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Disgusting State of PvP


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I play Republic and for the past week+ 18+ of 20 matches played are losses. I don't expect to win a lot, but I expect things to be balanced. PvP play in this game is far from that. This is a copy of failed PvP models from previously played MMOs where instead of a different feel, an improved system of combat, there is a stamped copy of stun locking to the point of death. I wonder why there are so many Inquisitors, so many Sorcerers, and so many of them 50 while Republic has a mix of 10's 20's and an occasional 40+ and 50. Stat bumping DOES NOT WORK. I was told premades were going to be discouraged (thus the 4 group max) but the same textbook pvp MMO mistake carries through in SWTOR.


The Republic side PvP is very much unenjoyable. I suggest some balance and a downgrade of all the damn stun locking. Abilities with high cooldowns does nothing to alleviate this. Facing level 50 Sith, people who haven't seen the sun in a long while, should not play a role in losing constantly in PvP matches. I know nerds and introverts will win the level race, but it should be that they are rewarded with imbalanced and unfair gameplay. I read SWTOR was going to be different. It isn't.

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I play Republic and for the past week+ 18+ of 20 matches played are losses. I don't expect to win a lot, but I expect things to be balanced. PvP play in this game is far from that. This is a copy of failed PvP models from previously played MMOs where instead of a different feel, an improved system of combat, there is a stamped copy of stun locking to the point of death. I wonder why there are so many Inquisitors, so many Sorcerers, and so many of them 50 while Republic has a mix of 10's 20's and an occasional 40+ and 50. Stat bumping DOES NOT WORK. I was told premades were going to be discouraged (thus the 4 group max) but the same textbook pvp MMO mistake carries through in SWTOR.


The Republic side PvP is very much unenjoyable. I suggest some balance and a downgrade of all the damn stun locking. Abilities with high cooldowns does nothing to alleviate this. Facing level 50 Sith, people who haven't seen the sun in a long while, should not play a role in losing constantly in PvP matches. I know nerds and introverts will win the level race, but it should be that they are rewarded with imbalanced and unfair gameplay. I read SWTOR was going to be different. It isn't.


Be stocked you are one of the few lucky ones on republic. The other 90% of players are on empire and we just play Huttball against each other over and over and over again...


To be honest complaining on this forum is funner than pvping

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My first question is "What level are you?" "if your a low level how can you expect to kill a level 50?" and lastly "why are you trying to kill higher levels instead of doing the objectives?"


On my server Rataka Mind Prison republic wins 75% of their matches. The only matches I win are huttball.


Why is that so? the lowbies on the republic side ARE DOING OBJECTIVES. Stealth capping, stunning, being a HUGE target. (naturally a level 10 draws alot of attention for free kills, so what do they do? RUN AWAY from the objective so their TEAM can win)


There is no I in team and all warzones are a team effort.

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is this bioware's fault? no

is this the forum's fault? no

is it your fault? maybe, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say no


this is your faction's on your server's fault. feel free to reroll to a new server or switch sides. i'm not sure what else you want. you want bioware to find pro players and plant them on your team? you want some leet players from the pvp forum to reroll with you?

some of these QQ threads just blow my mind. did you give this any thought other than "blah blah im mad becuz i keep losing"?

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Be stocked you are one of the few lucky ones on republic. The other 90% of players are on empire and we just play Huttball against each other over and over and over again...


To be honest complaining on this forum is funner than pvping


rofl, that's your server community problem, not bioware's. It's not bioware fault you all piled onto the empire side and there is very little bioware can do to fix it. Sick of huttball? switch to republic.

Edited by Andrew_Waltfeld
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If you PUG, the other faction will seem overpowered. That's not because of factional imbalances. It's because you'll bump into a fair number of pre-mades, or partial pre-made groups. They're organised, they're probably higher level, and they'll always kick your butt.


Come to Empire side, queue solo all the time, and experience the same losing streaks you see now as a 'pubbie.

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is this bioware's fault? no

is this the forum's fault? no

is it your fault? maybe, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say no


this is your faction's on your server's fault. feel free to reroll to a new server or switch sides. i'm not sure what else you want. you want bioware to find pro players and plant them on your team? you want some leet players from the pvp forum to reroll with you?

some of these QQ threads just blow my mind. did you give this any thought other than "blah blah im mad becuz i keep losing"?


