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I give up - Why did they ignore all the communication and input on conquest Adv Rep points?


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Before the rep nerf I was getting conquest done on two chars an hour, this included running the easy heroics and planet hopping. After nerf I was at an hour and a half. After the infinite heroic buff I'm at 45 minutes for two chars. So it's a net gain.  I guess the aversion for most ppl is actually having to run heroics but tbh I enjoy certain ones on specific toons. Rakghoul Release for example on Taris is extremely fun on a dot spec. 

I'm happy with what they gave us in lieu of the reputation bonus, so I'm here to applaud the devs on the decision. However the biggest impact I think it has had is making the Galactic season far less enjoyable. Once level 80 there isn't any progression especially for Vet players who are done with legacy. Taking away the rep track and adding trash like the blueprints to collect is pointless. It was nice to work towards something tangible like a companion skin or armor set. Now we just get an achievement if we collect enough trash. Not a good decision imo. 

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12 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

Before the rep nerf I was getting conquest done on two chars an hour, this included running the easy heroics and planet hopping. After nerf I was at an hour and a half. After the infinite heroic buff I'm at 45 minutes for two chars. So it's a net gain.  I guess the aversion for most ppl is actually having to run heroics but tbh I enjoy certain ones on specific toons. Rakghoul Release for example on Taris is extremely fun on a dot spec. 

I'm happy with what they gave us in lieu of the reputation bonus, so I'm here to applaud the devs on the decision. However the biggest impact I think it has had is making the Galactic season far less enjoyable. Once level 80 there isn't any progression especially for Vet players who are done with legacy. Taking away the rep track and adding trash like the blueprints to collect is pointless. It was nice to work towards something tangible like a companion skin or armor set. Now we just get an achievement if we collect enough trash. Not a good decision imo. 

Are you calculating based on last week's conquest objectives? Try it this week. You will be disappointed.

I appreciate your comment on the GS change on blueprints. So meh.

No heroic mission eternal this week. Last week was great. I capped 5 toons and more on non-primary servers. This week, I'll be lucky to cap 3. The reputation nerf is significant and unwarranted.

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9 minutes ago, Saeten said:

Are you calculating based on last week's conquest objectives? Try it this week. You will be disappointed.

No I swapped to a different toon and finished one heroic to get the 10/10. Didn't count that in my timed run on the two toons just doing my normal conquest routine. 

I made a post about how fast and easy it was..again it might not apply to you because you might not do the same activities. But Ossus daily area, cz dailies, the crafting missions, comp gift and like 7/8 easy heroics and ur in on conquest on two chars in 45 minutes or less (took me 42 minutes exactly). 

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Yes, good to know. Thanks for the info.

26 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

No I swapped to a different toon and finished one heroic to get the 10/10. Didn't count that in my timed run on the two toons just doing my normal conquest routine. 

Although after 12 years of playing, the boredom of the repeat of the conquest routine is extremely tiresome. I'm not even tracking to get Kessan's landing reputation done and I am a achievement hunter. Over 62k points, but don't get into grinding MM FPs or the other grindtastic objectives. I mostly play for connecting with friends and guildmates. The reputation token points were my ability to cap and go play other characters and activities and not grind repeatable boring stuff just to get conquest.

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13 minutes ago, Saeten said:

Yes, good to know. Thanks for the info.

Although after 12 years of playing, the boredom of the repeat of the conquest routine is extremely tiresome. I'm not even tracking to get Kessan's landing reputation done and I am a achievement hunter. Over 62k points, but don't get into grinding MM FPs or the other grindtastic objectives. I mostly play for connecting with friends and guildmates. The reputation token points were my ability to cap and go play other characters and activities and not grind repeatable boring stuff just to get conquest.

I understand not wanting to do old daily areas but like I said Ossus takes 10 minutes, couple clickable heroics, plus the comp gifts and the crafting stuff will have u finish 100k in maybe 15 minutes, if u were only doing conquest on one toon to begin with. 

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2 hours ago, Samcuu said:

Taking away the rep track and adding trash like the blueprints to collect is pointless. It was nice to work towards something tangible like a companion skin or armor set. Now we just get an achievement if we collect enough trash. Not a good decision imo.

You'll get a nice Forklift decoration if you collect enough trash (that's the achievement reward). Oh, the irony. Guess the trash can from the last GS won't be enough at that point to deal with all the junk.

Not sure how many players are looking forward to it though... Oh well.

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8 hours ago, VegaMist said:

You'll get a nice Forklift decoration if you collect enough trash (that's the achievement reward). Oh, the irony. Guess the trash can from the last GS won't be enough at that point to deal with all the junk.

