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Everything posted by Daralith

  1. 789411 dmg, 85 kills http://i.imgur.com/KZYHP.jpg Also, peach has 786094 healing
  2. I have a geared 50 sentinel (watchman), 50 powertech (shield spec/pyrotech), and 50 scoundrel(dmg). I'm looking forward to playing both in the patch, but for now I wanted an alt to level ~30-50 or so in WZ. Right now I'm torn between the following classes and need help choosing: Commando I love the art and style of the commando class, but I am a bit timid about the low skill cap (low entertainment value?) of the dps specs. Having a first true ranged class would be nice though. Sorcerer I think I'd enjoy the play style of the sorcerer the most because of the number of tools it has, but I'm less interested in the art/style and the dps spec seems a bit underwhelming in terms of doing anything more then 'pad' damage (sustained, low aoe dmg). Assassin I have the same feelings about the art/style of the class, but being tank specd with a lot of damage is appealing (powertech is a bit limited in how much damage it can do while tank specd). I've seen pictures of 700k dmg/100k tank/80k healing which is ridiculous. I'm concerned about the class being a one trick pony and feeling underwhelming compared to my ridiculously overpowered sentinel. Sniper I've heard the story for snipers is phenomenal, but I am incredibly timid about the limited mobility. I am a competitive pvper (multi rank 1 glad in wow) and the class seems the least flexible. I'm afraid that there's not much to the class besides finding a good spot and burning through the rotation. e.g. I'm afraid of little LOS abuse and the other tricks that make wow pvp so competitive for the class.
  3. Really? I thought the BH story was terrible after A1. I had no attachment to any of the characters in A2/A3 which made the bounties feel less epic. The whole plot in A3 and its resolution was so brief and not very 'heroic' feeling. I've also leveled smuggler and sentinel to 50. Smuggler by far had the worst story of the three, but the best dialogue. Sentinel was my favorite because every act felt significant, with A2 being a little slow in the build up for A3.
  4. Do Rage spec juggernauts put out more damage than this?
  5. It's perfectly understandable to ask. In my opinion, the limited utility a damage spec powertech brings makes them less efficient than most other DPS classes. The damage of every damage class is good, but damage PT doesn't bring anything else to the table of interest. Operatives - higher burst damage, innate run speed bonus, better capacity to interrupt damage, offhealing, combat stealth Marauders - highest melee uptime, non-dispellable snare, great group utility (speed buff, defense buff, dmg buff) Snipers & Mercenaries - Limited by line of sight, but incredibly high damage all based from range, knockbacks, DPS Juggernauts - 7k aoe cleaves, charge, intervene, intercept DPS Sorcerers - potentially as useless, large amounts of damage and utility, but typically not the kill leader (less meaningful damage than other dps counterparts), knockbacks DPS Assassins - strong out of stealth bursting, force speed ability, stealth, knockbacks Pyrotech - Survivability mechanism is heavy armor, lacks run speed bonus/closer, grapple is great for environmental damage/defense in HB, long cd stun (dart), short aoe stun (carbonize), ranged capacity but needs melee for full effectiveness. edit: consistency I'd also argue that Snipers and DPS sorcerers also have limited usefulness. Snipers immobility with cover is easy to exploit and sorcerers do a lot of small damage with a lack of true interrupts, making them not strong killers, but good at padding damage.
  6. I don't understand why you would want to have zero guard and spam damage as an inferior damage class. Here's 14 medals, 150k guard, 340k damage in a 4-0 farm game: http://i.imgur.com/DgMFC.jpg 21/2/18
  7. If survivability is of the utmost importance, then you'd spend more points into shield tech. In that case, there's no point to skip the talent. If you're willing to sacrifice a bit of shielding and skip flame surge, then I don't see anything wrong with your idea. I definitely prefer your tree over a retractable blade StormGut style.
  8. What happened to the videos of your juggernaut? I wanted to see the dps from the non cleave spec Edit: The alderaan ones, not those huttball clips.
  9. Kolto Vents (http://www.torhead.com/ability/4uE8Jx1) Kolto Overload (http://www.torhead.com/ability/5F4htmJ) or medpacs (http://www.torhead.com/item/1wf28nO)
  10. The queues for Empire vary from instant to ~ 5 minutes usually. Depends on the time of day. It's mostly Huttball.
  11. Yes, there's a setup to using sweep, but the setup is entirely user controlled. There's nothing random about it.
  12. I know there has been a lot of advice claiming against Heat Blast, but it is incredibly useful to drop to different heat tiers. The damage 31/8/2 gives is good anyways. I commonly pull 250-300k damage at level 50. I am still using a level 46 weapon.
  13. This thread has turned from sarcastic baiting to entice people to Anchorhead to a lot of really uncalled for drama.
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