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I HAVE to take T7 with me? Story spoilers possible...


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So, I don't think I can manage this last encounter without gearing up T7. I haven't found an easy way to gear him up either. The AH seems like a good bet, but there's not much there right now.


Anyone know of any vendors I should try?


Find someone who does Cybertech as a crafting profession.

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Can you complete the quest in the same way as when you go to Ord Mantell after leaving Coruscant? I used T7 to step into the story area, switched out to Kira, then after I defeated the bad guy at the end, pulled T7 back out and finished the story portion.
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Can you complete the quest in the same way as when you go to Ord Mantell after leaving Coruscant? I used T7 to step into the story area, switched out to Kira, then after I defeated the bad guy at the end, pulled T7 back out and finished the story portion.


No, when you go to the area the only companion you have is T7. It really hurts when your tank spec. There's a lot of trash mobs to clear through and with T7 it just takes forever.


OP I just brought a friend. Made the entire thing way easier.

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Get friends or just glitch it. There is a massive thread about this on this board and there is a puzzle that is meant to give you a full set of blue gear for T7, but the reward chest doesn't function.

Spoiler is the easy way!


As for the easy way, and warning it makes an epic fight into a hilarious joke, you just kite him all the way back to the stairwell you came up to get to him and force push him down until he dies. If he doesn't die on the first few just los his spells until cooldown is up..force push him off again. Took 3 pushes for me and he went from 60% or so to instantly dead. Run back and talk to him on this throne and there you go.


Edited by russmanOR
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too bad i'm a sentinel and cant force push.


really freaking irritating with this entire ending.


made something fun into an exquisitely painful experience.


BW gets the gasface on this one.


Also, I'm still searching for this thread to find the chest for my stupid lil droid gear, like it'll help...

Edited by GideonPrime
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I read the forums daily and hopefully others will too. The last quests in Corellia almost always give you companion options as gear. I chose the T7 parts in every one to make up for the lack of me using him since I got Kira. Combined with a random AH purchase, I feel my T7 is ready to go when I hit 50 which should be today.
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I read the forums daily and hopefully others will too. The last quests in Corellia almost always give you companion options as gear. I chose the T7 parts in every one to make up for the lack of me using him since I got Kira. Combined with a random AH purchase, I feel my T7 is ready to go when I hit 50 which should be today.


It's a tricky fight anyway, but having good gear on t7 will definitely help.

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I found this impossible with T7 he's prolly the most useless companion ever for a Guardian, more than Rusk and Scourge, even though Scourge is cool hes not great for us.


I was sooo furious when I was forced to use T7, I had to ask a friend to come in to help me, and That made it easier but even he saw some of the mob pulls and agreed how insane it was. my T7 had level 38ish blue gear and got 2-3 shotted by silvers. I know Its my fault for not gearing him... but Why should I have to waste my time/effort/money on a companion I dont use and a companion I purposely dont work with for the reason I find him rubbish for my class? Poor move Bioware. Was very Impressed with The Whole Story, and The Story after this mission, but The fact you are FORCED to use a companion is just plain unfair.


Anyways with the last fight.. I found it do able if you dont touch his clones and just Keep nuking took almost no damage then.

Edited by Alohen
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Just 3 shot him with T7 right after I hit 50. Spec I used:




Corellia quests all give companion rewards, use each one on T7 but don't overlap. For instance 2 parts, motors, cores, etc. They continue to give you companion rewards, so make sure you dont end up with 7 t7 parts.


The trash was harder with T7 than the Emporer. Those Shadow Assasins really rock me when more than 1, I just don't have enough interrupts, cc, etc.


1st attempt was a 40% and I didn't know what to expect.

2nd attempt was a 20% but my pet died really early into the fight.

3rd attempt was a very clean attempt and I never dropped below 50% the whole time.


Spoiler below:



Keep your T7 on Targeting mode, Turn on the aoe, portions, hotkey the taunt, shield stance, and his defensive cooldown. Save them for midway through the fight. It is worth it to die the 1st time without wasting cooldowns, etc JUST so you can prepare for the pull. You get no time to leap into after the cinematic, so just die the 1st time on purpose.


Use a Fort stim, have healthpacks, etc. Pull with Saber throw and when he gets closer, leap into him and then stun him. He doesn't spawn the clones while stunned so this buys you some time. Unload on him saving your other interrupts and stuns. I usually Master Strike immediately when I stun because I can have it up again later. Pop Saber ward when the clones come and do not focus on them, stay only on the boss. Your T7 will agro them with his aoe abilities.


Do not interrupt his Death Field, just move out of it, and leap back in when it's off. At t7 50%, switch his stance, pop defensive cd, and continue to unload. He will start taking lots of damage now, at 25%, use Call of the Force, Saber Ward and taunt again. Use a Healthpack now to get yourself close to full. I pop Enure, and Warding Call together at this time as well. T7 is just about dead if not, and Emp is around 30% tops.