Not sure how many players are looking forward to it though... Oh well.

Ahh yes I was looking at what the rewards were the other day and I was like forklift...really? Lol they dropped the ball this season. The rewards in the track are still nice but it really does seem clunky actually getting through the season and finding motivation to do so. 

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Yeah, they want to keep players engaged with the galactic seasons, but at the same time they don't, because they actively nerf the rewards and add grind every time they see too many people are actually getting those rewards. 


Some people are fine with the latest nerf, because they can compensate with heroics, but how long until they die of boredom? Other's have unsubbed already. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 3:19 PM, Saeten said:

Another week and another ignore of this double slam of reduction of a valued conquest objective. Still contemplating changing the subject from Delay to Ignoring.

Honestly, I was surprised at the title’s suggested real belief that the nerf would be removed.

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On 4/8/2024 at 2:32 PM, GunqqerFriithian said:

Which is ignoring the problem the players have, I don't know how you cannot see this

The “problem” is literally subjective. Some players feel the nerf is bad. BS considered unchecked rep object an issue to metrics that needed fixing.

Now If majority of the player stop giving this game their money because of the nerf bs would need to act on the conflicting opinions instead of their own. And if they don’t it would be because they would consider the game not worth maintaining. Personally I don’t think people who are willing to spend thousands of dollars on this game each year give a crap about that objective, nor do I think the average player will stop playing the game because of the nerf

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6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Some people are fine with the latest nerf, because they can compensate with heroics, but how long until they die of boredom? Other's have unsubbed already. 

How else are you suppose to complete conquest on multiple toons or get 5,000,000 for a guild? How long? I don't know, I've been doing this every day for over 2 years. 3,000,000+ CQP per week.

Let me ask you, how did you get rep tokens to spawn in your inventory without doing any work? How long until you max the rep track for this "no work" rep token?

At least this heroic change means free CQP for no extra work. I actually had to earn rep tokens.

Edited by Traceguy
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21 hours ago, Samcuu said:

Before the rep nerf I was getting conquest done on two chars an hour, this included running the easy heroics and planet hopping. After nerf I was at an hour and a half. After the infinite heroic buff I'm at 45 minutes for two chars. So it's a net gain. 

I was just looking for that in this week's listing, and it's not there. The only thing there was the Heroics at 5k.  Are they intending to rotate this infinite Heroics thing once a month or whatever? Because if so, it's no gain at all.

To be more clear I mean the Mission: Heroic where we did 10 for 50ish K, another 10 for 21is K. That was probably worth doing, but if it's not every week, it's pretty much useless.

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21 hours ago, Saeten said:

No heroic mission eternal this week. Last week was great. I capped 5 toons and more on non-primary servers. This week, I'll be lucky to cap 3. The reputation nerf is significant and unwarranted.


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1 hour ago, TahliahCOH said:


There is the new "complete heroic mission" conquest objective that is worth 5,200 cp (with maxed sh bonus), but it's not listed on the conquest objectives. So for example say u are playing an imp side tech class you can do the Man with the Steel Voice heroic which is basically clicking an item, get 5.2k for the Hutta heroic, and an additional 5.2k from the new objective. So heroics are basically double cp than they were two weeks ago. I finished conquest in about 20 minutes on a char this morning using my comp gift mission, running cz (which is a seasons objective anyways), and doing like 3 of the very easy heroics. Keep in mind there's an additional 4.25k in cp by killing 25 enemies on a planet so some of these heroics can be done in a matter of minutes and will net you about 15k conquest as well. 

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4 hours ago, Traceguy said:

I've been doing this every day for over 2 years. 3,000,000+ CQP per week.

Let me ask you, how did you get rep tokens to spawn in your inventory without doing any work? How long until you max the rep track for this "no work" rep token?

At least this heroic change means free CQP for no extra work. I actually had to earn rep tokens.

For ppl who play like you and I (and I'm much more casual about it tbh I probably get like 1.5m per week on all my toons and I pvp a lot) the new heroic thing works out for us because we know all the easy heroics and can planet hop and finish them quickly. Idek what most of the people still complaining about conquest were doing. They seem to be the ppl who just wanted to pop the rep token twice in a week and hit conquest on one toon without having to actually do anything. If that's the case it's still doable you just have to log in 4 times in a week instead of two because there's still conquest objectives you can hit while u sit in the comfort of ur sh lol. 

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4 hours ago, Traceguy said:

How else are you suppose to complete conquest on multiple toons or get 5,000,000 for a guild? How long? I don't know, I've been doing this every day for over 2 years. 3,000,000+ CQP per week.

