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This game has the WORST raiding experience.


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They will add new raids in january.

I bet it's just "oh, graphics are done - release it" !!


WoW patch testing on test servers takes at least a month + developing.

SWTOR copied over the test realms and endgame but never cared to do it right.

This game needs another 6 months of bugfixing and testing before I would name it "final".


But EA probably pushed them to release before christmas.

Edited by squiek
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People always say WoW had a horrible launch, which personally wasn't my experience apart from queue. The thing is SWTOR isn't going up against launch WoW, it is going up with how WoW is today and if it isn't as good then why would people switch over?


Sorry to post so quick again but I want to address this.


First off, they are competing against the 2004 WoW. The content you see in the game is based off of what blizzard did in 2004.


Secondly, had bioware used the latest "IDEAS" and "INGENUITY" that blizzard used for the past 8 years, then this launch was awesome and the game was amazing. It blows my mind that bioware wanted a re-hash of wow 2004 and slapped a Star Wars theme and called it an MMORPG.


Here's a list of broken crap in the game that should have been addressed during beta.



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This is like the 5th time I've seen this posted, and I have no idea where you heard it from. If you could find an interview or quote saying something along the lines of "end-game is not our priority", then I'll give you a cookie.


This is an MMO. End game is the priority in EVERY MMO, and for good reason. 90% of your playtime is going to happen at max level. A developer would have to be mentally handicapped NOT to focus on end game.


I have faith that Bioware will fix a lot of the issues with the end game before too long. I just hope they don't wait until lots of people have reached 50 and realized how bleh the end game is currently.


1. They have in fact said the contrary multiple times. They are focusing on end-game, it is their priority. Another raid coming next month already pretty much confirms that.


2. This is bull, there's plenty of good MMOs that have meaningful character development and leveling, with leveling being a part of the end-game. This just happens to not be one of them.


3. I have a feeling we'll be playing a slightly different game in a year or so. It's either going to be a "dead" game, or a slightly changed game, due to all the bugfixing, with a lot of people still playing. Not calling doom, I personally won't quit because I love SW too much, and I know there's enough fans that never will.


Things like the problems described in the combat responsiveness thread do need some form of fixing, however, or a lot of people will leave due to clunky behaviour. It's not noticeable while leveling, but when fast and precise actions are required, it could get nasty.


Of course, this is just my opinion.


This thread is full of cognitive bias and errors.


Agreed. :p

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i stopped reading at "overtuned" basicly you are saying: me and my group couldnt kill him in one go and we gave up !!


Lol try beating the last bosses in hardmode boarding party. Last time my group tried the healer was getting critted for 4.5-6k even with guard on and you can't pull the boss off of him because he has no aggro table.

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Sorry did not bother to read all the comments as the OP hit a nerve with me right out of the gate. Raiding particularly end game raiding is the last thing a new MMO needs to worry about. Just because a small , very small percent of gamers insist on blowing through content just to get the end so they can "Beat" the game (more like beat their chests) does not make this a bad game. Raiding is a very small part of most MMOs done by a very small percent of the gamers


Every MMO has bugs , none are nor will they ever be perfect. Games barely 2 weeks old you should not be doing any major raiding and certainly not end game raiding. Y'all need to get it through your stubborn heads that this is a MASSIVE game its made to try and make the most people happy and raiders are not no will they ever be "Most" . MMO's are about longevity and raiders tend to be the first players to leave since they are rarely ever happy with what they got. BW knows that , they are gonna cater to those who plan on hanging around a while not to a small but vocal minority that are rarely ever happy >.<


I've launched almost every major MMO including WoW since EQ1 and this has to be the closest anyone's gotten to "Perfect" :eek: . I am seriously tired of seeing people nerd rage just because their little section of the game is not perfect. Think your so good then go make your own MMO , good luck convincing investors to make a pure raiding MMO , or even one that raiding is the main point >.< . BTW I like raiding I just don't expect a game not even 2 weeks old to have very much.

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Well I gotta say it's not the most buggy game I've ever played. However, there are a few nasty bugs at endgame and I really hope they get ironed out before February.


IMO anyone who finishes the raids this month should get some form of bonus for having to deal with the bugs.

