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Conquest Changes Following 7.4.1

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i'm not home to test it, but you could do some planet, say dk or cor.  and then go back and do those same heroics on a different toon to see how many points you get from them.

Edited by Chryptyk
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7 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

Did you happen to get 5,000 from the CZ heroic?

I'm sure I did, but it's not showing on the conquest log, nor are the DK ones, but they seem to be part of the total.

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2 minutes ago, Thraka said:

I'm sure I did, but it's not showing on the conquest log, nor are the DK ones, but they seem to be part of the total.

Because it's repeatable, it will forever show as incomplete. It resets as soon as you earn it.

Edited by Traceguy
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Just now, Ryukomaru said:

It's certainly on the 71+ list, but I could not find it on the lower brackets, and it certainly wasn't popping doing the 4.  So it is probably a level thing.


I don't think so, actually. I got back in game and checked on a level 63, the objectives look the same in the 50-70 bracket from what I can see. Missions: Heroic is still available, as are the [Planet]: Heroic Missions objectives. Again, there isn't an objective for the weekly, so you should have gotten 10k for the first heroic, then 5k for each after that, and then the enemies defeated and bonus mission objectives would add up to just over 15k. So that totals just over 40k, and then you'd have lower XP to CQP conversions for a lower level character I'm pretty sure, so I don't see that getting you more than maybe 3-4k ish. So I wouldn't expect it to hit over 50k if all was working properly unless you did another bigger objective.


You mentioned a companion objective. There's 2 in the 50-70 bracket. Influencer is 16k, Benefactor is less than 2k. If you got benefactor (for giving a single gift) that also wouldn't push you over 50k and I'd assume everything's working properly. If you got Influencer (going up an influence level), then something may have gone wrong, but I'm not sure what that would have been. The objectives all look correct.

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2 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

Because it's repeatable, it will forever show as incomplete. It resets as soon as you earn it.

DK has 5 heroics as I recall, so there's 25k. I think CZ has 1.  So 30. Not seeing a source at all for the rest.

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On 3/28/2024 at 7:23 PM, EricMusco said:

Ok, so understanding the feedback we heard and some of the problems we wanted to focus in on for 7.4.1c

I understand that you didn't understand anything.

Sub is running out on April 25th, not going to renew it. It's really a shame I willingly spent so much money on a game that I thought was tailored for me only to get spit in the face.

Adios !

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4 minutes ago, The-Kaitou-Kid said:


I don't think so, actually. I got back in game and checked on a level 63, the objectives look the same in the 50-70 bracket from what I can see. Missions: Heroic is still available, as are the [Planet]: Heroic Missions objectives. Again, there isn't an objective for the weekly, so you should have gotten 10k for the first heroic, then 5k for each after that, and then the enemies defeated and bonus mission objectives would add up to just over 15k. So that totals just over 40k, and then you'd have lower XP to CQP conversions for a lower level character I'm pretty sure, so I don't see that getting you more than maybe 3-4k ish. So I wouldn't expect it to hit over 50k if all was working properly unless you did another bigger objective.


You mentioned a companion objective. There's 2 in the 50-70 bracket. Influencer is 16k, Benefactor is less than 2k. If you got benefactor (for giving a single gift) that also wouldn't push you over 50k and I'd assume everything's working properly. If you got Influencer (going up an influence level), then something may have gone wrong, but I'm not sure what that would have been. The objectives all look correct.

Yea, influencer lvl increase was part of it.  No idea as to why, been doing same world with different level characters and things seem to be working.  Even in that same bracket.  It is my preferred heroic weekly quest planet (except the clinic card nonsense) Just didn't seem to pop for my poor JK. I got him the 100k with the other things I had mentioned previously, so not the end of the world, but it was very weird. 


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11 minutes ago, Thraka said:

DK has 5 heroics as I recall, so there's 25k. I think CZ has 1.  So 30. Not seeing a source at all for the rest.

Are you sure you didn't earn some yesterday? The game updated today, but it's not reset day.



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16 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

Are you sure you didn't earn some yesterday? The game updated today, but it's not reset day.



Positive. This is the first I played in weeks. I'll try again tomorrow and see if I can work out where everything came from, or maybe someone else can run some tests.


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47 minutes ago, Thraka said:

This leaves somewhere like 50k unaccounted for. It looks like the actual objectives log isn't showing everything, but I can see I have NOT  completed heroic pinnacle.

