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Level 10-50s together in a warzone is the dumbest thing in MMO history


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The title of this thread is absolutely true.


And anyone who thinks stat buffing has any significance has no idea of what PvP is all about at all. Ablities are all that matter. CC abilities, mobility abilities, etc.


However, it's totally trumped by the fact that warzones appear to be 8vs8...


I mean, honestly, 8vs8 battle on Alderaan, which was advertised as this huge warzone?


Everything about the warzones in SWTOR is totally ridiculous.

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With the situation on illum,im kind of confused here.

We are spoosed to be able to pvp at low levels with higher levels as mentioned above.

But with the nerfing of slicing on illum and the sopposedly banning of low level folks there exploiting the nodes and what not.This puts things in an interesting light as to whats next.


To me somthing is going to change after that little deal last night on illum.

They may not be related to each other I understand.

But you cant do stuff like this in a MMO and really expect it to be fair and workout for everyone.


I forsee some type of level locking comming to the game or somthing along those lines,the slicing/exploiting whatever on illum stuff gets dropped somehow/moved and no more low levels there period.

Slicing was nerfed once maybe twice in beta,and then again just a few days ago.That was the wrong approach for the situation.Now its created an even bigger situation that could potentialy change a long thought out engineering design of this game.

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That's a lie. At level 10 when i entered a wz i had like 10k health. Now at 45 i have 15k helth in wz. And ofcourse a lot bigger arsenal.


Plus: level 50 player has something that lower levels will NEVER had. It's a special, PVP stat, called expertise.


So yes, mixing 50s with lower 10s is a STUPID IDEA. Whoever thought about it should be fired.




That is because you get buffed to the highest level player in the warzone, not to level 50 stats.

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Rule #5 people that say this same line never played a MMO and are as dumb as anyone that worked on this game.


Talents, a ton more abilitys, pvp gear. Give me a break. I want to see a level 30 or under put out 500k dps in a warzone with ease. Or see you try to kill a level 50 tank. Or a level 50 healer. Good luck with that.


You mad bro?


You died at pvp?


maybe you should Get good

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I can't imagine how someone who just buys the game and wants to do warzones not on a fresh server will think. A month from now when ever one is level 50. Least right now only half the players in my warzone are level 50. When all them are level 50 decked out in pvp gear.
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I can't even believe people that make such a big game can be this dumb. Its really a joke when you hit level 10 and can't wait to do some low level warzones and when the warzone starts you see a team filled with level 50s. Ive been playing since first day early access. I rerolled a few times. Now every warzone I get thrown to the wolves. Not even fun.


My last warzone last nite here was the results because it blew my mind. This was the attacker, and defender warzone. I was level 12 sage. Ended up with 41 kills, 150k damage, 50k healing. You would think I did well but there was two level 50 shadows on my team. 61 kills each, 400k dmg. 11 awards each. other team had a bunch of 50s as well.


Im not greedy and don't ask for much. I would settle for just letting level 50s have thier own bracket. Just a joke. Whoever thought this is ok should be fired asap.


You are right, being level 50 gives you certain advantages. But I've been level 12 in many warzones and did well, able to kill 50s. The only thing 50s have over you are more abilities. You get buffed to about their level stat wise anyway so its not that serious. 2 Weeks ago the biggest crits I seen were 3-4k and 50s do the same.


They will create a bracket for 50s too, you just need to relax. This whole general forum needs to relax.

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I agree, they need to have level brackets. It would make for a more overall funner experience on the whole. It would basically level the playing field for each team... a group of level 10-19 going against other 10-19 would be fun, not as many 1 hit kills. Here is my PVP level brackets.






This would somewhat help level the playing field...


Brackets would work if done properly. Other games have tried this system and eventually they burn out (not the game but brackets) or you get queues at the higher levels.


If this was implemented then it might benefit from level adjusted brackets. Meaning a level 50 could join a level 20-29 but that bracket would restrict all trees & skills and reduce the level and armor stats to that of a level 29 player.

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but then you are 50 and the field is leveled....


i get what you are saying but it's pretty selfish...


new players want to pvp too (i started at L13, currently L28), and if everyone is L50, the lowbie will not have anyone to pvp against...


where does it end? oh no, a L49 is now spanking me! cry!


just play as it is, deal with it... it'll work itself out in a couple weeks...


when they implement L50 only brackets, don't come back here and cry that a L40 is spanking me too!

