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Everything posted by Kalshion

  1. Yea just tried this, even a few suggestions by people here.. gave up after four tries. I get tired of being stunned locked or just generally thrown around, the high number of so called 'refueling' mobs also makes me roll my eyes. No reson for this boss to be harder on the Emp side and not so much on the Republic side. Shows bad mechanics to me.
  2. Look forward to seeing whether SOE learned their lesson or not, although I still wish Smedly had lost his job =\
  3. I did a search for this, but haven't found anything, so either I used the wrong search terms or the searcher doesn't work to well. Anywho, I've been wondering if anyone has seen any mention of whether or not BW plans on incorporating these mechanics into the PvE space missions? I ask mainly because the way the current space missions leave them rather boring due to the on-rails stuff (you really don't have any control) so incorporating these kinds of mechanics into those missions and giving players the ability to fully control what their ship is doing would add more fun and enjoyment to it. Plus, it would open up for new space missions; such as group oriented ones or even potential raids as well (which can open up more equipment to be used on the ship)
  4. Actually no, it can be evaded. Have done so in a scout and strikefighter a few times when going up against a gunship and I've had players evade my own shots while I'm using a gunship. Its all about timing, and a little bit of guess-work.
  5. This right here. ^^ I'm sorry, but you can't compare the two (Though I will be playing it when It comes out )
  6. So it's wrong for Bioware to ban exploiters? Wow, how low some gamers will go (Yes, that's what is going on, Bioware is banning people for exploiting)
  7. Keep in mind that's my understanding, I haven't had to worry about that yet.
  8. Because for most people, Wow was sadly their first MMO they've ever played, so naturally they'll compare games to it. Even games that aren't even IN it's genra (SW:ToR is a sci-fi game, Wow is a fantasy game, you can't compare the two as they are in different genra's) Personally, no this isn't a WoW clone, given that Wow ITSELF is a Clone of other MMO's
  9. You can't max both out, only one of them. As far as I know, if you were to get to rank one darkside 'first', then you can't go beyond rank one lightside. Even if you have Darkside Rank Two, you still won't be able to go beyond Lightside Rank One.
  10. Nope, you just need to get fifty DS points to get rid of the LS points, at least thats my understanding anyway.
  11. Got any proof to back up that claim that the Empire pop's are bigger? Because as far as I know, there is no population graph anywhere on this site for each indivisual server that shows that actual population numbers.
  12. Hey OP, it TELLS YOU before you set the name that you can't change it........ There is no Julsnet post in here
  13. I'm assuming you've used this site already yes?: http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/ I've found all of my datacrons using that site, so it might help ya if you haven't already used it.
  14. Stop insulting people just because they may not know what they are talking about, you are NOT doing yourself a service. Got it? Also you don't DEMAND anything, you REQUEST it.
  15. There will always be misinformation thrown around, saw it for EQ2 and again for LotRO when those games were released, its par for the course.
  16. I understand you are frustrated, but ummm.. this game was only JUST released and you are complaining about RAIDING? Geez man, give it at least half a year before complaining about the raiding content.
  17. Sorry, not buying it. E-mails can be easily fabricated to fit a person's story, everyone should know this.
  18. No, I do not believe those reviews. Why? Because this game is fun for me, and I'm enjoying myself. Then again, I didn't set my expectations really high like SOME people do. This game came out almost exactly like I had expected it.
  19. Maybe for the pvp servers, but keep that crud off the pve servers. There's a reason why you have two different style servers, for those of us who want to play a game without the worry of pvpers, and those who want to play the game 'with' the worry of pvpers. But regardless, faction specific planets are not stupid, they are there for a reason. Now, an invasion scenario could be possible if certain factors are set up (an example: set up a series of missions, or raids that guilds could do that'll lead up to a possible planetary invasion) once those missions are completed, an invasion is possible. This would allow it to be possible both on pvp and pve servers. On pvp servers, when invasions happen, 'all' players are naturally involved. On the other hand, on a pve server, only those consenting can be involved. This means that players who have no desire to pvp can't be forced into it (another reason why we have two different styles of servers) For PvE servers this could be a problem, naturally because there aren't anywhere near as many people who pvp as on a pvp centric server. This could be countered by using NPCs, Elites, Champions, World Bosses, or what have you and could be done to form a planetary raid. The same 'could' potentially be done on pvp servers, after all, planets do have guardians and armies protecting them so it actually would make since for you to have to deal with that. However, having it so that pvpers could gank low levels is not fun. So, restricting this kind of action to NPC's that 'are not' quest givers would help solve this problem for the most part.
  20. Wow, talk about arrogant. No, many times people who get their accounts hacked actually had nothing to do with it, just because YOU haven't been hacked - doesn't mean others are idiots when they are hacked. I hate arrogant people... You DO have your credit card information stored on your account, but I guess you don't consider that important enough to warrant the extra security. Thankfully, some of us don't want to risk credit card fraud by having our information stolen and used. I'm just glad that when my EQ2 account got broken into, the card on it was already expired and useless. *shakes his head* Some people.... geez... Regardless, I got the key because I have been a victom of an account being hacked into, in this case EQ2 and having lost all items, gear, and money on a character I had played since BETA. Regretably, no idea 'when' the account had actually been broken into, so SoE couldn't help me in that regard and I was SOL. So yea, I'll spend the extra five seconds of my life making certain that my credit card information is safe and sound and that my guild ingame doesn't have to worry about one of their members suddenly being used by a hacker.
  21. Thanks for clearing up Ethias, guess I'll have my companions build me a shield generator
  22. Ok, with all honesty I'm a little confused here, probably because I've been using focus items for a good 30+ levels but now I'm beginning to wonder if I've seriously been screwing up here. I've had no problems surviving naturally, but still given that I'm strongly leaning towarda Kinetic Build, I'm here to ask those who have played a Shadow longer if I'm actually supposed to be using Shield Generators over Focus Items? (Then again, my points seem spread between Kinetic and Balance, I'll probably change that with a respec later)
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