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This is Age of Conan MKII


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I played AoC on launch and hit max level fairly quickly with my guardian/tank. The game was great looking. Combat was very nice, and a pretty fun PvP experience.


But absolutely no end game content for the people who power leveled quickly. You'd just literally run around bored. I think that is what killed AoC. Not enough content.


Not to sound like a jerk, but I'm certain when MMO devs make a game, they don't take into account power levelers. They hope that players will take their time, enjoy the game... and probably play a somewhat "healthy" amount of time... 3 or 4 hours I guess. Maybe? I know games recommend you take a 15 minute break every hour...

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Then you have problems of overcrowding of mobs.


And honestly, at least for me, it annoys me. It's hard to feel like I'm making progress on a quest when it's like "Help us stop the attack by the enemy!" *Kill 10 guys and its done, but there's still 80 more of them around*


How did that help at all?!




I brought up that very thing at SDCC and just got Blank stares. SWTOR is full of the Old Blanchy effect you help someone out and five minutes later that person is standing in the same spot looking for the next guy to help how in the hell is that Immersive? A simple matter of phasing would solve all of that, people would not have to wait for their mob or item and you would actually feel like you helped someone and not just used a vending machine.

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Then you have problems of overcrowding of mobs.


And honestly, at least for me, it annoys me. It's hard to feel like I'm making progress on a quest when it's like "Help us stop the attack by the enemy!" *Kill 10 guys and its done, but there's still 80 more of them around*


How did that help at all?!


how can we have over crowding of mobs, when this game feel's totally dead in general? really??????


have none of you played any other mmo? i mean it's serious derp material now if you tell me they add double the amount of mobs in the HUGE planets that its going to over crowd, the game lacks any kind of ambiance, i want more mobs, i want birds, i want waterfalls, i want other strange type stwars creature's making noises and such, i want a lush enviroment, and lastly i never ever find myself in a place going omg, its got way to many mobs in here for me to handle. p.s. this game out of all other mmo's doesnt seem to support the stun effect from mobs, sure the odd mobs slows you, but i can easily run through an entire "mob" filled area and get to the other side with ease


lets take everyone's favorite trolling game WOW, you try run through a single mob pack in darkshire at lvl 15 or whatever level it is in that area, you wont get from a-b without mobs stunning the crap out of you and eventually killing you, they made this game so easy with the lack of CC from mobs, and the lack of mobs aswell, yet doubling the mobs wouldnt fix sharding? interesting.

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I love the lack of hordes of mobs in places like Tatooine. And a lot of other places, honestly.


It's always annoyed the crap out of me that every MMO looks like a farm, with creatures packed shoulder to shoulder as far as the eye can see. It's stupid.

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I love the lack of hordes of mobs in places like Tatooine. And a lot of other places, honestly.


It's always annoyed the crap out of me that every MMO looks like a farm, with creatures packed shoulder to shoulder as far as the eye can see. It's stupid.


you totally miss the point then, they are packed with mobs to avoid the ever killing sharding, but ok, have fun in a mmo single player game.


*edit* i dont want people to think im trolling or talking crap about the game, i love starwars as much as anyone, i love the whole concept of this game and id love nothing more for it to become the most successful game made, but and it's just my opinion i want this game to feel massive.

Edited by Ishikur
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This game is not even close to Age of Conan at launch and you comparing to it is ridiculous :rolleyes:


I fail to grasp where you read I was comparing this to AOC's launch? I'm talking about the games concepts which caused mass exodus of players, the very same sufferings swtor has now.

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It's true. I it's like AoC, Bugs including.

On Quesh I only had problems and got constantly caught in bug traps, so I couldn't move or shoot. Standing 10m next to a mob and "can't see the target", summoning the guy to steal factory plans (agent bonus line) and he knocks me back, disabling any kind of movement and even locking my camera.

Till lvl20 everything was fine. Never felt alone, enought quests around...

Once you hit Alderaan, you start to get unhappy: not even 30 quests on the whole planet, lot's of traveling while using a 90% speeder ...it's like crossing the barrens in wow by feet :/


Game started to crash too after 1.0.1, 2-3x in 4 hours.

Before I never had a single crash since beta.

Edited by squiek
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Has anyone played that?


I joined at launch and the voice acting an cut scenes in that were a great novelty at first but got tiresome the 3rd or 4th time around, even mashing buttons to bypass the conversations was tiresome.


It was the same with Tortage, where you were forced to run the same area over and over again and listen to the same dialogue over and over again each time you wanted to create an alt.


The game had a large launch but very soon, players released what little depth the game actually had and started the mass exodus until it is now Free to Play.


Bioware have used the same kind of model, except, the dialogue is applied to the whole game!


I've been playing for only 8 days and have a level 40 assassin and a level 10 commando; and I'm already space barring the dialogue because it's all very samey, repetitive, guises and worded slightly different but not enough to remain interesting.


I've become tired of the levelling process because it's all the same yet the higher I get in level the more travelling I have to do just to complete one quest; it's not so bad but the amount of loading screens and the time it takes to load these areas is boresome.


