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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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OP has valid points, they dropped theball by stopping when all the servers were still sitting at light to standard population. And then proceeded to trip over that ball by going home and letting the majority of the community watch while 18 hours go by and nothing happened.


Good post.

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Giving us 2 days of extra early access gives them the right to be way too cautious in my opinion. Can't see how we're entitled to whine about being offered a service beyond what we were promised when we preordered.

If you feel there's too few people on the servers atm maybe you should wait a couple of days, noone is forcing you to play.


You still think they did two extra days to be nice? They clearly did it because they didn't have a clear enough plan. Their waves weren't at any specific time increment, it was pretty much at random. The Devs said they still needed to watch server stability and stress test. They added two extra days because they knew launch would be a disaster if they didn't. If they kept to their Dec 15th EA and did it as slow as they're currently doing it, a lot of people would still get stuck waiting at launch along with those that just ran to the store and bought the game launch day.


Most people aren't even crying about not getting in. It's about LACK OF COMMUNICATION. I knew I wouldn't get in first day and I redeemed my code 28/7, and I was totally fine with it. I'd like to know about when I'd get in though. A lot of people took off time for this and ended up sitting at their computers all day refreshing their inbox. All they had to do was make a more detailed plan and mail out dates and times to people and it would have been a lot smoother. I highly doubt they took the time to go through the numbers until last minute, at which time they found out they were screwed and just did it the way they did.

Edited by Yaretzi
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There is a logical fallacy in your analogy. The difference is that the person who got 500th had an equal opportunity to get first, as they both started the race at the same time. Here, people who did not pre-order first are, in essence, being "punished" by making them wait indefinitely and without any further word on when they may potentially get in.


Not true. EVERYONE had the opportunity to pre-order at the same time. Those who were quickest to pre-order got the earlier access.


So basically everyone who is complaining is complaining because they didn't pre-order right away, whether it was because they were waiting for payday, they had doubts about the game, or they just didn't realize it was going on. Everyone had the opportunity to pre-order the same time I did and I got one of the first early invites.

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I think one of the issues may be that when a pre-launch happens, most people expect it to be all at once. Now we have the issue of names being snapped up before others can get them, all because of happenstance. If you didn't have money, or what have you, you get last pick on that. Second, we have the issue of PvP servers, where there will be people much higher level/ better geared, running around nuking peoples heads off. And, I'm sure, a multitude of other reasons.


If everyone paid for the game, there should be no reason why some get in earlier then others. It just boils down to BWs first MMO and they don't understand how violent a temperament the MMO community has.


Just my two cents... look forward to getting in, when I can.


-Dec 6th because I'm poor :p

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


the BG exploiting and names taken also have people pissed


I think one of the issues may be that when a pre-launch happens, most people expect it to be all at once. Now we have the issue of names being snapped up before others can get them, all because of happenstance. If you didn't have money, or what have you, you get last pick on that. Second, we have the issue of PvP servers, where there will be people much higher level/ better geared, running around nuking peoples heads off. And, I'm sure, a multitude of other reasons.


If everyone paid for the game, there should be no reason why some get in earlier then others. It just boils down to BWs first MMO and they don't understand how violent a temperament the MMO community has.


Just my two cents... look forward to getting in, when I can.


-Dec 6th because I'm poor :p


Your two cents are worth a million bucks in the minds of hardcore gamers and RPers oh yea.. and any pvper


Actually though.... MMO communities were better pre wow.... when wow released they allowed the kids to go wild and then they did dungeon finder which took away the need for community involvement... so players could troll freely and be jerks..


I miss the old days of mmo's where people were nice and helpful to one another

Edited by Gummiebear
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Well they ended up having to merge the servers later. I think this is partially the reason they've done this, however I can't see how it's going to change anything in the grand scheme of things. All it's accomplishing right now is upsetting customers.


It wont change a damn thing if you have a full server and people decide to leave your left with a part filled server, if people are not happy they will swap server, that server then becomes even less populated so at some point a decision has to be made to merge it..


basically just delaying the inevitable.

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It wont change a damn thing if you have a full server and people decide to leave your left with a part filled server, if people are not happy they will swap server, that server then becomes even less populated so at some point a decision has to be made to merge it..


basically just delaying the inevitable.


Yea but then they merge and another server is ruined becasue of the original servers issues of balance....


they have to stop the exploiters and make an example

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People need to get over it, the game will be out AND all these whiners will be playing.


1.We ALL knew how they were going to do this. STOP CRYING...


2.Stop saying things like "Well the servers are light/medium" Means nothing....


3.If you get 1 day early access BW has fulfilled there part of the bargain, your just didn't pre-order early enough.


4.Get over yourselves.....


5.The information will come as needed, you'll get your email. Not as soon as you feel your entitled to but you'll get if if you qualify for early access.


6.Do you want to know when they goto the can to?

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I'm quite surprised at how "few" people have posted today. Yesterday the identical forum was at 300 pages by now! I guess everyone complaining either got their access or hasn't woken up yet because they were up all night trolling.
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Sorry to all you white-knighters, but some of these people do have a point.


I was fortunate to get in on the first wave 2nd day, and I only lost one name, so it's not so bad. It would have been nice to have been on an equal field and have an equal chance of snagging that name though.

