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Level 10-50s together in a warzone is the dumbest thing in MMO history


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So were suppose to let 50s slaughter lowbies just so they dont have to wait in line?


Some of you are trying REAL hard to retain the ability to feel superior in warzones.


I'm level 34. I also play on my sub-20 mercenary without problems.


Your opponents being level 50 isn't the problem. It's you being bad.

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So you think its fair to put low levels into a bg with a premade group of 50s, or 50s in general? They have pvp gear, more abilities(game winning abilities) Sorcs pulling their ball carrier over the line in huttball, or tanks jumping to their teammates to name a few.


You should like someone who rushed to 50, and enjoys beating up on level 10s.


People pvp to have fun, not to have a bunch of 50s farm them.


mate Im not even close to fifty but as I said I like kill 50's on my low level toons.

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12/24/11 Your subscription has been cancelled.

Only way to bring me back is to allow way more people on a server. And less server sharding.


i just wanted to comment on your sig... i could care less if you unsubbed or not but FYI

they have allowed more people on the server, and they have reduced sharding...


it used to be around 100 or so people on a planet, now it's around 200-300... if you go to a "busy" planet, check out how many instances of the planet there are... usually just 1 or 2...

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You do realize you get buffed to have similar dps/health as the 50's right?


you do realize that even with the said buffs you do not have, even remotely the same abilities as someone at 50, and end up with a severe disadvantage compared to someone with a natively +30 level advantage.


unless you honestly believe that bumping up a persons HP and the damage done by there 2-4 attacks and 1 buff puts people at comparative levels as someone with 10+ attacks, multiple buffs, and skill tree bonuses.


No...the OP is right on here...they really need level brackets to make them enjoyable.

Edited by LeComte
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you do realize that even with the said buffs you do not have, even remotely the same abilities as someone at 50, and end up with a severe disadvantage compared to someone with a natively +30 level advantage.


unless you honestly believe that bumping up a persons HP and the damage done by there 2-4 attacks and 1 buff puts people at comparative levels as someone with 10+ attacks, multiple buffs, and skill tree bonuses.


No...the OP is right on here...they really need level brackets to make them enjoyable.


Make queue times longer for people who can't compete?


Ugh what a bad idea. People who know what to do are fine.

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1. It doesn't matter if you get buffed to 50, level 50's have access to gear with PVP stats you can never hope to achieve at 10.


2. It doesn't matter if you get buffed to 50. A level 50 has many time more experience than you do. You get no chance to learn PVP before you get your butt handed to you many times by more experienced players. When there is nothing but Huttball on the server, you will know why.


3. It doesn't matter if you get buffed to level 50, as level 50's have many more skills and they know how to use them.




In StarCraft 2 (arguable one of the most successful multiplayer games out there), everyone plays they exact same class. NO ONE has any statistical advantages over anyone else. BUT they have brackets, tutorials, starter leagues, etc... WHY do you think they do that?



P.S. I have been PVP'ing online for 15 years and none of this applies to me, but I am getting tired of playing Huttball and having trouble getting friends to even try PVP.


the simple answer is that starcraft 2 is a RTS, not an MMORPG... :rolleyes:


and again as stated before, people have said that they are putting in a L50 only bracket... so expertise won't be a factor for L10-49...

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And what happend to being matched to people your same level. I play on one of the most popular servers. Empire is like 5:1 on my server and I play republic for instant warzone queues. Theres ussually 300+ level 10-20s on both sides. Why am I not getting matched with them in warzones.


Its not about being able to do alright at a lower level. I would like to play some fair decent warzones and have fun and have it almost equal.

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Still, Im not getting farmed, far from level 50... honestly, stop whining about this, its not broken, learn to play as a team instead..



Or you know what, nevermind I cant be arsed.


But brackets will kill que times, and then no one will pvp because it takes to long to get a match.

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Still, Im not getting farmed, far from level 50... honestly, stop whining about this, its not broken, learn to play as a team instead..



Or you know what, nevermind I cant be arsed.


