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Not everyone wants Looking for Dungeon.


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I agree. LFD was easy and simple no matter what role you were as long as you were good. Things were a breeze and people don't complain when you blast through content. The funny thing is I felt like I had more control over the success of the group as a DPS then when I healed simply because I could carry the damage and do enough that the others were just "there".


absolutly, I remember doing a heroic Strat in WotLK, and I was over 10k DPS on my Moonkin, the other 2 DPS were under 1k, I was fine with carrying them, they needed the gear, and practice with their specs.

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absolutly, I remember doing a heroic Strat in WotLK, and I was over 10k DPS on my Moonkin, the other 2 DPS were under 1k, I was fine with carrying them, they needed the gear, and practice with their specs.


Thats another thing. LFD was a great practice tool and I don't fault anyone for trying new things out even if it was a little detrimental to the group. We all had to start somewhere and work our way to being awesome.

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Let me make simple for EVERYONE visiting these SW: TOR forums. Those that have more than enough time to play this game HATE LFG and those that have full time job and are on tight schedule LOVE LFG because all they need is run a flashpoint or two and maybe even warzone and get it over it. NOT spam /1 channel for 1 hour to get a group because not everyone has the luxury of enough time for gaming. And yes, I am one of the full time working people and so are my other friends that play with me.


Try not to be ignorant and sometime try to look at things from others' point of view. You might just understand that there are two sides to everything.

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As the title says, not everyone wants this feature. I know I don't. I, like many others, played WoW on and off for many years. Honest to god, when Blizzard introduced summoning stones, I told my brothers and friends that it concerned me a bit... Let alone Looking for Dungeon. Is it convenient? Yes. Does Convenient = better? Not always.


Call me old fashioned, but I actually like the fact that you have to find a group to do a flashpoint. This is just one example of a feature that many people ask for. I personally don't want this feature, nor would I want a majority of the features people are asking for.


I guess the big picture is... Not everyone wants "this or that" feature to be added. Dare I say, I like the lack of features.


That being said. They could make the /who a little bit better. Gonna go play the game... Peace!


I agree, and I have also been an off and on wow player for a number of years. As convenient as it is it takes away from the social aspect majorly, imo.

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Let me make simple for EVERYONE visiting these SW: TOR forums. Those that have more than enough time to play this game HATE LFG and those that have full time job and are on tight schedule LOVE LFG because all they need is run a flashpoint or two and maybe even warzone and get it over it. NOT spam /1 channel for 1 hour to get a group because not everyone has the luxury of enough time for gaming. And yes, I am one of the full time working people and so are my other friends that play with me.


Try not to be ignorant and sometime try to look at things from others' point of view. You might just understand that there are two sides to everything.


If you don't have the time, don't play it. Majority of players on "tight schedules" should not be playing a game made to be a huge time-sink.


On Topic: Make a LFG tool that lists players looking for specific flash-points.

Edited by snakez
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Let me make simple for EVERYONE visiting these SW: TOR forums. Those that have more than enough time to play this game HATE LFG and those that have full time job and are on tight schedule LOVE LFG because all they need is run a flashpoint or two and maybe even warzone and get it over it. NOT spam /1 channel for 1 hour to get a group because not everyone has the luxury of enough time for gaming. And yes, I am one of the full time working people and so are my other friends that play with me.


Try not to be ignorant and sometime try to look at things from others' point of view. You might just understand that there are two sides to everything.


I can understand people that play this game more then a full time job but their main argument is they want to be entitled to more then those who can only log in a few hours a day because they dump ungodly amounts of hours into the game.


The problem is just that. MMOs shouldn't be a secondary life they are a game and most games even RPGs don't require hundreds of days of play time to be "amazing" at it.

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so, yesterday, I grouped with my wife to do a flash point with her and some people she met., she says "How do we summon you?" I say "you don't" she, says "Lame"



LFD is great, plain and simple, if you don't want to use it feel free not to. I have never once had a problem finding a group since it was implemented in WoW, pre-LFD as a tank, it was sometimes impossible to find a group, if I wanted to run a specific instance that was no longer the current tier.



I have also never once been treated poorly using LFD in WoW, aside from the odd Ninja, but never booted, never rude people, never seen elitism.


One of the best things about VANILLA WoW was the lack of the LFG thing.


People actually had to go to a dungeon to do it not hide in a capitol city waiting for safe passage to the dungeon. God forbid they might actually be attacked by the other faction on the way and have to respawn

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ok link them here


LOL.. BTW I'm not laughing with you.. The poll was there, they removed access to the beta forums so it can't be linked Einstein.


RIFT would be a fairer comparison, which BTW went through this whole debacle, no LFG then single server then full on LFG as this game will because people are stubborn and want to hold onto their outdated and obsolete ideas of "community" from a decade ago that do not apply to games 3 years ago never mind the present.)


I was part of Rift from Beta until this game launched as well. While their community is 'somewhat' better than WoW, this one.. meh. It is about on the same level. In fact I would say WoW's community improved significantly in the last couple of weeks. You can't take that failure of an MMO and even compare it to this one..


I will agree with you that the MMO community of Old doesn't exist because it has been internetz trolz into the ground by all the 'wannabe gangsta's'

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Though I generally don't have much trouble finding a group for instances, I WOULD like a "looking for heroic" option which, of course, is necessarily same-server.


Wouldn't mind same server LFD and summoning.

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Though I generally don't have much trouble finding a group for instances, I WOULD like a "looking for heroic" option which, of course, is necessarily same-server.


Wouldn't mind same server LFD and summoning.


