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Dantooine Spring Event Missions PTS Feedback Thread

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This is the feedback thread for the new spring event! In order to get started, choose Dantooine on your Galaxy Map and travel to the location labeled Blba Groves.

Below are feedback questions that the team would like players to answer regarding the Dantooine Spring Event Missions. 


  • Did you encounter any bugs that prevented you from completing missions? If so, please provide as much detail as possible about what you experienced.
  • Were any mission objectives unclear or confusing? If so, which ones?
  • Were any of the missions frustrating? If so, which ones and what caused you trouble?
  • What was your favorite mission? What did you enjoy about it?
  • What are your overall impressions of the Spring Abundance Festival?

Did you encounter any other bugs or issues during testing? Please describe them with as much detail as possible.


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Posted (edited)

Where can we go to pickup the weekly? I checked the republic fleet and dantooine starting area - I could not find it. I'm on my level 80 commando that is current with the story.


Update: On the fleet, I see a second news terminal, but I am ineligible for the conversation.


Update x2: I figured it out - there is a second area on the Dantooine planet map to select. If you are like me, make sure you select "Blba Groves" from the galaxy map for Dantooine. 

Edited by Ludwig_VanCover
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Starting Blba Feedback

  • Could not find the story start or news terminal - possibly swoop event terminal is in the way. I do see the cute food/farm/plant stuff on the fleet near the Taral V republic questgiver.
  • I flew to normal Dantooine like an idiot cus I missed the "Blblbiba Grove" travel point since I didn't know it existed. Nothing on normal dantooine to point me the right way.
  • I then flew to Blba Groves on Dantooine. No mission seen in activites. 
  • I see maypole glowing and I run to it like a fly to honey. Dancing icons pop up. I boogie down. I am not sure why I am boogieying lol. Uhoh. When I try to move I can not and when I try to use abilties I am "Silenced" in a big red text error. I am scared and confused. I eventually find a white flag to surrender. Is now a good time to stop? Later? If I keep dancing will something happen? Eventually the terror ends on its own.
  • I see mushrooms that glow in barrels and try to click them.  I see they have a label but they are not clickable. I realise I should probably pick up some type of quest and look for the quest marker on the map. I find the mission terminal but the floating quest marker only shows up over it when I am closeby so I missed it from the shuttle. I pick up all the quests but there is still a quest marker over the terminal  which confuses me a bit, I keep thinking I have missed one.
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vor 5 Stunden schrieb JackieKo:


Below are feedback questions that the team would like players to answer regarding the Dantooine Spring Event Missions. 


  • Did you encounter any bugs that prevented you from completing missions? If so, please provide as much detail as possible about what you experienced.
  • Were any mission objectives unclear or confusing? If so, which ones?
  • Were any of the missions frustrating? If so, which ones and what caused you trouble?
  • What was your favorite mission? What did you enjoy about it?
  • What are your overall impressions of the Spring Abundance Festival?

Did you encounter any other bugs or issues during testing? Please describe them with as much detail as possible.



My answers so far:

- For the quest "Germination Preparation: Fleet" the Shady Vendor is half-stuck in a wall thingy and cannot be interacted with.
- In my opinion everything was clear and understandable.
- Personally I found none of the missions frustrating. Quite the opposite!!
- I'm bad at picking favorites and I had a great time with all of the missions. I did enjoy the pie baking, the fish zapping and helping the animals quite a lot!!
- The Festival is a wonderful addition to the game in my opinion! It fits the spring season very well and Blba Groves feel very peaceful! 

- During the quest "Creature Rehabilitation" the chracter animation for the part "Wrangle the *insert animal* is bugged. The character kind of kneels down but turns around really fast over and over.

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  • Dev Post
53 minutes ago, Ludwig_VanCover said:

Where can we go to pickup the weekly? I checked the republic fleet and dantooine starting area - I could not find it. I'm on my level 80 commando that is current with the story.


Update: On the fleet, I see a second news terminal, but I am ineligible for the conversation.


Update x2: I figured it out - there is a second area on the Dantooine planet map to select. If you are like me, make sure you select "Blba Groves" from the galaxy map for Dantooine. 

Oh that's a good callout. I've updated the OP! 

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Posted (edited)

Blba Feedback!

1a. Had no clue there was a separate zone, but figured it out from prior posts here so i DIDN'T have to run around like a headless chicken!

