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I dunno, but there are a lot of terribads playing here.


Huttball, people still dont get it. If you're a "clicker" you might wanna cut down on that and learn how to hotkey + click ground. If you cant do that, you're not going to be much of a passer. If you're not much of a passer, you very much a liability.


Huttball, learn the freaking map. If you dont know it and you end up with the ball, learn to throw. Learning and exploring the map while you run around with the ball will make the team lose.


Alderaan, dear sith lord in Korriban, some of the Republic players are incredibad. I can not only win 2v1's with my IA:Op, but also hold off 5 of them for a good 2 mins because they couldnt figure out to insta-gib me instead of having 5 of them try click the controls at the same time. 1 flash bang @ 5 of you all channeling the controls at the same time = lol.




Sure, there are some good players on here. But, this server certainly isnt "omg awesome" lol. I've seen some people 30+ who have no idea about the basics of PvP. I'm just hoping that the players and guilds thin out at launch.

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Anchorhead has proven today to be the best pvp server hands down. However, we could use a few more on republic side. So if you wanna kick some bantha butt play on anchorhead.


That's some awesome proof man!












Oh wait, you didn't actually provide any proof...

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A perfect 25-0 warzone record for Matchless's level 20s today (republic). At least the servers poppin


Powerr!! that was a crazy *** VS... you guys handed it to us pretty good. glad to see there's actually some competition on the Republic side... look forward to future games :)

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Powerr!! that was a crazy *** VS... you guys handed it to us pretty good. glad to see there's actually some competition on the Republic side... look forward to future games :)


We're glad to see plenty of competition on empire side, also. See you in the WZs

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Powerr!! that was a crazy *** VS... you guys handed it to us pretty good. glad to see there's actually some competition on the Republic side... look forward to future games :)


Yeah good game:) cya in the future, I'll set up organized fights once everyone is 50

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Oh yeah brinnnggg it on!!! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


haha dimach! i was wondering who the hell was /laughing at me in that VS... then I saw the guild tag, so I had to focus you.... fear my tank deeps!


and for the record, that time you knocked me off the bridge, i totally forced pushed you first! until next time....

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Anchorhead has proven today to be the best pvp server hands down. However, we could use a few more on republic side. So if you wanna kick some bantha butt play on anchorhead.


Given the queues we're having on all servers right now, I don't think you should encourage more people to come to your server as that will only increase your queue.

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It was good to fight Lina, Microwave earlier today, and roll some Brutality in OPvP. I still wish some of you guys would have used your brains and rolled Republic for a challenge. We need some more organized guilds!


Hi. My brain is currently disengaged unfortunately. :(

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