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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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I don't think anyone should be complaining, period, at all until after the 15th. They gave us an extra 2 days you know why? One to see how many servers they'll need, tomorrow they're going to invite a lot more than they did today and if things go well do the same on thur., by that point most should be on playing, I'm guessing by friday everyone will be on.


Then the forums will die for quite a while because we'll all be enjoying the game.


2 Extra days implies that we will ALL get at least TWO early access days. Can anyone say with a straight face that see everyone getting TWO days minimum?

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Typical EA bait & switch to trick people into buying preorders.


Originally on all the sites it said preorder the game and get early 5 days access.


During the 2nd to last beta phase this mysteriously changed to preorder and you *may* get up to 5 days early access.


Then last week they changed the early access to 7 days and said they would start rolling out invites on the 13th.


I'm not mad because I wasnt really expecting to get in before the 15th and I work so I really wasnt going to play til the weekend anyway, but its the same kinda thing they did with the BF3 preorder where they initially said everyone that preorders gets a copy of BF 1943 then a week before the release the changed this to you get the xpac 1 week early, lol.


Then they got sued and suddenly BF 1943 was back on the free menu again. :D:D:D

Edited by oflow
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There certainly has to be a reason they've done it this way. No company would intentionally upset thier customers. No matter how you word it...you're just upset that u haven't got in. End of story. On that note. I hope half these people complaining are on thier "other/alt" accounts. Because i see a lot of you with December join dates. Even if they loaded as many as possible to the point of server crash. Did u really expect to get in on day one when/if u joined same month as launch?


Ps. No I havent got EGA yet.

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False. It is not false advertising. Everyone seems to ignore the words "UP TO". Is it a play on words to keep themselves safe? Definitly. But to call it false advertising is simply false.


Yes they save their asses legally but not in the eyes of the people. Screw that, they pushed early access down my throat until I gave in and preordered now here I sit with no access. No chance at getting any server firsts at all and probably won't get the name I was looking for. This is how you launch an offline game NOT a freakin MMO. I guess they thought this was Bioshock.

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This whole thing does seem very poorly thought out. I'm guessing the whole "stagger" thing was the brilliant idea of some manager, and no one was willing to stand up to him, so now they're stuck with it.


And ending it at 2pm was pretty cruel. Come on guys, if you really sold 1 million preorders, you can afford a little overtime.

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This was the point of a staggered launch... so that the servers don't stress.


At what point did people lose their ability to comprehend simple concepts?


I'd think they'd wanna stress their servers during this early access than when it's official, otherwise there's going to be a huge surge and potential problems when people are paying for their service.

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There is absolutely no reason for a server to be MEDIUM or LIGHT on LAUNCH DAY (Bioware has been quoted numerous times today stating that it is Launch Day so flame on) when you have 100,000s of customers ready to pay and play and you sent your staff home at 2pm (I'm sure they are still there). But honestly, the numbers should have been crunched during beta, or what is the point of beta?


"There is absolutely no reason for a server to be MEDIUM or LIGHT on LAUNCH DAY"


yeah I think that's all that needs to be said really, lol

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Yeah you have entitlement issues. Hey guys just set up a LIVE access schedule you change on the fly so we can know. Um......that'd just be a queue. They already said they were going to do it this way. You agreed to the terms. Also, as I already said itt, they probably aren't sending out the emails for all days because they want to get them out faster if possible, as stated by a dev.


A live access schedule is nothing more than an editable calendar, you know those things with days on them, not a queue.


Its also not entitlement issues to expect a reasonable amount of customer service from a service oriented company, regardless of what you seem to believe.


Where do all the forum mods and managers go when they light up like this morning? roaches scattering is your idea of customer service?

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The OP's statement was nothing of the sort.


To many of you sabotaging and defending the developer in posts. You just twisted it into that because you've been white knighting and holding up the over zealous fanboi shield for far too long.


This was a horribly executed first day on Bioware's part and they should be recoiling massively tomorrow, because we don't need any more Bethesda's or Blizzard's. You are here for your customer for you are nothing without them!


