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Update 7.5 .... completely disappointed!

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30 minutes ago, LtGeneralGezlin said:

No, because there are more important things in my life to get mad about than the content in a video game. 🙄

THIS! So much this! Seriously people need to accept that this game is what it is, if you don't like it don't play it. Manor Lords is cool, So is Robin Hood Builders of Sherwood, I still love TOR, but it's not the only cookie in the jar.

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1 hour ago, JakRoanin said:

THIS! So much this! Seriously people need to accept that this game is what it is, if you don't like it don't play it. Manor Lords is cool, So is Robin Hood Builders of Sherwood, I still love TOR, but it's not the only cookie in the jar.

I just can't get my raid team and friends to find a new game.  I mean... we are all Star Wars people... but we are all so bored to death with this lack of content....

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I mean... I get what you're saying... but the "content" they chose to give people is just very frustrating.

Let's give them a grindy farm and 20 minute of story content every 8 months.

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4 hours ago, BallisticKaine said:

Are you looking forward to SWTOR SIMS/Animal Crossing?

No real new content, ignoring the player base on aspects of the game.

Don't you feel cheated for being a subscriber and getting drip content that no one asked for?

The only thing the leadership will pay attention to is how much money the game brings in or loses. The only response to continued disappointment is to stop spending money with them. 

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3 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Well that's not the Devs problem!

Player retention IS a Dev problem. And if people don't get good content or something worth doing (Like new raids or a few daily areas with good rep rewards) people will just fall off for most of a year until more story drops.

Hell only reason i play is to grind out GS and play story. If it wasn't for the fact my guild does some raids, i'd be saving my sub money for playing Seasons only and playing other games.

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But that's your choice! It's all our choice to pay or not. The people who just yell and scream about how they don't have what they want, have a choice to stop paying! They don't stop, they post to yell and scream and still pay. Why should they be taken seriously? If I were a Dev I'd read the posts and laugh on my lunch break, because I know the next update, the same people will still be yelling and paying for the privilege to do it. Honestly, they're just noise at this point. They don't make things better.

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Well sliced bread is better than calf's liver and onions. I'll know tomorrow when I see it on YouTube, but I'm sure they'll say something I'm not keen on. It's just not going to be the pie making or farming. I live on a farm, and I love pie! It'll probably be the cartel market armor, I haven't liked any in a while.

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Credit to where it's due, the art team is pretty decent, I like what they did for the new area/items, the only gripe I have is that I don't like the "updated lighting" from the last patch/update.

Farm event is cool. If it's like the other events introduced in the recent years, it means new decorations, so that's a plus for me.

However, it's clear that those cosmetic stuffs are what "contents" BS have for SWTOR, which is sad.

I'd love a new operation but I don't think the devs know how to make a new operation with proper sm/nm/nim judging by how R-4 turned out. I still firmly think sm R-4 is way too difficult for casual players, especially compared to how other sm operations are tuned down. It means very few casual players is able to clear R-4, which means the devs wrongly believe operation isn't needed (or they wrongly believe it willingly), which means they are less inclined to make new operations, which means one less reason for people to subscribe.

But oh well, guess space barbie is the true endgame.

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15 hours ago, Traceguy said:

They gave us Shrine of Silence, which I really love, and it was executed perfectly. But a lot of people hate it to the point where they filter it out or drop the group when it's picked.

Happens with all newer flashpoint - Umbara, Copero, Nathema, Null, Shrine. When one of those is selected you can expect people to drop out.


13 hours ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

Why would i care about a FP when the rewards are subpar? And i'm being generous about being subpar. Gear? Useless. Drops? A lousy deco, long gone are the days special mounts could drop from a fp.

I recently got a walker in Battle for Rishi. A very pleasant surprise.

