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Keith, who is right, you or your supposed employee on Reddit?

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Do you really think a company would sign an agreement that requires them to launch unreleased content/changes designed by a different company for months before they can make their own content/decisions? 

That would be a dumb idea in my opinion.

Edited by AFadedMemory
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I would take this with a huge pinch of salt. What some one says on reddit without any evidence to back it up other than they "work" there, is suspect at best.

Add to that, when it comes to development of games, and MMO's in particular, they usually have story penned out atleast 6 months to a year in advance to stay ahead.

If they plan the story as they go, that would be very unwise, as there would be next to no room for mistakes in the story to be caught, like timeline not matching the rest of the overall story.

And I doubt we'll get any answers here, as the entire "story" can easily turn out to be, and likely is, bogus.

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Might be just that they say that they work in there so people would listen to them and take them more seriously, if they have felt like that they have been yelling into the abyss before while taking part on the conversations.

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Fairly sure that if anyone actually worked here and said that, said dev would be absolutely flamed.

No way that they didn't plan out for after the move, every decent studio has a year-long plan *at least*, if not more for a MMO.


Though that would explain why they do so little with so much time between patches.

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Call me gullible but I'm willing to believe him. He has been consistently posting on reddit about development and art stuff. 

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A quick look at the "Official Accounts" link on the SWTOR reddit tells you who he is.

/u/slothfurnace - Brad - Monetization Art Lead - Makes things like the platinum lightsabers, weapons like mischief & anarchy, and a bunch of the flourish mounts.

And yes they probably have a 'plan' and roadmap of story content for months/years in advance, it doesn't mean it was all made and ready to ship before broadsword took over. What the hell do you think they've been doing for the last several months? Just sitting in their offices all day with months worth of finished content waiting to ship it out in dribs and drabs? 

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52 minutes ago, khamseen_air said:

A quick look at the "Official Accounts" link on the SWTOR reddit tells you who he is.

/u/slothfurnace - Brad - Monetization Art Lead - Makes things like the platinum lightsabers, weapons like mischief & anarchy, and a bunch of the flourish mounts.

And yes they probably have a 'plan' and roadmap of story content for months/years in advance, it doesn't mean it was all made and ready to ship before broadsword took over. What the hell do you think they've been doing for the last several months? Just sitting in their offices all day with months worth of finished content waiting to ship it out in dribs and drabs? 

I'm thankful we have an actual employee interacting with the community on reddit. I will leave it at that. 

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2 hours ago, khamseen_air said:

/u/slothfurnace - Brad - Monetization Art Lead - Makes things like the platinum lightsabers, weapons like mischief & anarchy, and a bunch of the flourish mounts.

Funny that the only person actually interacting with the community is the only person adding content regularly to the game in the form of MTX. In other words, the only person doing its job in this studio.
Shame that he works in MTX, Swtor would be much better if he was working on the game itself rather than the cash shop, but I guess that you don't really get to decide such things.



2 hours ago, khamseen_air said:

What the hell do you think they've been doing for the last several months? Just sitting in their offices all day with months worth of finished content waiting to ship it out in dribs and drabs? 

Obviously not working on game balance, fixing bugs, adding new PvE content (flashpoints and ops) that doesn't require recycled 10y old content, improving gearing, improving performance, adding VA to cutscenes, designing new rewards for PvP... Or even gathering feedback or adding a few posts of the bug report section in the "known issues" list.
Not to be rude, but sure feels like not many are working properly if players in the community can do more work on their free time than the dev team working on the game.

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34 minutes ago, supertimtaf said:

Obviously not working on game balance, fixing bugs, adding new PvE content (flashpoints and ops) that doesn't require recycled 10y old content, improving gearing, improving performance, adding VA to cutscenes, designing new rewards for PvP... Or even gathering feedback or adding a few posts of the bug report section in the "known issues" list.
Not to be rude, but sure feels like not many are working properly if players in the community can do more work on their free time than the dev team working on the game.

Never gonna change, hasn't changed in 10 years (bugs being acknowledged and never fixed - https://forums.swtor.com/topic/636030-bug-missing-skin-colors-for-quotsithquot-zabrak-on-the-republic-side/). 

At this point devs just ignore we exist and do their thing. They know they will get their money regardless of what they do. Are you gonna play star wars galaxies? Is there any other star wars MMO in the market?

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53 minutes ago, felleto said:

At this point devs just ignore we exist and do their thing. They know they will get their money regardless of what they do. Are you gonna play star wars galaxies? Is there any other star wars MMO in the market?

That's the sad part yeah.

There's no other star wars MMO around for now, though SWGEmu is going great last I checked, they're getting updates more frequently than we do :')


And while there are no good star wars MMO, there are better MMOs available. My top two right now are ESO and XIV, both of which I intend to spend a rather unhealthy amount of time on when my summer-crunch period is over :')

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1 hour ago, supertimtaf said:

And while there are no good star wars MMO, there are better MMOs available. My top two right now are ESO and XIV, both of which I intend to spend a rather unhealthy amount of time on when my summer-crunch period is over :')

Those are great games. Never played much of XIV but I spent some time playing ESO (love the first person perspective). 

