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  1. Ok, first off, this isn't meant to spawn a flame war between the PvE and PvP players, these are merely my observations. That being said, here are my thoughts on the needed changes to the aforementioned thread title. For one, it seems that PvP gear is much more easily obtained than PvE. This wouldn't necessarily be a problem if PvP gear didn't hold up so well in PvE. My complaint is the following: To obtain top end PvP gear you merely need to run PvP dailies. This consists of queuing for a random WZ. Obviously, you have to win, but still, the organization needed, typically, only consists of clicking a random que button. To obtain a PvE equivalent you will either need to A.) Farm dailies (for at least a week for 1 item) or B.) run HM FPs with a competent group or raid end game content. Now, that being said, I don't understand the stats that they give to the PvP gear. I get the fact that PvP gear will have a "+resist PC players damage" stat to it. I totally agree with that. However, my beef comes with this: Why does the PvP gear have +defense/shielding/absorb/accuracy rating that are equal to items that require a coordinated group to obtain. In essence, you can randomly que for PvP groups and farm yourself into end game gear with relative ease. (server dependent) However, to obtain the PvE equivalent you must orchestrate a coordinated group to run HM FPs and Raids that require much more planning and effort. So, my suggestions would be: 1.) Adjust PvE gear stats accordingly or 2.) Implement a PvE que system (not cross server...) Anyhow, I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
  2. Explain why it is not, because all I can find are lousy beta runs, which has, obviously substantially changed to a 50 uber geared run. As a level 48 Jedi guardian tank, with a level 50 healer, 45dps and 50dps, this a-hole still manages to wreck the group over and over. This boss needs to be nerfed.
  3. Wow... people calling back to Warhammer? Really? WAR was a fun game, but it was implemented horribly. WAR did not have 1.5 million subs on launch, where the hell did someone get that? WARs launch was horribly buggy. Quests not working, crap mechanics, and empty zones are what I remember. The PvP was pretty fun....until people started playing BW and making nuke groups. Oh that only took them 2 years to fix, by then the game was dead because PvP was horribly unbalanced and the PvE sucked. I played it for 3 months and quit. I recently resubbed for a month (within the last 4 months) to see where the game was at. Well, there about 60 or 70 active players between the 2 servers still up. Yeah, cancelled yet again. Now, I'll admit, PvP seems like an afterthought in this game, but that doesn't bother me because I PvE now. But still, the PvE is really good in this game. The storyline is actually interesting and you can develop relationships with your companions. You can level fairly easily and pick up groups when need be. I think Flashpoints are fun. They have many of the same mechanics all the WoW fanboys like. "Oh run and hide...LoS him, interrupt!!!!" Whatever, it's just as good as any other MMO. If you like the lore and simplicity of the game then that's fine. Stop looking for a game to break every MMO standard. Guess what? WoW didn't break any MMO standard, it just simplified ones already in place and made it accessible to the masses of casuals.
  4. I know there is a lot of controversy surrounding this game, but here is my personal experience and opinion on SW:TOR. I have played nearly every MMO since the first launch of EQ. Take that for what's it's worth. I am a PvE-centric player. Soooo, that being said, here are my thoughts. PvP seemed like an afterthought on this game, and I've only done it a few times, so I won't comment on it. 1.) The storyline of this game is absolutely fantastic. Following your class quest is very enjoyable. This is the FIRST MMO ever to actually make me want to progress just to see what happens with the story. EQ, AoC, DAoC, Shadowbane, GW, Warhammer, WoW (and countless others) and all others....I could honestly care less what happened with my toon in relation to the universe. I just wanted to level and get gear. In this game I actually want to find out what happens to my toon, companions, and the universe!! 2.) I really enjoy the upgrade system. I like being able to find a robe or saber that you like and just continually upgrade it. That is wonderful. I'm sick of grinding dungeons all day for a new weapon. Now you can hit a dungeon, grab a piece of equipment you like the look of, and upgrade it to the end. That is really nice, especially since I like soloing and grabbing most of my upgrades through commendation vendors. 3.) Companions are great. As a Jedi Guardian it was rough going until about 32. But even still, I like that your companions develop relationships with you. I also like that you can upgrade them. As a person who likes to level solo, I find it irritating to look for group members to complete basic quests. I have found companions to be wonderful. I often level with a friend of mine and have been able to do several FPs with 2 human players. (with companions). As I've leveled this became more difficult, but that was ok. 4.) Flash Points are fun! I really enjoy them. The boss mechanics are nice, even though simplistic. I've run a lot of them with guildmates. I believe as the game evolves this will become better, but as it stands it's fairly enjoyable. 5.) Crafting is finally not the black hole time-sink it used to be. I like the fact you can send your minions to gather and craft. Finally, I can play the game AND level up a craft skill. Although the craft equipment seems to be subpar at this point, I'm sure this will change as the game evolves. Here's to the future. Well, these are my thoughts. Good gaming and may the force be with you.
