggered we might have come here.


Whats up Smooches.




Out of curiosity what guild?

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