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Dark vs. Light ended ages ago, add Rewards thru other means please...


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It's strange they to my knowledge never offered:

  • The Dark vs. Light Event again, or even some Rewards in-game through other means.

One exception was Darth Hexid, which they made a Activity Finder / Flashpoint Achievement for completing so many Flashpoints.  I suspect perhaps Master Ranos Companion might be available thru Non-Season Reward's Vendor, I've just never seen her myself.   I've also never seen Victorious Pioneer's Armor (3 different sets), Victorious Trailbrazer's Armor Set, or the Victorious Titan's Armor Set. 

They have never re-run this Event, which is why it's now a retired achievement; sadly this was before my time; many love to get them with Cartel Coins &/or Galactic Seasons Tokens.  

NOTE: 2nd issue, is more about the missing Light & Dark Banner's (shown below) in fact; we haven't had a way to earn those for over 2 years!

  • These are just a few of the items: (also doesn't include Dark & Light token rewards) also no longer earnable...


Knights of the Eternal Throne | Star Wars: The Old Republic (swtor.com)

Other Rewards you could earn taken from the (above) webpage after scanning it: --will also show several more images of all rewards too!

  • Shade Stalker Runt Mini-Pet
  • Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set: Helm, Chest and Legs --could then be unlocked as a Collection set once complete.
  • Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set: Belt and Bracer.
  • Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set: Gloves and Boots. 
  • Victor’s Trailblazer Bike Mount.
  • Victorious Trailblazer’s Armor Set.
  • The merciless Darth Hexid Companion --was reissued as a Activity Finder / Flashpoint Achievement, so this reward is earnable in game; yet is only one of the few.
  • The courageous Master Ranos Companion --was reissued as a Galactic Seasonal Rewards for those who missed out.
  • Victor’s Titan Turret Tank Mount.
  • Victorious Titan’s Armor Set --could then be unlocked as a Collection set.


This was a completely different Dark vs. Light System, that ended in December 2021; that was over 2+ years ago now.  

  • You can't earn 50 of each style of Banner, don't think the DvL Bosses were ever added back; despite claiming they later would.
  • So add 50 of each style of Banner for 2 Galactic Season's Tokens, given there 4 different types & non season Companions are 5 Tokens.
  • Please also offer Credit &/or Cartel Certificate alternative for Dark vs. Light Token Vendor Items too, was separate from Event; as you no longer earn Dark or Light Tokens. 


image.png.6ebc3c6f24d115c0bc452820fcff64b4.png   image.png.40d45e000d7d1b97f48f47ae36557ced.png

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Thank You!

Edited by Strathkin
Updated a few Images & URLs.
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  • Strathkin changed the title to Dark vs. Light Event ended ages ago, +Rewards thru other means please...

I’m pretty sure the banners were from the DvL system where you earned the tokens and not from the event.   I could be wrong and I can’t get on to check if they are on the vendors.  Additionally, Master Ramos is available by using season tokens.  You just have to wait for the rotation to come around back to her.  

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2 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

I’m pretty sure the banners were from the DvL system where you earned the tokens and not from the event.   I could be wrong and I can’t get on to check if they are on the vendors.  Additionally, Master Ramos is available by using season tokens.  You just have to wait for the rotation to come around back to her.  

I'm pretty sure about the banners too, because I remember being soooo happy when I finally finished the achievement and got the banners I had wanted for a long time. 

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I would love for them just to have the Dark vs Light implemented again period. 


I would also love for them to make the tokens legacy combined.   I have 6-19 of the tokens, both dark and light, across all 23 characters.   If they were legacy combined, I could at least get something with what I do have.   Currently I could just buy duplicate items with what I have individually.

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On 1/24/2024 at 10:17 AM, Penitentia said:

I would love for them just to have the Dark vs Light implemented again period. 