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IMO anyone who finishes the raids this month should get some form of bonus for having to deal with the bugs.


How about a free month of game play so you can finish the game without paying a monthly fee .... oh wait you already got that.

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I do realize that this is only the second week and **** like that. But no other mmo was this ****ed up. This is not acceptable. Customer support is trash. GM's do absolutely nothing. Thanks for ruining an absolutely amazing game.QUOTE]


if they dont do nothing, then are they doing everything? o.O


sorry haha, but i understand that, I have opened 8 tickets, none of which were answered

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Sorry did not bother to read all the comments as the OP hit a nerve with me right out of the gate. Raiding particularly end game raiding is the last thing a new MMO needs to worry about. Just because a small , very small percent of gamers insist on blowing through content just to get the end so they can "Beat" the game (more like beat their chests) does not make this a bad game. Raiding is a very small part of most MMOs done by a very small percent of the gamers


Every MMO has bugs , none are nor will they ever be perfect. Games barely 2 weeks old you should not be doing any major raiding and certainly not end game raiding. Y'all need to get it through your stubborn heads that this is a MASSIVE game its made to try and make the most people happy and raiders are not no will they ever be "Most" . MMO's are about longevity and raiders tend to be the first players to leave since they are rarely ever happy with what they got. BW knows that , they are gonna cater to those who plan on hanging around a while not to a small but vocal minority that are rarely ever happy >.<


I've launched almost every major MMO including WoW since EQ1 and this has to be the closest anyone's gotten to "Perfect" :eek: . I am seriously tired of seeing people nerd rage just because their little section of the game is not perfect. Think your so good then go make your own MMO , good luck convincing investors to make a pure raiding MMO , or even one that raiding is the main point >.< . BTW I like raiding I just don't expect a game not even 2 weeks old to have very much.



The game is not 2 weeks old. Its almost 5 years old. Unfortunately too large a portion of their budget was put into story and VO. Thats why we have the result that we do.


Im sure video game companies love customers like you. Hell not even just video game companies, any company's dream is to have you as a customer. No sarcasm. You get sold a car that is missing a wheel? No problem. They will fix it eventually because youll be focusing on the steering wheel. Get sold super mario brothers that is missing world 8 or its there and doesnt function. No problem.. you will just focus on worlds 1-6. Order some chicken strips at arby's and realize that the third strip is still frozen. No big deal, they will come cook it eventually and if not and you get salmonella poisoning the doctor will take care of it... oh wait it wasnt cured right because the pharmacy only filled 3/4 of the needed dosage. See what Im getting at here? When you buy something you expect that what you are given is a completed, finished product that works and functions as advertised. At least anyone does that has any inkling drop of self respect.

Edited by Gordknight
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The game is not 2 weeks old. Its almost 5 years old. Unfortunately too large a portion of their budget was put into story and VO. Thats why we have the result that we do.


Im sure video game companies love customers like you. Hell not even just video game companies, any company's dream is to have you as a customer. No sarcasm. You get sold a car that is missing a wheel? No problem. They will fix it eventually because youll be focusing on the steering wheel. Get sold super mario brothers that is missing world 8 or its there and doesnt function. No problem.. you will just focus on worlds 1-6. Order some chicken strips at arby's and realize that the third strip is still frozen. No big deal, they will come cook it eventually and if not and you get salmonella poisoning the doctor will take care of it... oh wait it wasnt cured right because the pharmacy only filled 3/4 of the needed dosage. See what Im getting at here? When you buy something you expect that what you are given is a completed, finished product that works and functions as advertised. At least anyone does that has any inkling drop of self respect.


uuummm your math really sucks. No one in their righ mind would consider all the developing and planning and beta to be part of the "Age" of a game. As even if most beta testers actually tested the total number of people testing is to small. Add to the fact the game changes drastically in that time.


And your comparisons are "Apple to Oranges" arguments. By their very nature they are biased circular logic. As far as I can see and from what I have heard there are no game breaking bugs even in the raiding.


I tried to come up with a example using your flawed logic but could not think in such a circular fashion >.<

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Where the heck did you learn math?


Game has been released for about two weeks. Development time does not count towards how old the game is. Nice try though.....



Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt the development stage where your research team is investigating and watching other products features/mistakes/successes and failures? Isnt this the time when you program the game and change as much as you can while you dont have any customers paying for it? Isnt this the time you beta test extensively and squash any bugs that have debilitating effects on how the core of your game or a system with in your game works?


My math skills here are irrelevant. However, I could throw bioware's and even your logic and common sense abilities into question.

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uuummm your math really sucks. No one in their righ mind would consider all the developing and planning and beta to be part of the "Age" of a game. As even if most beta testers actually tested the total number of people testing is to small. Add to the fact the game changes drastically in that time.


And your comparisons are "Apple to Oranges" arguments. By their very nature they are biased circular logic. As far as I can see and from what I have heard there are no game breaking bugs even in the raiding.


I tried to come up with a example using your flawed logic but could not think in such a circular fashion >.<


Thats why there are a plethora of bugs in the game that were present in the game seven builds or more back in the beta that are still here at launch? Bugs such as Bh storyline not being able to complete... Romantic companion options being bugged and locked out.... Ilum.... (nuff said there) Raid bosses not functioning properly?... Taris FPS memory leaks... I could go on, but I wont.


It really sounds to me like you are nothing more than a SW fanboi/girl and when it comes to products you buy you should really raise your expectations.


If you were designing a product and during your development phase you saw your competition adding in a feature that worked really well and was vastly liked and successful wouldnt you add that feature and even attempt to improve upon it? If you're answer is No, then you are a fool plain and simple.


I dont hate this game, it is a great single player storyline experience like all bioware products. However IMO asking me to pay 15 dollars a month would be like being asked to play 15 dollars a month for a game like Diablo II/III riddled with bugs. Great single player story with some limited multiplayer functionality.


And if you dont call a bug/problem server side that makes your abilities not sync with your cast bars/animations and having your ability cancel because while the animation was occurring, your character parried or dodged an attack so therefore that animation took precedence over your used ability and cancelled it or the ability doesnt click at all until you hit it multiple times a debilitating bug/problem. Well then you need to get your head examined.

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-Bosses completely bugged, over tuned, under tuned, completely untested.


-What kind of game has no combat log or target of target now a days? Hell even runescape might have it.


I've played so many MMO's, wow, rift, lotro, aoc, aion and this game is by far, the most frustrating, annoying raiding experiance.


I do realize that this is only the second week and **** like that. But no other mmo was this ****ed up. This is not acceptable. Customer support is trash. GM's do absolutely nothing. Thanks for ruining an absolutely amazing game.


BTW: HUTTBALL IS BY FAR THE BEST PART OF THIS GAME so far, it is *********** amazing, get more huttball maps going on.

Yeah because molten core (wow) wasnt buggy at all.

AoC you could 2man some of the endgame raid content by glitching the landscape

Rift they dumbed it down to protect the delicate snowflakes, was buggy also

Aion zzzzzzzzzzz

Lotro helegrod was buggy at launch and they dumbed that down too giving away raid loot in world drops as boe.


So yeah probably ought to do some homework first bleeding edge raiderboy

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The topic of this thread is discussion in regards to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ raiding experience.


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Who gives a #$^@ about raiding this early in the game. If you are that concerned about it, please go take your meds. Or, don't, no one will miss you. If you suddenly disappear from the world, nothing of value will be lost.


You are joking I hope... It is an MMO and endgame matters most. And second. Speak for yourself. You can say that you do not care (since you will never see raiding content obviously) and not make generalizations. Really please. Post opinions here not statements like that. Not all are so slow as you.

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I understand you are frustrated, but ummm.. this game was only JUST released and you are complaining about RAIDING? Geez man, give it at least half a year before complaining about the raiding content.


HALF a year while paying them? How is this fair business?

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Total cry post, wah.


Sup dude, apparently this is the first game you rushed to the raiding at launch. This is the case for every single MMO to date. You can't even think for two seconds to understand why raid content wouldnt be equally as tested as the rest of the game? It's fairly simple and I'll let you dwell, and just think. Clear your mind, it's simple...really. Rush raid content on expansion and patches, never on game launch.

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