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This is Age of Conan MKII


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Age of Conan was nothing like this. For one, AoC didn't have any real content past the intro for almost a year. For two, the game is much more polished. For three, this isn't a blatant grind-fest like it was at release.


It's amazing how hysterical people get at launch. Every MMO is like this. I'll just be glad when the free month is up and these people spamming the forums with topics like this have to put their money (or not) where their mouth is. Given that it's a Star Wars MMO, the odds of this "dying" are next to nothing.


SWG remained profitable up until it was shut down for the release of TOR. After what happened to it, do people honestly think that a game like this is going to not be a success?

Edited by Radiatonia
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My individual boredom appears to be not so individual if the forums are to be believed. I paid £40 British pounds for this game, you really think I want this game to be another generic MMO failure?


There is over a million of people playing this game. 50 of those are whining about the game on this forums.


I dont think this is even remotely close to ever become a generic mmo failure.


Please be realistic.

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SWG was not profitable and hadn't been for a number of years, it was kept on life support because Lucasarts didn't want their reputation damaged from having the plug pulled on it IP because of poor design decisions.


Gamers will vote with their feet and the more that leave the less development will be invested in this game, so even the fan boys suffer, so it's rather ignorant to say the whiners should go away, because they are paying customers too and are entitled to just as valid opinion on a product they paid for.

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There is over a million of people playing this game. 50 of those are whining about the game on this forums.


I dont think this is even remotely close to ever become a generic mmo failure.


Please be realistic.


Tell that to Funcom, AOC at launch had over 1 million subscribers, after the first month they hemorrhaged players; it is now free to play and you pay for I game items.



So I'm being extremely realistic.

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SWG was not profitable and hadn't been for a number of years, it was kept on life support because Lucasarts didn't want their reputation damaged from having the plug pulled on it IP because of poor design decisions.


Gamers will vote with their feet and the more that leave the less development will be invested in this game, so even the fan boys suffer, so it's rather ignorant to say the whiners should go away, because they are paying customers too and are entitled to just as valid opinion on a product they paid for.


Yes it was. In fact, they were pulling in very respectable subs for a game its age up until they made the announcement it was shutting down. CoH had roughly the same subs as it for awhile, in fact.


Back on topic. Another thing SWTOR didn't do that AoC did. Cut half of their classes prior to launch. AoC originally featured a ton of classes. These were either cut from the game, or merged into other classes (Which created some balance issues.) like the Priest of Set. Or those demon summoning guys that you could play as.


This was in my opinion due to the fact that their lead dev spent more time making videos and interviews talking about how great the game was, rather then developing the game.



Really. The OP's claim is a ridiculous argument to make. Say the game doesn't suit you. That's fine. But the game is by no means a train-wreck like AoC was at release, or even bad. It's quite good actually, and has full content up until the end-game, and then some.


Also, AoC failed because they made a bunch of promises prior to release that were never delivered on. Some of which still aren't. To say that TOR is going to go the same way is over-looking...Well, everything about the two games that differs them from each other in terms of development, and product.

Edited by Radiatonia
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SWG wasn't profitable I'm sorry to say, as an SOE shareholder, my portfolio said differently.


And if you think swtor isn't full of false promises just like AOC, watch the dev interviews on how different combat is supposed to be in swtor.


Only difference I see is no auto attack and ability delays which are bugs.

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I think I'm just going to go back to playing Skyrim and give up on MMO's completely.


It's a shame that games like Skyrim, GTA, Saints Row and Assassins Creed etc create a more believable, interactive and free roaming worlds than most MMO's released today. The massive means nothing, the RPG was lost years ago, now we're just left with M and O.




Pretty much this, I dont understand why MMOs have to feel so dead.


If there's not many other players then MMOs are the least fun games on the market, which is sad.

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SWG was not profitable and hadn't been for a number of years, it was kept on life support because Lucasarts didn't want their reputation damaged from having the plug pulled on it IP because of poor design decisions.


Gamers will vote with their feet and the more that leave the less development will be invested in this game, so even the fan boys suffer, so it's rather ignorant to say the whiners should go away, because they are paying customers too and are entitled to just as valid opinion on a product they paid for.


I wasn't aware that one game determined the profitability of an entire company. Nor that SOE, king of all ruthless cash grab companies, would keep an MMO alive at cost to their profitability until LucasArts ordered them to shut it down! Tell me more about this new theory of economics and contracting that you have!


The sub censuses were clear. It was profitable.



Also, if this game is so doomed to failure, why has it not done as AoC did? AoC sold a million units in the first week or so due to the hype the developers made for it, then sales dropped off considerably, as did subscriptions.


So why is, contrary to this ridiculous belief of yours, it that the subs are still rising?

Edited by Radiatonia
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Yep 8 days in and I'm bored. I'm glad your still having fun because this could be a good game for me too, but it's seriously lacking content and the existing content is repetitive and unfortunately frustrating.


The game was just launched no **** end game content gonna be lacking.

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It has the makings of a good game, but to be bored only after 8 days really doesn't do the game any justice.


Most offline single player games can carry the same or more hours of gameplay before getting boring; I'm still playing Skyrim!


How are you still playing that game?? Lol..its so easy I could fight with my eyes closed. Had to trade that in a week after I got it...have never played an easier game. Sure the graphics/sandbox features were good...but omg it was no challenge.

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Comparing this game to AoC is just not even close to reality.


AoC at launch was so horrid. Sure the game featured some voice-overs during the first 20 levels, but the amount of bugs there just wrecked the game for most.


The sad thing is that AoC has developed to be a really good game. Its playing really well, and has none of the issues it had at launch. It is a real shame that that disaster of a launch scared most people away.