YOU aren't intended to grind up 5MM conquest, your guild is supposed to (by which I mean an actual guild that is large enough to routinely field an operations-sized team, not a 'two chimpanzees and a starfleet cadet' guild).  And I say this as someone whose guilds don't even have two chimpanzees between them...

If you really want to grind the top rewards, you can certainly do it, but it is not necessarily required, recommended, or even supported by the game.

4 hours ago, Traceguy said:

Let me ask you, how did you get rep tokens to spawn in your inventory without doing any work? How long until you max the rep track for this "no work" rep token?

Galactic Season reputation 'abuse' (buy a token, burn a token, get rewarded with conquest points and enough currency to buy your next token tomorrow...lather, rinse, and repeat for about a year or so)...

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43 minutes ago, Ominovin said:

YOU aren't intended to grind up 5MM conquest, your guild is supposed to (

I think ur a little confused. Why do u think people grind conquest? Just to stare at the worthless points at the end of the week and admire their work? Lol 😂😂

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1 hour ago, Ominovin said:

Galactic Season reputation 'abuse' (buy a token, burn a token, get rewarded with conquest points and enough currency to buy your next token tomorrow...lather, rinse, and repeat for about a year or so)...

Isn't the solution to this to simply remove GS reputation tracks, which they did? Why ADD IN additional attacks on solo cq PVE players by decimating the rep cq? They took a sledgehammer to a (non)issue, as you suggest to a specific issue that is resolved by removing a rep track from Seasons, and have ultimately alienated and caused players to quit the game (including me).

This Heroics crumb is ridiculous. Sure it was great . . . you know, that ONE week, but what about all the other weeks? And why run that Heroic Eternal during an event? Events are super easy ways to get CQ, you don't have to grind Heroics to get major cq.

So the devs are like, hey, let's supermax cq with Heroics Eternal PLUS super easy cq events, and then, the next week, let's make it totally painful and horrible for anyone to make cq let alone on multiple toons to help small guils? No Heroic Eternal, no event, no cq rep bonus worth bothering with. And so guilds kick players stuck in this crazy because completing even 100k cq this week is just stupid. I'm not even bothering (but of course I am done here, so no big surprise, but I did do cq last week, so there is a part of me still hoping . . . that part was crushed, of course, by the lack of Heroics Eternal OR an event OR any way to make up the rep cq devastation this week.

Feast or famine is a crap way to run a game. What I wouldn't give for these devs to actually PLAY the freaking game. None of this complete insanity would be happening if they did.

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1 hour ago, Ominovin said:

YOU aren't intended to grind up 5MM conquest, your guild is supposed to

I understand that, and wish it were like that for this guild. There's currently an over saturation of guilds in the game, and a small population. It's hard to get new players or retain them. I used to just contribute around 400-600k a week, and then move on to complete conquest on as many alts as possible, but the contribution from other guild members has dwindled more and more over time. I've had to move more and more alts to this guild, and now I really don't focus on completing conquests on multiple ats, I focus on ensuring the guild hits 5m by Monday evening.


1 hour ago, Ominovin said:

Galactic Season reputation 'abuse'

Since Broadsword removed rep from the current, or likely all further Seasons, it's not going to last forever. Even if the nerf to rep tokens was undone, this change is still hurting.

GS rep track was one of the rep tracks I counted on for rep. I have nearly all my rep tracks completed just from a mix of years of doing dailies, and then using the tokens every day for conquest. I really don't want to spend time in places like Kessan's Landing. And Before 7.4.1c, only toons that reached that part of the story could even do dailies there.


2 hours ago, Samcuu said:

I finished conquest in about 20 minutes on a char this morning using my comp gift mission, running cz (which is a seasons objective anyways), and doing like 3 of the very easy heroics. Keep in mind there's an additional 4.25k in cp by killing 25 enemies on a planet so some of these heroics can be done in a matter of minutes and will net you about 15k conquest as well. 

One of the added bonuses is that since CZ-198 includes 1 heroic on the weekly list, each daily trip to CZ-198 is worth an additional 5k CQP compared to before. That heroic used to pay nothing. The other is that if you tend to stay on planet for Defeat enemies I/II, you can now supplement that time by running the same heroic again, if it's one with multiple easy enemies, such as the Face Merchants or Settling Debts. That way you're getting an extra 5k on the side per number of alts it takes to finally hit the 75 enemy mark.



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15 hours ago, Traceguy said:

How else are you suppose to complete conquest on multiple toons or get 5,000,000 for a guild? How long? I don't know, I've been doing this every day for over 2 years. 3,000,000+ CQP per week.

Who says you have to? There are smaller yields. The conquest rewards aren't worth getting bored and starting to hate the game either. 