I would also love for them to make the tokens legacy combined.   I have 6-19 of the tokens, both dark and light, across all 23 characters.   If they were legacy combined, I could at least get something with what I do have.   Currently I could just buy duplicate items with what I have individually.

Yea I'm honestly surprised they never offered this Event again...   I suspect because... it requires new Characters created during Event, and to Level those new Character's and complete so many objectives of various types.  Since many Player's were maxed even back then, though they could always remove a few Character's which nobody likes to do; &/or Broadsword could slightly increase their Character limit to... 

Yet if you previously did the Event you'd have no need to create New Character's either!

At least you can earn Master Ramos at the Non-Season Reward's Vendor & and Darth Hexid from Achievements now; yet several others aren't obtainable any longer.


ON ANOTHER NOTE: (The Prior DvL World Bosses / Light & Dark Tokens)

This was a completely different Dark vs. Light System, that ended in December 2021; that was over 2+ years ago now.  

  • You can't earn 50 of each style of Banner, don't think the DvL Bosses were ever added back!
  • So add 50 of each style of Banner for 2 Galactic Season's Tokens, given there 4 different types & non season Companions are 5 Tokens.
  • Please offer Credit alternative for Dark vs. Light Token Vendor Items too, was separate from Event; simply as you no longer earn Dark or Light Tokens. 

They are removing the Dark VS Light system and going back to how it used to be : r/swtor (reddit.com)

They did say in a future update they would:

  • Later re-add the DvL Bosses that spawned in world when one side was victorious will be removed temporarily.  We plan on re-introducing them in a future update. 

These bosses would only spawn when one side would Win.  So I suspect they never got around to re-adding these...  *sigh*  

Dark Sides Bosses: 

  • Aloeek the Voracious - Hoth
  • Chanta the Unforgiving -Tatooine (possibly Dromund Kaas / Coruscant, unconfirmed)
  • Erdi the Relentless -Alderaan, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant,  Hoth, Tatooine.
  • Gorso the Nightmare King --Alderaan
  • Jinatte the Merciless -- Alderaan
  • Night Stalker Raxine -- Hoth
  • Overseer Qezzed -- Alderaan, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine
  • Preeda the Butcher --Dromund Kaas, Coruscant
  • Tormentor Urdig --Tatooine
  • Yezzil the Raging Storm --Dromund Kaas, Coruscant

Light Side Bosses: 

  • Cortella the Righteous --Alderaan, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine
  • Defender Gilada --Hoth
  • Guardian Silaraz -- Tatooine
  • Jaadel the Vindicator --Hoth
  • Justice Orzmod --Alderaan, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine
  • Keeper Anais --Dromund Kaas, Coruscant
  • Malussa the Gleaming Star --Dromund Kaas, Coruscant
  • Thundering Bozwed --Alderaan
  • Tulo the Fearless --Alderaan
  • Warden Nymessa --Tatooine

I do realize the Dark vs. Light Event occurred in 2016 well before my time, though a separate system to earn Dark or Light Tokens existed right up to Dec 2021. 


Thanks everyone! 

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On 1/24/2024 at 6:31 AM, Strathkin said:

One exception was Darth Hexid, which they made a Activity Finder / Flashpoint Achievement for completing so many Flashpoints

But Hexid was *never*, as such, a DvL event reward.  She was a *possible* DvL reward, but the "voting" (making dark or light decisions on DvL characters during the event) chose Ranos.

14 hours ago, Strathkin said:

Yea I'm honestly surprised they never offered this Event again...   I suspect it's because it requires new Characters created during Event, to Level those new Character's and complete so many objectives of various types.  Since so many Player's are now maxed.  Though they could always remove a few Character's which nobody likes to do, &/or slightly increase the limit to... 

Yes and no.  It *does* require new characters created during the event, and they'd have to exclude characters who use the Master's Datacron (which didn't exist during the event), *and* they'd have to redesign the levelling and objective schemas.  And no, some players cannot just delete a *few* characters - the theoretical maximum number of characters on a server is over two hundred for peeps who were at the max on the five servers that merged to become Star Forge, while the max number of "creatable character" slots is 100 if you buy enough extra character slots.