Did you do all heroics on DK? If so, I'm doing the math, and I don't see more than 10,000 being unaccounted for.



CZ Defeat Enemies 1: 4125
CZ Defeat Enemies 2: 8375
CZ Mission Complete: 5k
CZ weekly 10750
CZ Heroic 5000

CZ Total: 33,250



DK defeat Enemies 1 4125
DK defeat enemies 2 8375
Heroic Missions x5  25000
DK Heroic Mission: 5000
Bonus Missions 2750

DK Total: 45,250

Sub Total: 78,500

That's not counting the points you earned per kill and mission rewards. Each mission reward offers 650CQP.

  • Mission Reward points For CZ: 5 Dailies + weekly gets you: +3900 CQP
  • Mission Reward points For DK: 5 heroics + weekly + bonus mission on DK gets you: +4550 CQP


Grand Total: 86950 (Minus kills)

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44 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

Did you do all heroics on DK? If so, I'm doing the math, and I don't see more than 10,000 being unaccounted for.


  Reveal hidden contents

CZ Defeat Enemies 1: 4125
CZ Defeat Enemies 2: 8375
CZ Mission Complete: 5k
CZ weekly 10750
CZ Heroic 5000

CZ Total: 33,250


  Reveal hidden contents

DK defeat Enemies 1 4125
DK defeat enemies 2 8375
Heroic Missions x5  25000
DK Heroic Mission: 5000
Bonus Missions 2750

DK Total: 45,250

Sub Total: 78,500

That's not counting the points you earned per kill and mission rewards. Each mission reward offers 650CQP.

  • Mission Reward points For CZ: 5 Dailies + weekly gets you: +3900 CQP
  • Mission Reward points For DK: 5 heroics + weekly + bonus mission on DK gets you: +4550 CQP


Grand Total: 86950 (Minus kills)


Yup, that should do it then. So we're looking at about 50k for DK/Coruscant. (Just did coruscant, got similar results)


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I intentionally avoided commenting on this topic (or related threads) b/c I wanted to reserve judgment until the actual changes went live.

Yes, it is the case that if I carefully plot out which Planetary Heroics I do, I can make up for the loss of the Reputation CQP bonus. For me, however (and obviously others), this is not the fundamental issue. 

I primarily play MMORPGs b/c I enjoy advancing my characters. I can do so in two primary ways: 1) Progressing through the story; and 2) making my Alts more powerful so I can take on new challenges and tackle increasingly difficult content.

The Reputation CQP bonus afforded me the cushion to still comfortably advance my Alts (I don't have a Main). I understand it is a balancing act but Broadsword took it too far. I gave it a try this morning. I very quickly got bored and am now off to go play ESO. 

The relevant question for me is not -- can I grind out the CQP? The pertinent question is: Can I comfortably acquire Tech Fragments while doing engaging content I enjoy and still achieve my in-game goals? The answer is not as much as before. And, we all have our personal threshold / tolerance levels.

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago (last time I commented on a thread like this), I'm not leaving the game and look forward to wrapping up the Malgus / Heta storyline in 7.5 and 7.6, but as the experience of this morning taught me: I can comfortably achieve my in-game goal of advancing the story on my alts on Preferred Status. I have time and enough disposable income (I'm semi-retired) to afford $US 15 / month but...

Since 7.0 (which was a disaster, though gearing improved with 7.1 onward) the game has moved increasingly from Play Your Way to Play Our Way. I respect Broadsword's right (hey, it's their game) to make their own design decisions. The flip side, of course, is that I'm sure Broadsword respects my right to spend my money on games that better align with my interests and ideas of having fun.




Edited by Jdast
Stupid Typos!
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What I can see in my lvl 80 character that hasn't finished Ilum(with 150% SH): there is infinitely repeatable 5k "Mission: Heroic" (that I believe applies to any heroic though I didn't test it) and the old daily "<planet name>:Heroic missions" that reward the same 5k. So you should get 10k for the first heroic on a planet and 5k for the other ones on the same planet, which is the change I approve even though I don't really grind heroics anymore because I did them like a million times already.

The KL daily area weekly is 27k, the Manaan and Ruhnuk weeklies are the same 27k but they appear only on the characters that reached that areas so even that doesn't work as promised.

EDIT: checked it on a toon that finished Manaan but didn't do Ruhnuk. KL is in the list, Manaan is there, Ruhnuk isn't there. I wish they'd've spent time actually fixing things instead of finding the ways to "improve" the game...