Even a base schedule for the invites would have been nice, I know many that took a day off work today to play thinking that because they preordered day 3 they would get in. Do they get in tomorrow? Or the next? Many people work retail and many people do not have this time of the year off to play all day, everyday. A day requested off for a "suggested" (because it wasn't bloody stated otherwise on who would get invited!!!) LAUNCH is like gold for many.


Have some common sense to realize with who the fault lies, and contribute to and assist, rather than put down a now rampaging community.


The EXTREME lack of communication right now, smoke and mirror and under-promise tactics are not how you communicate to a community that is near litteraly enraged with your company.


Stephen Reid said he did a database "pull" earlier on the invite list - well - COMMUNICATE it to the community so people will know when they can expect to play, rather than keep it a guessing game. At this stage in the launch process - you deliver. Hype period ended at 7am EST this morning.


extremely well said.

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It's absurd to be pissed right now when the 15th hasn't even arrived yet. The majority of pre-orders will be in by the 15th. I imagine most if not all will be on by friday, this incessant, constant ranting is seriously beyond the realm of absurdity and even beyond the twilight zone.
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well if you don't like it /quit and delete your account.


Bioware is doing it safely, when we roll out servers and new PCs to staff we dont do it all at once as it may cause alot of issues all at once = nightmare to get organised...


soft rollout = more stable platform and able to inconvenience only a few players on that server rather then have hundreds complaining that the game they're being ALLOWED VERY EARLY ACCESS into isn't running right cause 500k people decided to join one server.


so again ... don't like the way it's being done .... /quit bye

Edited by Karudin
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A live access schedule is nothing more than an editable calendar, you know those things with days on them, not a queue.


Its also not entitlement issues to expect a reasonable amount of customer service from a service oriented company, regardless of what you seem to believe.


Where do all the forum mods and managers go when they light up like this morning? roaches scattering is your idea of customer service?


Yeah, it's basically the same as a queue and you expect them to go through the extra work of setting one up just for you even though it wasn't part of any agreement beforehand. Do you know what time the last dev post was btw since you claim they all took off?

Edited by potroast
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yes were all kids and your the adult. How can we move the goal post when we havn't been told what yard we are on?


I agree with JusTed's assessment, especially concerning the "moving the goalposts" logical fallacy. That's exactly what all these rage threads are demonstrating.


BW and EA stated that early access begins on December 15. That's your goalpost.


Then they decide to allow an additional two days access and start granting access on December 13. Now the goalpost is moved, December 15 isn't good enough and letting "me" in December 13/more waves/maxing our the server populations are demanded.


Instead of the mature perspective of "wow, I might get an extra day on top of the five days I wasn't even guaranteed to get in the first place, cool!" - the entitlement crowd shouts a variation of:


Why can't they cater to my individual work schedule;

I should have gotten in by now;

Just because I don't know when my access is coming this is the worst launch ever;

BW sucks and is a sellout and this is a money grab to ensure pre-orders; and/or

It was probably because they knew they would NEVER get all the pre-orders in before launch.


I've been through the launch day, servers crashing for 12 hours, this was a wasted vacation day thing with other MMO's. I pre-ordered in September, planned for up to 5 days and will enjoy the server stability that this staggered invite schedule will bring.


*Edited to add additional entitlement crowd variation.

Edited by Nurk
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This was the point of a staggered launch... so that the servers don't stress.


At what point did people lose their ability to comprehend simple concepts?




Sorry but , saying so the servers dont stress, i didnt see any servers even close to stressing. The fact most where only 1/10th to 3/10ths full. The only time they need to worry about servers stressing is when each one reaches close to 85%+. Thats the red zone for each server, at 95% is when things start to get choppy for some. 96-100 is the risk of server crash.


Its also the fact, the person who made this thread is right on the ball for his comment about why people are ticked off. But hell its not like the Developers can even keep up with all these threads and dont even read them all anymore. All their doing is watching the servers, playing the game, watching twitter.

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