As for SWG I can't play because of the graphics. Too old school for me, gives me a heck of a headache lol. I think Swtor is slowlyyyyy turning the ship around. May take some years to get everything adjusted but from what I have seen these last few months I was pleasantly surprised. They need to communicate more for sure, but I have seen bugs being fixed and so far I'm engaged with the new story. The problem are the content droughts though.

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1 hour ago, felleto said:

They need to communicate more for sure, but I have seen bugs being fixed and so far I'm engaged with the new story. The problem are the content droughts though.

Imo they're stuck with the same problem as WoW is right now : the unwillingness to reflect back on their work. They don't want to change things if it means that they were wrong.


They don't want to update some part of the game like uprisings' scaling (it scales horribly for single players in story mode) for example because that would mean it wasn't already perfect.


They don't want to add NiM to the R4 operation. Why ? "No one plays it. Not worth the time." Surely not because R4 is absolutely not balanced like the rest of the game and is much, much harder than the rest, making it so no one wants to engage with it. So yeah, it's the players who are wrong for not wanting to engage in content that's not balanced properly.


They don't want to go back to some of their previous gearing iterations like 4.X because it would mean that they were wrong for changing it in the first place. It would invalidate all the hard work they had to do in 5.X, 6.X and 7.X to fix their system. But surely if they stayed with what worked they wouldn't have had to do all these bugfixes and improvements to these systems who were still not great at the time...


See what I mean ? They don't want to go back because it would mean that they were wrong. It irks them, they don't want to admit that, it's impossible that they're wrong ! So they end up deflecting like R4, or they just ignore the problems that they created because there's no way things were working better before. There's absolutely no way to prove that, not even player count... ;)

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18 hours ago, khamseen_air said:

A quick look at the "Official Accounts" link on the SWTOR reddit tells you who he is.

/u/slothfurnace - Brad - Monetization Art Lead - Makes things like the platinum lightsabers, weapons like mischief & anarchy, and a bunch of the flourish mounts.

And yes they probably have a 'plan' and roadmap of story content for months/years in advance, it doesn't mean it was all made and ready to ship before broadsword took over. What the hell do you think they've been doing for the last several months? Just sitting in their offices all day with months worth of finished content waiting to ship it out in dribs and drabs? 

Brad if you designed the Mischief and Anarchy pistols, thank you.  Know can you make similar concepts for dual wielding melee weapons'  You can name them Solemnity and Order 🤣

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If that post from Reddit is accurate and it appears it might be after someone looked into it, then that's a good sign, because content is still trickling in. It would have been easy for BS to ride this out and let it go into 100% maintenance mode with all the content this game now has. That's my takeaway from this, content is still coming in.

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On 6/15/2024 at 12:09 AM, Otowi said:

they usually have story penned out atleast 6 months to a year in advance to stay ahead.

which at SWTOR's current rate is 1 or 2 updates, not really dispelling the "they're making it up as they go along" idea there

in fact, Ruhnuk's planet blurb still has a BBY year instead of the setting-relevant B/ATC equivalent, and that's been around for a year and a half

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Sounds like the OP is ready to mete out blame regardless of who is responsible for content.  I'm not saying their assessment of the state of affairs is wrong but hardly a way to endear oneself in terms of getting either an answer or getting improved content.

You can be sure SWTOR was taken on as a going concern with work in progress.  The good work in progress will have been kept and the work in progress of no value will have been stopped or will be finished up in short order.

I would take Keith at his word.  It is in his interest to keep the player base happy in the main, although that will never be everybody all of the time.

It would be nice to hear from him a little more on livestream and in the forums.  I'm glad the game is still here but in terms of keeping players loyal and interested more needs to be done.

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6 hours ago, hillerbees said:

I'm glad the game is still here but in terms of keeping players loyal and interested more needs to be done.

Agreed on that part. We need more than "take care of your basilisk for six months, see you next time" 😕 

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20 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

1. Reddit is noise, nothing but ignorable noise.
2. Dragging that noise to this forum neither solves anything nor brings anything good to any discussion.

Such a strange take.

People always hope for devs to be bit more talkative and candid. One did just that and you borderline ask for his words go be buried just bexause it happened via platform you dislike? Lol. 



OP, ig mostly this is all  about you and the dev having different take on what is "content". Seems you speak of arcs and are mainly interested of narrative side. I bet they had good amount of previously recorded  VA'd dialogue  stockpiled. Its just that to any dev, writers aside, that aspect of the game is  pretty insignificant in terms of workload.   



Mostly, was nice to see dev just talking to players randomly in candid fashion, without it being some calculated mediatrained pr exercise. Been missing that ever since nighguy left!



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