Crafting isn't very interactive as I just send crew off to gather and craft and I just wait.


PvP has been good fun but the battle for alderan is extremely laggy, the other defend attack map is extremely buggy so I only enjoy huttball, but the loading times in and out of the pvp zones are dire.


All in all I seem to be doing nothing but waiting, waiting for loading screen after loading screen which gets worse the higher level you get because of more travelling.


I loved this game at first, I didn't play Beta, but after only 8 days I'm bored it doesn't bode well for the future.


This games entire future isnt based on your induvidual boredom.


And Modern Warfare 3 is the new Doom, we heard it all before.

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you totally miss the point then, they are packed with mobs to avoid the ever killing sharding, but ok, have fun in a mmo single player game.


*edit* i dont want people to think im trolling or talking crap about the game, i love starwars as much as anyone, i love the whole concept of this game and id love nothing more for it to become the most successful game made, but and it's just my opinion i want this game to feel massive.


I'm not missing your point, I just think it's an asinine point. :\

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This games entire future isnt based on your induvidual boredom.


And Modern Warfare 3 is the new Doom, we heard it all before.


My individual boredom appears to be not so individual if the forums are to be believed. I paid £40 British pounds for this game, you really think I want this game to be another generic MMO failure?

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Not to sound like a jerk, but I'm certain when MMO devs make a game, they don't take into account power levelers. They hope that players will take their time, enjoy the game... and probably play a somewhat "healthy" amount of time... 3 or 4 hours I guess. Maybe? I know games recommend you take a 15 minute break every hour...


being slow and paying for it is the equivalent of having a gym membership and not going. you may be okay with paying $15 a month for little to nothing, i prefer getting something for my money.


Ive got 8-9 days played, level 45 now with no dialogue skipped, all professions at 400 and enough money to buy the 3rd rank for pilot at 50 as well as whatever bikes.


If it wasnt for the class story line, i would've lost interest by now. I expect that to happen once im done next week sometime. I may start an alt just for the sake of playing the full 30 days but im probably gonna cancel, leave and come back in 2-3 months time. No need to pay to not play.

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I can't wait till the 30 days free time is up and the handful of impatient children spewing forth all the hate go away. Don't worry your consoles will be waiting for you.


What a joke. Didn't you say "I can't wait until the new forums are launched so the children are gone!" Funny.

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Age of Conan had/has a lot of critical issues. Not only is the game insanely boring but it feels like you're inside a box when playing. I guess the only good thing about conan was that it didn't have any ability lag. Forgot to add Warhammer has the same "box" feeling to it.


While swtor has the same problem... it's nowhere near as bad. Instances, loading etc, it really destroys the immersion of a mmo. When will they learn.


The days of daoc/wow seamless worlds seems long gone.

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Age of Conan had/has a lot of critical issues. Not only is the game insanely boring but it feels like you're inside a box when playing. I guess the only good thing about conan was that it didn't have any ability lag. Forgot to add Warhammer has the same "box" feeling to it.


While swtor has the same problem... it's nowhere near as bad. Instances, loading etc, it really destroys the immersion of a mmo. When will they learn.


The days of daoc/wow seamless worlds seems long gone.


Well, in their defense, I can't think of a way to let people WALK from Hoth to Tatooine either.

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My individual boredom appears to be not so individual if the forums are to be believed. I paid £40 British pounds for this game, you really think I want this game to be another generic MMO failure?


I'm not saying this game is going to be the most successful MMO of all time, or that it won't die after the first month, because it is impossible to know these things.


But if we solely base a game's aptitude off of its general discussion on a forum:


WoW would have "died" about one thousand times for a thousand different reasons.


Skyrim would be the worst single player RPG of all time.


MWF 3 would be complete **** compared to BF 3, while at the same time (somehow), BF 3 would be complete **** compared to MWF 3.


Ect, ect...Until you're bored of typing.

Edited by Jaku
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Forums are a good temperature gauge of how healthy a game is if you understand it objectively.


I was playing SWG during the introduction of the NGE and the CU an the forum community was the voice SOE should have listened to, but they didnt and they regretted it.


That was THE greatest movement of players against developers that had ever happened in all of gaming history, so much so, even broad sheet newspapers were reporting on it.


Fellow players and the developers should head the general consensus of forum content or ignore it at their detriment.

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Forums are a good temperature gauge of how healthy a game is if you understand it objectively.


I was playing SWG during the introduction of the NGE and the CU an the forum community was the voice SOE should have listened to, but they didnt and they regretted it.


That was THE greatest movement of players against developers that had ever happened in all of gaming history, so much so, even broad sheet newspapers were reporting on it.


Fellow players and the developers should head the general consensus of forum content or ignore it at their detriment.


Eh, the rage on these forums do not really equal that of the release of NGE. But I understand what you're saying, you should listen to the complaints of your customers.


But a rage filled forum during an MMO release (and beyond) is as normal as apple pie. The only thing it indicates is that your MMO is not perfect, like them all.

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