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Everything posted by Firelieutenant

  1. I miss the old DVL meter that appeared on the galaxy map showing the overall state of the galaxy. Even for just roleplaying purposes while performing dailies or group content it was nice to see which side was winning. The pop up when one side grew stronger was a little annoying but the rest of it was fine and I miss it.
  2. I think it is a great idea! Bring on allowing the force to awaken and mix force and non force combat styles into play! Give us a 3rd combat style incorporating this!
  3. Yes I agree this needs to be a thing. I don’t sit around for a pvp match to pop I queue and continue to play pve story content but would like to be able to change to my pvp spec once the match pop up appears.
  4. I agree with you. Raising the gtn limit is only going to make players sell an item for 3B instead of 1B further making the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. People will still spend $20 for cartel coins, purchase an item off the cartel market and instead of 1B credits it’ll be 3B only increasing inflation. If they lower the max sale price then that $20 you spent actually decreases in value. Really they should just associate an actual credit to dollar value amount and be done with it. If $20 = 20mlion credits then we have an actual exchange rate.
  5. Thank you so much for some clarity. I look forward to being a subscriber for another 11 years. Now please add Kashyyyk! (Haven’t beaten the new story update, just have us following Secrets about Darth Nul and artifacts being discovered on that planet)
  6. I just got booted twice within 5 minutes. Seems to still be going on
  7. No I like gsf. It does need some love though
  8. This might get me back into arenas! Only thing we need now is a gsf season!
  9. Same here. Also I had replied in another post which seems to be gone and Jackie made a post about starforge server having these issues. I can’t get past the loading screen either to even select a different server. It appears they are working on fixing this issue
  10. Even if it’s just cosmetic and not new ships. Similar to companion customization slots. But not just painjobs of the current ships. We want new ships!
  11. I’d be so onboard for some cartel market gsf ships!
  12. I fully support a third combat style cc unlock! My main is a sentinel (dps), my second is a shadow (stealth/tank). I definitely need to add healer style!
  13. Is it just me or did I misunderstand the story mission on Ruhnuk? Seemed like they were hinting at a basilisk war droid pet or companion? Shane’s cousin is doing some sort of work on one you saved. Or perhaps it’s just for the next part of the story.
  14. I agree! Especially in old republic times and less developed planets. There’s gotta be some wheeled vehicles still around!
  15. Please bring back Kashyyyk to the Old Republic era! After the latest episode of the bad batch bringing back the Kinrath, we really need Kashyyyk to explore again!
  16. I agree they should add this for cc or even add a 3rd combat style choice for cc. I love my toon so much that I just want to try out different combat styles without switching to a different character that’s a lower level. I Already have all 8 stories complete I just want sentinel/shadow and now guardian all on one toon.
  17. I also use numbers to sort my outfits. Kind of like a timeline for how my character has progressed throughout his story. I do this because my outfit names wouldn’t sort how I want with just a-z
  18. Yeah I have the honored saberist robes and I can’t reclaim it because it has stats attached to it. It would be nice to be able to reclaim these old armor sets but I think they’ve provided us with pretty close alternatives through the planetary vendors that are legacy bound.
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