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yeah I'm disapointed too. But I don't think that explain why here will change anyything (lot of things has allready been told multiple times during multiples years ;) ) So I will sub time to times to continue the main story and ... in another game for the rest of the time. Complaining here is pointless and the game is not enough fun for me anymore (exept guild buddies ;) )

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I wonder if this 7.5 will be again story update where 70% of it is Kotor style cutscenes.

Peoples said with new studio things maybe will get better, give them time etc. And? Still half year not often waiting for another story update with tiny progress. After good NEW planet Ruhnuk what we got? Not new but reforged old map with Voss, Ord Mantell and now Hutta area.

I started now Kessan's Landing and wonder when i will be hitted with Kotor style cutscenes which lose my apetite for main story ..

Thanks for Chains in the dark story update what i already play, it started not bad for now .. but this mandalorians story is too long and it should ended on Ruhnuk long ago ..


~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

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3 hours ago, Guyverarmor said:

Here, you dropped your Knight's armor and shield. Still has the Broadsword/Bioware symbol on it.

No, I meant it's not the Devs problem if people who hate the game they literally have nothing good to say about it, if they stay because they for their online friends. These people are choosing to stay for a reason the Devs can't do anything about.

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Posted (edited)

This is only 7.5, it's not like this is the big 8.0. It's really not anymore disappointing than 7.4, 7.3, 7.2, and 7.1.

  • 7.5 -> 20 minutes of story + Spring Event
  • 7.4 -> 20 minutes of story + nothing noteworthy.
  • 7.3 -> 20 minutes of story + New Flashpoint (Nobody plays)
  • 7.2 -> 20 minutes of story + nothing noteworthy.
  • 7.1 -> 20 minutes of story + New Operation (Most people can't even complete)


8 hours ago, Hrafnhildur said:

I don't know about you people, but i'm happy we finally get Bessie, the Basilisk companion. The new farming event on Dantooine doesn't sound bad either :)

I can't get excited for that because I've only done Lane's missions on 1 (maybe 2) toons, and IIRC, it was excruciating. All I think of now is how much work I have to do on each alt to get B3-S1. I probably won't bother unlocking B3-S1 on any additional toons unless there's a huge advantage to B3-S1's healing over Z0-0M or Vette. Speaking of Z0-0M, I've only unlocked her on 3 toons as I can't stand playing Shroud of Memory.


8 hours ago, Hrafnhildur said:

The new farming event on Dantooine doesn't sound bad either :)

I mean, everyone was excited and onboard for a Spring Event before the stream, and now they're angry that we're getting a spring event. I honestly don't know what they expected.

Edited by Traceguy
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I take date night as seriously as I take the game, I play it when I want to which is very often, but sometimes I want to play Manor Lords, or STO, or Rival Stars Horse Racing, it's a game. But I love date night and all the players or complainers hating on it, won't change that because they can choose never to have date night at all.

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34 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I take date night as seriously as I take the game

I removed it from my list since that was actually 7.4.1, and not 7.4.


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20 hours ago, Traceguy said:

They showed 1 new beard, and 1 new hairstyle, but they said they had more

You are right. So we will get 3 beards with different colors and certainly 3 new hairstyles for males and females. Cathars seem to be on the list too. :t_smile:

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42 minutes ago, BallisticKaine said:

"livestream" as in pre-recorded right?

When Eric announced they were adding new character customizations, Jackie acknowledged seeing someone in the chat asking for such. I downloaded and parsed through the chat.

17:06 - anchantedone -> Any chance of more customization options for character creation?  Like blue mirialans or more hair and horn styles for Zabraks?

25:26 - kanvraa -> bagging y'all for more customization options




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Okay watched the YouTube video. I love Hutta's new look it is awesome! I can't wait for the changes to other worlds they are really doing amazing job updating the planets. Now, if only, they'd do our PCs.  None of the news made me mad, still, I'd like more behind the programming info, like, "Hey here's what we're doing to update the OG companions to perform better." I am so sick of so many of them being broken. Can we fix the ones we have. The only PC I have that wants Bessie, is my BH.

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