Edited by SithLikeTraps
Added the Manaan toon info
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When not looking to run more heroics per day than before, this helps out, because you still get the original planet's heroic points per day. This basically doubles the income of CQPs from doing just 1 heroic per planet, while also leaving room open to farm 5k per heroic per alt.



It doesn't offset the loss completely, but depending on the time it takes to get a rep token from your current "go to" activity, it may start even out.

Just doing a quick heroic sweep this afternoon (1 per planet that I normally do), I have accomplished twice as much.

Doesn't excuse the Flashpoint problem though

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18 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

When not looking to run more heroics per day than before, this helps out, because you still get the original planet's heroic points per day. This basically doubles the income of CQPs from doing just 1 heroic per planet, while also leaving room open to farm 5k per heroic per alt.



It doesn't offset the loss completely, but depending on the time it takes to get a rep token from your current "go to" activity, it may start even out.

Just doing a quick heroic sweep this afternoon (1 per planet that I normally do), I have accomplished twice as much.

Doesn't excuse the Flashpoint problem though

This. Time spent in flashpoints or ops should award similar rates. Right now it is far too little.

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I will post more in depth when I get back.

But...level 80 pub side Ord Mantell

4 mins   (as fast as I've ever done those 3)      The 5k for each heroic seems to be working just fine.




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4 hours ago, captainbladejk said:

1: Pvp games not popping is not my problem and can easily be bypassed with people forming their own groups and joining the queues. Since you agree most people don't play it, why are they allowed nearly double the points of everyone else? That's just foolish. 

Pvp not popping is precisely because of people grouping up. Most premades on SF are kill/damage farmers and they kill the queue pretty fast because most solo pugs don't want to get matched against them, so unless a counter premade is made large groups actually make the queue take longer because the MM is having trouble finding 1. another group to match the farm premade, and 2. barring that enough solo pugs in queue to match against them. I'm sure you can see the feedback loop this causes. Also since you either ignored or didn't notice my previous post I'll reiterate once again. Time spent and effort required/put in are not the same thing. If you're not being an AFK troll, pvp is one of the most demanding activities in the game, you need much more skill, effort, and focus to win in pvp than ANY daily mission that gives a rep token. Higher skill activities should ideally equal higher reward. If your main argument is going to be someone can AFK lose 12 times for the pvp weeklies than there's a simple solution. Revert the weeklies to wins ONLY, and subsequently reduce it back to 4 wins. There'll still be people in there hoping for a carry, but I'm sure wins only will weed out a majority of the AFKers who want easy points.

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5 hours ago, Darev said:

If they got rid of the free CC from GS, I'd stop doing it.

Flat out, point blank, they're the only reason i bother.

I’m saying they can’t because those are what people are playing the game for.

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5 hours ago, captainbladejk said:

If anyone does business with those guys they are a problem for the community and need to go anyways

🤦‍♂️ You don’t have to buy credits to do business with them or to be impacted by the credits they generated/sold. Most if not all people who use the gtn have bought items from credits sellers or have sold to them or someone who did do business with them. (It will happen whether you like it or not)

The biggest issue they cause is inflation. anyone who farms in game currency at intense rates also cause inflation. The difference is you’re not making real world money for it.  (Neither is BS which is why they are try to nerf stuff 😂)

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4 hours ago, Ryukomaru said:

I had to do Missions: Taskmaster and Galactic Seasons: Weekly Objectives to get me over.  (had some companion convos back logged to finish it out)

All strongholds unlocked and full (save capero)

But after the first heroic, I got next to no conquest points for the other 3. 

If you scroll down through your conquest mission tab you will come across "Missions: Heroic" with the infinitely symbol next to it. I also did Corusant and it pops up in green in your chat window Conquest objective Missions: Heroic. 

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2 hours ago, Darev said:

I will post more in depth when I get back.

But...level 80 pub side Ord Mantell

4 mins   (as fast as I've ever done those 3)      The 5k for each heroic seems to be working just fine.




2nd toon, same server:



Toon 3 would be 8.3k less since the Defeat Enemies objectives are both complete.   But still, not bad for the 5 minutes or so you're doing them.