Well, what I am seeing is a lot of Sith are already 50, for whatever reason; they don't have much else to do in life but play. When a game developer rewards this behavior by allowing gross imbalance in PvP play, it is as others' expense. I don't know what the solution is, I am not the one investing millions in making the "next big" mmo. But what I am saying is it's a dying model, one that has been played over and over for more than a decade in MMOs. I played DAoC and the most fun in that game was when we all had comparable damage ability because of limits on gear but different abilities based on the class you were playing. That worked, along with pretty fun keep warfare and open realm pvp. Tell me how else can 19 out of 20 matches I've played end up in losses, no matter much ops chatter there is... It's Republic on my server's fault for being a bunch of noobs? Maybe. But what happens when I see ridiculous numbers of Sorcs and Inquisitors. What happens when they're 50 and they have access to the best gear and all the abilities in one tree plus a quarter in another? Stat bumping, which is what Bioware has chosen as a solution, doesn't work. It is NOT balanced play. Ill level a while and see if it gets easier as I do, which is the only mitigation Republic players on my server have since the levels are so much on the side of the Sith at the moment. I wanted something different, not the same trash I've seen on previous MMOs. I was hoping for something different.

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If you PUG, the other faction will seem overpowered. That's not because of factional imbalances. It's because you'll bump into a fair number of pre-mades, or partial pre-made groups. They're organised, they're probably higher level, and they'll always kick your butt.


Come to Empire side, queue solo all the time, and experience the same losing streaks you see now as a 'pubbie.


As if "factional" is the only way to imbalance play. Have you seen the level imbalance? 1 on 1, a 50 will win against a 35, especially in pvp play. So when the Sith, the side with the most players overall on my server, have way more 50's than Republic, what do you think the result will be in PvP? More 50's on the other side, all with the bells and whistles 50s get.


I won't go into complaining about particular classes on the Sith side with their generous healing, stuns and snares. There's too many other posts about that.

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Be stocked you are one of the few lucky ones on republic. The other 90% of players are on empire and we just play Huttball against each other over and over and over again...


To be honest complaining on this forum is funner than pvping


lol, that is pretty sad.

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80% win rate as Republic on Death Wind Corridor PvP east - Sounds like you guys are just getting owned because there is no racial excuse like in WoW.


I'd believe you but you posted nothing credible as to why. What have you seen as far as classes and level? Are things the same as on my server? Do they compare?


Sounds like you were asleep in Science class during the lesson on Critical Thinking. It's not too late though to go back and get your GED.

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I play Republic and for the past week+ 18+ of 20 matches played are losses. I don't expect to win a lot, but I expect things to be balanced. PvP play in this game is far from that. This is a copy of failed PvP models from previously played MMOs where instead of a different feel, an improved system of combat, there is a stamped copy of stun locking to the point of death. I wonder why there are so many Inquisitors, so many Sorcerers, and so many of them 50 while Republic has a mix of 10's 20's and an occasional 40+ and 50. Stat bumping DOES NOT WORK. I was told premades were going to be discouraged (thus the 4 group max) but the same textbook pvp MMO mistake carries through in SWTOR.


The Republic side PvP is very much unenjoyable. I suggest some balance and a downgrade of all the damn stun locking. Abilities with high cooldowns does nothing to alleviate this. Facing level 50 Sith, people who haven't seen the sun in a long while, should not play a role in losing constantly in PvP matches. I know nerds and introverts will win the level race, but it should be that they are rewarded with imbalanced and unfair gameplay. I read SWTOR was going to be different. It isn't.


I know stat bumping doesn't work and I definitely feel your frustration. However, there is some good news on this. Mainly that as the Republic begins to level through this issue, and with a combination of WarZones and Leveling, you will see more talented folks on the Republic side slowly start to hit 50, and grind gear. The sides will begin to even out and warzones will be much more enjoyable.


Right now, the Empire has more 50's, that are all for the most part decked out with battle or champ sets. They are fully geared and are maxed out in terms of talent builds. Republic players are usually on average between 40-45 at this point, with a dozen or so 50's that actively PvP on most servers. Might be a few exceptions but you get the point. As time progresses, things will even out, so stick it through. Republic is clearly the more mature player base, and once the sides balance I think we will see more imperial players QQing about Republic wins and calls for nerfing smugs and troops.