Blizzard is introducing PvE scenarios and that is what these group heroic areas should be designed for. Hard enough that nothing but the most insanely good to solo but easy enough for 2+ people with companions to burn through without any defined roles. Keep in mind this is an new feature being implemented next expansion so I haven't been able to experience it but the idea behind sounds very interesting and would make questing awesome.

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One of the best things about VANILLA WoW was the lack of the LFG thing.


People actually had to go to a dungeon to do it not hide in a capitol city waiting for safe passage to the dungeon. God forbid they might actually be attacked by the other faction on the way and have to respawn


I didn't see too many people arguing for s summoning feature, i'm pretty much against that, I don't mind travelling to the flashpoint, a group finder especially one that is server specific would be pretty nice though. I hate... hate spamming chat, especially late at night when few people are on, looking for someone to group with, I would rather use the tool and do pve missions until there are enough people ready to group with. LFG *specific flashpoint* or LF1M does nothing to enhance the community, getting into a group with people and chatting with them in an instance however does, the more simplified this procedure of finding a group is the better an individuals community can be.


I fail to see an argument against this feature, if you don't want to use it don't use it. There were plenty of people in WOW not using it finding groups their own way, I'm just one of those that feels it a little futile.

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I originally didn't want a LFD, but now i think we really need it. Spend 2 days spamming LFG at the station, or on the planet where ever i get the quest I hardly get a reply. I think it should first be tried for sever only, and you have to be on the same planet/station as the where u can get the quest.


Failing that maybe a global faction LFG channel, that might be easier then general chat to weed all the background noise of people not looking for group. IDK maybe flag yourself LFG and it pops up when some puts out a LFG.

Edited by Losikar
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I'll say no to cross server LFD. That really does send a games community into the *******, but a LFD restricted to your server would be amazing


This is really the compromise I would agree with. I know LFD will come in some fashion , at some point, but I hope it's not cross server.


Or, maybe they could implement LFD for lower level flashpoints, but high level ones / new content won't have the option.

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If you don't have the time, don't play it. Majority of players on "tight schedules" should not be playing a game made to be a huge time-sink.


On Topic: Make a LFG tool that lists players looking for specific flash-points.



You are assuming that this game is a time sink but it's not. WoW might have bad community and had some bad contents but the tools/features they provide make sure that everyone gets to play the game without sinking too much time in it, but again haters gonna hate.

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I'm really tires of people saying lfg kills community. blah, blah, blah. I don't care about the community, I don't really participate in the community, and I really don't want to. I don't want to get to know the people Im in a 4 man with, really, I don't. I could care less about you, what you do, who you are, what your dreams and aspirations are for the future.


I want to get loot, I want to get it fast, and I never want to see you again unless the random lfg tool puts us in the same instance. Sounds harsh but it is the truth, for a lot of people. Who wants to spends hours fruitlessly trying to get a group, I know I don't. I know I was extremely frustrated the past few days since I hit level 50.


The epitome of frustration is playing for 10 hours and spamming lfg for a level 50 flashpoint and getting 0 runs in that time. If the game doesn't get an lfg tool you can bet that the people that do have a life, a job, etc. Will go back and play a damn panda as much as they would prefer to play something cool, like a smuggler, jedi, sith, etc.


I would even go as far as to say just dont implement lfg on rp servers so you guys can larp through the instance a build a fine community.


-Really tick'd off guy who couldn't get a level 50 run today....

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I'm really tires of people saying lfg kills community. blah, blah, blah. I don't care about the community, I don't really participate in the community, and I really don't want to. I don't want to get to know the people Im in a 4 man with, really, I don't. I could care less about you, what you do, who you are, what your dreams and aspirations are for the future.


I want to get loot, I want to get it fast, and I never want to see you again unless the random lfg tool puts us in the same instance. Sounds harsh but it is the truth, for a lot of people. Who wants to spends hours fruitlessly trying to get a group, I know I don't. I know I was extremely frustrated the past few days since I hit level 50.


The epitome of frustration is playing for 10 hours and spamming lfg for a level 50 flashpoint and getting 0 runs in that time. If the game doesn't get an lfg tool you can bet that the people that do have a life, a job, etc. Will go back and play a damn panda as much as they would prefer to play something cool, like a smuggler, jedi, sith, etc.


I would even go as far as to say just dont implement lfg on rp servers so you guys can larp through the instance a build a fine community.


-Really tick'd off guy who couldn't get a level 50 run today....


Surprised you got the CE. I had it too but playing two days into launch I realized it might not be worth it and switched to SE.

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Just a questiion for those who say lfg kills a community. How does spamming chat with LFG help a community? Once I'm in a group then there are people to chat with one another and make friends. Seems the quicker you can get in a group the quicker you can make friends, and the more friends individual players have the stronger the community. I do say keep it on an individual server level.
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Call me old fashioned, but I actually like the fact that you have to find a group to do a flashpoint. This is just one example of a feature that many people ask for. I personally don't want this feature, nor would I want a majority of the features people are asking for.


I dont want something like WoW's LFG system where it automatically pairs you up, but anything is better than sitting there staring at the general tab having to read all that gibberish.


but even if they did implement it. does that mean you have to use it? not at all. you can continue to look for groups via the general tab. there will still be people there talking and reading.

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I don't want LFG for the simple fact you have no idea who you're going to be paired up with. If someone wants to tank a dungeon for me, I like to check out their gear and such and see if they're worthwhile. With LFG, you could get some noob who just hit 50 and has no gear at all to tank.


Nuff said.



wow... this is too much.. I was not aware of this rigor inspection and such...

I must be the new player with normal gear.

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