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2 hours ago, DragoslavRadanov said:

Pvp not popping is precisely because of people grouping up. Most premades on SF are kill/damage farmers and they kill the queue pretty fast because most solo pugs don't want to get matched against them, so unless a counter premade is made large groups actually make the queue take longer because the MM is having trouble finding 1. another group to match the farm premade, and 2. barring that enough solo pugs in queue to match against them. I'm sure you can see the feedback loop this causes. Also since you either ignored or didn't notice my previous post I'll reiterate once again. Time spent and effort required/put in are not the same thing. If you're not being an AFK troll, pvp is one of the most demanding activities in the game, you need much more skill, effort, and focus to win in pvp than ANY daily mission that gives a rep token. Higher skill activities should ideally equal higher reward. If your main argument is going to be someone can AFK lose 12 times for the pvp weeklies than there's a simple solution. Revert the weeklies to wins ONLY, and subsequently reduce it back to 4 wins. There'll still be people in there hoping for a carry, but I'm sure wins only will weed out a majority of the AFKers who want easy points.

I'm not debating that premades can't be an issue but the point still stands. There are ways around a long queue time. By no means am I going to advocate people going AFK, but it's still going to happen to a degree. My biggest concern is that they need to give more points to the pve side and leave them there to close that gap between pvp and pve. pvp should not be allowed nearly double the points just because their game mode is different. 

As to your bit about time vs effort, I know what you said but I reject your argument. Whether you think it's enough work or not is irrelevant to the face that if you're not actively engaging with the content for pve, you're not advancing the objectives or quests period. With pvp as it sits right now you can literally AFK it as their current design allows. So yes you can in fact get full bars for doing nothing. Even if all they do is respawn and let themselves get nuked over and over they're still doing a form of AFK. I really do not care if you think time and effort are different because you missed the point. The original calculations I did assumed both going at things as quickly as they could and actively engaging. If you have a pve guy actively engaging and a pvp guy actively engaging for the same amount of time they should have comparable points overall. One should not be allowed hundreds of thousands to millions of points more than the other purely because game mode is different. You will not change my mind on that. Point being if folks were going to call for pve nerfs that effected other people, likewise I'm calling for equal pvp nerfs. Folks that want pve nerfed but want pvp left alone do not want balance as they claim, they want special treatment and to feel superior even though they're not. Far too many people concerned about what other people are doing and how other people are playing on these forums lately when it has ZERO effect on them. 


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2 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

🤦‍♂️ You don’t have to buy credits to do business with them or to be impacted by the credits they generated/sold. Most if not all people who use the gtn have bought items from credits sellers or have sold to them or someone who did do business with them. (It will happen whether you like it or not)

The biggest issue they cause is inflation. anyone who farms in game currency at intense rates also cause inflation. The difference is you’re not making real world money for it.  (Neither is BS which is why they are try to nerf stuff 😂)

Prove it. You don't get to just make claims like that and not back them up. That's a gross generalization you've presented no evidence for. Folks buying and selling things on the GTN is perfectly legal and normal. If I list something such as a master's datacron on the GTN and the person who ends up buying it is a gold seller, that again is not my problem or concern as I don't know that guy from Adam. How am I supposed to verify that sort of thing? Likewise on the opposite side of the coin, let's suppose I'm buying some mats for biochem crafting and the guy I end up buying from happens to be a gold seller, again not my concern or problem because again how am I supposed to know that or verify? Do you suddenly expect me to start whispering people before buying and say "hey you're not a gold seller are you"? 

Your line of logic here is like saying that grocery stores support crime because they sell food and drink products to criminals. Like no that's not how that works. Once I list something on the GTN I have no control over who buys it and quite frankly I don't care so long as I get my credits. Likewise if I go to buy something on the GTN, all I care about is if the person I'm buying from has enough of what I want. If they turn out to be a gold seller that's Broadsword's problem to sort out. 

To do business with a gold seller means you actively seek them out and either sell to them or buy from them knowingly. THAT is doing business. 

Now with all of that said, we all know they exist because we see the spams sometimes. There is a simple solution to the gold sellers, BAN THEM and delete their accounts and everything on them, then let Broadsword legal team have fun with them in court. Seriously dude this isn't rocket science. Previous points of mine still stand, if they want me to spend my coins or credits, give me something I want to spend them on. 

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10 hours ago, DWho said:

WZ-1s drop at a prodigious rate in PVP

They should be adding WZ-1 drops as rewards to all lvls of PvP. 

So people leveling up in PvP can start collecting WZ-1 before lvl 80.

It would also inject a reason for people to learn to pvp before getting to lvl 80 end game & having a terrible experience. 

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