1b. I assume there's not supposed to be, but there was no weekly quest available in the solo groupfinder tab, which would definitely have helped me figure out where I needed to go!

2. i WAS able to see the mission terminal once i got out of the shuttle.

3a. Had no troubles with any of the blba missions (minus not having one of the pies :( ), meksha and nar shaddaa went off without a hitch!

3b. impside Fleet Shady Merchant is in fact stuck in the wall, i can emote at him but i cannot get him to vend anything.

3c. Both onderon and rishi eggs will despawn once clicked, whether you loot the item or not (more frustrating on Rishi).

3d. Rishi quests both had no global map location, the areas were only visible on the local map. I'm actually not sure if ANY of them had global indicators now that I think about it, I just didn't have to check for them before Rishi...

3e. OH LORD THE FENCE GLITCH- (when you have to Wrangle The Creatures).  the taun fawn Also spawned outside of the crate for me when I tried to place it in the rehab crate.

I think that's it, I thought it was all very cute !!  I'm excited about the More Farm Decos though i'm a little sad cos dantooine already has 1.5 events, and there's at least two viable options for farm events elsewhere (Ossus and Alderaan having in-game established agricultur(e/al efforts)).

Edited by EnbyDisaster_
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Posted (edited)

Fishing Feedback

After fishing , there is a crate that flashing blue. When you click the crate, it opens a pop up inventory of items for you to collect. If you move away from the crate before picking up the items, it goes away, and you're unable to click on the crate again.

As a side note, this same stupid bug exists for heroics in the game, such as Spring Thaw, Saving Face, Comrades in Arms, Question of Motivation, etc.

Edited by Traceguy
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  • (continued)
    I find dance mission and get credit. Huzzah. 
  • [Farmland Medal] says it is for the "SW:TOR Valley Event" in the tooltip.
  • I went to go bake a pie in the green room and it was... very silent? no music or sound. I turned my sound up but there was just a very quiet hum.
  • I go outside and realize I REQUIRE PIE TO EAT. No pie on table. Someone else running around pie table. Maybe they ate the pie. I leave, pieless and sad.
  • I grab olives to make a pie. I go back to pie ingredients room... haha you have to get the right supplies! Too bad I have too many quests tracked for the new events, cant see the list on my questlog. I realise I can be lazy if I mouseover them - they will show the quest. so many ingredients! ... I tried to throw the ingredients in the bowl like the Feast event, it did not go well. I SHARE PIE! I EAT PIE! :) Oh.. only 1 pie per day? So if we all bake olive pie... we fail. Haha.
  • Oh wait... are these... weeklies? dailies? per events? I'm unclear based on the quest names. I see mission reset in 4 days and can be repeated 1 more time in my quest log but I am unsure if that means an additional time or one and done then reset. How long even is this event?
  • There's another terminal in the north! But it says I am not eligible. Is that the same terminal as before or am I missing something? I do not know.
  • Farm barn super cute
  • Oh! I didnt realise WE were going to be the droid planting on the farm. cute.image.thumb.png.852668c57a6e8288d4dfe34fd00978d0.png
  • ISSSUE: Third row of planting, something is wrong, but I'm not sure what. It's not digging the little holes. I tried and tried. I left and came back later and it worked.
  • Thanks for making the water AOE generous!
  • Lack of water sound is strange.
  • No music.
  • The is a relaxing quest.
  • "Cultivation" quest only gave me credits as a reward? no lil tokens. is it one time? I am not sure. I wander over to the other green door which looks like a pond.
  • LOL at the grab a drink and put music.
  • Why i the fish game fun? it's dumb. But fun.
  • I RECEIVE FISH BAGS???? I tried to open them from my inventory. No. They are not fish gifts. I like splorsh sound when you return them.
  • I think I've done all the quests here (EXCEPT EAT MORE PIEEEE), though the lingering quest terminal still keeps confusing me.
  • So I see I have quests left, and go to my quest log.
  • Creature Rehabilition: The quest says Blba trees... am I not in Blba grove? It says the owner specified trees... where? do i look for random trees here, or maybe normal dantooine?
  • I explore the grove looking for trees. All I find is a red secret cave door. And some poorly-hidden explosives that are not clickable. And Convenient seed shipment not clickable. And a shed with dirt with a HUMAN SKULL IN IT??? But I find no baby birds.
  • YOU PUT INVISIBE WALLS N FRONT OF THE GRAPES AND SOLAR PANELS :( Oh but you missed a spot and I go exploring :D 
  • Don't see anything on Normal Dantooine for baby birds, so maybe I go look in the secret nests from the very old quest, like on Alderaan? 
  • I waste a bunch of time climbing a mountain looking for orokeet nest. Nope this is not correct. I give up.
  • I go to the fleet to look for shady seed man. If I was a shady seed man where would I be? I would be THIS MAN! But I am incorrect. GTN area? no. Near where I see the new festival assets? no. Kai zykken? no. Cartel bazaar? no darn.
  • WAIT. on my minimap i see a spinny thing. OH. on my main map the spinny thing is under all the vendors. oops. i head to the center of the fleet. Republic side he is not in a wall and I have no problem interacting with him.
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so I have already done a couple of quest so far, and overall I am enjoying it.  I love content that has use explore other areas to get task completed so this really does groove with me.  My favorite missions so far is the fishing and farming missions with the droid.  I think the only frustration I had with quests was for the animal quest.  I had a hard time figuring out that the scanners you needed were from temp abilities, and not the regular scanner.