Edited by Kashaan
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People need to get over it, the game will be out AND all these whiners will be playing.


1.We ALL knew how they were going to do this. STOP CRYING...


2.Stop saying things like "Well the servers are light/medium" Means nothing....


3.If you get 1 day early access BW has fulfilled there part of the bargain, your just didn't pre-order early enough.


4.Get over yourselves.....


5.The information will come as needed, you'll get your email. Not as soon as you feel your entitled to but you'll get if if you qualify for early access.


6.Do you want to know when they goto the can to?


/FanBoy Alert !!!

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People need to get over it, the game will be out AND all these whiners will be playing.


1.We ALL knew how they were going to do this. STOP CRYING...


2.Stop saying things like "Well the servers are light/medium" Means nothing....


3.If you get 1 day early access BW has fulfilled there part of the bargain, your just didn't pre-order early enough.


4.Get over yourselves.....


5.The information will come as needed, you'll get your email. Not as soon as you feel your entitled to but you'll get if if you qualify for early access.


6.Do you want to know when they goto the can to?


1.) Negative. Depending what retailer you went with this was CLEARLY understated. Not everyone reads forums or follows the SWTOR website. The information on this site was vague at best.


2.) Means a lot. It means they're severely underestimating the capability of their hardware only to irritate a large portion of their customer base. For what? If everyone gets in on the 20th and the servers explode, they've only delayed the innevitable.


3.) Pre-orders cost more. That's the fee for early access and it is expected one is able to get the full dollar's worth


4.) Same to those defending the company with an almost cult-like devotion.


5.) As a paying customer I am entitled to updates, superb customer support and I demand it--just like I would at a car dealer, contractor working on my house, or any service I pay for.


6.) Seriously? ....

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1.) Negative. Depending what retailer you went with this was CLEARLY understated. Not everyone reads forums or follows the SWTOR website. The information on this site was vague at best.


2.) Means a lot. It means they're severely underestimating the capability of their hardware only to irritate a large portion of their customer base. For what? If everyone gets in on the 20th and the servers explode, they've only delayed the innevitable.


3.) Pre-orders cost more. That's the fee for early access and it is expected one is able to get the full dollar's worth


4.) Same to those defending the company with an almost cult-like devotion.


5.) As a paying customer I am entitled to updates, superb customer support and I demand it--just like I would at a car dealer, contractor working on my house, or any service I pay for.


6.) Seriously? ....


1. Wait, so you're blaming BioWare because retailers misrepresented the process?


2. You're presuming that the current populations and server loads aren't exactly what they were expecting.


3. Preorders cost more because you get bonus content with your preorder. You got your color crystal, right?


4. I think you misunderstand why most people are defending this. I, for one, am not defending the company. I'm just tired of seeing page upon page of threads of people whining about this.


5. BioWare has shown superb customer support since beta. They've always responded actively whenever I've had a problem, hell, the devs even respond to the 1001 tweets they get every day, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.


6. For realz, yo. (No I don't have an actual response to point 6).

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


I agree completely,


How dare they start their early access 2 days earlier then expected!


How dare they plan on having EVERYONE in with 4 free days of gaming!


BW must be the most terrible company in the world!!!

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1. Wait, so you're blaming BioWare because retailers misrepresented the process?


2. You're presuming that the current populations and server loads aren't exactly what they were expecting.


3. Preorders cost more because you get bonus content with your preorder. You got your color crystal, right?


4. I think you misunderstand why most people are defending this. I, for one, am not defending the company. I'm just tired of seeing page upon page of threads of people whining about this.


5. BioWare has shown superb customer support since beta. They've always responded actively whenever I've had a problem, hell, the devs even respond to the 1001 tweets they get every day, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.


6. For realz, yo. (No I don't have an actual response to point 6).


1.) Unless you delved deep into the forums the official website was equally as culpable.


2.) I'm saying looking at friends accounts with all servers being at "low" population it is fairly easy to see they are not taxing their hardware.


3.) Really? A crystal which cosmetically changes a color is worth 5 bucks? All the extras you get with pre-orders are nothing but fluff tacked on to get people to pay for early access. If they were actually "worth" (I know that's a relative term when speaking of digital items that are actually worthless...) something they would give you a bonus like permanent stat improvements. Items that give you a tangible advantage over other players would be a bonus. Cosmetic items, mounts, droids that wax your back while you AFK are just fluff. Junk. They look cool but they don't affect your effectiveness in game.


4.) I feel most people's complaints are legit. People feel they were mislead.


5.) I've found it to be lacking and towing a company line. They are getting behind the company's position.


Look, honestly, I'm miffed about how they're handling it. I'm not going to cancel my pre-ordrers (because I have 2). I'm not going to forever detach myself from the company because, overall they are a good corporation. I feel that they have handled this inappropriately and I will vocalize my concern. It's my right as a paying customer. I'm not whining. I'm vocalizing my disagreement. If no one did this a company would never improve and further it's customer service.

Edited by zymbo
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So instead we have hundreds of thousands of people just waiting and checking their emails like little children. That is a poor way of running a business.


so u admit that its child like to sit around checking their emails but its biowares fault........

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