  5. 1.) Unless you delved deep into the forums the official website was equally as culpable. 2.) I'm saying looking at friends accounts with all servers being at "low" population it is fairly easy to see they are not taxing their hardware. 3.) Really? A crystal which cosmetically changes a color is worth 5 bucks? All the extras you get with pre-orders are nothing but fluff tacked on to get people to pay for early access. If they were actually "worth" (I know that's a relative term when speaking of digital items that are actually worthless...) something they would give you a bonus like permanent stat improvements. Items that give you a tangible advantage over other players would be a bonus. Cosmetic items, mounts, droids that wax your back while you AFK are just fluff. Junk. They look cool but they don't affect your effectiveness in game. 4.) I feel most people's complaints are legit. People feel they were mislead. 5.) I've found it to be lacking and towing a company line. They are getting behind the company's position. Look, honestly, I'm miffed about how they're handling it. I'm not going to cancel my pre-ordrers (because I have 2). I'm not going to forever detach myself from the company because, overall they are a good corporation. I feel that they have handled this inappropriately and I will vocalize my concern. It's my right as a paying customer. I'm not whining. I'm vocalizing my disagreement. If no one did this a company would never improve and further it's customer service.
  6. Everquest was revolutionary in the fact that it brought PnP RPGs to a 3D world. The developers put you in a sandbox and allowed you to do whatever you wanted. It didn't hold your hand and forced you to work with people to achieve goals. That was innovation. WoW was revolutionary in the fact that it brought PnP RPGs to a 3d world. The devs....oh wait....no, I guess it was an Everquest clone. Stop comparing everything to WoW as if it was the first MMO to invent EVERYTHING in it. WoW brought some innovations, but mostly simplifications to the MMO world. WoW made it accessible to the masses of casual players. That was the key to it's success. Dungeon finders, add-ons, macros, easy leveling, low system requirements, and no death penalties were keys to its success. As time went on, even the original Everquest dumbed itself down to the casual players. WoW is successful because people like the Warcraft lore/world. They like the simplicity, lower time commitment to succeed, and the low system requirements let nearly anyone play it. SWTOR is very similar to this. It doesn't need massive innovations. It needs to be accessible and set in a world that people enjoy. Star Wars already has a huge following of its lore. If they make that world accessible and enjoyable it will be fine.
  7. 1.) Negative. Depending what retailer you went with this was CLEARLY understated. Not everyone reads forums or follows the SWTOR website. The information on this site was vague at best. 2.) Means a lot. It means they're severely underestimating the capability of their hardware only to irritate a large portion of their customer base. For what? If everyone gets in on the 20th and the servers explode, they've only delayed the innevitable. 3.) Pre-orders cost more. That's the fee for early access and it is expected one is able to get the full dollar's worth 4.) Same to those defending the company with an almost cult-like devotion. 5.) As a paying customer I am entitled to updates, superb customer support and I demand it--just like I would at a car dealer, contractor working on my house, or any service I pay for. 6.) Seriously? ....
  8. I DIDN'T go to the website. That's my point. I've vaguely followed this MMO since it's induction with a rather lukewarm enthusiasm. Knowing EA to be the money grubbing ****** they are and knowing and loving Star Wars to be absolutely epic lore, I was torn. Sooo, since I don't follow this website, and shouldn't have to, when I bought from a 3rd party retailer, I expect the friggin' details of launch to be laid out in bold face font. Now, maybme that's a problem with the retailer, but, I expect, when I redeem a code, the website to SCREAM at me the gorey details of the launch....which it doesn't.
  9. For the record, I played beta...for one brief weekend. But lets say you've been casually following the game as it evolved. Then your slap down your 60 or 80 or 130 bucks on whatever iteration you've chosen. The 3rd party retailers do not specifically elucidate this "rolling" early access. Neither does the account activation. My contension is that upon your code activation you should be bluntly presented with the "its not really 5 days early access" statement. Which it was not. Unless you've been frantically clicking around the website, which I have not and shouldn't have to, you would not know this.
  10. Lies... I don't follow the website. Most don't. It should've been posted on EVERY pre-order site. I ordered through Amazon.com and it was NOT clearly stated. That being said, I don't really care as I'll still play it, but if you're promising early launch it should not require you to follow the game like a beta nerd.
  11. Fine print and nebulous EULA are not notifications. Only bold print and "by the way you won't get to play early" exclamations qualify.
  12. Honestly, if you're promising an "early access" date you might as well make that your release date. 90% of your player base are die hard fans that have pre-ordered anyhow. I got that from a made-up survey I came up with in my head. That nothwithstanding, Rift launched nearly flawlessly. They continually opened new servers as the "old" ones filled up. It is not impossible, or even very difficult to mirror a launch like this. I've played the Beta of this game and I find it very enjoyable. I don't believe this over-restricted early access is warranted. You could always overestimate your server load and scale down. The pre-sales of this game easily cover the development and launch costs of this endeavor. Stop being such a f-ing corporation and get back to the small scale customer service your fan base expects. Just saying...
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