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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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Which means If Bw was to sell you a brand new TV for 2000$ they hold the right to shut it off forever without cause.


Just no, you never bought this game but a TV is something you buy.


You only have the right to play the game on their servers but when you buy a TV you own it.


Your account isn't even yours it's still property of BW, you only have the right to use it.

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Well, many of you are missing one thing: Developer Intent


I am quite sure the dev's never meant to have a level 14 player fully maxxed on his Crew Skills.. after all, what does a lvl 14 need with Rakata stims? Surely the lvl 50's in the video need and can/should be able to make them .....


Should sub-40's or whatever level be blocked? Yes.


Blizzard has done this also, where guilds were raiding, a new 'spiffy' mechanic was discovered, like kiting the boss out of the room or the like, and said guilds got a 3 day vacation. Though no physical barriers existed to prevent this 'spiffy' mechanic, it went against the Developer Intent, some peeps were all butt hurt, but, it happens.


This guy being level 14 gets no sympathy from me. Go level your toon instead.....

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Ok, I dunno if it has been said yet or not and I'm not going through 30+ pages to find out. If you are going to a higher level world for the sole purpose of farming crafting materials, you are violating the rules laid out by Bioware.



Simply put, Bioware does not want any "bank alts" "farmers" or anything of the sort. We've known this ever since they put the first beta out. We all agreed to this when we signed the EULA and ToS. You did read that right?






Always read it.

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Does this also mean if you go to a planet at level 44 and do a recommended 46 mission, you are intending to exploit the game to get xp intended for a higher level?


Its crazy, if they didn't want people under 50 to go there, they shouldn't let them. Myself and 2 other 50's yesterday pretty much 1 hit a couple of guys on Ilum and I was wondering why it was so easy. Now im guessing they were doing this.

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I call bullsh*t.


You can't blame a company for people using an exploit. Are you going to justify robbing banks next because they aren't secure enough?


Read the EULA.


This is Bioware's stand on the issue:


"There may be times when the game has a bug in it that, if exploited, can give an unfair advantage to a player. At BioWare we do our best to make a game that has as few of these bugs as possible, however due to the constantly evolving nature of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, these may crop up at times. Please refrain from taking advantage of any mechanic in the game that gives an ‘edge’ or unfair benefit in any way as this can result in temporary or permanent account suspension.


Should you encounter a bug please report it by accessing the Customer Service Help Request menu in the Star Wars: The Old Republic game client and submitting a ticket under the Bug Report category. Please include as much information as possible in the report to enable us to reproduce and classify the bug."


Only a douche bag would blame the company for their being able to rip off the company and game.

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I call BS as well. If they didn't want them going in to the zone they would just put a level lock on it like they do in flashpoints.


The OP was clearly doing something hes not supposed to and is trying to damage Bioware's credibility or trying to make himself look innocent.

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I just think it's someone having a power trip :)


Have you seen how easy it is to get infractions here? :p


1. Infraction for telling someone hes speaking dribble.

2. Another for tell a sorc he must be a bad player if he thinks it's underpowered.

3. For call EA money grabbing bastards with no soul


and finally, my favourite.. 1 for calling a guy "an idiot".


These mods, GM's have more than likely never stepped outside -.-

Edited by Zutha
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Banning people for this reason is kinda lame. How should people know its not intended?


I mean Bioware gives you the option to travel to a zone for higher levels. So this is like intended.


Bioware places a chest that you can open. Looks to me like its intended... otherwise they would make it level restricted or place a mob there that kills lower levels.


IF the chest had a level restriction and due to a bug or whatever he was able to open the chest then its ok to Ban him because he knew he was doing something that wasnt allowed.


I mean they arnt banning people that took Slicing. They made the rewards too high and some moderate chest gave too much credits. Everyone thought it was working like intended but it wasnt... soo ban everyone with Slicing?

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This has been all over "cheat" and exploit sites: get your ship at level 17, go to Illum and make loads of cash slicing in a PvP zone that is currently empty on most severs due to a lack of level 50s.


It's an exploit. Sure, the game lets you do it, but that doesn't stop it from being an exploit nonetheless.


It's hardly an exploit.


You level your slicing to 400, which requires money + time, you deserve to reap the benefits. Stop with the fanboyism, if this is true and people are being banned for 'exploiting' (it's not), then Bioware/EA are idiots.

Edited by Meluna
was warned for similar content later this day - just edited
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I just think it's someone having a power trip :)


Have you seen how easy it is to get infractions here? :p


1. Infraction for telling someone hes speaking dribble.

2. Another for tell a sorc he must be a bad player if he thinks it's underpowered.

3. For call EA money grabbing bastards with no soul


and finally, my favourite.. 1 for calling a guy "an idiot".


These mods, GM's have more than likely never stepped outside -.-


Do you make a habit of telling people that they are idiots to their face? If you do, you are rude and that is socially unacceptable. If not, then why would you think it's ok to do so under the veil of the internet? Anonymity breeds douchebaggery. Ever think of just calmly and rationally basing your arguments?

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lolwut? I guess we have to just deal with it now, right? Absolutely not. Anyone arguing otherwise is not being a reasonable person. Yes, they can revoke our ability to play because we signed the agreement, but that doesn't make mean that should ban someone for doing something within the parameters of the games rules. There was no hacking, glitching, or cheating.


It appears this guy was exploiting something to get his buddies tons of rewards. In almost every game I have EVER played people have found ways to exploit things within the game rules to get things fast and easy be it XP, money, whatever.


In almost every game, rather than shutting down the servers until the problem is dealt with they tell people not to do it, and then if they are idiots who can't respect authority and do it anyway like the OP, they generally get banned.


This is standard procedure. You don't get a trial by jury here. Bioware rules this game, if they ask you to do something then you do it. If you don't do it they ban you. If you feel that is unreasonable find a new game. I would recommend something single-player because almost every online community does this.


I think it's reasonable. I don't want my gaming interrupted by a sudden server shutdown because jerks like this can't respect authority.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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