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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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I don't think the people who are raging fully understand the numbers involved. They have become inoculated to words such as Million, Billion and Trillion.


It is estimated that between 2.5M and 4M people have pre-ordered the game.


Thats between 2,500,000 and 4,000,000 people that will try to log in world-wide. There are estimates of U.S sales ONLY of 1,500,000 for pre-order alone.


When WoW launched they had approx 280,000 for launch day. (Thread lists Blizzard source post)


When Rift launched they claim to have had 1,00,000 go through their early access total worldwide. So the U.S pre-launch population is clearly larger than the world-wide server launch of rift.


I am sure the actual game servers will handle these numbers, the question really comes into play are the authentication servers and how they would hold up. Which in turn can really upset players. Feel a bit for BW since it was pretty much a catch-22. I honestly think people would be more willing to over-look HOW people got into EGA but would not overlook the fact if the game kept crashing and lots of server problems.

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I am utterly amazed at the nonsense people are spewing over a video game. I fear for the world of tomorrow when this generation is running things. Oh wait, they won't be running ****, they'll be too busy crying over not getting their way in the "next big thing".


There is a lot of mindless rambling going on, but you can't deny that people have a valid reason to be angry, specificly those who believed the false advertisement. People got literately ripped off in the advertisement campaign if they preordered in November / December. If you think the "prelaunch" isn't such a big deal, why was it the vocal point of their advertisement campaign for preordering. Actually being the ONLY thing they advertised on the swtor.com page.


In my case this isn't as much about the early access rather than the company itself and how it treats its customers. So far this is the first game I've bought from Bioware and find myself promised things that weren't even possible. Doesn't give a very good first impression in my mind.


Sure you might think "sucks to be you" but I would consider twice what kind of company you are dealing with. Not atleast one that likes to keep its word and stay truthful. If they screw people up this easily it might be you they screw up next time. And please, don't give me the fanboy defense of "they didnt guarantee 7 days". If you honestly can't see anything wrong with advertising for 7 days while knowing that 1-2 days was the tops they could give to you, your sense of justice has been twisted in a very odd manner.


Might I suggest buying this shiny coin worth of up to 100$? I'll sell it very cheaply, only 50$ for you!

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I don't think the people who are raging fully understand the numbers involved. They have become inoculated to words such as Million, Billion and Trillion.


It is estimated that between 2.5M and 4M people have pre-ordered the game.


Thats between 2,500,000 and 4,000,000 people that will try to log in world-wide. There are estimates of U.S sales ONLY of 1,500,000 for pre-order alone.


When WoW launched they had approx 280,000 for launch day. (Thread lists Blizzard source post)


When Rift launched they claim to have had 1,00,000 go through their early access total worldwide. So the U.S pre-launch population is clearly larger than the world-wide server launch of rift.


I am sure the actual game servers will handle these numbers, the question really comes into play are the authentication servers and how they would hold up. Which in turn can really upset players. Feel a bit for BW since it was pretty much a catch-22. I honestly think people would be more willing to over-look HOW people got into EGA but would not overlook the fact if the game kept crashing and lots of server problems.


Agreed. Some will rage over early access for the time being but a bad/horrible launch, involving sever lag, crashing servers and extended maintenece periods etc, will be remembered and pointed to for a long time.

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Warning. Extreme levels of Sarcasm detected. Danger. Danger.


I don't see the point of cramming the servers full either, which is what would happen in the end if the people complaining about this situation got their way.


Which is pretty much going to happen on December 20th...So what's the point delaying the inevitable?! Even worse, the way things are going down, there is going to be a greater number of people accessing on 19-20th, both late pre-orders and regular orders.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.

THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


You realize that just because someone received their invite, it doesn't mean they've logged in yet . . . .

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All it's accomplishing right now is upsetting customers.


This is so true, irrelevant of the early access intentions. I want to play and yes it is quite annoying that people are in and we are not. I was prepared for it I knew it was going to happen however now it is happening despite my best intentions it is making me angrier and angrier.


I am sure when I/we do get in we will all feel better but for the right now it just annoying to read the forums see how unhappy people are. Quite a few of the post I have read contain valid concerns especially with regard to the boost the early access players will get and what this could mean for those coming in later.


How will you feel when you do log in to your Guilds preselected server and find out all the variations of the name you planned to use have already been taken before the game has officially even launched?


I also think the lack of any idea when people will be getting is silly. A rough idea so that people can plan the next few days (including the coming weekend) would be far more beneficial and considerably cut down on the unhappiness. I know in the official post it was said this has not happened to keep things flexible. But is this flexibility really worth the negativity?


Personally early access was a mistake, launch date should have seen everyone get access the same day, I know this causes issues in its own right but at least everyone shares the issues rather than a large group sitting here feeling frustrated.

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I don't think the people who are raging fully understand the numbers involved. They have become inoculated to words such as Million, Billion and Trillion.


It is estimated that between 2.5M and 4M people have pre-ordered the game.


Thats between 2,500,000 and 4,000,000 people that will try to log in world-wide. There are estimates of U.S sales ONLY of 1,500,000 for pre-order alone.


When WoW launched they had approx 280,000 for launch day. (Thread lists Blizzard source post)


When Rift launched they claim to have had 1,00,000 go through their early access total worldwide. So the U.S pre-launch population is clearly larger than the world-wide server launch of rift.