One thing though is that I wasn't the biggest fan of the dancing mission.  While it did work, it really was just kinda boring for me.  Loved the other missions, but this one felt like nothing.  Just having to sit their and doing nothing for about a minute.  Nothing about it felt all that fulfilling.


Loved everything else though!!

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  • Germination Preparation gives no reward?
  • oh, germination mek-sha and nar-shaddaa dont reward anything but credits too
  • Ok I have the egg quests left. Wait. Are these egg quests the ones I actually need to do for Creature Rehabilitation? 
  • Oh I finished the egg hunt on Rishi and I finally see a marker for Creature Rehabilitation? I wish I had not wasted time trying to figure out what planet it was on earlier.
  • Create Rahab cute quest once I was able to start :)
  • I am kinda confused on why the quest ends with me shoving my happy little pets into crates and leaving them.
  • My taun fawn creature got out?
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Posted (edited)

Found a news terminal but couldn't use it so I flew to the new area of Dantooine.

Found the mission terminal easy peasy.
Did the dance mission without any troubles.
Ok so Cultivation, pretty easy except that the Dewbell plants took several tries to fertilize, not sure if it was my position but it was bugging.
Zap-a-fish went ok, was kind of strange though.
Patissier for a day was nice but I really want some of those assets as decos please, we really need more kitchen theme stuff.
I sampled my own pie and apparently I'm a bad cook when it comes to olive pie which is expected cause I hate olive so space olives have to go too.
Found Shady Merchant on fleet, was hard.
Going to Onderon to... hunt eggs apparently. I still want all those glowy Onderon plants for my stronghold please. Found the eggs, they are so big that my toon could be put inside it if she curl in foetal position lol.
Went on Mek-Sha, was easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Nar Shaddaa, the end of the mission kind of lack in clarity since I expected to retrieve the seeds on NS and then ferry them to Blba Grove.
Rishi, the egg hunt was harder here than on Onderon. Got one medal murdering Cub to save my Orokeet rescue. I'm feeling strangely emotional about that Orokeet. First it is abandonned, then I come and take it, and make it run after me (I wish I could grab it under my arm and speed away on my mount with it.) like it imprinted on me and fear being abandonned again. The I stick it in a box. Poor little thing.
And now direction, Hoth! (Ugh, I can't wait for some graphic modernization here, my eyes burn from all the white.) Got the baby, it's malnourished, I want to draw my toon bottle feeding a tauntaun fawn now.
Alderaan. Veterinary Diagnostic Equipment seems to be floating slightly above the ground. End of the mission is strange, doesn't seems to follow the same pattern as the other as the calf is not put in a box.

Creature rehabilitation: The wrangle part gives the worst animation ever, my toon crouch to do something and then shake in every directions while looking like a bouncing ball...

The second mission terminal with the eggs hunt missions (makeb, alderaan, onderon, etc) says I'm not eligible.

I did all the missions I could (I can't finish the pie tasting as no one else is online and baking) and I got 951 tokens. Not a lot of things I can buy with that for now. Will need to see how long it lasts and how many time we can repeat missions.