Then I finish him off with well timed stuns, etc.





All in all, was a very fun, challenging fight.

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The encounter is seriously bugged, at least it was tonight. The emperor kept resetting on me when I dragged him down the hall. AoE attacks didn't do anything to the shadows. His Force Bolt 1 shots you, even though it only appears to do a few thousand damage. Then, after dying numerous times, I hit him with saber throw in order to pull him and the quest completely.


Following that, I do the little cut scene and get told that because I'm dark, I don't get the master title. But, when I get to the Fleet, I have it?


This whole thing reeks of not being tested at all.


People saying to get gear for T7 on the planet before are assuming that players KNOW this is coming up. They don't. You don't find out you need T7 until you're half way through the instance and to the ship. The whole thing is horribly designed from the start. Combine that with the fact that you MUST complete this in order to do Ilum, and yeah. It's just flat out bad design.

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The encounter is seriously bugged, at least it was tonight. The emperor kept resetting on me when I dragged him down the hall.


People saying to get gear for T7 on the planet before are assuming that players KNOW this is coming up. They don't. You don't find out you need T7 until you're half way through the instance and to the ship. The whole thing is horribly designed from the start. Combine that with the fact that you MUST complete this in order to do Ilum, and yeah. It's just flat out bad design.


I omitted some of the irrelevant stuff so I can address those two points. They "fixed" you being able to take him down the hall to force push him off the ledge from my understanding. To do that, they most likely tethered him to his room? Just a guess. I didn't have a problem with him at all, so not sure.


If players do not know this is coming up, that is their own fault. People should actively read forums about their class in the higher level ranges so they can get idea of what to expect, how to improve, etc. Ignorance is no excuse.

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I omitted some of the irrelevant stuff so I can address those two points. They "fixed" you being able to take him down the hall to force push him off the ledge from my understanding. To do that, they most likely tethered him to his room? Just a guess. I didn't have a problem with him at all, so not sure.


If players do not know this is coming up, that is their own fault. People should actively read forums about their class in the higher level ranges so they can get idea of what to expect, how to improve, etc. Ignorance is no excuse.


Well now now now, You cant just expect people to read What others say about the later story.. You can't assume that, I know loads of people in game, that If I say anything about the story that they havent done, I'll probably get the silent treatment for a couple days.


The Game is supposedly about the story, I Space space space all side missions or most of them, but Deeply follow the main story of the class, and I enjoy the fact I don't know what's coming up. So the fact Bioware wanted to make this an exclusive intensive storyline, and then forcing people to use the worst Companion at level 50's hardest mission for that class so far, expect you to know that T7 will save the day so you have to start gearing him up... no that much can't be assumed.


Its nothing to do with Ignorance either, Its just playing the storyline, purposely keeping yourself in the dark about future class quests is not ignorance imo. It's what people want to do to enjoy it more.

Edited by Alohen
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I will concede the point about the story line, however if they were paying attention to the story line earlier in the progress it basically told us we would be needing T7. The 1st time we faced the Emporer and went "dark" and Scourge bailed out our teammates, part of the story T7 said he was the only one the Emporer's abilities wouldn't affect. So there was a clue early on...
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I will concede the point about the story line, however if they were paying attention to the story line earlier in the progress it basically told us we would be needing T7. The 1st time we faced the Emporer and went "dark" and Scourge bailed out our teammates, part of the story T7 said he was the only one the Emporer's abilities wouldn't affect. So there was a clue early on...


Ok i'll let you win that one.


but still thats only a cryptic clue really.

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Ok i'll let you win that one.


but still thats only a cryptic clue really.


It's not viable to keep more than one companion geared from quest rewards and commendations. If that clue was meant to inform us that T7 needed to be fully geared for the end of our class quest, it failed.


This mechanic was probably designed and implemented when "kits" could be used on our companions, so T7 could fill any role. I love T7--I'd use him if he healed like Doc.

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The hall still works just fine, and a force push into the stair well. Just keep hitting him -- did this as full vig, and took maybe a total of 5k damage.


Saber toss, force leap, then two attacks with DOTs -- start running. Get to first corner, as Emp and adds round it pop Awe, kill adds, redot emp.


Took him down to the stairwell, he was around 85%, chucked him off -- he landed on the floor at 3% and started running up, I jumped off and force lept to him from the air for the finish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

guys quick question is it possible to get from temple to republic fleet ? My transport is on cd btw.

I just get to temple with T-7 geared on lvl 10 :D got pawned by those two assasins and appeared on the stairs to emperor throne room.So i get automaticly behind the red field without opening it.So now I am pretty screwed :D I can´t talk to emperor nor I can go back since i didnt open the field.

I hope the shuttle thing is working , I wrote the ticket of course but still too lazy to wait several days.

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