The best way to handle that would be to do something that Guild Wars 2 does when they beta test new features (mounts, new specialisations, etc.) on the Live servers.  What they do is add character slots that are dedicated to creating characters for the beta test, and the SWTOR DvL2 equivalent would be eight slots (one per origin story) that are for DvL2 characters.  (That is, it could be solved, but apart from me, nobody ever seems to mention that solution.)

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On 1/25/2024 at 4:44 AM, denajii said:

Ranos is indeed available through the non-seasonal reward vendor, that's how I got her in the first place because I rejoined swtor like right after the dvl event had ended

Well that's good to know, I thought she might be so I've updated that in my original post.  Still there are several others offered thru the former DvL (2016) Event that only occurred 1 time, that we've never had a chance to earn. 

Also a different yet similar named Dark & Light Token, as well as Bosses and their achievement no longer available from the Pre Dec 2021.  As they've never returned those bosses to the game in the 2 years since, nor have the Dark or Light Tokens Returned from Defeating Enemy.  So you can't earn any of those either if you never had the chance.  So it be nice if they instead offer an 2nd method to purchase those items, as some SWTOR Vendor's do today...  

On 1/25/2024 at 4:31 AM, SteveTheCynic said:

But Hexid was *never*, as such, a DvL event reward.  She was a *possible* DvL reward, but the "voting" (making dark or light decisions on DvL characters during the event) chose Ranos.

Yes and no.  It *does* require new characters created during the event, and they'd have to exclude characters who use the Master's Datacron (which didn't exist during the event), *and* they'd have to redesign the levelling and objective schemas.

I think your stated the obvious, yes she was was a Reward, yet Rewards also have to be earned.  And to achieve the Higher Level Rewards you needed to Complete at least 1 Light Aligned Character, and 1 Dark Aligned Character from the Starting Planet.  I also suggested in your quote they could always increase (max) Character's prior to a relaunch, yet since 2016 and it's now 2024 they never have it's also archived achievement now.  Had they intended to reoffer the Event, then they likely would have never made Master Ranos available in Non Season Rewards, or Darth Hexid as a Activity Finder Reward. 

My focus was several other rewards offered from this event, or the former Dark or Light Tokens, or Dark or Light World Bosses rewards that can't be earned today.  


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  • Strathkin changed the title to Dark vs. Light ended ages ago, add Rewards thru other means please...
6 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

If Dark/Light isn't coming back, they should delete these vendors from the game and put something more usefull in that space.

The Galactic Command Dark Side and Galactic Command Light Side vendors should stay since there are players that still have dark side and light side tokens to spend.   If it's so important to reclaim that space (not that I'm convinced it's important) then their inventory of items available for purchase should be moved to the Light Side and Dark Side vendors that are next to them.  Under no circumstances should those items no longer be available to purchase so long as there are players in the game that have the currency that can be used to purchase these items.

Edited by Char_Ell
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3 hours ago, Traceguy said:

Ranos and Hexid can be obtained through the GS vendor.

Hexid isn’t available from the GS vendor.  She is only obtainable from the achievement. 

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6 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

Hexid isn’t available from the GS vendor.  She is only obtainable from the achievement. 

Yes this is correct, Ranos is available thru the Non-Seasonal Vendor; Darth Hexid was moved into Achievements.

Still there are other rewards no longer obtainable, not only thru the Dark vs. Light Event that only ran 1 time in 2016.

  --  There was also a separate system that Awarded Dark or Light Tokens, this included some very nice gear which people can no longer earn.

  --  This also included Dark or Light Bosses on Several Planets, as none of the 2 bullet points has returned since Dec 2021.

  --  So you can no longer obtain each of the 2 Dark or Light Boss Achievements; so the Dark or Light Banner's are no longer available.