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I'd believe you but you posted nothing credible as to why. What have you seen as far as classes and level? Are things the same as on my server? Do they compare?


Sounds like you were asleep in Science class during the lesson on Critical Thinking. It's not too late though to go back and get your GED.


What are you babbling about? 3 Big Guilds from WoW filled with Gladiator and couple Rank 1's rolled here on Death Wind Coridor we own so its obviously your server is just noobs or new to the class. We own Premade of 4 or Pugs we defintly have 70% win rate in pugs if not more.

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I know stat bumping doesn't work and I definitely feel your frustration. However, there is some good news on this. Mainly that as the Republic begins to level through this issue, and with a combination of WarZones and Leveling, you will see more talented folks on the Republic side slowly start to hit 50, and grind gear. The sides will begin to even out and warzones will be much more enjoyable.


Right now, the Empire has more 50's, that are all for the most part decked out with battle or champ sets. They are fully geared and are maxed out in terms of talent builds. Republic players are usually on average between 40-45 at this point, with a dozen or so 50's that actively PvP on most servers. Might be a few exceptions but you get the point. As time progresses, things will even out, so stick it through. Republic is clearly the more mature player base, and once the sides balance I think we will see more imperial players QQing about Republic wins and calls for nerfing smugs and troops.


Thanks for an intelligent reply. I was hoping someone would post something more than the idiotic dribble that abounds in this thread.

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I play Republic and for the past week+ 18+ of 20 matches played are losses. I don't expect to win a lot, but I expect things to be balanced. PvP play in this game is far from that. This is a copy of failed PvP models from previously played MMOs where instead of a different feel, an improved system of combat, there is a stamped copy of stun locking to the point of death. I wonder why there are so many Inquisitors, so many Sorcerers, and so many of them 50 while Republic has a mix of 10's 20's and an occasional 40+ and 50. Stat bumping DOES NOT WORK. I was told premades were going to be discouraged (thus the 4 group max) but the same textbook pvp MMO mistake carries through in SWTOR.


The Republic side PvP is very much unenjoyable. I suggest some balance and a downgrade of all the damn stun locking. Abilities with high cooldowns does nothing to alleviate this. Facing level 50 Sith, people who haven't seen the sun in a long while, should not play a role in losing constantly in PvP matches. I know nerds and introverts will win the level race, but it should be that they are rewarded with imbalanced and unfair gameplay. I read SWTOR was going to be different. It isn't.


It was well known through beta that the sith inquisitor needed some pvp balancing. That balancing was discussed on the forums of course and seen in beta pvp. Most players tried all of the classes throughout the beta and people interested in pvp learned which classes were easiest to play and which were not. Those are the people you are seeing who raced to max level. Don't worry, things will change in either one way or another. Once the warzones are filled with a majority of max levels rather than a majority of non-max levels, pvp will have a different feel. Also, you can bet that classes will also be changed to be more balanced, and when that happens chances are those players will reroll to whatever class happens to be the best at that time turning that pvp edge back the other way.

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I wanted something different, not the same trash I've seen on previous MMOs. I was hoping for something different.


Are you serious? It's be quite obvious since it's inception that it wasn't going to be any different. Just another hotkey MMO.


I think if you want something different you might have better luck waiting for Guild Wars 2. If we want TOR PvP to evovle, lets just hope the devs don't listen to every whiner crying for "balance" by homogenizing every classes giving everyone each their own identical version of a stun lock combo. If TOR PvP wants to be successful they need to not do what WoW did to theirs.

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I play a lot of PvP empire side and can tell you the republic do win 40-50% of the time. It is my honest opinion that the empire are slightly more competent but it doesnt change the fact we sill lose if the republic have a significantly higher number of lvl 50's in there team
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The common denominator in all your losses is you. Just saying.


Even if you lose, pay attention to those on your team who did well. Ask them if they want to queue as a group so you know you're playing with more competent players. Also pay attention to guild names. If you repeatedly see the same guild's members doing well, see if you can join it. Entering a warzone queue as solo you're already setting yourself up at a disadvantage due to luck of the draw.


What you're experiencing is a personal problem and not a fault of the game. Bad teams lose. Good teams win. Such is life. Try to improve your chances of winning before you complain the game is broken.

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