If we are going to compare ToR and AoC by launch alone. ToR is so much better I dont even know where to begin pointing out all the better parts.

For one, the game is actually playable. Imagine how good ToR will be when it gets the same amount of time to sort out the, albeit small, issues it has now. It will be bloody immense.

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I wasn't aware that one game determined the profitability of an entire company. Nor that SOE, king of all ruthless cash grab companies, would keep an MMO alive at cost to their profitability until LucasArts ordered them to shut it down! Tell me more about this new theory of economics and contracting that you have!


The sub censuses were clear. It was profitable.



Also, if this game is so doomed to failure, why has it not done as AoC did? AoC sold a million units in the first week or so due to the hype the developers made for it, then sales dropped off considerably, as did subscriptions.


So why is, contrary to this ridiculous belief of yours, it that the subs are still rising?


I have no idea what your referring to about one game determining a companies profitability.


SWG hemorrhaged subscribers after CU and dipped in an out of profitability until WoW launched, then it fell into deficit until they scaled back development and the supporting team and subsequent marketing failed to attract new subscribers.


At no point have I mentioned SWG determining the profitability of SOE. As an SOE shareholder I am entitled to information pertaining to the direction of my investment. Pulling the plug on a major IP was considered a detriment to both SOE and Lucasarts, the game was kept on lifesupport until swtor launched so it could now out respectfully. If SWG was profitable then why would the plug be pulled?


When you have played as many MMO's and understand that base subscriptions and pre order numbers are extremely vague in providing a future picture of profitability, then you will grasp what I'm saying.


And my economics is fine thanks, I regularly trade in Forex, hedge funds and FTSE 250 futures.

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I have no idea what your referring to about one game determining a companies profitability.


SWG hemorrhaged subscribers after CU and dipped in an out of profitability until WoW launched, then it fell into deficit until they scaled back development and the supporting team and subsequent marketing failed to attract new subscribers.


At no point have I mentioned SWG determining the profitability of SOE. As an SOE shareholder I am entitled to information pertaining to the direction of my investment. Pulling the plug on a major IP was considered a detriment to both SOE and Lucasarts, the game was kept on lifesupport until swtor launched so it could now out respectfully. If SWG was profitable then why would the plug be pulled?


When you have played as many MMO's and understand that base subscriptions and pre order numbers are extremely vague in providing a future picture of profitability, then you will grasp what I'm saying.


And my economics is fine thanks, I regularly trade in Forex, hedge funds and FTSE 250 futures.



Well as a shareholder I wish you would have gathered your other shareholders and held a knife at SOE's throat when they announced what they were going to do with the NGE kick off. Assuming you were a shareholder then. Part of the dip you saw was me and our 600 signed people demanding SOE not incorporate the NGE changes. They closed our accounts as a response. Coulda used that shareholder power then...lol things would have been much different w/o the NGE.

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Has anyone played that?


I joined at launch and the voice acting an cut scenes in that were a great novelty at first but got tiresome the 3rd or 4th time around, even mashing buttons to bypass the conversations was tiresome.


It was the same with Tortage, where you were forced to run the same area over and over again and listen to the same dialogue over and over again each time you wanted to create an alt.


The game had a large launch but very soon, players released what little depth the game actually had and started the mass exodus until it is now Free to Play.


Bioware have used the same kind of model, except, the dialogue is applied to the whole game!


I've been playing for only 8 days and have a level 40 assassin and a level 10 commando; and I'm already space barring the dialogue because it's all very samey, repetitive, guises and worded slightly different but not enough to remain interesting.


I've become tired of the levelling process because it's all the same yet the higher I get in level the more travelling I have to do just to complete one quest; it's not so bad but the amount of loading screens and the time it takes to load these areas is boresome.


Crafting isn't very interactive as I just send crew off to gather and craft and I just wait.


PvP has been good fun but the battle for alderan is extremely laggy, the other defend attack map is extremely buggy so I only enjoy huttball, but the loading times in and out of the pvp zones are dire.


All in all I seem to be doing nothing but waiting, waiting for loading screen after loading screen which gets worse the higher level you get because of more travelling.


I loved this game at first, I didn't play Beta, but after only 8 days I'm bored it doesn't bode well for the future.


OMG I completely forgot about how painful that was in Tortage.


Having to go through it two times for every class just because I wanted to test out the opposing "AC". Yeah, bad design... same with TOR.

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Well as a shareholder I wish you would have gathered your other shareholders and held a knife at SOE's throat when they announced what they were going to do with the NGE kick off. Assuming you were a shareholder then. Part of the dip you saw was me and our 600 signed people demanding SOE not incorporate the NGE changes. They closed our accounts as a response. Coulda used that shareholder power then...lol things would have been much different w/o the NGE.


It was the NGE that caused some of us to invest in SOE so we could have input and communication with them, but unfortunately our share size wasn't large enough for SOE to pay attention.

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It was the NGE that caused some of us to invest in SOE so we could have input and communication with them, but unfortunately our share size wasn't large enough for SOE to pay attention.


A shame, I would have joined that party, in hopes of forcing a rollback (assuming we acquired enough shareholder power).

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AoC got boring faster cos of the lousy singleplayer "night" mode and the IMO rubbish combat bottommashing. SWTOR has atleast some more balanced classes and more interesting stories and I am a Conan fan, but AoC just didnt hold the standard of a Conan story for me. Lets wait and see what happens. we stille have some 20 ish days left of the free month. lets hope Bioware gives us something to make us want to play it. and i dont think SWTOR will be very good as F2P. it is really far to expensive to make content with the full voice over. I could settle for just a full voiced over storyline atm
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