9 hours ago, Char_Ell said:

The Galactic Command Dark Side and Galactic Command Light Side vendors should stay since there are players that still have dark side and light side tokens to spend.   If it's so important to reclaim that space (not that I'm convinced it's important) then their inventory of items available for purchase should be moved to the Light Side and Dark Side vendors that are next to them.  Under no circumstances should those items no longer be available to purchase so long as there are players in the game that have the currency that can be used to purchase these items.

Yes I've talked about leaving in the Dark & Light Side Vendor's, for those who still have Dark or Light Tokens.  In fact one of my Republic Character's has 75 Light Tokens still available, yet there are many who came after Dec 2021 and they can't obtain them any longer so simply do this:

--  So add each item twice, like other Vendors do, purchase with Option 1 Dark or Light Tokens; or

--  Add Option 2 with Credit's & and also 1, 2, or 3 Cartel Market Certificates depending on the item.


image.png.34792614920513897f5705374293fbf6.png image.png.d3c3127073d02f9019e1e6830ea84465.png

I haven't reposted the Dark Side, as their shown in my First post.

Have a good day!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I miss the old DVL meter that appeared on the galaxy map showing the overall state of the galaxy. Even for just roleplaying purposes while performing dailies or group content it was nice to see which side was winning. The pop up when one side grew stronger was a little annoying but the rest of it was fine and I miss it.

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Posted (edited)
On 2/28/2024 at 9:28 PM, Firelieutenant said:

I miss the old DVL meter that appeared on the galaxy map showing the overall state of the galaxy. Even for just roleplaying purposes while performing dailies or group content it was nice to see which side was winning. The pop up when one side grew stronger was a little annoying but the rest of it was fine and I miss it.

I'd just like to earn the Dark vs Light Banner's, as those were some of the best ever created.

Sadly those Dark or Light World Bosses never returned...  ...so no chance to earn them since Dec 2021.

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I really wish they would do something because I began playing not so long before they took off the event and I had so much fun trying to off as many of the DvL bosses.... and I also want those damn banners that are like... forever out of my reach now, but they look sooo cool

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On 3/3/2024 at 7:41 PM, LittleEwina said:

I really wish they would do something because I began playing not so long before they took off the event and I had so much fun trying to off as many of the DvL bosses.... and I also want those damn banners that are like... forever out of my reach now, but they look sooo cool

You know that the DvL bosses *weren't* part of the DvL event, right?

Specifically, the bosses were part of general version 5.X gameplay, and the DvL *event* happened in the lead-up (that is, *before*) to the release of 5.0.  The event was, in essence, a "keep us playing while we wait for 5.0" thing.

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Posted (edited)
On 1/23/2024 at 9:31 PM, Strathkin said:


This was a completely different Dark vs. Light System, that ended in December 2021; that was over 2+ years ago now.  


Yes they do realize!  The reason they said Event, it's shown under Achievements as an Event for Dark vs. Light more related to the removed World Bosses, which is separate from the former Retired Achievements of the same Name that had completely different prizes that ended in 2016. 

That's all @LittleEwina meant by that.  Still I AGREE with them as do many others when they said this:

On 3/3/2024 at 10:41 AM, LittleEwina said:

I really wish they would do something because I began playing not so long before they took off the event and I had so much fun trying to off as many of the DvL bosses.... and I also want those damn banners that are like... forever out of my reach now, but they look sooo cool

It's why many would LOVE to see them either RE-INTRODUCE those Dark & Light World Bosses, which they originally said they would do; yet as of March 2024 2.25 years later they still haven't done so.


Edited by Strathkin
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  • 2 months later...

Please find a way to give us Dark Side Tokens and Light Side Tokens again. I really want to buy the items from the Light Side vendor now. I have everything I wanted from the Dark Side vendor.

I really hope we won't need to wait 5 years to get a solution for this. :t_frown:

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