I am sure the actual game servers will handle these numbers, the question really comes into play are the authentication servers and how they would hold up. Which in turn can really upset players. Feel a bit for BW since it was pretty much a catch-22. I honestly think people would be more willing to over-look HOW people got into EGA but would not overlook the fact if the game kept crashing and lots of server problems.



Lol your not using logic. As you are stating, it is simple numbers!


Apply the numbers and accomadate the needed hardware ( Such as Game servers, Authentication Servers, Network Servers, etc.) This company is making bank, servers are not expensive at all compared to the profit they will turn.

Companies need to stop trying to penny pinch when you have the data already of how many players your going to have.


Stop playing it safe Bioware! Go hard or go home!

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Which is pretty much going to happen on December 20th...So what's the point delaying the inevitable?! Even worse, the way things are going down, there is going to be a greater number of people accessing on 19-20th, both late pre-orders and regular orders.


It may happen regardless but the risk of it doing so is deminished.

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I've been there for more MMo launches than I dare to remember - and to tell you all the truth; I'd rather have an unstable launch that allows all the Pre-Orders to play at the same time, instead of this wave system.


No matter what the game company does, people will be upset if they have to wait for their access when they paid for the possibility to play from the earliest point possible. Some people will take a day off to enjoy the first day, others are lucky and it just so happens that launch day is on their day off.


I don't mind waiting, but seeing as how they have planned out the invite system - they should also have pointed out exactly which day the pre-orderers will get to play, instead of wasting the optimists time.


The best launch to me, would probably be a unannounced launch in the middle of the night the day before launch day. Then again, that also could cause problems.


Hope to see you guys in game soon!

Edited by GyroGate
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Diminished? How so, if they are making more people wait till 20th?


Do you know the actual number that were invited yesterday? If so please show me where you found out, I'd like to find out myself.


Their reason for this staggered early access is to be able to adjust to the situation as it develops instead of being overwhelmed by it. I'm giving BW enough credit to say that they have fair chance of pulling this off.

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First off im an experienced MMO campaigner. Never before have i seen a pre-game launch like this one. RIFT did it right, EVERYONE who preordered got early access. If the servers cant handle it like BW is afraid of well kowing that sooner, rather than on the actual launch date of the 20th would probably be in their best interests. I pre-ordered on the 21st October so i know i most likely wont be playing for another 3-4 days, im also aware of how far people can level and own the auction houses in that amount of time, not to mention if my character names are taken im going to buy another monitor after i throw this one at the wall. They have shot themselves in the foot by only allowing a certain amount of people to play as the days go by, especially closing up shop so early in the day, if there are no issues continue the waves rolling. If their issue is server balancing they did all they could by pre-launching guilds which was a good concept, they cant control everything and they need to realise that or see the game go down in flamesIn the end people will play, but there will be a bad aftertaste in peoples mouths and after a few months if the game isnt 100% up to their expectations they will look to other alternatives again.
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I don't mind waiting, but seeing as how they have planned out the invite system - they should also have pointed out exactly which day the pre-orderers will get to play, instead of wasting the optimists time.



Exactly this. It's the perfect system to piss the optimist off. So, that's a pretty bad system.


I have NO IDEA when to expect an invite but I'm desperately looking forward to it. I'm honestly having a hard time being focussed at work. I check my e-mail every 20 minutes like I'm some lonesome loser who's only bright light is a new game every now and then. For the record: This is not the case. I hope.


Anyway, no idea how Bioware came up with this ridiculous wave system. It just keeps pissing people off more and more with every wave they're NOT invited. It would've been way better to let everyone play. We understand server crashes, queues, lag every now and then in the first few days and even weeks...

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


That is a completely in-valid reason to be upset. But when did peolpe ever need a reason to complain?

You get in in the same order as you entered your pre-order code. That's all there is to it. When and how many people are let in is completely at Bioware's discretion and no amount of complaining will change that.

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I'm puzzled.


When the Collectors Edition was offered, on the same day I went and ordered the set, as soon as it was available.


To reward me for my faith and how quickly I Ordered, I get to play the game first.


What's wrong with that?




I think everyone should get at least a weekend in advance, though.:csw_redsaber:

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looks like around 2pm (why bloody 2pm come on sort it out thats late) ,when todays Waves start were going to another 700 pages lol and i dont blame anyone who's complaining, its not the fact of getting in early its the fact of Not knowing F-all and thats what pisses me off

am i getting early acces or not and if i am when and what time.... how hard is that to let ppl know, beta test went fine 1 e-mail your in and there was alot more in those 2days than yesturday.

also i have to agrea the Auction Houses are gonna be jampacked by the time we even get any decent stuff to make and add to raise credits for the riding skill.

Edited by Morvoldo
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I dont understand how they had that massive beta test on thanksgiving where so many testers were logging in at once. Except for a few issues with waiting in a que the servers held up fine. So whats the big deal about letting a large amount of players get in. Hopefully today's batch of invites will be a lot bigger then tuesdays


Redeem yourself bioware


Personally i think star wars MMO's are crused. Just how SOE killed SWG, i won't be surprise if bioware kills swtor

Edited by DraconisXX
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I think everyone should get at least a weekend in advance, though.:csw_redsaber:
I hope so for Bioware's own sake, or they better close the forums for the week end. As I said in another thread, if people aren't able to get in before the coming week end, the actual ambiance of the forum will look like a very polite tea party with the Queen of England compared to what will happen then.


Just a prediction, by the way... but I have no doubt I'm right on that one ;)

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