But brackets will kill que times, and then no one will pvp because it takes to long to get a match.


Yep. These guys don't realize that they are going to get stomped BAD in a 50 only bracket if they are struggling in the current one.

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Still, Im not getting farmed, far from level 50... honestly, stop whining about this, its not broken, learn to play as a team instead..



Or you know what, nevermind I cant be arsed.


But brackets will kill que times, and then no one will pvp because it takes to long to get a match.


off topic


Im impressed you spelled arse properly.

Edited by Catchmeifucan
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As I said, it would work for a couple of months, until everyone leveled up. Then there would be no low level PVP or 10 hour queues.


Because there is simply NO WAY there would be new people joining or alts being created. If this is your logic for not wanting PVP brackets, it fails.

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The only bracket thats needed is for lvl 50s because of the Expertise gear thats available to them. But 1-49 is perfectly fine with bolster. If they introduce brackets for every 10 levels then you can pretty much say goodbye to low level pvp and/or 45 minute queues for the low levels. By having all the people from 1-49 together you get 1-2 minute queues at best, which is awesome. All they really need to do is put the 50s in their own bracket and we're golden.
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Still, Im not getting farmed, far from level 50... honestly, stop whining about this, its not broken, learn to play as a team instead..



Or you know what, nevermind I cant be arsed.


But brackets will kill que times, and then no one will pvp because it takes to long to get a match.


Sigh it never ends. If the system is so great, Warhammer, the PVP gamers 'game' wouldn't be a flop.


If you played on a real server, that had a lot of people, you would see the pre made 50 groups just rolling through the warzones, but you don't.

Edited by Liberate
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I agree, they need to have level brackets. It would make for a more overall funner experience on the whole. It would basically level the playing field for each team... a group of level 10-19 going against other 10-19 would be fun, not as many 1 hit kills. Here is my PVP level brackets.






This would somewhat help level the playing field...


Have you even PvPed in this game? There are absolutely zero one hit kills. Everyone has normalized HP...Only difference for the most part is the toolbox you have. Which has its effects but thats motivation to level to 50. Its fine.

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There is no need for brackets.


You're getting your butt handed to you by a level 50? How is that any different than a level 19 that is decked out in blue or heirloom gear?


Warzones are NEVER equal. Deal with it. At least this way you're going to have very short queues since the entire server is playing.


Besides, joining a warzone on the very first level it becomes available has never been a good thing, even with brackets. Take WoW, regardless of 10-14 or 10-19, a level 10 meant a free kill.


I have killed level 40s on my level 15 alt. The system works fine. One other thing to remember is that right now, the guys that have reached level 50 are destroying everyone because they would do so regardless of their level. You would have to be a pretty hardcore player to reach 50 so fast, so stop blaming your defeat on their level.

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I can't even believe people that make such a big game can be this dumb. Its really a joke when you hit level 10 and can't wait to do some low level warzones and when the warzone starts you see a team filled with level 50s. Ive been playing since first day early access. I rerolled a few times. Now every warzone I get thrown to the wolves. Not even fun.


My last warzone last nite here was the results because it blew my mind. This was the attacker, and defender warzone. I was level 12 sage. Ended up with 41 kills, 150k damage, 50k healing. You would think I did well but there was two level 50 shadows on my team. 61 kills each, 400k dmg. 11 awards each. other team had a bunch of 50s as well.


Im not greedy and don't ask for much. I would settle for just letting level 50s have thier own bracket. Just a joke. Whoever thought this is ok should be fired asap.


Man talk about someone who doesn't get it. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU.



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There is no need for brackets.


You're getting your butt handed to you by a level 50? How is that any different than a level 19 that is decked out in blue or heirloom gear?



I think this is half the problem ppl want to make twinks but cant.


(this is a good thing imo)

Edited by Catchmeifucan
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Man talk about someone who doesn't get it. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU.




Tell me master pvper, what happens when the OTHER TEAM, using TEAMWORK, has a PREMADE 50s in PVP GEAR.


I capped the key points.


Where is your low level teamwork then?

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