Edit: the Arrangement decos Previews looks like they are going to fall down. Haven't bought the decos yet so I don't know if they do that too.

Edited by LittleEwina
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Day 2: The missions I can repeat are Festive Footwork, Patissier for a Day and Zap-a-fish... That means that after the initial bunch of missions I can only get 150 tokens per day for the rest of the week... I suppose that getting all those decos is really going to take a long time XD.

For the eggs hunt missions I can't access, I suppose they will be linked with the growing farm thingie mentionned in the Livestream.

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35 minutes ago, LittleEwina said:

That means that after the initial bunch of missions I can only get 150 tokens per day for the rest of the week... I suppose that getting all those decos is really going to take a long time XD

If the currency is legacy shared, you should be able to do the initial missions again for each alt.

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33 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

If the currency is legacy shared, you should be able to do the initial missions again for each alt.

Pretty sure it is shared, I just have the bad habits of playing my three main toons and forgetting the others.

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Defeated enemies have a chance to drop 1 Farmland Medal. Found a few just by killing some enemies on Hutta. I solo'd Hammer Station and didn't see any of the bosses drop any.  So none from flashpoints.


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I'm not sure where the weekly begins, which is mentioned in the event achievements. There is a mission terminal on fleet in the same place as the swoop bike terminal, but just as someone else said, it says I'm not eligible.

There is also a mission terminal in the northern part of the Blba Groves that appears to give missions, but cannot be accessed.

Might want to have a random pie appear for the pie tasting mission, if none are placed on the table for a period of time. That mission is going to be maddening when live.

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This was a fun one to explore, and I'm excited to play it live! Like others I couldn't find the weekly quest to begin and just went straight to the new area.

  • Were any mission objectives unclear or confusing? If so, which ones?
    • Largely not, but I did get a bit confused about what trees I was meant to check under for orobirds. I read it to mean the trees were in the Bilba grove zone, but I saw on my galaxy map they were on Rishi.
    • I also nearly got lost looking for the shady merchant on the fleet, but was lucky enough to spot him on my map quick.
  • Were any of the missions frustrating? If so, which ones and what caused you trouble?
    • Not necessarily frustrating, but I couldn't repeat the crop farming quest again on day 2. I couldn't tell if that was intentional
  • What was your favorite mission? What did you enjoy about it?
    • Oooh it's close between the egg hunt and pie-baking, but I think pie-baking wins out by dint of it naturally and passively involving other players as part of another quest - cool feeling! Honorable mention goes to the creature rehab
  • What are your overall impressions of the Spring Abundance Festival?
    • Couple minor bugs to iron out (I also had the creature rehab wrangling animation go crazy, and some quests return either no reward or no event currency. The mission terminal also had a quest icon even after I'd picked up everything I could).
    • I think some of the quests like pie-sampling and the maypole dancing will be more enjoyable live when more players are involved, hard to get a good feel for these in the quieter test environment.
    • Otherwise, I love how the seasonal events lean a little into the wackier side of Star Wars, and this one is no exception! On first impressions I think this is gonna be a personal favorite. Fun lore, wacky quests with cool mechanics and design. I really enjoyed this blend of MMO style quests with in-universe flavor and lore, plus it has a few elements that are doable either solo or with friends. Things like egg hunt, pie tasting and the maypole dance have potential to connect you with other players in a really organic way. Are we sure this event can only be up for part of the year? 🥺

Also would love if this event zone could be accessible even when the event isn't on - like the main area of Dantooine was originally!

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Unable to complete Festival Pastry Samplin as the mission for cooking the pie lets locks you out of the room for cooking after you make one pie and the lack of people in the area makes it hard to complete the sampling quest as there is no one else who is doing that. 

Also I strongly dislike that the cosmetic armor sets from the token vendor are bind on pick up. For so much tokens and grinding to get them I believe it would be much much better if they bind to legacy instead. 

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I did the pastry sampling mission by using 4 toons and tasting the pie with each toon as soon as the mission was done since I was kind of alone in the zone personally. And yes BtL would be better for the armor

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On 5/2/2024 at 3:52 PM, Traceguy said:

Fishing Feedback

After fishing , there is a crate that flashing blue. When you click the crate, it opens a pop up inventory of items for you to collect. If you move away from the crate before picking up the items, it goes away, and you're unable to click on the crate again.

