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Unable to login into SWTOR


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4 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

But add more. I have a old laptop I was using to help troubleshoot this problem.

37 toons on Satele Shan = Freeze

23 toons on Star Forge = no problem 

Are you able to load star forge on another computer and tick  "Show gear as outfit" on all the characters ? and see if it loads on the original system

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2 minutes ago, OwenBrooks said:

Are you able to load star forge on another computer and tick  "Show gear as outfit" on all the characters ? and see if it loads on the original system

As Satele Shan is my main server, it's the one with all my toons, and the one that freezes on load. Star Forge is working yet, but it could be because most of those toons are all level 1 in starting clothes. I created at least 12 of them on Saturday to see if I could force Star Forge to crash for me. 

I have not tried showing gear as outfit on my Satele Shan toons. It would take quite a bit of time, and I think someone else here with 36 toons already tried, and it made no difference. 

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11 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

As Satele Shan is my main server, it's the one with all my toons, and the one that freezes on load. Star Forge is working yet, but it could be because most of those toons are all level 1 in starting clothes. I created at least 12 of them on Saturday to see if I could force Star Forge to crash for me. 

I have not tried showing gear as outfit on my Satele Shan toons. It would take quite a bit of time, and I think someone else here with 36 toons already tried, and it made no difference. 

My understanding is this occurred

Ticking  "Show gear as outfit"   regained access to the server 
Unticking "Show gear as outfit" froze the server again

confirming this may allow swtor 100%reproduce the issue that they have not been able to do to date

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Are Players getting stuck on the load screen and on different servers? Is it locking or freezing up on different parts of loading the game? Because for myself it starts to load the little dial on the lower right corner runs a little bit then nothing!

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2 minutes ago, jae-jay said:

Are Players getting stuck on the load screen and on different servers? Is it locking or freezing up on different parts of loading the game? Because for myself it starts to load the little dial on the lower right corner runs a little bit then nothing!

it will stop and I let it run 5 hours once..


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4 minutes ago, jae-jay said:

Are Players getting stuck on the load screen and on different servers? Is it locking or freezing up on different parts of loading the game? Because for myself it starts to load the little dial on the lower right corner runs a little bit then nothing!

if your using an intel card and failing to load your affected

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In my case (as I posted a few days ago here), I was able to play (Intel400 integrated 128vram) for a few hours before the common load screen problem. The outfit I legacy unlocked after first logging on after 7.4.1, and was character cycling to spread it around my toons / servers was The 'Covert Energy' set - complete set. leaving my newly outfitted toons in new outfits as a reminder to myself as to what I was last doing on that toon.

I was doing a few other things - mostly acquiring the new stronghold from the track on multiple servers but with recent posts here I feel this to be a relevant question. 

I know it's an old set but could adding pieces of the covert set to dozens of toons across 4 servers in a few hours be a factor? It wasn't the equipping of this armor set that was my catalyst but was within just a few minutes of the last action I performed before inability to reach my character screen/login ever since. Prior to 7.4.1 I only had the Covert pieces on 1 toon on the Satele Shan server, but after 7.4.1 it went to the following:

Darth Malgus - total 30 toons, 6+ of them newly wearing some covert pieces as current outfit---> ( I was on this server when acquiring this threads issue)

Satele Shan - 11 toons, 6 ''''''

Star forge - 6 toons, 1'''''''

Tulak Hord - 4 toons, 1 '''''''

so every toon I just put the covert pieces on is currently wearing pieces of the set on the character select screen, given the intended use for the set as a way to 'hide' the equipped gear in any certain slot, I wonder possibly that if it is an outfit issue - How many of us have multiple toons wearing any/all parts of it on a few of our toons currently? I'm not intending a roll call necessarily but maybe a thought about that set itself as it is much more unique in its qualities?  

In addition, most of my toons on all servers have at least 10+ outfit slots unlocked, some close to 20 outfit slots. and only 12 of these toons (on Malgus) and 1 Star Forge are past shadow of Revan expansion for relevance if this has anything to do with content involving companions in new Date nite content.

Edited by mgorion
Corrected server names per my character counts, corrected patch refference
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Yeah, im trying to be a returning player. I dont remeber how many toons I have, but im not a big alt guy, tend to focus one toon (major OCD issues), I had like 2 at most and as I said, they wouldnt be in fancy outfits.