If you are the GM, set it to smaller yield. If you are not, ask the GM to do it. If they won't, stop doing conquest until they will or change guilds. 

My guilds are on small yield because conquest has been made such a grind. The only reason we still do it sometimes is to buy guild perks, and that doesn't require 5 million points. Even guild perks aren't really needed because we mostly do NiM content and guild perks don't work there. We just have them for crafting. Would be easier to join some other guild for crafting perks, but a lot of guilds have activity rules, minimum conquest point requirements and so on, which makes them not really worth joining. Especially with the restrictions BW set on guild bank access and first week conquest points for new members.

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22 hours ago, Ominovin said:

YOU aren't intended to grind up 5MM conquest, your guild is supposed to (by which I mean an actual guild that is large enough to routinely field an operations-sized team, not a 'two chimpanzees and a starfleet cadet' guild).  And I say this as someone whose guilds don't even have two chimpanzees between them...

If you really want to grind the top rewards, you can certainly do it, but it is not necessarily required, recommended, or even supported by the game.

One person farming the required points for their guild is just as valid as one hundred people doing it as it's still the guild doing it. If one guy has the time to put up all 5m points in a week for his guild and wants to do it, who the heck are you or anyone else to say he shouldn't be able to do that? People are not limited on the amount of points they can generate and earn in a week, so to sit here and say it's not intended is just flat out wrong. Especially when you have some guilds putting up 100m+ in a week. If they only wanted people to be able to earn so many points in a week they would've capped off the points after awhile. 

22 hours ago, Ominovin said:

Galactic Season reputation 'abuse' (buy a token, burn a token, get rewarded with conquest points and enough currency to buy your next token tomorrow...lather, rinse, and repeat for about a year or so)...

That is NOT abuse but the system working as the devs designed it. In order for people to buy a rep token to start with they had to farm out the currency before hand to do so, which requires active engagement with the game, meaning a butt in a seat farming something somewhere. Abuse would be if someone figured out how to get infinite rep tokens even after the rep itself was full and still benefit from them, or make it drop OP Catalysts. If I farmed out enough currency to make 100 rep tokens, it makes no difference whether I use those tokens all at once or over the course of 100 days or even 100 years, the result is the same. I still put in the work the system itself said I needed to put in to get those tokens. 

Now I have to ask, how was my rep token at 43k hurting someone else? Was it locking them out of content? Was it allowing me to steal points from them? Please tell us. Otherwise where there is no victim there is no crime.  

Overall there are way way too many people who were too concerned about how others farmed their conquest points that need to mind their own business. 

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On 4/10/2024 at 2:25 PM, TahliahCOH said:

This Heroics crumb is ridiculous. Sure it was great . . . you know, that ONE week, but what about all the other weeks? And why run that Heroic Eternal during an event? Events are super easy ways to get CQ, you don't have to grind Heroics to get major cq.

So the devs are like, hey, let's supermax cq with Heroics Eternal PLUS super easy cq events, and then, the next week, let's make it totally painful and horrible for anyone to make cq let alone on multiple toons to help small guils? No Heroic Eternal, no event, no cq rep bonus worth bothering with. And so guilds kick players stuck in this crazy because completing even 100k cq this week is just stupid. I'm not even bothering (but of course I am done here, so no big surprise, but I did do cq last week, so there is a part of me still hoping . . . that part was crushed, of course, by the lack of Heroics Eternal OR an event OR any way to make up the rep cq devastation this week.

The Heroic Eternal CQ has been in the rotation for quite awhile now.   The devs didn’t make any changes to it.   What they changed was letting toons level 50 and up get 5k CQ each time they complete a heroic.  Previously that was only available up to lvl 49 and higher level toons only got the complete (planet) heroic once per day per legacy. 

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2 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Soon they will notice people are doing heroics more than they intended, and the heroics are creating too much credits into the economy and then they will nerf it back and call it a day. 

Most likely. Unless they give up on regulating the economy. Which I don’t recommend.

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On 4/11/2024 at 8:39 AM, captainbladejk said:

it's not intended is just flat out wrong.

On 4/11/2024 at 8:39 AM, captainbladejk said:

That is NOT abuse but the system working as the devs designed it.

Can do does not equal intended or desired out come. The devs have reserved the right to modify and rebalance the game at anytime to address things they could not  predict or they don’t like. This clause is literally in the TOS you agree to every time you play the game. They have attempted to greatly reduce the number of points a person could get when they introduced 1 per legacy objectives. When they first appeared conquest was awful. If I remember correctly, they have relaxed quite a bit.

Edited by AFadedMemory
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