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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The most "under powered'' class's


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So guys n gals what to you think will be the most "underpowered" class/classes and why.




and i shall make one :)


Snipers/Gunslingers are the least popular and can be challenging in pvp if you are not good at using cover. Its a different way to play then most people are used to. But they are actually better than people think.


The lowest DPS (out of DPS specced classes) would be the jug/guardian. So if you wanna consider DPS as your qualifier for "underpowered" then this would probably be your best bet. On the other hand, they have the best mobility out of all the melee and are the BEST ball carriers in huttball so its hard to consider them underpowered.


Some people will say sentinels/marauders are the most under powered, and at low levels that's probably true, but they get a lot better at high levels. They also have a slightly more complicated rotation so that can make bad players think they are weak.


my 2 cents

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my plan is to roll with the "under dogs" and show people any class has potential to be great..


don't want SWTOR to be the nerfbat ping pong for pvp like other mmos are.




and no, i am not trying to prove/boast i have skills or w/e i plan to click because clicking is what i do best.




i was thinking of rolling maybe a vanguard or gunslinger

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My gunslinger in beta was far from underpowered. If I was set up in cover people would go the other direction.


Pretty much played like a hunter, if you know how to kite its borderline OP.


ONly major issue was the 'take cover' animation taking far too long to actually activate.

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SI is best for ball carrier 2 sec sprint on a 15 sec CD :D


its a 30s cooldown, or at least it was the last 2 builds in beta (before that is was 20s.) I dont know if they lowered it in the early access.


Even so, they are good ball carriers, but guardian/jug is way better.... they can leap/friendly leap across the z-axis so when they get knocked off the catwalks, they don't have to pass or run back around. Plus they have better defensive cooldowns for the most part.

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its a 30s cooldown, or at least it was the last 2 builds in beta (before that is was 20s.) I dont know if they lowered it in the early access.


Even so, they are good ball carriers, but guardian/jug is way better.... they can leap/friendly leap across the z-axis so when they get knocked off the catwalks, they don't have to pass or run back around. Plus they have better defensive cooldowns for the most part.




how well would a vanguard/powertech do in huttball?

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Trooper commando in my experience was very powerful. If the OP wants to struggle through dogged hours of pvp to prove all classes can be good a recommend the jedi wizard :)- but seriously any melee tank class cannot hold out forever. Huttball being the exception for "good". Open world you will be kited to tears, and then death.
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how well would a vanguard/powertech do in huttball?


Tank specs are great ball carriers because you get a warrior like leap in the defense tree. DPS specs suffer though for the same reason as a lot of other melee specs (ops, assassins) in huttball: once you get knocked off the catwalk you have to run back around.

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There is no underpowered class, it all depends on the player and if the class fits their style.


I'm gonna start with the operative myself, I tried operative, sniper, sorc and assassin during stress test, sniper was great, sorc was great, assassin was boring and operative took some effort (for me atleast, maybe not for all). Thats why I will start with the operative. It's also a nice class if you like hybrid specs, which I do.


And when you think of classes and specs in this game, it doesnt always mean that the 31 point talent is a must, because there are many mid range talents that are just as good if you combine them well with other trees.


I will probably play in the following order.










Not gonna touch assassin because I disliked it that much.

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