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its the same system as Warhammer and it works just fine there. I'm guessing they just need to balance out ability buffing a bit better.


that said, I do think that separate bracket for lvl 50 characters wouldn't be remiss in a future, once there are more lvl 50ties that is. or if they add brackets, they shouldn't restrict them by couple of levels only, for instance - 10-30, 30-49, 50.. seems reasonable to me.


it really is done to keep the queues smaller, so that people who want to pvp.. could actually pvp, rather then wait endlessly if they are in an unlucky bracket.


QFT - totally agree with what you said there :)

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You do realize you get buffed to have similar dps/health as the 50's right?


Tell me, how do you beat a level 50 powertech, or assassin, or juggernaut in pvp gear loaded with expertise?


I'll give you a level 11 and you show me your 'skills' that you seem to have.

Edited by Liberate
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I agree that a bracket system needs to be implemented. I've done a few warzones with my alt and the game will turn out to be 50's vs. lowbies which can result in the lowbies being camped. I don't think this would be much fun for both parties. I would prefer a even competitive playing ground. The buffing system isn't working out as intended.
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That's a lie. At level 10 when i entered a wz i had like 10k health. Now at 45 i have 15k helth in wz. And ofcourse a lot bigger arsenal.


Plus: level 50 player has something that lower levels will NEVER had. It's a special, PVP stat, called expertise.


So yes, mixing 50s with lower 10s is a STUPID IDEA. Whoever thought about it should be fired.


it depends on the spread of players in the game mate, so every pvp match could be different, depending on the players in the current game.

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... L2P, No seriously.


Im atm playing a level 14 vanguard, have also pvped as sith sorcerer, bounty hunter merc and imperial agent operative ALL of them doing Just fine, even against level 50 players.



Sure I cant fight them 1 vs 1 head on, but I dont need to, I got just enough tools to contribute.



So please, dont introduce brackets, it will kill PvP and force them to do crossrealm pvp ques and that in turn will kill the community.



So no, the system is not dumb or flawed, it works FINE.

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Brackets are a horrible idea for a same server queues, 10-49 is fine. or if they do bracket it needs to be 10-29 and 30-49. if you create unneeded brackets queues would just get longer then people will ***** about that, then cross server and blah blah blah. And btw what are you guys talking bout 1 shotting. I been home for the holidays playing on a crappy PC and Im just a waste of space in warzones and I still dont get 1 shotted....
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1. It doesn't matter if you get buffed to 50, level 50's have access to gear with PVP stats you can never hope to achieve at 10.


2. It doesn't matter if you get buffed to 50. A level 50 has many time more experience than you do. You get no chance to learn PVP before you get your butt handed to you many times by more experienced players. When there is nothing but Huttball on the server, you will know why.


3. It doesn't matter if you get buffed to level 50, as level 50's have many more skills and they know how to use them.




In StarCraft 2 (arguable one of the most successful multiplayer games out there), everyone plays they exact same class. NO ONE has any statistical advantages over anyone else. BUT they have brackets, tutorials, starter leagues, etc... WHY do you think they do that?



P.S. I have been PVP'ing online for 15 years and none of this applies to me, but I am getting tired of playing Huttball and having trouble getting friends to even try PVP.

Edited by Bluejayoo
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You do realize buffing someone to 50 with out the abilities to back it up is completely meaningless.. just saying..


I agree with OP, they need to break up the brackets.10-13, 14-25, 25-44, 45-50. Most optimized for abilities.


*A Month Later*



BIOWARE FIX THE WARZONE QUEUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIRED OF WAITING 2 HOURS FOR A FREAKING WARZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by JSykes
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it depends on the spread of players in the game mate, so every pvp match could be different, depending on the players in the current game.


So you think its fair to put low levels into a bg with a premade group of 50s, or 50s in general? They have pvp gear, more abilities(game winning abilities) Sorcs pulling their ball carrier over the line in huttball, or tanks jumping to their teammates to name a few.


You should like someone who rushed to 50, and enjoys beating up on level 10s.


People pvp to have fun, not to have a bunch of 50s farm them.

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*A Month Later*



BIOWARE FIX THE WARZONE QUEUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIRED OF WAITING 2 HOURS FOR A FREAKING WARZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So were suppose to let 50s slaughter lowbies just so they dont have to wait in line?


Some of you are trying REAL hard to retain the ability to feel superior in warzones.

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I've been killing 40+ guys since level 20.


Get better OP.


So were suppose to let 50s slaughter lowbies just so they dont have to wait in line?


Some of you are trying REAL hard to retain the ability to feel superior in warzones.


Seriously? You get slaughtered, we don't. I'm only now 30 and have had zero problems, I pvp a lot. It's fun, anyone who uses their brain can be competitive.

Edited by Gohlar
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