I think in the most recent update, 7.5 #2, it looks like something changed with the "Pond Repopulator" object in-game if you happen to be on PTS again. IDK if that was a fix or not though lol.

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Posted (edited)

For @JackieKo and team 🥰 - From MeshlaMorut

  • Did you encounter any bugs that prevented you from completing missions? If so, please provide as much detail as possible about what you experienced.
    • Not really. I did not try these missions on the imperial side.
  • Were any mission objectives unclear or confusing? If so, which ones?
    • It took me a minute to realize the mission markers only showed on the local area map. Speeder indicators did appear to be working correctly to indicate which area to travel to.
  • Were any of the missions frustrating? If so, which ones and what caused you trouble?
    • Fishing was a bit frustrating, as it seems to be a timing/reflex minigame (Which I am apparently bad at). But it was fun. The music was a nice touch. It was super relaxing.
  • What was your favorite mission? What did you enjoy about it?
    • I really liked the cultivation mission and the rehabilitation mission. Both are feel-good things for me. I find gardening to be relaxing, and it's a proven fact that gardening is good for your mental health. I wonder if this applies to virtual gardens, too. 
  • What are your overall impressions of the Spring Abundance Festival?
    • I really liked all the missions I tested. The only ones I did not were the pie baking and egg hunt.
Edited by Meshla_Naast
Formatting was borked.
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On 5/2/2024 at 5:52 PM, Traceguy said:

Fishing Feedback

After fishing , there is a crate that flashing blue. When you click the crate, it opens a pop up inventory of items for you to collect. If you move away from the crate before picking up the items, it goes away, and you're unable to click on the crate again.


Tried it again just now. It's fixed. The box stays growing-blue, so you can click on it again if you slip up. THANK YOU - THANK YOU 🙏


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Posted (edited)

Hello @Devs from a german Player 🫡

Here is my Review for you:

On 5/2/2024 at 6:00 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Did you encounter any bugs that prevented you from completing missions? If so, please provide as much detail as possible about what you experienced.
  • Were any mission objectives unclear or confusing? If so, which ones?
  • Were any of the missions frustrating? If so, which ones and what caused you trouble?
  • What was your favorite mission? What did you enjoy about it?
  • What are your overall impressions of the Spring Abundance Festival?

1. No, all Quests worked fine for me. I show smaller bugs that i noticed while Questing, as well as Quality of Life suggestions, in the form of Pictures below.

2. At this Point, i show you my Pictures 😁

On my Test i dont see the Questpoint under all this Icons directly and dont know where to go. You can fix this, by just setting the Point with the Circle just a little bit down.



The Second Picture is this Problem: Where to wait for Standby? It can be confusing, when the Questmaker says "Hey, just wait in Standby" and you dont know, in this House is a clickable Object for that.👀


I dont know, what's going on with this Terminal, but i cant activate it hehe



3.  I was very happy that the egg hunt didn't take as long as expected. Because you had shown the Eggs large and placed them well, i was ably to find them quickly.

Bug: Unfortunately the Eggs dont dissapear when you click on them. Maybe the Anim ist missing?



- On Nar Shadda there are no Questmakers on the Taxi. Thats very Confusing, i found this Bug on other Story Missions in the Past.

- The Consoles on the Market have "No Name" in the Descriptions, by clicking it.



4. I love this update, because i can help on my Favorite Planet Dantooine. On this Planet, there is so mutch Potential for Questing and i hope, i can see mutch more of this Planet in the Future. Its a nice try for me with the right direction for Dantooine. The Tasks are varied and i was particularly pleasently surprised by the fishing minigame. I hope you will give us more Minigames like this in future Updates, its very funny! 😄

5. Here are my last Screens, what i saw while i was Questing:



Can you give us a Visible Time Counter ? I break the Quest 3x, because i dont see the Icon and dont know how long i must dance



That was my Review on this Event. I hope i can help you with this Screens and wish you/us a happy Release 🫡


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16 hours ago, CronosFox said:

It can be confusing, when the Questmaker says "Hey, just wait in Standby" and you dont know, in this House is a clickable Object for that.👀

I agree. I failed the mission twice because I was disconnecting upon receiving that objective. 


16 hours ago, CronosFox said:

Can you give us a Visible Time Counter ?

There is one. It's under the objective


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