Been wrapping my head around what could be causing the problem on their end, but there is so many different issues/temp solutions that I havent a good guess.

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Just now, FrozenRabbit said:

Yeah, im trying to be a returning player. I dont remeber how many toons I have, but im not a big alt guy, tend to focus one toon (major OCD issues), I had like 2 at most and as I said, they wouldnt be in fancy outfits.

Been wrapping my head around what could be causing the problem on their end, but there is so many different issues/temp solutions that I havent a good guess.

what video card ?

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Thanks, I found that page and tried some of that stuff. Tried a lot of ideas found here and other post scattered about different forums. Unfortunately, it didnt change.

I still find it odd the very first time I booted up, I got past the chains in the dark screen once, I think it got to "A long time ago..." before it froze. Since then its always the first screen that it sits at for forever. Even after full purge (it was sticky, didnt want to come off) and reinstall twice.

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Just now, FrozenRabbit said:

Thanks, I found that page and tried some of that stuff. Tried a lot of ideas found here and other post scattered about different forums. Unfortunately, it didnt change.

I still find it odd the very first time I booted up, I got past the chains in the dark screen once, I think it got to "A long time ago..." before it froze. Since then its always the first screen that it sits at for forever. Even after full purge (it was sticky, didnt want to come off) and reinstall twice.

can you make a post in the technical issues forum for swtor https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/bd-p/star-wars-the-old-republic-en , a dxdiag per https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Guide-Posting-a-DxDiag/m-p/4832663/highlight/true#M70799  and the contents of the client_setting file would be great , better there i think then in this thread

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52 minutes ago, jae-jay said:

Are Players getting stuck on the load screen and on different servers? Is it locking or freezing up on different parts of loading the game? Because for myself it starts to load the little dial on the lower right corner runs a little bit then nothing!

thats what mine is doing. and ive tried everything in forum "except Bios cause i cant get to it" and still nothing. Even just now uninstalled and reinstalling it


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8 hours ago, FrozenRabbit said:

I did the dxdiag already and already a posted on the forums there. Post over there about it too. This wasnt my first place I stopped by :)

can you bump your post over there must of missed it 

Inpending_Doom ?  guess not his was a 3080 but he is ingame now ok

FrozenRabbit is all good now

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Long Story short, every time I clicked the play on the launcher, it goes for a bit, then freezes before getting to any kind of selection. I've tried everything that I can think of and that was suggested to myself.

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since 7.4.1

7.4.1a was the 'join the fight' bundle speeder fix (again) patch

Edited by mgorion
self correction - I was reffering to the wrong patch names
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Coming back from vacation, I started the DL process of the new, live update.  previously, I've had NO issues with logging in, and playing.  Currently, my UPDATE screen is stuck at "21.28 GB remaining".  The screen in the middle is on a continuous cycle, so I know it's not frozen, but it will keep "updating" only to that point each time, and then just stop, no matter what I try to do.  I'm a returning player of about one month, from many years ago, so it's been a lot of fun playing the old toons and making a couple more.  It sucks that now, this update has made it to where I can't play on the little free time I have.  I've tried pretty much everything at this point, I honestly don't really know about cpu's that much, but I do know that it's not a memory or graphics card issue.  Just sucks.


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18 hours ago, ZeroRacerPacer said:

So uh... I have this problem since 7.4.1 released, but I've been playing a bit on my brother's laptop, do I still get compensated? Probably not.

Hoping this dumb glitch is fixed in 7.4.1!!!!

I am hoping just to play again.  I will not renew my sub until this is fixed.  

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I would just really like to know why nothing has changed it's been a week and I still can't log in to SWTOR. I have tried everything that I was told to try and still no change. I guess the ones who can't log in don't matter anymore. I am to the point of calling again and caneling my account and asking for the money i have put into the game over the last few month be returned to me due to they  aren't giving me what i paid for. Plus i feel lied to on top of it we was told as a player base nothing was going to change that we would still get content we did get some content but then the next patch comes out and boom can't log in can't get a patch to fix their mistake. I truly guess the player base doesn't mater anymore. Most of the accounts that can log in are play who make content for SWTOR. Like via youtube and other platforms. I am going to say that post will last an hour before it is pulled down like my last one when I am just speaking my mine and the truth. Because Honestly The Player Base doesn't matter anymore if this bug is still happening and hasn't been fixed by now.

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